145 resultados para mulch
Plastic mulches can provide vegetable growers with earlier crop maturity, increased yields and quality, improved disease, insect and weed control, and more efficient fertilizer and water use. However, standard polyethylene mulches must be removed and disposed of at the end of each season, which is a dirty and costly undertaking. One solution to this problem has been the development of degradable mulches that can be left in the field after harvest to disintegrate and be incorporated into the soil. Unfortunately, degradable mulch performance hasn’t always met expectations. And now there are different types of degradable mulches being aggressively marketed creating questions about which one is best. The objective of this study was to evaluate three types of degradable mulches for ease of use, speed of breakdown, and how they influence transplanted muskmelon performance.
Spain is the fifth-largest producer of melon (Cucumis melo L.) and the second exporter in the world. To a national level, Castilla-La Mancha emphasize and, specifically, Ciudad Real, where is cultivated 27% of national area dedicated to this crop and 30% of melon national production. Melon crop is cultivating majority in Ciudad Real and it is mainly located in the Alto Guadiana, where the major aquifers of the region are located, the aquifer 23 or Mancha Occidental and the aquifer 24 or Campo de Montiel, both declared overexploited and vulnerable zones to nitrate pollution from agricultural sources. The problem is exacerbated because in this area, groundwater is the basic resource of supply to populations, and even often the only one. Given the importance of melon in the area, recent research has focused on the irrigation of melon crop. Unfortunately, scant information has been forthcoming on the effect of N fertilizer on melon piel de sapo crop, so it is very important to tackle in a serious study that lead to know the N requirements on the melon crop melon by reducing the risks of contamination by nitrate leaching without affecting productivity and crop quality. In fact, the recommended dose is often subjective and practice is a N overdose. In this situation, the taking of urgent measures to optimize the use of N fertilization is required. To do it, the effect of N in a melon crop, fertirrigated and on plastic mulch, was studied. The treatments consisted in different rates of N supply, considering N fertilizer and N content in irrigation water, so the treatment applied were: 30 (N30), 85 (N85), 112 (N112) and 139 (N139) Kg N ha-1 in 2005; 93 (N93), 243 (N243) and 393 (N393) kg ha-1 in 2006; and 11 (N11), 61 (N61), 95 (N95) and 148 (N148) kg ha-1 in 2007. A randomized complete-block design was used and each treatment was replicated four times. The results showed a significant effect of N on dry biomass and two patterns of growth were observed. On the one hand, a gradual increase in vegetative biomass of the plant, leaves and stem, with increasing N, and on the other hand, an increase of fruit biomass also with increasing N up to a maximum of biomass corresponding to the optimal dose determined in 90 kg ha-1 of N applied, corresponding to 160 kg ha-1 of N available for melon crop, since this optimum dose, the fruit biomass suffers a decline. A significant effect was observed in concentration and N uptake in leaf, steam, fruit and whole plant, increasing in all of them with increasing of N doses. Fast N uptake occurred from 30-35 to 70-80 days after transplanting, coinciding with the fruit development. The N had a clear influence on the melon yield, its components, skin thickness and flesh ratio. The melon yield increased, as the mean fruit weight and number of fruits per m2 with increasing N until achieve an above 95% of the maximum yield when the N applied is 90 kg ha-1 or 160 kg ha-1 of N available. When N exceeds the optimal amount, there is a decline in yield, reducing the mean fruit weight and number of fruits per square meter, and was also observed a decrease in fruit quality by increasing the skin thickness and decrease the flesh ratio, which means an increase in fruit hollowed with excessive N doses. There was a trend for all indexes of N use efficiency (NUE) to decline with increasing N rate. We observed two different behaviours in the calculation result of the NUE; on the one hand, all the efficiency indexes calculated with N applied and N available had an exponential trend, and on the other hand, all the efficiency indexes calculated with N uptake has a linear trend. The linear regression cuts the exponential curve, delimiting a range within which lies the optimum quantity of N. The N leaching as nitrates increased exponentially with the amount of N. The increase of N doses was affected on the N mineralization. There was a negative exponential effect of N available on the mineralization of this element that occurs in the soil during the growing season, calculated from the balances of this element. The study of N leaching for each N rate used, allowed to us to establish several environmental indices related to environmental risk that causes the use of such doses, a simple way for them to be included in the code of Best Management Practices.
