937 resultados para management of change Goals
This paper reports a qualitative study of the practice of leadership in Catholic schools to ascertain the perceptions of lay principals, who as positional leaders play a critical role in embracing and creatively rebuilding the Catholic vision of life within the reality that the Catholic school principalship is now a ministry of the laity. The methodology included semi-structured interviews, field notes, reflexive journals, direct observation, and document nalysis. The study examined both individual human behaviour and the structure of the social order in Catholic schools. The findings point towards successful leadership in Catholic schools being highly influenced by the cultural and spiritual capital that a principal brings to a school signifying a fundamental importance of appointing principals who are not only professionally competent but spiritually as well. In an era of unprecedented social, educational and ecclesial change, and with an ever widening role description, lay principals are challenged to redefine and re-articulate their Catholic character and identity, and will need to look for new ways to make this explicit. Embracing a new leadership paradigm of shared leadership, the preparation and on-going formation of lay principals were identified as critical for the continuance of the Catholic school’s distinctive mission in the future.
Academic and practitioner interest in how market-based organizations can drive positive social change (PSC) is steadily growing. This paper helps to recast how organizations relate to society. It integrates research on projects stimulating PSC – the transformational processes to advance societal well-being – which is fragmented across different streams of research in management and related disciplines. Focusing on the mechanisms at play in how organizations and their projects affect change in targets outside of organizational boundaries, we 1) clarify the nature of PSC as a process, 2) develop an integrative framework that specifies two distinct PSC strategies, 3) take stock of and offer a categorization scheme for change mechanisms and enabling organizational practices, and 4) outline opportunities for future research. Our conceptual framework differentiates between surface- and deep-level PSC strategies understood as distinct combinations of change mechanisms and enabling organizational practices. These strategies differ in the nature and speed of transformation experienced by the targets of change projects and the resulting quality (pervasiveness and durability), timing, and reach of social impact. Our findings provide a solid base for integrating and advancing knowledge across the largely disparate streams of management research on Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Entrepreneurship, and Base of the Pyramid, and open up important new avenues for future research on organizing for PSC and on unpacking PSC processes.
This thesis reports on a four-year field study conducted at the Saskatchewan regional office of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, a large department of the Government of Canada. Over the course of the study, a sweeping government-wide accounting reform took place entitled the Financial Information Strategy. An ethnographic study was conducted that documented the management accounting processes in place at the regional office prior to the Financial Information Strategy reform, the organization’s adoption of the new accounting system associated with this initiative, and the state of the organization’s management accounting system once the implementation was complete. This research, therefore, captures in detail a management accounting change process in a public sector organization. This study employs an interpretive perspective and draws on institution theory as a theoretical framework. The concept of loose coupling and insights from the literature on professions were also employed in the explanation-building process for the case. This research contributes to institution theory and the study of management accounting change by recognizing conflicting institutional forces at the organizational level. An existing Old Institutional Economics-based conceptual framework for management accounting change is advanced and improved upon through the development of a new conceptual framework that incorporates the influence of wider institutional forces, the concepts of open and closed organizational systems and loose coupling, and the recognition of varying rates of change and institutionalization of organizational activity sets. Our understanding of loose coupling is enhanced by the interpretation of institutional influences developed in this study as is the role of professionalization as a normative influence in public sector organizations.
This article explores gender politics and processes in the academy and investigates change from the perspectives of feminist academics. In particular, it explores the experiences of women academics attempting to effect change to the gendered status quo of their own institutions. Focusing on micro-politics, the feminist movement is empirically explored in localized spaces of resistance and in the small but significant individual efforts at making changes in academic institutions. The analysis is based on interviews with female academics working in business and management schools and focuses on the challenges for change and how change attempts affect their personal and professional identities. The article explores the range of change strategies that participants use as they try to progress in their academic career while staying true to their feminist values and priorities through both resisting and incorporating dominant discourses of academic work. The analysis highlights such tensions and focuses on a contextualized, bottom-up perspective on change that, unlike more totalizing theorization, takes into account mundane and lived experiences at the level of the individual. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Biomass is projected to account for approximately half of the new energy production required to achieve the 2020 primary energy target in the UK. Combined heat and power (CHP) bioenergy systems are not only a highly efficient method of energy conversion, at smaller-scales a significant proportion of the heat produced can be effectively utilised for hot water, space heating or industrial heating purposes. However, there are many barriers to project development and this has greatly inhibited deployment in the UK. Project viability is highly subjective to changes in policy, regulation, the finance market and the low cost incumbent; a high carbon centralised energy system. Unidentified or unmitigated barriers occurring during the project lifecycle may not only negatively impact on the project but could ultimately lead to project failure. The research develops a decision support system (DSS) for small-scale (500 kWe to 10 MWe) biomass combustion CHP project development and risk management in the early stages of a potential project’s lifecycle. By supporting developers in the early stages of project development with financial, scheduling and risk management analysis, the research aims to reduce the barriers identified and streamline decision-making. A fuzzy methodology is also applied throughout the developed DSS to support developers in handling the uncertain or approximate information often held at the early stages of the project lifecycle. The DSS is applied to a case study of a recently failed (2011) small-scale biomass CHP project to demonstrate its applicability and benefits. The application highlights that the proposed development within the case study was not viable. Moreover, further analysis of the possible barriers with the DSS confirmed that some possible modifications to be project could have improved this, such as a possible change of feedstock to a waste or residue, addressing the unnecessary land lease cost or by increasing heat utilisation onsite. This analysis is further supported by a practitioner evaluation survey that confirms the research contribution and objectives are achieved.
