898 resultados para micro total analysis system


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Hepatozoon species are the most abundant hemoparasites of snakes. Its identification has been based mainly on the morphologic characterization of the gamonts in the peripheral blood of the vertebrate host and also of the cysts found in the internal organs of the vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. Using a computerized image analysis system, we studied five species of Hepatozoon from recently captured snakes in Botucatu, State of São Paulo, Brazil, to evaluate the importance of the morphology and morphometry of the gamonts for the characterization of Hepatozoon species and to analyze the morphologic changes induced in the erythrocytes by the parasite. The studied species were H. terzii of Boa constrictor amarali, Hepatozoon sp. of Crotalus durissusterrificus, H. philodryasi of Philodryas patagoniensis, and H. migonei and H. cyclagrasi of Hydrodynastes gigas. We observed three different groups, one of them including the species H. terzii, H. philodryasi and Hepatozoon sp. of C. durissus terrificus; and the other two consisting of H. migonei and H. cyclagrasi. Degree of alterations in the erythrocytes was variable and it may be useful for characterization of Hepatozoon species.


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O estudo foi conduzido com os objetivos de analisar o desempenho produtivo e algumas medidas de eficiência reprodutiva de 1877 vacas provenientes de quatro grupos genéticos Holandês ¾ Zebu e estimar os parâmetros genéticos pertinentes. Os animais pertenciam a três rebanhos comerciais que foram monitorados pelo Sistema Computacional de Informação DAISY (The Dairy Information System), durante período de 1989 a 1998. Para consistência dos dados, formação dos arquivos e análises preliminares foram usados os procedimentos disponíveis no SAS (Statistical Analysis System), enquanto os componentes de (co)variância foram estimados pelo método de máxima verossimilhança restrita livre de derivada (MTDFREML), sob um modelo animal. Os efeitos de grupo genético e ano do parto foram significativos sobre a idade da vaca ao primeiro parto (IPC), intervalo parto - primeiro serviço (PP1S), duração da lactação(DL), produção total de leite (PT) e produção de leite por dia de intervalo de parto (PLIEP). As estimativas de herdabilidade (h²) para as características reprodutivas ficaram próximas de zero, evidenciando grande dependência do manejo oferecido aos rebanhos, enquanto o valor de 0,28 para a h² da PT mostrou variância genética aditiva média. A correlação genética entre PT e DL de 0,81 pode ser considerada de alta magnitude.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate performance and daytime ingestive behavior of 84 Nellore young bulls in the post-weaning phase kept on Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu pastures during the dry season. Treatments were protein mineral supplementation (1 g/kg body weight) and protein+energy mineral supplementation (3 g/kg body weight). The experimental area comprised 12 paddocks in a total area of 27.36 ha, divided in two blocks of six paddocks each, having three replications per treatment in each block, with 42 animals/treatment. The data were subjected to variance analysis with repeated measures over time via procedure PROCMIXED of SAS (Statistical Analysis System, version 9.0) and means were compared by the Tukey test at 5% probability. The initial average weight of animals was 204.8 kg; final weights were 260.9 and 276.9 kg for animals that received protein and protein+energy supplement, respectively. The forage availability, sward height and stocking rate values did not differ with supplementation, but they showed difference between the experimental periods. The average time spent grazing during daylight of animals fed protein+energy supplement was shorter as compared with those which consumed protein supplement. Animals kept under the same pasture conditions during the dry season show better performance when they receive protein+energy supplement than protein supplement.


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An oxovanadium-salen complex (NAP-ethylene-bis(salicylidenciminato) oxovanadium) thin film deposited on a graphite-polyurethane electrode was investigated with regard to its potential use for detection of L-dopa in flow injection system. The oxovanadium(IV)/oxovanadium(V) redox couple of the modified electrode was found to mediate the L-dopa oxidation before its use in the FIA system. Experimental parameters, such as pH of the carrier solution, flow rate, sample volume injection and probable interferents were investigated. Under the optimized FIA conditions, the amperometric signal was linearly dependent on the L-dopa concentration over the range 1.0 x 10(-1) to 1.0 x 10(-4) mol L-1 (I-anodic, mu A) = 0.01 + 0.25 [L-dopa mu mol L-1]) with a detection limit (S/N = 3) of 8.0 x 10(-7) mol L-1 and a sampling frequency of 90 h(-1) was achieved. For a concentration of 1.0 x 10(-5) mol L-1 L-dopa, the R.S.D. of nine consecutive measurements was 3.7%. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of the study was to compare hemiparetic gait overground and on the treadmill. Seventeen chronic stroke patients were included in the study. They walked overground and on a treadmill level at the same speed. The Qualisys Medical AB motion analysis system was used to quantify the joint kinematic of the paretic lower limb and the spatio-temporal parameters on the two conditions: overground walking and treadmill walking on three samples of 5-minutes. During the first sample, the subjects walked on the treadmill with greater cadence, shorter stride length, shorter step time on the lower paretic limb, greater range of motion in the hip and knee, greater knee flexion at the initial contact, more extension of the knee and lower dorsiflexion of the ankle at the stance phase. It is important to emphasize that the maximal knee flexion and ankle dorsiflexion just occurred later on the treadmill. Comparisons between each walking sample on the treadmill hadn t revealed any changes on the gait parameters over time. Nonetheless, when analyzing the third walking sample on the treadmill and overground, some variables showed equivalence as such as the total range of motion of the hip, the knee angle at the initial contact and its maximal extension at the stance phase. In summary, walking on a treadmill, even thought having some influence on the familiarization process, haven t demonstrated a complete change in its characteristics of hemiparetic chronic patients