En las filas del viñedo (o en la zona próxima de las cepas) se pueden aplicar las mismas técnicas de mantenimiento del suelo (labores, herbicidas, mulch, cubiertas vegetales temporales o permanentes...) que en las calles del viñedo.
La tarea de implantar una cubierta vegetal en taludes de carretera implica la consideración de una serie de factores que se presentan en estos lugares con matices específicos y configuran, aisladamente o en su conjunto, una situación distinta de la que habitualmente se presenta a la hora de sembrar o de plantar de forma común. Efectivamente, la pendiente, la temperatura del suelo, la compacidad del suelo, el contenido y distribución de humedad, la cantidad de materia orgánica, suelen definir un medio sumamente inadecuado para el desarrollo de la vegetación. De hecho, la colonización natural no se produce, o se lleva a cabo a un ritmo muy lento, en los taludes del tipo que se origina habitualmente junto a las grandes carreteras. Por otro lado, el establecimiento de una cubierta vegetal permanente parece ser el mejor procedimiento para conseguir la fijación y estabilización de taludes. En ponderación conjunta de los aspectos funcionales, económicos, estéticos y de conservación del medio natural, ofrece ventajas indudables sobre cualquier otro método; ventajas que persisten, en muchas ocasiones, aún limitando la consideración por separado a uno cualquiera de los cuatro aspectos. El problema objeto de este estudio, queda así centrado en la superación de la contradicción enunciada. Es claro que la solución puede conseguirse a base de "grandes remedios", como sería la modificación radical del "medio talud", viable técnicamente pero inviable económicamente en tal grado que no merece se le preste mayor atención que esta simple mención. La solución ha de buscarse, no obstante, por ese mismo camino, pero quitando a la modificación la nota de radical. El empleo de materiales que actúan como "mulch", estabilizador o acondicionador, y de técnicas tales como la hidrosiembra, ha supuesto un avance importante en el planteamiento técnico-económico del problema- Los materiales y técnicas aludidas proporcionan un medio menos hostil, en el que la vegetación puede debatirse ya con mejores perspectivas. La situación, en este hipotético ahora, podría dibujarse en dos trazos fundamentales: 1) El talud, tratado por cualquiera de los procedimientos conocidos, sigue siendo un medio artificial. Por lo tanto, al estudio de las condiciones climáticas, de las propiedades - del suelo y de la vegetación espontánea, ha de concedérsele importancia mucho menor de la acostumbrada en los estudios que contemplan un medio natural o poco modificado. 2) La finalidad perseguida es fijar los taludes de forma rápida y permanente. Importa, pues, decisivamente el efecto inicial de control de la erosión; y en segundo lugar dejar la puerta abierta para que los procesos naturales incidan sobre lo operado artificialmente, para irlo sustituyendo paulatinamente. En cualquier caso, y como prolongación de lo ya señalado acerca del peso a conceder al entorno natural, puede afirmarse que, más que los elementos definitorios de las comunidades naturales, son las componentes operativas de las especies empleadas las que determinan la viabilidad global de la acción emprendida. Se trata, pues, de buscar una comunidad funcional, cuyos componentes básicos apuntarían hacia el cumplimiento en el espacio y en el tiempo de una serie de funciones; entre ellas, es primordial el control de la erosión, que exige efectos extensos, inmediatos y permanentes. Los primeros capítulos del trabajo se dedican a la descripción de los aspectos particulares que el mecanismo erosivo presenta en los taludes de carreteras y de los factores que influyen en el establecimiento de la cubierta vegetal. En el capítulo 4 se sientan las bases que han de conducir a la elección de especies, y se enumeran los requisitos que éstas han de reunir. A continuación, se describe el medio en que se ha llevado a cabo la parte experimental: 30 taludes de la Autopista Barcelona-Gerona, en el tramo comprendido entre San Celoni y el Aeropuerto de Gerona, y las actuaciones realizadas sobre ellos, que son de dos tipos: 1) Cubrimiento de la superficie del talud, previo o simultáneo a la siembra, con uno de los siguientes materiales: - Tierra vegetal acopiada durante la explanación de la carretera. - Mulch de fibra larga, constituido por paja de cereal trabada con bitumen. - Mulch de fibra corta con un estabilizador de suelos, a base de alginatos. 