The selling environment has undergone tremendous transformation over the past 2 decades. Perhaps the greatest change has centered on changes and advancements in technology. The latest dramatic change has been the rapidly increasing use of social media and other related technologies in the business-to-business realm. The sales world began the use of technology through the use of Web 1.0, which was primarily webpage oriented; now we see the world of social media as the paradigm of how firms should implement technology. Although there has been some recent emphasis on how marketing might implement social media into their strategies and how the individual salesperson might implement social media into his or her daily selling routine, no substantive discussion on how social media is affecting the role of the sales manager has appeared in the literature. This article systematically examines how social media is impacting the sales management function and, in fact, may be dramatically revolutionizing the position. To help the marketing and sales organization better understand the changing sales world, we present eight lessons that every sales manager needs to embrace.
The progression of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is largely modifiable through lifestyle behaviours. UK pharmacists are contractually obliged to facilitate patient self-management of chronic conditions such as CVD. Pharmacists are easily accessible health professionals who are well placed to identify “at risk” patients through medication regimes. Research has identified varying attitudes towards and levels of involvement in pharmacist-led health promotion activity. Given the diverse and exploratory nature of the work, a pragmatic, mixed methods approach was used to explore community pharmacists’ role in facilitating patient self-management of CVD. The thesis presents four studies: a qualitative study with pharmacists; a cross sectional questionnaire of community pharmacists; a systematic review and a qualitative study with patients with CVD. The qualitative study with pharmacists gave an insight into pharmacists’ experiences of giving patients with CVD lifestyle advice and the factors underpinning commonly cited barriers to providing public health services. This informed the development of the cross-sectional questionnaire which identified the predictors of pharmacists’ intentions to give two different types of advice to facilitate patient self-management. The systematic review identified a small number of interventions to prepare pharmacists to facilitate patient lifestyle behaviour change and evaluated the theories and behaviour change techniques used in successful interventions; however due to poor study quality and poor reporting of the interventions limited conclusions about the efficacy of the interventions could reliably be drawn. Finally, the qualitative study gave an insight into the experiences of patients with CVD using community pharmacy services and their expectations of the service they receive from community pharmacists. Recommendations about changes to pharmacy policy and practice in order to support pharmacists’ provision of CVD self-management advice are made.
Globally, small-scale fisheries (SSFs) are driven by climate, governance, and market factors of social-ecological change, presenting both challenges and opportunities. The ability of small-scale fishermen and buyers to adapt to changing conditions allows participants to survive economic or environmental disturbances and to benefit from optimal conditions. This study presented here identifies key large-scale factors that drive SSFs in California to shift focus among targets and that dictate long-term trends in landings. We use Elinor Ostrom’s Social-Ecological System (SES) framework to apply an interdisciplinary approach when identifying potential factors and when understanding the complex dynamics of these fisheries. We analyzed the interactions among Monterey Bay SSFs over the past four decades since the passage of the Magnuson Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act of 1976. In this region, the Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax), northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax), and market squid (Loligo opalescens) fisheries comprise a tightly linked system where shifting focus among fisheries is a key element to adaptive capacity and reduced social and ecological vulnerability. Using a cluster analysis of landings, we identified four modes from 1974 to 2012 that were dominated by squid, sardine, anchovy, or lacked any dominance, enabling us to identify external drivers attributed to a change in fishery dominance during seven distinct transition points. Overall, we show that market and climate factors drive the transitions among dominance modes. Governance phases most dictated long-term trends in landings and are best viewed as a response to changes in perceived biomass and thus a proxy for biomass. Our findings suggest that globally, small-scale fishery managers should consider enabling shifts in effort among fisheries and retaining existing flexibility, as adaptive capacity is a critical determinant for social and ecological resilience.
Biofouling, the accumulation of biomolecules, cells, organisms and their deposits on submerged and implanted surfaces, is a ubiquitous problem across various human endeavors including maritime operations, medicine, food industries and biotechnology. Since several decades, there have been substantial research efforts towards developing various types of antifouling and fouling release approaches to control bioaccumulation on man-made surfaces. In this work we hypothesized, investigated and developed dynamic change of the surface area and topology of elastomers as a general approach for biofouling management. Further, we combined dynamic surface deformation of elastomers with other existing antifouling and fouling-release approaches to develop multifunctional, pro-active biofouling control strategies.
