988 resultados para magic angle spinning


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BACKGROUND Docetaxel is one of the most frequently used drugs to treat breast cancer. However, resistance or incomplete response to docetaxel is a major challenge. The aim of this study was to utilize MR metabolomics to identify potential biomarkers of docetaxel resistance in a mouse model for BRCA1-mutated breast cancer. METHODOLOGY High resolution magic angle spinning (HRMAS) (1)H MR spectroscopy was performed on tissue samples obtained from docetaxel-sensitive or -resistant BRCA1-mutated mammary tumors in mice. Measurements were performed on samples obtained before treatment and at 1-2, 3-5 and 6-7 days after a 25 mg/kg dose of docetaxel. The MR spectra were analyzed by multivariate analysis, followed by analysis of the signals of individual compounds by peak fitting and integration with normalization to the integral of the creatine signal and of all signals between 2.9 and 3.6 ppm. RESULTS The HRMAS spectra revealed significant metabolic differences between sensitive and resistant tissue samples. In particular choline metabolites were higher in resistant tumors by more than 50% with respect to creatine and by more than 30% with respect to all signals between 2.9 and 3.6 ppm. Shortly after treatment (1-2 days) the normalized choline metabolite levels were significantly increased by more than 30% in the sensitive group coinciding with the time of highest apoptotic activity induced by docetaxel. Thereafter, choline metabolites in these tumors returned towards pre-treatment levels. No change in choline compounds was observed in the resistant tumors over the whole time of investigation. CONCLUSIONS Relative tissue concentrations of choline compounds are higher in docetaxel resistant than in sensitive BRCA1-mutated mouse mammary tumors, but in the first days after docetaxel treatment only in the sensitive tumors an increase of these compounds is observed. Thus both pre- and post-treatment tissue levels of choline compounds have potential to predict response to docetaxel treatment.


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Arctic soils contain a large fraction of Earth's stored carbon. Temperature increases in the Arctic may enhance decomposition of this stored carbon, shifting the role of Arctic soils from a net sink to a new source of atmospheric CO2. Predicting the impact of Arctic warming on soil carbon reserves requires knowledge of the composition of the stored organic matter. Here, we employ solid state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared-photoacoustic spectroscopy (FTIR-PAS) to investigate the chemical composition of soil organic matter collected from drained thaw-lake basins ranging in age from 0 to 5500 years before present (y BP). The 13C NMR and FTIR-PAS data were largely congruent. Surface horizons contain relatively large amounts of O-alkyl carbon, suggesting that the soil organic matter is rich in labile constituents. Soil organic matter decreases with depth with the relative amounts of O-alkyl carbon decreasing and aromatic carbon increasing. These data indicate that lower horizons are in a more advanced stage of decomposition than upper horizons. Nonetheless, a substantial fraction of carbon in lower horizons, even for ancient thaw-lake basins (2000-5500 y BP), is present as O-alkyl carbon reflecting the preservation of intrinsically labile organic matter constituents. Climate change-induced increases in the depth of the soil active layer are expected to accelerate the depletion of this carbon.


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We report 13C magic angle spinning NMR observation of photochemically induced dynamic nuclear spin polarization (photo- CIDNP) in the reaction center (RC) of photosystem II (PS2). The light-enhanced NMR signals of the natural abundance 13C provide information on the electronic structure of the primary electron donor P680 (chlorophyll a molecules absorbing around 680 nm) and on the pz spin density pattern in its oxidized form, P680⨥. Most centerband signals can be attributed to a single chlorophyll a (Chl a) cofactor that has little interaction with other pigments. The chemical shift anisotropy of the most intense signals is characteristic for aromatic carbon atoms. The data reveal a pronounced asymmetry of the electronic spin density distribution within the P680⨥. PS2 shows only a single broad and intense emissive signal, which is assigned to both the C-10 and C-15 methine carbon atoms. The spin density appears shifted toward ring III. This shift is remarkable, because, for monomeric Chl a radical cations in solution, the region of highest spin density is around ring II. It leads to a first hypothesis as to how the planet can provide itself with the chemical potential to split water and generate an oxygen atmosphere using the Chl a macroaromatic cycle. A local electrostatic field close to ring III can polarize the electronic charge and associated spin density and increase the redox potential of P680 by stabilizing the highest occupied molecular orbital, without a major change of color. This field could be produced, e.g., by protonation of the keto group of ring V. Finally, the radical cation electronic structure in PS2 is different from that in the bacterial RC, which shows at least four emissive centerbands, indicating a symmetric spin density distribution over the entire bacteriochlorophyll macrocycle.


