972 resultados para magneto-optical Faraday effect
This work reports on the photophysical properties of zinc porphyrins meso-tetrakis methylpyridiniumyl (Zn2+TMPyP) and meso-tetrakis sulfonatophenyl (Zn2+TPPS) in homogeneous aqueous solutions and in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) micelles. The excited-state dynamic was investigated with the Z-scan technique, UV-Vis absorption, and fluorescence spectroscopy. Photophysical parameters were obtained by analyzing the experimental data with a conventional five-energy-level diagram. The interaction of the charged side porphyrin groups with oppositely charged surfactants can reduce the electrostatic repulsion between porphyrin molecules leading to aggregation, which affected the porphyrin characteristics such as absorption cross-sections, lifetimes and quantum yields. The interaction between anionic ZnTPPS with cationic CTAB micelles induced the formation of porphyrin J-aggregates, while this effect was not observed in the interaction of ZnTMPyP with SDS micelles. This difference is, probably, due to the difference in electrostatic repulsion between the porphyrin molecules. The insights obtained by these results are important for the understanding of the photophysical behavior of porphyrins, regarding potential applications in pharmacokinetics as encapsulation of photosensitizer for drug delivery systems and in its interaction with cellular membrane.
The resistance to photodegradation of poly [(2-methoxy-5-n-hexyloxy)-p-phenylene vinylene] (OC1OC6-PPV) films was significantly enhanced by the use of poly(vinyl alcohol) 99% hydrolyzed as protective coating. The deposition of poly(vinyl alcohol) onto OC1OC6-PPV films did not affect the absorption and the emission spectra of the luminescent polymer. The protected film showed 5% drop on the absorbance at 500nm after 270 hours of light exposure while the unprotected film completely degraded in the same conditions. The conductivity of the protected film remained stable (around 7 × 10-10 S/m) while the value for the unprotected one dropped around two orders of magnitude after 100 hours of light exposure.
X-linked retinoschisis (XLRS) is one of the most common causes of macular degeneration in young men. The purpose of this study was to use optical coherence tomography combined with ophthalmoscopy to study the effects of aging on the morphologic changes associated with XLRS.
Energy transfer between the interacting waves in a distributed Brillouin sensor can result in a distorted measurement of the local Brillouin gain spectrum, leading to systematic errors. It is demonstrated that this depletion effect can be precisely modelled. This has been validated by experimental tests in an excellent quantitative agreement. Strict guidelines can be enunciated from the model to make the impact of depletion negligible, for any type and any length of fiber. (C) 2013 Optical Society of America
Among the optical structures investigated for optical sensing purpose, a significant amount of research has been conducted on photonic crystal based sensors. A particular advantage of photonic crystal based sensors is that they show superior sensitivity for ultra-small volume sensing. In this study we investigate polarization changes in response to the changes in the cover index of magneto-optic active photonic band gap structures. One-dimensional photonic-band gap structures fabricated on iron garnet materials yield large polarization rotations at the band gap edges. The enhanced polarization effects serve as an excellent tool for chemical sensing showing high degree of sensitivity for photonic crystal cover refractive index changes. The one dimensional waveguide photonic crystals are fabricated on single-layer bismuth-substituted rare earth iron garnet films ((Bi, Y, Lu)3(Fe, Ga)5O12 ) grown by liquid phase epitaxy on gadolinium gallium garnet substrates. Band gaps have been observed where Bragg scattering conditions links forward-going fundamental waveguide modes to backscattered high-order waveguide modes. Large near-band-edge polarization rotations which increase progressively with backscattered-mode order have been experimentally demonstrated for multiple samples with different composition, film thickness and fabrication parameters. Experimental findings are supported by theoretical analysis of Bloch modes polarization states showing that large near stop-band edge rotations are induced by the magneto-photonic crystal. Theoretical and experimental analysis conducted on polarization rotation sensitivity to waveguide photonic crystal cover refractive index changes shows a monotonic enhancement of the rotation with cover index. The sensor is further developed for selective chemical sensing by employing Polypyrrole as the photonic crystal cover layer. Polypyrrole is one of the extensively studied conducting polymers for selective analyte detection. Successful detection of aqueous ammonia and methanol has been achieved with Polypyrrole deposited magneto-photonic crystals.
ZnCdO nanowires with up to 45% Cd are demonstrated showing room temperature photoluminescence (PL) down to 2.02 eV and a radiative efficiency similar to that of ZnO nanowires. Analysis of the microstructure in individual nanowires confirms the presence of a single wurtzite phase even at the highest Cd contents, with a homogeneous distribution of Cd both in the longitudinal and transverse directions. Thermal annealing at 550 °C yields an overall improvement of the PL, which is blue-shifted as a result of the homogeneous decrease of Cd throughout the nanowire, but the single wurtzite structure is fully maintained.
Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) and microlenses can be used to implement free space optical interconnects (FSOIs) which do not suffer from the bandwidth limitations inherent in metallic interconnects. A comprehensive link equation describing the effects of both optical and electrical noise is introduced. We have evaluated FSOI performance by examining the following metrics: the space-bandwidth product (SBP), describing the density of channels and aggregate bandwidth that can be achieved, and the carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR), which represents the relative strength of the carrier signal. The mode expansion method (MEM) was used to account for the primary cause of optical noise: laser beam diffraction. While the literature commonly assumes an ideal single-mode laser beam, we consider the experimentally determined multimodal structure of a VCSEL beam in our calculations. It was found that maximum achievable interconnect length and density for a given CNR was significantly reduced when the higher order transverse modes were present in Simulations. However, the Simulations demonstrate that free-space optical interconnects are still a suitable solution for the communications bottleneck, despite the adverse effects introduced by transverse modes.
Investigation of the Effect of Array Geometry on the Performance of Free-Space Optical Interconnects
The effect of transmitter and receiver array configurations on the stray-light and diffraction-caused crosstalk in free-space optical interconnects was investigated. The optical system simulation software (Code V) is used to simulate both the stray-light and diffraction-caused crosstalk. Experimentally measured, spectrally-resolved, near-field images of VCSEL higher order modes were used as extended sources in our simulation model. In addition, we have included the electrical and optical noise in our analysis to give more accurate overall performance of the FSOI system. Our results show that by changing the square lattice geometry to a hexagonal configuration, we obtain an overall signal-to-noise ratio improvement of 3 dB. Furthermore, system density is increased by up to 4 channels/mm2.
This thesis describes the investigation of the effects of ocular supplements with different levels of nutrients on the macular pigment optical density (MPOD) in participants with healthy eyes. Abstract A review of the literature highlighted that ocular supplements are produced in various combinations of nutrients and concentrations. The ideal concentrations of nutrients such as lutein (L) have not been established. It was unclear whether different stages of eye disease require different concentrations of key nutrients, leading to the design of this study. The primary aim was to determine the effects of ocular supplements with different concentrations of nutrients on the MPOD of healthy participants. The secondary aim was to determine L and zeaxanthin (Z) intake at the start and end of the study through completion of food diaries. The primary study was split into two experiments. Experiment 1 was an exploratory study to determine sample size and experiment 2 the main study. Statistical power was calculated and a sample size of 38 was specified. Block stratification for age, gender and smoking habit was applied and from 101 volunteers 42 completed the study, 31 with both sets of food diaries. Four confounders were accounted for in the design of the study; gender, smoking habit, age and diet. Further factors that could affect comparability of results between studies were identified during the study and were not monitored; ethnicity, gastro-intestinal health, alcohol intake, body mass index and genetics. Comparisons were made between the sample population and the Sheffield general population according to recent demographic results in the public domain. Food diaries were analysed and shown to have no statistical difference when comparing baseline to final results. The average L and Z intake for the 31 participants who returned both sets of food diaries was initially 1.96mg and 1.51mg for the final food diaries. The effect of the two ocular supplements with different levels of xanthophyll (6mg lutein/zeaxanthin and 10mg lutein only) on MPOD was not significantly different over a four-month period.
In this Letter, we theoretically and numerically analyze the performance of coherent optical transmission systems that deploy inline or transceiver based nonlinearity compensation techniques. For systems where signal-signal nonlinear interactions are fully compensated, we find that beyond the performance peak the signal-to-noise ratio degradation has a slope of 3 dBSNR/dBPower suggesting a quartic rather than quadratic dependence on signal power. This is directly related to the fact that signals in a given span will interact not only with linear amplified spontaneous emission noise, but also with the nonlinear four-wave mixing products generated from signal-noise interaction in previous (hitherto) uncompensated spans. The performance of optical systems employing different nonlinearity compensation schemes were numerically simulated and compared against analytical predictions, showing a good agreement within a 0.4 dB margin of error.
Here we study the impact of high optical power, within the C-band, on the reliability of modern single mode fibre. Our experiments show that modern fibre demonstrates >10 dB higher power handling performance beyond what has previously been reported.
