271 resultados para magnetohydrodynamics: MHD


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In the past few decades detailed observations of radio and X-ray emission from massive binary systems revealed a whole new physics present in such systems. Both thermal and non-thermal components of this emission indicate that most of the radiation at these bands originates in shocks. O and B-type stars and WolfRayet (WR) stars present supersonic and massive winds that, when colliding, emit largely due to the freefree radiation. The non-thermal radio and X-ray emissions are due to synchrotron and inverse Compton processes, respectively. In this case, magnetic fields are expected to play an important role in the emission distribution. In the past few years the modelling of the freefree and synchrotron emissions from massive binary systems have been based on purely hydrodynamical simulations, and ad hoc assumptions regarding the distribution of magnetic energy and the field geometry. In this work we provide the first full magnetohydrodynamic numerical simulations of windwind collision in massive binary systems. We study the freefree emission characterizing its dependence on the stellar and orbital parameters. We also study self-consistently the evolution of the magnetic field at the shock region, obtaining also the synchrotron energy distribution integrated along different lines of sight. We show that the magnetic field in the shocks is larger than that obtained when the proportionality between B and the plasma density is assumed. Also, we show that the role of the synchrotron emission relative to the total radio emission has been underestimated.


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The impact of plasma technologies is growing both in the academic and in the industrial fields. Nowadays, a great interest is focused in plasma applications in aeronautics and astronautics domains. Plasma actuators based on the Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic (MHD) and Electro- Hydro-Dynamic (EHD) interactions are potentially able to suitably modify the fluid-dynamics characteristics around a flying body without utilizing moving parts. This could lead to the control of an aircraft with negligible response time, more reliability and improvements of the performance. In order to study the aforementioned interactions, a series of experiments and a wide number of diagnostic techniques have been utilized. The EHD interaction, realized by means of a Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) actuator, and its impact on the boundary layer have been evaluated by means of two different experiments. In the first one a three phase multi-electrode flat panel actuator is used. Different external flow velocities (from 1 to 20m/s) and different values of the supplied voltage and frequency have been considered. Moreover a change of the phase sequence has been done to verify the influence of the electric field existing between successive phases. Measurements of the induced speed had shown the effect of the supply voltage and the frequency, and the phase order in the momentum transfer phenomenon. Gains in velocity, inside the boundary layer, of about 5m/s have been obtained. Spectroscopic measurements allowed to determine the rotational and the vibrational temperature of the plasma which lie in the range of 320 ÷ 440°K and of 3000 ÷ 3900°K respectively. A deviation from thermodynamic equilibrium had been found. The second EHD experiment is realized on a single electrode pair DBD actuator driven by nano-pulses superimposed to a DC or an AC bias. This new supply system separates the plasma formation mechanism from the acceleration action on the fluid, leading to an higher degree of the control of the process. Both the voltage and the frequency of the nano-pulses and the amplitude and the waveform of the bias have been varied during the experiment. Plasma jets and vortex behavior had been observed by means of fast Schlieren imaging. This allowed a deeper understanding of the EHD interaction process. A velocity increase in the boundary layer of about 2m/s had been measured. Thrust measurements have been performed by means of a scales and compared with experimental data reported in the literature. For similar voltage amplitudes thrust larger than those of the literature, had been observed. Surface charge measurements led to realize a modified DBD actuator able to obtain similar performances when compared with that of other experiments. However in this case a DC bias replacing the AC bias had been used. MHD interaction experiments had been carried out in a hypersonic wind tunnel in argon with a flow of Mach 6. Before the MHD experiments a thermal, fluid-dynamic and plasma characterization of the hypersonic argon plasma flow have been done. The electron temperature and the electron number density had been determined by means of emission spectroscopy and microwave absorption measurements. A deviation from thermodynamic equilibrium had been observed. The electron number density showed to be frozen at the stagnation region condition in the expansion through the nozzle. MHD experiments have been performed using two axial symmetric test bodies. Similar magnetic configurations were used. Permanent magnets inserted into the test body allowed to generate inside the plasma azimuthal currents around the conical shape of the body. These Faraday currents are responsible of the MHD body force which acts against the flow. The MHD interaction process has been observed by means of fast imaging, pressure and electrical measurements. Images showed bright rings due to the Faraday currents heating and exciting the plasma particles. Pressure measurements showed increases of the pressure in the regions where the MHD interaction is large. The pressure is 10 to 15% larger than when the MHD interaction process is silent. Finally by means of electrostatic probes mounted flush on the test body lateral surface Hall fields of about 500V/m had been measured. These results have been used for the validation of a numerical MHD code.


