923 resultados para metal trace analysis


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Superoxide dismutases (SODs) are a crucial class of enzymes in the combat against intracellular free radical damage. They eliminate superoxide radicals by converting them into hydrogen peroxide and oxygen. In spite of their very different life cycles and infection strategies, the human parasites Plasmodium falciparum, Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma brucei are known to be sensitive to oxidative stress. Thus the parasite Fe-SODs have become attractive targets for novel drug development. Here we report the crystal structures of FeSODs from the trypanosomes T. brucei at 2.0 angstrom and T. cruzi at 1.9 angstrom resolution, and that from P. falciparum at a higher resolution (2.0 angstrom) to that previously reported. The homodimeric enzymes are compared to the related human MnSOD with particular attention to structural aspects which are relevant for drug design. Although the structures possess a very similar overall fold, differences between the enzymes at the entrance to the channel which leads to the active site could be identified. These lead to a slightly broader and more positively charged cavity in the parasite enzymes. Furthermore, a statistical coupling analysis (SCA) for the whole Fe/MnSOD family reveals different patterns of residue coupling for Mn and Fe SODs, as well as for the dimeric and tetrameric states. In both cases, the statistically coupled residues lie adjacent to the conserved core surrounding the metal center and may be expected to be responsible for its fine tuning, leading to metal ion specificity.


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The analytical determination of atmospheric pollutants still presents challenges due to the low-level concentrations (frequently in the mu g m(-3) range) and their variations with sampling site and time In this work a capillary membrane diffusion scrubber (CMDS) was scaled down to match with capillary electrophoresis (CE) a quick separation technique that requires nothing more than some nanoliters of sample and when combined with capacitively coupled contactless conductometric detection (C(4)D) is particularly favorable for ionic species that do not absorb in the UV-vis region like the target analytes formaldehyde formic acid acetic acid and ammonium The CMDS was coaxially assembled inside a PTFE tube and fed with acceptor phase (deionized water for species with a high Henry s constant such as formaldehyde and carboxylic acids or acidic solution for ammonia sampling with equilibrium displacement to the non-volatile ammonium ion) at a low flow rate (8 3 nLs(-1)) while the sample was aspirated through the annular gap of the concentric tubes at 25 mLs(-1) A second unit in all similar to the CMDS was operated as a capillary membrane diffusion emitter (CMDE) generating a gas flow with know concentrations of ammonia for the evaluation of the CMDS The fluids of the system were driven with inexpensive aquarium air pumps and the collected samples were stored in vials cooled by a Peltier element Complete protocols were developed for the analysis in air of NH(3) CH(3)COOH HCOOH and with a derivatization setup CH(2)O by associating the CMDS collection with the determination by CE-C(4)D The ammonia concentrations obtained by electrophoresis were checked against the reference spectrophotometric method based on Berthelot s reaction Sensitivity enhancements of this reference method were achieved by using a modified Berthelot reaction solenoid micro-pumps for liquid propulsion and a long optical path cell based on a liquid core waveguide (LCW) All techniques and methods of this work are in line with the green analytical chemistry trends (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved


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The present study contributes to the knowledge of the biogeochemistry of Pb, Cd, Cu, and Ni in the Mediterranean Than Lagoon, southern France, which is an important shellfish farming system. The concentrations of the metals were determined in sediment cores and the overlying waters using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Particular attention was given to the determination of dissolved Cu species because of their dual role as essential nutrient and toxicant to planktonic organisms. Dissolved Cu speciation was determined using the diffusive gradient in thin-film technique (DGT) and competitive ligand exchange-adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry (CLE-ACSV). Our data indicated a significant historical contamination of the sediments, which commenced in the second half of the 19th century, with trace metal inputs persisting until the end of the 20th century. In recent years a decrease in metal contamination has become apparent. The maxima observed for Pb, Cd, and Cu profiles probably indicate the occurence of anoxia crises. A strong complexation of the dissolved Cu species was observed in the waters of the Than Lagoon, which reduced the bioavailability of Cu. The dissolved Cu(2+) concentrations were probably too low to cause direct toxic effects on shellfish, but the highest concentration (5.29 pM) observed in this study can potentially influence phytoplankton communities. A comparison between the Cu speciation data indicates that up to 50% of the complexed Cu determined using CLE-ACSV was DGT labile.