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The effect of a severe steaming treatment on the physicochemical properties and catalytic performance of H-SAPO-34 molecular sieves during the methanol-to-hydrocarbons (MTH) reaction has been investigated with a combination of scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM), catalytic testing, and bulk characterization techniques, including ammonia temperature programmed desorption and 27Al and 29Si magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance. For this purpose, two samples, namely a calcined and a steamed H-SAPO-34 catalyst powder, have been compared. It has been found that calcined H-SAPO-34 displays a high selectivity towards light olefins, yet shows a poor stability as compared to a zeolite H-ZSM-5 catalyst. Moreover, in situ STXM at the carbon K-edge during the MTH reaction allows construction of nanoscale chemical maps of the hydrocarbon species formed within the H-SAPO-34 aggregates as a function of reaction time and steam post-treatment. It was found that there is an initial preferential formation of coke precursor species within the core of the H-SAPO-34 aggregates. For longer times on stream the formation of the coke precursor species is extended to the outer regions, progressively filling the entire H-SAPO-34 catalyst particle. In contrast, the hydrothermally treated H-SAPO-34 showed similar reaction selectivity, but decreased activity and catalyst stability with respect to its calcined counterpart. These variations in MTH performance are related to a faster and more homogeneous formation of coke precursor species filling up the entire steamed H-SAPO-34 catalyst particle. Finally, the chemical imaging capabilities of the STXM method at the Al and Si K-edge are illustrated by visualizing the silicon islands at the nanoscale before and after steaming H-SAPO-34.


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Increased temperature and precipitation in Arctic regions have led to deeper thawing and structural instability in permafrost soil. The resulting localized disturbances, referred to as active layer detachments (ALDs), may transport organic matter (OM) to more biogeochemically active zones. To examine this further, solid state cross polarization magic angle spinning 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (CPMAS NMR) and biomarker analysis were used to evaluate potential shifts in riverine sediment OM composition due to nearby ALDs within the Cape Bounty Arctic Watershed Observatory, Nunavut, Canada. In sedimentary OM near ALDs, NMR analysis revealed signals indicative of unaltered plant-derived material, likely derived from permafrost. Long chain acyclic aliphatic lipids, steroids, cutin, suberin and lignin occurred in the sediments, consistent with a dominance of plant-derived compounds, some of which may have originated from permafrost-derived OM released by ALDs. OM degradation proxies for sediments near ALDs revealed less alteration in acyclic aliphatic lipids, while constituents such as steroids, cutin, suberin and lignin were found at a relatively advanced stage of degradation. Phospholipid fatty acid analysis indicated that microbial activity was higher near ALDs than downstream but microbial substrate limitation was prevalent within disturbed regions. Our study suggests that, as these systems recover from disturbance, ALDs likely provide permafrost-derived OM to sedimentary environments. This source of OM, which is enriched in labile OM, may alter biogeochemical patterns and enhance microbial respiration within these ecosystems.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-05