In this paper, we use a model of hydrogenated amorphous silicon generated from molecular dynamics with density functional theory calculations to examine how the atomic geometry and the optical and mobility gaps are influenced by mild hydrogen oversaturation. The optical and mobility gaps show a volcano curve as the hydrogen content varies from undersaturation to mild oversaturation, with largest gaps obtained at the saturation hydrogen concentration. At the same time, mid-gap states associated with dangling bonds and strained Si-Si bonds disappear at saturation but reappear at mild oversaturation, which is consistent with the evolution of optical gap. The distribution of Si-Si bond distances provides the key to the change in electronic properties. In the undersaturation regime, the new electronic states in the gap arise from the presence of dangling bonds and strained Si-Si bonds, which are longer than the equilibrium Si-Si distance. Increasing hydrogen concentration up to saturation reduces the strained bonds and removes dangling bonds. In the case of mild oversaturation, the mid-gap states arise exclusively from an increase in the density of strained Si-Si bonds. Analysis of our structure shows that the extra hydrogen atoms form a bridge between neighbouring silicon atoms, thus increasing the Si-Si distance and increasing disorder in the sample.
With the aim of producing materials with enhanced optical and photocatalytic properties, titanate nanotubes (TNTs) modified by cobalt doping (Co-TNT) and by Na+ -> Co ion-exchange (TNT/Co) were successfully prepared by a hydrothermal method. The influence of the doping level and of the cobalt position in the TNT crystalline structure was studied. Although no perceptible influence of the cobalt ion position on the morphology of the prepared titanate nanotubes was observed, the optical behaviour of the cobalt modified samples is clearly dependent on the cobalt ions either substituting the Ti4+ ions in the TiO6 octahedra building blocks of the TNT structure (doped samples) or replacing the Na+ ions between the TiO6 interlayers (ion-exchange samples). The catalytic ability of these materials on pollutant photodegradation was investigated. First, the evaluation of hydroxyl radical formation using the terephthalic acid as a probe was performed. Afterwards, phenol, naphthol yellow S and brilliant green were used as model pollutants. Anticipating real world situations, photocatalytic experiments were performed using solutions combining these pollutants. The results show that the Co modified TNT materials (Co-TNT and TNT/Co) are good catalysts, the photocatalytic performance being dependent on the Co/Ti ratio and on the structural metal location. The Co(1%)-TNT doped sample was the best photocatalyst for all the degradation processes studied.
This dissertation presents detailed experimental and theoretical investigations of nonlinear and nonreciprocal effects in magnetic garnet films. The dissertation thus comprises two major sections. The first section concentrates on the study of a new class of nonlinear magneto-optic thin film materials possessing strong higher order magnetic susceptibility for nonlinear optical applications. The focus was on enlarging the nonlinear performance of ferrite garnet films by strain generation and compositional gradients in the sputter-deposition growth of these films. Under this project several bismuth-substituted yttrium iron garnet (Bi,Y) 3 (Fe,Ga)5 O12(acronym as Bi:YIG) films have been sputter-deposited over gadolinium gallium garnet (Gd 3 Ga5 O12 ) substrates and characterized for their nonlinear optical response. One of the important findings of this work is that lattice mismatch strain drives the second harmonic (SH) signal in the Bi:YIG films, in agreement with theoretical predictions; whereas micro-strain was found not to correlate significantly with SH signal at the micro-strain levels present in these films. This study also elaborates on the role of the film's constitutive elements and their concentration gradients in nonlinear response of the films. Ultrahigh sensitivity delivered by second harmonic generation provides a new exciting tool for studying magnetized surfaces and buried interfaces, making this work important from both a fundamental and application point of view. The second part of the dissertation addresses an important technological need; namely the development of an on-chip optical isolator for use in photonic integrated circuits. It is based on two related novel effects, nonreciprocal and unidirectional optical Bloch oscillations (BOs), recently proposed and developed by Professor Miguel Levy and myself. This dissertation work has established a comprehensive theoretical background for the implementation of these effects in magneto-optic waveguide arrays. The model systems we developed consist of photonic lattices in the form of one-dimensional waveguide arrays where an optical force is introduced into the array through geometrical design turning the beam sideways. Laterally displaced photons are periodically returned to a central guide by photonic crystal action. The effect leads to a novel oscillatory optical phenomenon that can be magnetically controlled and rendered unidirectional. An on-chip optical isolator was designed based on the unidirectionality of the magneto-opticBloch oscillatory motion. The proposed device delivers an isolation ratio as high as 36 dB that remains above 30 dB in a 0.7 nm wavelength bandwidth, at the telecommunication wavelength 1.55 μm. Slight modifications in isolator design allow one to achieve an even more impressive isolation ratio ~ 55 dB, but at the expense of smaller bandwidth. Moreover, the device allows multifunctionality, such as optical switching with a simultaneous isolation function, well suited for photonic integrated circuits.