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Hålningsprocessen är det inledande bearbetningssteget vid varmvalsning av sömlösa rör. Det är en tvärvalsningsprocess i vilken ett cylindriskt ämne valsas mellan två dubbelkoniska val¬sar över en plugg. Valsarna är snedställda med en viss mat¬ningsvinkel, vilken ger upphov till en axiell drivkraft genom ver¬ket. Hela denna pro¬cess är roterande. Detta i kombination med bl.a. de koniska valsarna leder till en förvrid¬ning av röret, dvs. en tänkt rak linje på det ingå¬ende äm¬net övergår till en spiral efter genomförd valsning. Med föreliggande uppgift är målet att studera förvridningen genom teoretisk och experimen¬tell analys. Syftet med detta är dels att få fördjupad kunskap inom området och dels att ut¬veckla en modell för pre¬diktering av förvridningen.Det experimentella arbetet är utfört på ett stål av typ Ovako 280 (SS2142). Denna mjuka stål¬sort valdes i syfte att undvika värmebehandling innan provberedning. För att visuali¬sera för¬vridningen fräs¬tes ett rakt spår längs det ingående äm¬net och hål borrades mot symmetrilinjen. De praktiska undersökningarna utfördes direkt i den löpande produktionen. Genomförda beräkningar uppvisar en längsgående förvridningsvinkel som stämmer väl över¬ens med uppmätt värde. Detta är dock under antagandet att den tangentiella hastighetskoeffi¬cienten varierar linjärt utmed deformationszonen. För en mer utvecklad modell krävs en nog¬grannare analys av kontakten mellan vals/ämne eller en grundligt genomförd uppmätning av ämnets vinkelhastighet.


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The main goal in this work is to conduct a quantitative analysis of the mechanical stir casting process for obtaining particulate metal matrix composites. A combined route of stirring at semi-solid state followed by stirring at liquid state is proposed. A fractional factorial design was developed to investigate the influence and interactions of factors as: time, rotation, initial fraction and particle size, on the incorporated fraction. The best incorporations were obtained with all factors at high levels, as well as that very long stirring periods have no strong influence being particle size and rotation the most important factors on the incorporated fraction. Particle wetting occurs during stirring at semisolid state, highlighting the importance of the interactions between particles and the alloy globularized phase. The role of the alloying element Mg as a wettability-promoting agent is discussed. The shear forces resulting from the stirring system is emphasized and understood as the effect of rotation itself added to the propeller blade geometry.


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Purpose: This three-dimensional finite element analysis study evaluated the effect of different material combinations on stress distribution within metal-ceramic and all-ceramic single implant-supported prostheses. Materials and Methods: Three-dimensional finite element models reproducing a segment of the maxilla with a missing left first premolar were created. Five groups were established to represent different superstructure materials: GP, porcelain fused to gold alloy; GR, modified composite resin fused to gold alloy; TP, porcelain fused to titanium; TR, modified composite resin fused to titanium; and ZP, porcelain fused to zirconia. A 100-N vertical force was applied to the contact points of the crowns. All models were fixed in the superior region of bone tissue and in the mesial and distal faces of the maxilla section. Stress maps were generated by processing with finite element software. Results: Stress distribution and stress values of supporting bone were similar for the GP, GR, TP, and ZP models (1,574.3 MPa, 1,574.3 MPa, 1,574.3 MPa, and 1,574.2 MPa, respectively) and different for the TR model (1,838.3 MPa). The ZP model transferred less stress to the retention screw (785 MPa) than the other groups (939 MPa for GP, 961 MPa for GR, 1,010 MPa for TP, and 1,037 MPa for TR). Conclusion: The use of different materials to fabricate a superstructure for a single implant-supported prosthesis did not affect the stress distribution in the supporting bone. The retention screw received less stress when a combination of porcelain and zirconia was used. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2011;26:1202-1209