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This incidence of postoperative sensitivity was evaluated in resin-based posterior restorations. Two hundred and ninety-two direct restorations were evaluated in premolars and molars. A total of 143 Class I and 149 Class 11 restorations (MO/OD and MOD) were placed in patients ranging in age from 30 to 50 years. After the cavity preparations were completed, a rubber dam was placed, and the preparations were restored using a total-etch system (Prime & Bond NT) and a resin-based restorative material (TPH Spectrum). The patients were contacted after 24 hours and 7, 30 and 90 days postoperatively and questioned regarding the presence of sensitivity and the stimuli that triggered that sensitivity. The Chi-square and Fisher's Exact Test were used for statistical analysis. Evaluation at 24 hours after restorative treatment revealed statistically significant differences among the types of cavity preparations restored and the occurrence of postoperative sensitivity (p=0.0003), with a higher frequency of sensitivity in Class H MOD restorations (26%), followed by Class II MO/DO (15%) and Class I restorations (5%). At 7, 30 and 90 days after restorative treatment, there was a decrease in the occurrence of sensitivity for all groups. The percentage of sensitivity among the groups was not significantly different. This study shows that the occurrence of sensitivity is correlated with the complexity of the restoration.


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A small species of the genus Hepatozoon found in a specimen of Crotalus durissus terrificus from the Botucatu region, São Paulo State, Brazil is described. The morphologic alterations induced in the snake's erythrocytes by the presence of this parasite are described. Morphology and morphometric analyses were performed using the Qwin Lite 2.5 computerized image analysis system (Leica). The Hepatozoon possessed a small and short body (8.1+/-0.5 mum long and 3.8+/-0.4 mum wide), with round extremities. The cytoplasm varied from pale blue to basophilic and had no granulations. Its nucleus was large, occupied a large area of the cytoplasm, and was irregular in shape and not condensed. Despite its small size, this parasite induced important changes in the host cell. Total parasitemia observed was 56.6%.


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A potentiometric sensor constructed from a mixture of 25% (m/m) spinel-type manganese oxide (lambda-MnO2), 50% (m/m) graphite powder and 25% (m/m) mineral oil is used for the determination of lithium ions in a flow injection analysis system. Experimental parameters, such as pH of the carrier solution, flow rate, injection sample volume, and selectivity for Li+ against other alkali and alkaline-earth ions and the response time of this sensor were investigated. The sensor response to lithium ions was linear in the concentration range 8.6 x 10(-5) - 1.0 x 10(-2) mol L-1 with a slope 78.9 +/- 0.3 mV dec(-1) over a wide pH range 7 - 10 (Tris buffer), without interference of other alkali and alkaline-earth metals. For a flow rate of 5.0 mL min(-1) and a injection sample volume of 408.6 muL, the relative standard deviation for repeated injections of a 5.0 x 10(-4) mol L-1 lithium ions was 0.3%.