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The interaction of comets with the solar wind has been the focus of many studies including numerical modeling. We compare the results of our multifluid MHD simulation of comet 1P/Halley to data obtained during the flyby of the European Space Agency's Giotto spacecraft in 1986. The model solves the full set of MHD equations for the individual fluids representing the solar wind protons, the cometary light and heavy ions, and the electrons. The mass loading, charge-exchange, dissociative ion-electron recombination, and collisional interactions between the fluids are taken into account. The computational domain spans over several million kilometers, and the close vicinity of the comet is resolved to the details of the magnetic cavity. The model is validated by comparison to the corresponding Giotto observations obtained by the Ion Mass Spectrometer, the Neutral Mass Spectrometer, the Giotto magnetometer experiment, and the Johnstone Plasma Analyzer instrument. The model shows the formation of the bow shock, the ion pile-up, and the diamagnetic cavity and is able to reproduce the observed temperature differences between the pick-up ion populations and the solar wind protons. We give an overview of the global interaction of the comet with the solar wind and then show the effects of the Lorentz force interaction between the different plasma populations.


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The Jovian moon, Europa, hosts a thin neutral gas atmosphere, which is tightly coupled to Jupiter's magnetosphere. Magnetospheric ions impacting the surface sputter off neutral atoms, which, upon ionization, carry currents that modify the magnetic field around the moon. The magnetic field in the plasma is also affected by Europa's induced magnetic field. In this paper we investigate the environment of Europa using our multifluid MHD model and focus on the effects introduced by both the magnetospheric and the pickup ion populations. The model self-consistently derives the electron temperature that governs the electron impact ionization process, which is the major source of ionization in this environment. The resulting magnetic field is compared to measurements performed by the Galileo magnetometer, the bulk properties of the modeled thermal plasma population is compared to the Galileo Plasma Subsystem observations, and the modeled surface precipitation fluxes are compared to Galileo Ultraviolet Spectrometer observations. The model shows good agreement with the measured magnetic field and reproduces the basic features of the plasma interaction observed at the moon for both the E4 and the E26 flybys of the Galileo spacecraft. The simulation also produces perturbations asymmetric about the flow direction that account for observed asymmetries.


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Abstract?We consider a mathematical model related to the stationary regime of a plasma of fusion nuclear, magnetically confined in a Stellarator device. Using the geometric properties of the fusion device, a suitable system of coordinates and averaging methods, the mathematical problem may be reduced to a two dimensional free boundary problem of nonlocal type, where the corresponding differential equation is of the Grad?Shafranov type. The current balance within each flux magnetic gives us the possibility to define the third covariant magnetic field component with respect to the averaged poloidal flux function. We present here some numerical experiences and we give some numerical approach for the averaged poloidal flux and for the third covariant magnetic field component.