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5-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-thiol groups attached on a silica gel surface have been used for adsorption of Cd(II), Co(II), Cu(II), Fe(III), Ni(II), Pb(II) and Zn(II) from aqueous solutions. The adsorption capacities for each metal ion were (in mmol.g(-1)): Cd(II)= 0.35, Co(II)= 0.10, Cu(II)= 0.15, Fe(III)= 0.20, Hg(Il)= 0.46, Ni(II)= 0.16, Pb(II)= 0.13 and Zn(II)= 0.15. The modified silica gel was applied in the preconcentration and quantification of trace level metal ions present in water samples (river, and bog water).


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A highly sensitive adsorptive stripping procedure for trace measurement of the anticancer drug tamoxifen is described. The method is based on controlled adsorptive accumulation of the drug at an electrochemically treated glassy carbon electrode, followed by chronopotentiometric measurement of the surface species. The chronopotentiometric operation effectively addresses the large background contribution inherent to the glassy carbon electrode to yield a detection limit of 4 x 10(-10) M after 4 min preconcentration. The adsorptive stripping response is evaluated with respect to electrode type and conditioning, accumulation potential and lime, stripping current, pH, drug concentration, potential interferences, and other variables. Applicability to urine samples is illustrated. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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Solid dithizonates of Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II) and Pb(II), have been prepared. Thermogravimetry (TG), derivative thermogravimetry (DTG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction powder patterns and elemental analysis have been used to characterize and study the thermal stability and thermal decomposition of these compounds.


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This work describes the synthesis and characterization of a new octakis[3-(2,2'-dipyridylamine)propyl]octasilsesquioxane (T8-Pr-DPA), and a study of the metal ion preconcentration in fuel ethanol. Batch and column experiments were conducted to investigate for the removal of heavy metal ions from fuel ethanol. The results showed that the Langmuir allowed to describe the sorption equilibrium data of the metal ions on T8-Pr-DPA in a satisfactory way. The following maximum adsorption capacities (in mmolg-1) were determined: 3.62 for Fe (III), 3.32 for Cr (III), 2.15 for Cu (II), 1.80 for Co (II), 1.62 for Pb (II), 1.32 for Ni (II) and 0.88 for Zn (II). The thermodynamic parameters for the adsorption process such as free energy of adsorption (δG), enthalpy of adsorption (δH) and entropy of adsorption (δS) were calculated. Thermodynamic parameters showed that the system has favorable enthalpic, Gibbs free energy, and entropic values. The sorption-desorption of the metal ions has made possible the development of a preconcentration and determination method of metal ions at trace level in fuel ethanol. The method of quantitative analysis for Fe, Cu, Ni and Zn in fuel ethanol by Flame AAS was validated. Several parameters have been taken into account and evaluated for the validation of method, namely: linearity, limit of detection, limit of quantification, and the relative standard deviation and accuracy. The accuracy of the method was assessed by testing analyte recovery in the fuel ethanol samples. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Using oxygen instead of air in a burning process is at present being widely discussed as an option to reduce CO2 emissions. One of the possibilities is to maintain the combustion reaction at the same energy release level as burning with air, which reduces fuel consumption and the emission rates of CO2. A thermal simulation was made for metal reheating furnaces, which operate at a temperature in the range of 1150-1250 degrees C, using natural gas with a 5% excess of oxygen, maintaining fixed values for pressure and combustion temperature. The theoretical results show that it is possible to reduce the consumption of fuel, and this reduction depends on the amount of heat that can be recovered during the air pre-heating process. The analysis was further conducted by considering the 2012 costs of natural gas and oxygen in Brazil. The use of oxygen showed to be economically viable for large furnaces that operate with conventional heat recovering systems (those that provide pre-heated air at temperatures near 400 degrees C). (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the present study Cathorops spixii, was evaluated as a bioindicator fish for trace metal pollution. Concentrations of cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn) were determined by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis in liver. Mercury (Hg) and methyl-mercury (MeHg) were analyzed by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry in muscles and livers. High concentrations of Co, Fe, Se and Zn were observed in C. spixii from Santos Bay in comparison to fish collected in a non-polluted site in the same Brazilian coast. These trace metal concentrations were out of the permissible levels for human consumption. Although, Hg and MeHg levels were low, the C. spixii could still be used as an effective bioindicator to observe trace metal behaviors in the environment in function of the bioaccumulation process observed mainly by other analyzed trace metals. Thus, the use of this species is strongly recommended to monitor the effects and behavior of trace metal pollution in aquatic ecosystems in Brazil due to its bioaccumulation function.