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Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the castability of CP titanium and Ti-6Al-4V alloy castings into Rematitan Plus investment at three different mold temperatures.Methods. A nylon mesh pattern (20 mm with 64 squares and wire of 0.7 mm in diameter) was used for the castability testing. Initially, an image of the wax pattern was obtained by means of a digital camera and the total extension of filaments (mm) was then measured, using the Leica Qwin image analysis system. The mesh sprued was placed in the Rematitan Plus investment material and the castings were made in a Discovery Plasma machine at three different mold temperatures: 430 degrees C (control group), 480 degrees C or 530'C. Ten castings were made for each temperature. The images of the castings were analyzed (Leica Qwin) and the castability index determined by the number of the completely cast segments as a percentage of the wax pattern. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple comparison test (a = 0.05) using materials and temperatures as discriminating variables.Results. The Ti-6Al-4V alloy (60.86%) presented a better castability index than CP Ti (48.44%) (p < 0.000001). For CP Ti, the temperature of 530 degrees C (23.96%) presented better castability than at other temperatures, 480 degrees C (14.66%) and 430 degrees C (12.54%), with no difference between them (p < 0.001). For Ti-6Al-4V alloy, there was a statistically significant difference among the three temperatures: 530 degrees C (28.36%) > 480 degrees C (19.66%) > 430 degrees C (15.97%) (p < 0.002).Significance. Within the limitations of this study, the increase in the mold temperature of the Rematitan Plus investment resulted in a better castability index for both materials, and Ti-6Al-4V presented a better castability index than CP Ti. (c) 2005 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this work was to analyze the consumption, electric energy cost, and economic results of irrigated citrus (Citrus sinensis). The treatments consisted of a dripping irrigation system with one and two lateral distribution lines, a micro sprinkler irrigation system and a treatment without irrigation. For each irrigation system, three water depths were used: 100%, 75% and 50% of Etc (citrus evapotranspiration). The electric energy cost for two tariff groups, Group A and Group B, was studied. For Group A, the expenses with energy were determined for the Conventional Binomial Structure tariff, the Hour-seasonal tariff (green and blue) and the special tariff for nocturnal irrigation. The kWh cost for the tariff systems were obtained from the website of CPFL (São Paulo State Power and Light Company, Brazil). The best relation between the electric energy consumption (kWh.ha -1) and productivity (t.ha -1) occurred in the treatment irrigated with 50% of the Etc. The irrigated treatments increased productivity. The biggest productivity was observed in the irrigation treatments with 50% of the Etc when compared to the ones with 100% of the Etc. The blue and green Hour-seasonal tariff system of Group A (nocturnal irrigation) was the best option. A biggest economic turnover occurred in the treatments irrigated with 50% of the Etc.


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Background: Studies with Doppler ultrassonography started at the end of the 90s for the determination of physiological and pathological alterations in the reproductive tract of the mare. Uterine alterations caused by inflammation, response from seminal plasma infusion, hormonal variations during estrous and diestrus, pregnancy and action of various vasoactive factors influence on the vascular perfusion detected by Doppler ultrasound. The development of efficient methods for uterine quality evaluation is of big importance for field equine reproduction veterinarians, once uterine environment is responsible for pregnancy maintenance. Review: Nowadays, the most used methods of uterine evaluation are the mode B ultrassonography, cytology, culture and biopsy. Hemodynamic evaluation of the uterus can be done by spectral data collected from large vessels, as A. uterine and its ramifications, or from subjective or objective evaluations from endometrium, miometrium and mesometrium attachment, which provide data referent to local and specific alterations of the evaluated area. Alterations in uterine vascular perfusion has been detected during estrous cycle, during pregnancy and in cases of infusion of inflammatory substances. These alterations happen because of vasoactive substances that act in the uterus during these events, however, most of these vasoactive substances are probably not even known. Also, important hemodynamic alterations in old mares, as an increase in vascular resistance, have been described. This increase might result from fibrosis of the uterus and in women it is considered to be a cause of infertility. In mares, periglandular fibrosis of the endometrium is considered to be the major diagnosable cause of embryonic and fetal loss in older mares. For the CL, ovarian artery of the mare supplies the ovary as well as the oviduct and therefore can be used for evaluation of these areas. The CL evaluation can also be done by the percentage of luteum area with colored signals as an indicator of the extent of blood flow. The percentage of the CL area with colored signals is determined subjectively by images observations in real time and/or by a freezing Power Doppler cross-section image with the maximum number of color pixels taped and the total number of color pixels is assessed by a computer analysis system. Therefore, a high correlation between plasmatic progesterone and CL vascularization also allows the CL evalution by this technique. In a first report, CL circulation reached its maximum on D5, the progesterone concentration in peripheral blood increased until D7 and in a posterior report, maximum perfusion was achieved two days after the maximum progesterone concentration (D8). Blood flow reduced between D10-D14 some days before the plasma progesterone decrease and, during the luteolytic period (D15-D17), the decline in CL blood-flow area was greater than blood flow decrease. Conclusion: Doppler ultrassonography add knowledge about uterine viability and CL functionality can be easily used by veterinarians in the field. It is a noninvasive method that provides real time results. However, because of the short time studies in this area have been done, many other answers still need to be found until normal and pathological patterns will be established.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)