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Este trabalho descreve o estudo das instabilidades magneto-hidro-dinâmicas (MHD) comumente observadas nas descargas elétricas de plasma no tokamak TCABR, do Instituto de Física da USP. Dois diagnósticos principais foram empregados para observar essas instabilidades: um conjunto poloidal de 24 bobinas magnéticas (bobinas de Mirnov) colocadas próximas à borda do plasma e um medidor de emissões na faixa do Ultra Violeta e de raios X moles com 20 canais (sistema SXR), cujo circuito de condicionamento de sinais foi aprimorado como parte deste trabalho. Esses diagnósticos foram escolhidos porque fornecem informações complementares, uma vez que o sistema SXR observa a parte central da coluna de plasma, enquanto as bobinas de Mirnov detectam as instabilidades MHD na região mais externa da coluna. As informações coletadas por esses diagnósticos foram submetidas à análise espectral com resolução temporal e espacial, possibilitando determinar a evolução das características espectrais e espaciais das instabilidades MHD observadas. Essas análises revelaram que durante a etapa inicial da formação do plasma (quando a corrente de plasma ainda está aumentando) ilhas magnéticas com números de onda decrescente, identificadas como sendo modos kink de borda, são detectadas nas bobinas de Mirnov. Após a formação do plasma, quando os parâmetros de equilíbrio estão relativamente estáveis (platô), oscilações são detectadas tanto nas bobinas de Mirnov quanto no sistema de SXR, indicando a presença de instabilidades MHD em toda a coluna de plasma. Em geral as oscilações medidas nas bobinas de Mirnov tem baixa amplitude e correspondem a pequenas ilhas magnéticas que foram identificadas como sendo modos de ruptura (modos tearing). Por outro lado, as instabilidades na região central foram identificadas como dentes de serra, que correspondem a relaxações periódicas da região interna à superfície magnética com fator de segurança q=1 e que são acompanhadas de oscilações precursoras, cuja amplitude depende da fase do ciclo de relaxação. Devido à essa modulação de amplitude, aparecem picos de frequência satélite nos espectrogramas dos sinais do SXR. Além disso, devido ao fato dos ciclos de relaxação não serem sinusoidais, os harmônicos da frequência de relaxação também aparecem nesses espectrogramas. No entanto, em muitas descargas do TCABR, a intensidade das oscilações medidas nas bobinas de Mirnov aumentam significativamente durante o platô, com efeitos sobre a frequência de todas as instabilidades MHD, até mesmo sobre os dentes de serra localizados na região central da coluna. Em todos os casos, observou-se que durante o platô a frequência das ilhas magnéticas coincide com a frequência das oscilações precursoras do dente de serra, apesar de serem duas instabilidades distintas, localizadas em posições radiais muito diferentes. Essa coincidência de frequências possibilitou descrever a evolução em frequência de todas as oscilações detectadas em diversos diagnósticos com base em apenas duas frequências básicas: a dos ciclos de relaxação dente de serra e a das ilhas magnéticas.


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Over the past decade, the numerical modeling of the magnetic field evolution in astrophysical scenarios has become an increasingly important field. In the crystallized crust of neutron stars the evolution of the magnetic field is governed by the Hall induction equation. In this equation the relative contribution of the two terms (Hall term and Ohmic dissipation) varies depending on the local conditions of temperature and magnetic field strength. This results in the transition from the purely parabolic character of the equations to the hyperbolic regime as the magnetic Reynolds number increases, which presents severe numerical problems. Up to now, most attempts to study this problem were based on spectral methods, but they failed in representing the transition to large magnetic Reynolds numbers. We present a new code based on upwind finite differences techniques that can handle situations with arbitrary low magnetic diffusivity and it is suitable for studying the formation of sharp current sheets during the evolution. The code is thoroughly tested in different limits and used to illustrate the evolution of the crustal magnetic field in a neutron star in some representative cases. Our code, coupled to cooling codes, can be used to perform long-term simulations of the magneto-thermal evolution of neutron stars.


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Abstract not available


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An electrolytic cell for Aluminium production contains molten metal and molten electrolyte, which are subject to high dc-currents and magnetic fields. Lorentz forces arising from the cross product of current and magnetic field may amplify natural gravity waves at the interface between the two fluids, leading to short circuits in extreme cases. The external magnetic field and current distribution in the production cell is computed through a detailed finite element analysis at Torino Polytechnic. The results are then used to compute the magnetohydrodynamic and thermal effects in the aluminium/electrolyte bath. Each cell has lateral dimensions of 6m x 2m, whilst the bath depth is only 30cm. the electrically resistive electrolyte path, which is critical in the operation of the cell, has layer depth of only a few centimetres below each carbon anode. Because the shallow dimensions of the liquid layer a finite-volume shallow-layer technique has been used at Greenwich to compute the resulting flow-field and interface perturbations. The information obtained from this method, i.e. depth averaged velocities and aluminium/electrolyte interface position is then embedded in the three-dimensional finite volume code PHYSICA and will be used to compute the heat transfer and phase change in the cell.


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We introduce and analyze a discontinuous Galerkin method for the numerical discretization of a stationary incompressible magnetohydrodynamics model problem. The fluid unknowns are discretized with inf-sup stable discontinuous P^3_{k}-P_{k-1} elements whereas the magnetic part of the equations is approximated by discontinuous P^3_{k}-P_{k+1} elements. We carry out a complete a-priori error analysis and prove that the energy norm error is convergent of order O(h^k) in the mesh size h. We also show that the method is able to correctly capture and resolve the strongest magnetic singularities in non-convex polyhedral domains. These results are verified in a series of numerical experiments.