This research work was focused on developing fundamental, new and environment-friendly approaches for biofouling management with emphasis on marine model systems and applications, but which also provided fundamental insights into the control of infectious biofilms on biomedical devices. We used different methods (mechanical stretching, electrical-actuation and pneumatic-actuation) to generate dynamic deformation of elastomer surfaces. Our initial studies showed that dynamic surface deformation methods are effective in detaching laboratory grown bacterial biofilms and barnacles. Further systematic studies revealed that a threshold critical surface strain is required to debond a biofilm from the surface, and this critical strain is dependent on the biofilm mechanical properties including adhesion energy, thickness and modulus. To test the dynamic surface deformation approach in natural environment, we conducted field studies (at Beaufort, NC) in natural seawater using pneumatic-actuation of silicone elastomer. The field studies also confirmed that a critical substrate strain is needed to detach natural biofilm accumulated in seawater. Additionally, the results from the field studies suggested that substrate modulus also affect the critical strain needed to debond biofilms. To sum up, both the laboratory and the field studies proved that dynamic surface deformation approach can effectively detach various biofilms and barnacles, and therefore offers a non-toxic and environmental friendly approach for biofouling management.
Deformable elastomer systems used in our studies are easy to fabricate and can be used as complementary approach for existing commercial strategies for biofouling control. To this end, we aimed towards developed proactive multifunctional surfaces and proposed two different approaches: (i) modification of elastomers with antifouling polymers to produce multifunctional, and (ii) incorporation of silicone-oil additives into the elastomer to enhance fouling-release performance.
In approach (i), we modified poly(vinylmethylsiloxane) elastomer surfaces with zwitterionic polymers using thiol-ene click chemistry and controlled free radical polymerization. These surfaces exhibited both fouling resistance and triggered fouling-release functionalities. The zwitterionic polymers exhibited fouling resistance over short-term (∼hours) exposure to bacteria and barnacle cyprids. The biofilms that eventually accumulated over prolonged-exposure (∼days) were easily detached by applying mechanical strain to the elastomer substrate. In approach (ii), we incorporated silicone-oil additives in deformable elastomer and studied synergistic effect of silicone-oils and surface strain on barnacle detachment. We hypothesized that incorporation of silicone-oil additive reduces the amount of surface strain needed to detach barnacles. Our experimental results supported the above hypothesis and suggested that surface-action of silicone-oils plays a major role in decreasing the strain needed to detach barnacles. Further, we also examined the effect of change in substrate modulus and showed that stiffer substrates require lower amount of strain to detach barnacles.
In summary, this study shows that (1) dynamic surface deformation can be used as an effective, environmental friendly approach for biofouling control (2) stretchable elastomer surfaces modified with anti-fouling polymers provides a pro-active, dual-mode approach for biofouling control, and (3) incorporation of silicone-oils additives into stretchable elastomers improves the fouling-release performance of dynamic surface deformation technology. Dynamic surface deformation by itself and as a supplementary approach can be utilized biofouling management in biomedical, industrial and marine applications.
Floodplains pose challenges to managers of conservation lands because of constantly changing interactions with their rivers. Although scientific knowledge and understanding of the dynamics and drivers of river-floodplain systems can provide guidance to floodplain managers, the scientific process often occurs in isolation from management. Further, communication barriers between scientists and managers can be obstacles to appropriate application of scientific knowledge. With the coproduction of science in mind, our objectives were the following: (1) to document management priorities of floodplain conservation lands, and (2) identify science needs required to better manage the identified management priorities under nonstationary conditions, i.e., climate change, through stakeholder queries and interactions. We conducted an online survey with 80 resource managers of floodplain conservation lands along the Upper and Middle Mississippi River and Lower Missouri River, USA, to evaluate management priority, management intensity, and available scientific information for management objectives and conservation targets. Management objectives with the least information available relative to priority included controlling invasive species, maintaining respectful relationships with neighbors, and managing native, nongame species. Conservation targets with the least information available to manage relative to management priority included pollinators, marsh birds, reptiles, and shore birds. A follow-up workshop and survey focused on clarifying science needs to achieve management objectives under nonstationary conditions. Managers agreed that metrics of inundation, including depth and extent of inundation, and frequency, duration, and timing of inundation would be the most useful metrics for management of floodplain conservation lands with multiple objectives. This assessment provides guidance for developing relevant and accessible science products to inform management of highly dynamic floodplain environments. Although the problems facing managers of these lands are complex, products focused on a small suite of inundation metrics were determined to be the most useful to guide the decision making process.