2) Siembra con mezcla de semillas elegida entre seis previamente definidas. El estudio de los factores del medio, permite aceptar la homogeneidad previa a las actuaciones, y concretar el estudio del comportamiento de las especies en su respuesta a unos pocos elementos diferenciales: Intrínsecos al talud Desmonte o terraplén Exposición (solana o umbría) Pendiente Extrínsecos al talud Tipo de tratamiento recibido Composición de la siembra. Por último, en el Capitulo 4 se procede a la elección de especies a sembrar, mediante sucesivas aproximaciones a partir de la flora autóctona, disponibilidad de la se milla y consideraciones funcionales. La dosificación de las mezclas se verifica en base al Índice de concurrencia, con matizaciones derivadas de exposición y tipo de tratamiento. Las dificultades que se encuentran para conseguir el establecimiento en taludes artificiales de las especies habitualmente empleadas como pratenses, notoriamente relevantes en las zonas áridas, donde se suma a ellas la falta continuada de humedad durante largos períodos, han animado a investigar el comportamiento de algunas especies poco conocidas. Para ello, se llevaron a cabo ensayos de germinación en situaciones adversas, similares a las de los taludes. A continuación se describen las especies estudiadas, con referencia esquemática a su ecología y a los rasgos funcionales que han conducido a su elección. La inventariación de los resultados obtenidos en los taludes se realizó mediante un muestreo sistemático; el análisis de la información proporcionada se verificó en varias etapas. Un primer análisis consistió en explayar los resultados medios correspondientes a grupos de taludes, definidos según elementos diferenciales comunes, y a los diferentes conceptos del inventario (presencia en muestra, superficie cubierta y número de plantas). Este primer análisis permite definir la respuesta de las especies a las distintas actuaciones artificiales. El comportamiento de cada especie se aborda mediante la elaboración de cuatro índices, de los cuales sólo se retienen finalmente dos. Los Índices evidencian qué especies han dado los mejores resultados y qué otras han dado los peores; resta un tercer grupo, definido con menor precisión, que seguirá siendo analizado en las etapas posteriores del análisis. El estudio de las posibles correlaciones entre las especies, pone de manifiesto una baja estructuración de los datos, como por otra parte cabía esperar en una etapa preliminar de desarrollo, pero también evidencia ciertas constantes y paralelismos o divergencias en los comportamientos. El capítulo final contempla la posibilidad de distribuciones irregulares a lo largo de la altura de los taludes, como probablemente se darían si no existiesen actuaciones artificiales.
In this study, we seeded a native plant species and applied a mulch of chopped wood originating from the same burned area to avoid the establishment of invasive species. We evaluated four treatments: (1) seeding, (2) mulch, (3) seeding and mulch, and (4) control. Our objective was to increase plant recovery and to minimize the soil erosion and degradation. The study was conducted in Alicante, Spain in Torremanzanas forest of the semi-arid Mediterranean bioclimatic area after the wildfire of November, 2002. During three years of monitoring, we find that combined treatment: seeding and mulch increased the post fire plant recovery 20% approximately more than the rest of treatments and the control plots. We also found that seven months after treating mulch and seeding and mulch treatments presented a gain of soil: +5.18 to + 5.24 mm while the seeding treatment and control plots presented soil loss rates of: −0.48 to −0.49 mm. In addition, mulch treatment significantly decreased soil compaction to the half, and increased the infiltration capacity to 40 ml.mn−1 more than in plots without mulch, as well as increased the soil respiration to the double compared with no mulch plots. Work in progress confirms the positive effect of chopped wood as mulching treatment with or without seeding on the soil protection against soil erosion, and the amelioration of bio-physical properties after wildfires in the Mediterranean semi-arid burned areas.
Caption title.