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A great deal of effort has been made at searching for alternative catalysts to replace conventional Lewis acid catalyst aluminum trichloride (AlCl3). In this paper, immobilization of AlCl3 on mesoporous MCM-41 silica with and without modification was carried out. The catalytic properties of the immobilized catalyst systems for liquid-phase isopropylation of naphthalene were studied and compared with those of H/MCM-41 and H/mordenite. The structures of the surface-immobilized aluminum chloride catalysts were studied and identified by using solid-state magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), nitrogen adsorption, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. The catalytic activity of the immobilized catalysts was found to be similar to that of acidic mordenite zeolite. A significant enhancement in the selectivity of 2,6-diisopropylnaphthalene (2,6-DIPN) was observed over the immobilized aluminum chloride catalysts. Immobilization of aluminum chloride on mesoporous silica coupled with surface silylation is a promising way of developing alternative catalyst system for liquid-phase Friedel-Crafts alkylation reactions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Well-mixed blends of poly(ethylene) and poly(styrene) have been synthesized using supercritical carbon dioxide as a solvent. The morphology of the blends has been conclusively characterized using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), Raman microprobe microscopy, and C-13 solid-state cross-polarization magic angle spinning NMR (C-13 CPMAS NMR). DSC measurements demonstrate that poly(styrene) in the blends resides solely in the amorphous regions of the poly(ethylene) matrix; however, corroborative evidence from the SAXS experiments shows that poly(styrene) resides within the interlamellar spaces. The existence of nanometer-sized domains of poly(styrene) was shown within a blend of poly(styrene) and poly(ethylene) when formed in supercritical carbon dioxide using Raman microprobe microscopy and C-13 CPMAS NMR spectroscopy coupled with a spin diffusion model. This contrasts with blends formed at ambient pressure in the absence of solvent, in which domains of poly(styrene) in the micrometer size range are formed. This apparent improved miscibility of the two components was attributed to better penetration of the monomer prior to polymerization and increased swelling of the polymer substrate by the supercritical carbon dioxide solvent.


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Information on decomposition of harvest residues may assist in the maintenance of soil fertility in second rotation (2R) hoop pine plantations (Araucaria cunninghamii Aiton ex A. Cunn.) of subtropical Australia. The experiment was undertaken to determine the dynamics of residue decomposition and fate of residue-derived N. We used N-15-labeled hoop pine foliage, branch, and stem material in microplots, over a 30-mo period following harvesting. We examined the decomposition of each component both singly and combined, and used C-13 cross-polarization and magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (C-13 CPMAS NMR) to chart C transformations in decomposing foliage. Residue-derived N-15 was immobilized in the 0- to 5-cm soil layer, with approximately 40% N-15 recovery in the soil from the combined residues by the end of the 30-mo period. Total recovery of N-15 in residues and soil varied between 60 and 80% for the combined-residue microplots, with 20 to 40% of the residue N-15 apparently lost. When residues were combined within microplots the rate of foliage decomposition decreased by 30% while the rate of branch and stem decomposition increased by 50 and 40% compared with rates for these components when decomposed separately. Residue decomposition studies should include a combined-residue treatment. Based on C-15 CPMAS NMR spectra for decomposing foliage, we obtained good correlations for methoxyl C, aryl C, carbohydrate C and phenolic C with residue mass, N-15 enrichment, and total N. The ratio of carbohydrate C to methoxyl C may be useful as an indicator of harvest residue decomposition in hoop pine plantations.


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The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectra of liquids contain a wealth of quantitative information that may be derived, for instance, from chemical shifts and spin-spin couplings. The available information depends on the incoherent rapid molecular motion that causes complicating effects present in the solid state to average to zero. Whereas liquid state NMR spectra show narrow lines, the corresponding NMR spectra from the solid state are normally composed of exceedingly broad resonance lines due to highly restricted molecular motion. It is, therefore, difficult to obtain directly as detailed information from the spectra of solids as from those derived from the liquid state. Studies on a new technique (SINNMR, the sonically induced narrowing of the NMR spectra of solids) to remove line broadening effects in the NMR spectra of the solid state are reported within this thesis. SINNMR involves narrowing the NMR absorptions from solid particles by irradiating them with ultrasound when they are suspended in a support liquid. It is proposed that ultrasound induces incoherent motion of the suspended particles, producing motional characteristics of the particles similar to those of rather large molecules. The first report of apparently successful experiments involving SINNMR[1] emphasised both the irreproducibility of the technique and the uncertainty regarding its true origin. If SINNMR can be made reproducible and the effect definitively attributed to the sonically induced incoherent motional averaging of particles, the technique could offer a simple alternative to the now classical magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR[2] and the recently reported dynamic angle spinning (DAS)[3] and double rotation (DOR)[4] techniques. Evidence is presented in this thesis to support the proposal that ultrasound may be used to narrow the NMR spectral resonances from solids by inducing incoherent motion of particles suspended in support liquids and, additionally, for some solids, by inducing rotational motion of molecular constituents in the lattices of solids. Successful SINNMR line narrowing using 20 kHz ultrasound is reported for a variety of samples: including trisodium orthophosphate, polytetrafluoroethylene and aluminium alloys. Investigations of SINNMR line narrowing in trisodium phosphate have revealed the relationship between ultrasonic power, particle size and support liquid density for the production of optimum SINNMR conditions. It is also proposed that the incoherent motion of particles induced by 20 kHz ultrasound can originate from interactions between acoustically induced cavitation microjets and particles.