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Sediments of the Lagoa Vermelha (Red Lake), situated in the Ribeira Valley, southeastern Brazil, are made of a homogeneous, organic-rich, black clay with no visible sedimentary structures. The inorganic geochemical record (Al, As, Ba, Br, Co,Cs, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Rb, Sc, Sb, V, Zn, Hg and Pb) of the lake sediments was analyzed in a core spanning 2430 years. The largest temporal changes in trace metal contents occurred approximately within the last 180 years. Recent sediments were found to be enriched in Pb, Zn, Hg, Ni, Mn, Br and Sb (more than 2-fold increase with respect to the "natural background level"). The enhanced accumulation of Br, Sb, and Mn was attributed to biogeochemical processes and diagenesis. On the other hand, the anomalous concentrations of Pb, Zn, Hg and Ni were attributed to pollution. As Lagoa Vermelha is located in a relatively pristine area, far removed from direct contamination sources, the increased metal contents of surface sediments most likely resulted from atmospheric fallout. Stable Pb isotopes provided additional evidence for anthropogenic contamination. The shift of Pb-206/Pb-207 ratios toward decreasing values in the increasingly younger sediments is consistent with an increasing contribution of airborne anthropogenic lead. In the uppermost sediments (0-10 cm), the lowest values of the Pb-206/Pb-207 ratios may reflect the influence of the less radiogenic Pb from the Ribeira Valley District ores (Pb-206/Pb-207 between 1.04 and 1.10), emitted during the last 50 years. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports an experimental method to estimate the convective heat transfer of cutting fluids in a laminar flow regime applied on a thin steel plate. The heat source provided by the metal cutting was simulated by electrical heating of the plate. Three different cooling conditions were evaluated: a dry cooling system, a flooded cooling system and a minimum quantity of lubrication cooling system, as well as two different cutting fluids for the last two systems. The results showed considerable enhancement of convective heat transfer using the flooded system. For the dry and minimum quantity of lubrication systems, the heat conduction inside the body was much faster than the heat convection away from its surface. In addition, using the Biot number, the possible models were analyzed for conduction heat problems for each experimental condition tested.


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The evolution of the structure and properties of Cr/Cr oxide thin films deposited on HK40 steel substrates by reactive magnetron sputtering (RMS) was investigated and linked to their potential protective behavior against metal dusting. Deposition time, mode of oxygen feeding, and application of bias voltage were varied to assess their effect on the density, adhesion, and integrity of the films. All the films showed a very fine columnar microstructure and the presence of amorphous Cr oxide. Both, an increasing time and a constant oxygen flow during deposition led to the development of relatively low density films and mud-like cracking patterns. A graded oxygen flow resulted in films with fewer cracks, but a careful control of the oxygen flow is required to obtain films with a truly graded structure. The effect of the bias voltage was much more significant and beneficial. An increasing negative bias voltage resulted in the development of denser films with a transition to an almost crack-free structure and better adhesion. The amorphous oxide resulted in low values of hardness and Young's modulus. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.