Sugarcane crop residues ('trash') have the potential to supply nitrogen (N) to crops when they are retained on the soil surface after harvest. Farmers should account for the contribution of this N to crop requirements in order to avoid over-fertilisation. In very wet tropical locations, the climate may increase the rate of trash decomposition as well as the amount of N lost from the soil-plant system due to leaching or denitrification. A field experiment was conducted on Hydrosol and Ferrosol soils in the wet tropics of northern Australia using N-15-labelled trash either applied to the soil surface or incorporated. Labelled urea fertiliser was also applied with unlabelled surface trash. The objective of the experiment was to investigate the contribution of trash to crop N nutrition in wet tropical climates, the timing of N mineralisation from trash, and the retention of trash N in contrasting soils. Less than 6% of the N in trash was recovered in the first crop and the recovery was not affected by trash incorporation. Around 6% of the N in fertiliser was also recovered in the first crop, which was less than previously measured in temperate areas (20-40%). Leaf samples taken at the end of the second crop contined 2-3% of N from trash and fertilizer applied at the beginning of the experiment. Although most N was recovered in the 0-1.5 m soil layer there was some evidence of movement of N below this depth. The results showed that trash supplies N slowly and in small amounts to the succeeding crop in wet tropics sugarcane growing areas regardless of trash placement (on the soil surface or incorporated) or soil type, and so N mineralisation from a single trash blanket is not important for sugarcane production in the wet tropics.
Acacia harpophylla F. Muell. (brigalow) used to naturally occur over a range of about 50 000 km(2) in Queensland and New South Wales, Australia. Large scale clearing for agriculture has reduced the area to less than 20 000 km(2) and it is estimated that 20-25% of vertebrate fauna living in brigalow communities will become locally extinct as a result of the current clearing induced loss of habitat. Some coal mining companies in central Queensland have become interested in providing habitat for the endangered bridle nail-tailed wallaby that lives in brigalow vegetation. However, there is little known about establishment techniques for brigalow on mine sites and other disturbed ground; an understanding of brigalow biology and ecology is required to assist in the conservation of this threatened vegetation community and for re-creation of bridled nail-tail wallaby habitat in the post mining landscape. Brigalow is an unusual species of Acacia because it is not hard-seeded and germinates readily without the need to break seed-coat imposed dormancy. Germination trials were undertaken to test the ability of brigalow seed to germinate with a range of temperatures and salinity levels similar to those experienced in coal mine spoil. Optimum germination was found to occur at temperatures from 15 to 38 degrees C and no germination was recorded at 45 degrees C. Brigalow was very tolerant of high salt levels and germinated at percentages greater than 50% up to the highest salinity tested, 30 dS/m. Germination of greater than 90% occurred up to an electrical conductivity of 20 dS/m. The results indicate brigalow seed can be sown in summer when rains are most likely to occur, however, shading of the seed with extra soil or mulch may ensure the ground surface does not become too hot for germination. Because of its ability to germinate at high salinity levels, brigalow may be suitable for use in saline mine wastes which are common on sites to be rehabilitated after mining.
Permeable reactive barriers (PRB) are constructed from soil solid amendments to support the growth of bacteria that are capable of degrading organic contaminants. The objective of this study was to identify low-cost soil solid amendments that could retard the movement of trichloroethylene (TCE) while serving as long-lived carbon sources to foster its biodegradation in shallow groundwater through the use of a PRB. The natural amendments high in organic carbon content such as eucalyptus mulch, compost, wetland peat, organic humus were compared based on their geophysical characteristics, such as pHw, porosity and total organic carbon (TOC), and as well as TCE sorption potentials. The pHw values were within neutral range except for pine bark mulch and wetland peat. All other geophysical characteristics of the amendments showed suitability for use in a PRB. While the Freundlich model showed better fit for compost and pine bark mulch, the linear sorption model was adequate for eucalyptus mulch, wetland peat and Everglades muck within the concentration range studied (0.2-0.8 mg/L TCE). According to these results, two composts and eucalyptus mulch were selected for laboratory column experiments to evaluate their effectiveness at creating and maintaining conditions suitable for TCE anaerobic dechlorination. The columns were monitored for pH, ORP, TCE degradation, longevity of nutrients and soluble TOC to support TCE dechlorination. Native bacteria in the columns had the ability to convert TCE to DCEs; however, the inoculation with the TCE-degrading culture greatly increased the rate of biodegradation. This caused a significant increase in by-product concentration, mostly in the form of DCEs and VC followed by a slow degradation to ethylene. Of the tested amendments eucalyptus mulch was the most effective at supporting the TCE dechlorination. The experimental results of TCE sequential dechlorination took place in eucalyptus mulch and commercial compost from Savannah River Site columns were then simulated using the Hydrus-1D model. The simulations showed good fit with the experimental data. The results suggested that sorption and degradation were the dominant fate and transport mechanisms for TCE and DCEs in the column, supporting the use of these amendments in a permeable reactive barrier to remediate the TCE.