Transient power dissipation profiles in handheld electronic devices alternate between high and low power states depending on usage. Capacitive thermal management based on phase change materials potentially offers a fan-less thermal management for such transient profiles. However, such capacitive management becomes feasible only if there is a significant enhancement in the enthalpy change per unit volume of the phase change material since existing bulk materials such as paraffin fall short of requirements. In this thesis I propose novel nanostructured thin-film materials that can potentially exhibit significantly enhanced volumetric enthalpy change. Using fundamental thermodynamics of phase transition, calculations regarding the enhancement resulting from superheating in such thin film systems is conducted. Furthermore design of a microfabricated calorimeter to measure such enhancements is explained in detail. This work advances the state-of-art of phase change materials for capacitive cooling of handheld devices.
This research develops four case studies on small-scale fisheries in Central America located within indigenous territories. The ngöbe Bugle Conte Burica Territory in the south of Costa Rica, the Garífuna territory in nueva Armenia Honduras, the Rama territory in Nicaragua and the ngöbe Bugle territory in Bocas del Toro, Panamá. This is one of the first studies focusing on indigenous territories, artisanal fisheries and SSF guidelines. The cases are a first approach to discussing and analyzing relevant social and human rights issues related to conservation of marine resources and fisheries management in these territories. The cases discussed between other issues of interest, the relationships between marine protected areas under different governance models and issues related to the strengthening of the small-scale fisheries of these indigenous populations and marine fishing territories. They highlight sustainability, governance, land tenure and access to fishing resources, gender, traditional knowledge importance and new challenges as climate change.
Maintaining accessibility to and understanding of digital information over time is a complex challenge that often requires contributions and interventions from a variety of individuals and organizations. The processes of preservation planning and evaluation are fundamentally implicit and share similar complexity. Both demand comprehensive knowledge and understanding of every aspect of to-be-preserved content and the contexts within which preservation is undertaken. Consequently, means are required for the identification, documentation and association of those properties of data, representation and management mechanisms that in combination lend value, facilitate interaction and influence the preservation process. These properties may be almost limitless in terms of diversity, but are integral to the establishment of classes of risk exposure, and the planning and deployment of appropriate preservation strategies. We explore several research objectives within the course of this thesis. Our main objective is the conception of an ontology for risk management of digital collections. Incorporated within this are our aims to survey the contexts within which preservation has been undertaken successfully, the development of an appropriate methodology for risk management, the evaluation of existing preservation evaluation approaches and metrics, the structuring of best practice knowledge and lastly the demonstration of a range of tools that utilise our findings. We describe a mixed methodology that uses interview and survey, extensive content analysis, practical case study and iterative software and ontology development. We build on a robust foundation, the development of the Digital Repository Audit Method Based on Risk Assessment. We summarise the extent of the challenge facing the digital preservation community (and by extension users and creators of digital materials from many disciplines and operational contexts) and present the case for a comprehensive and extensible knowledge base of best practice. These challenges are manifested in the scale of data growth, the increasing complexity and the increasing onus on communities with no formal training to offer assurances of data management and sustainability. These collectively imply a challenge that demands an intuitive and adaptable means of evaluating digital preservation efforts. The need for individuals and organisations to validate the legitimacy of their own efforts is particularly prioritised. We introduce our approach, based on risk management. Risk is an expression of the likelihood of a negative outcome, and an expression of the impact of such an occurrence. We describe how risk management may be considered synonymous with preservation activity, a persistent effort to negate the dangers posed to information availability, usability and sustainability. Risk can be characterised according to associated goals, activities, responsibilities and policies in terms of both their manifestation and mitigation. They have the capacity to be deconstructed into their atomic units and responsibility for their resolution delegated appropriately. We continue to describe how the manifestation of risks typically spans an entire organisational environment, and as the focus of our analysis risk safeguards against omissions that may occur when pursuing functional, departmental or role-based assessment. We discuss the importance of relating risk-factors, through the risks themselves or associated system elements. To do so will yield the preservation best-practice knowledge base that is conspicuously lacking within the international digital preservation community. We present as research outcomes an encapsulation of preservation practice (and explicitly defined best practice) as a series of case studies, in turn distilled into atomic, related information elements. We conduct our analyses in the formal evaluation of memory institutions in the UK, US and continental Europe. Furthermore we showcase a series of applications that use the fruits of this research as their intellectual foundation. Finally we document our results in a range of technical reports and conference and journal articles. We present evidence of preservation approaches and infrastructures from a series of case studies conducted in a range of international preservation environments. We then aggregate this into a linked data structure entitled PORRO, an ontology relating preservation repository, object and risk characteristics, intended to support preservation decision making and evaluation. The methodology leading to this ontology is outlined, and lessons are exposed by revisiting legacy studies and exposing the resource and associated applications to evaluation by the digital preservation community.
257 p.