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A typical liquid state NMR spectrum is composed of a number of discrete absorptions which can be readily interpreted to yield detailed information about the chemical environment of the nuclei found within the sample. The same cannot be said about the spectra of solid samples. For these the absorptions are typically broad, featureless and yield little information directly. This situation may be further exacerbated by the characteristically long T1 values of nuclei bound within a solid lattice which, consequently, require long inter-sequence delays that necessitate lengthy experiments. This work attempts to address both of these inherent problems. Classically, the resolution of the broad-line spectra of solids into discrete resonances has been achieved by imparting to the sample coherent rotation about specific axes in relation to the polarising magnetic field, as implemented in the magic-angle spinning (MAS) [1], dynamic angle spinning (DAS) [2] and double rotation (DOR) [3] NMR experiments. Recently, an alternative method, sonically induced narrowing of the NMR spectra of solids (SINNMR) [4], has been reported which yields the same well resolved solid-state spectra as the classic solid-state NMR experiments, but which achieves the resolution of the broad-line spectra through the promotion of incoherent motion in a suspension of solid particles. The first part of this work examines SINNMR and, in particular, concentrates on ultrasonically induced evaluation, a phenomenon which is thought to be essential to the incoherent averaging mechanism. The second part of this work extends the principle of incoherent motion, implicit in SINNMR, to a new genre of particulate systems, air fluidized beds, and examines the feasibility of such systems to provide well resolved solid state NMR spectra. Samples of trisodium phosphate dodecahydrate and of aluminium granules are examined using the new method with partially resolved spectra being reported in the case of the latter.


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SINNMR (Sonically Induced Narrowing of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectra of solids), is a novel technique that is being developed to enable the routine study of solids by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. SINNMR aims to narrow the broad resonances that are characteristic of solid state NMR by inducing rapid incoherent motion of solid particles suspended in a support medium, using high frequency ultrasound in the range 2-10 MHz. The width of the normal broad resonances from solids are due to incomplete averaging of several components of the total spin Hamiltonian caused by restrictions placed on molecular motion within a solid. At present Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) NMR is the classical solid state technique used to reduce line broadening, but: this has associated problems, not least of which is the appearance of many spinning side bands which confuse the spectra. It is hoped that SlNNMR will offer a simple alternative, particularly as it does not reveal spinning sidebands The fundamental question concerning whether the use of ultrasound within a cryo-magnet will cause quenching has been investigated with success, as even under the most extreme conditions of power, frequency and irradiator time, the magnet does not quench. The objective of this work is to design and construct a SINNMR probe for use in a super conducting cryo-magnet NMR spectrometer. A cell for such a probe has been constructed and incorporated into an adapted high resolution broadband probe. It has been proved that the cell is capable of causing cavitation, up to 10 MHz, by running a series of ultrasonic reactions within it and observing the reaction products. It was found that the ultrasound was causing the sample to be heated to unacceptable temperatures and this necessitated the incorporation of temperature stabilisation devices. Work has been performed on the investigation of the narrowing of the solid state 23Na spectrum of tri-sodium phosphate using high frequency ultrasound. Work has also been completed on the signal enhancement and T1 reduction of a liquid mixture and a pure compound using ultrasound. Some preliminary "bench" experiments have been completed on a novel ultrasonic device designed to help minimise sample heating. The concept involves passing the ultrasound through a temperature stabilised, liquid filled funnel that has a drum skin on the end that will enable the passage of ultrasound into the sample. Bench experiments have proved that acoustic attenuation is low and that cavitation in the liquid beyond the device is still possible.


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A study of clay chemistry has been approached with three aims: - to modify the conducting properties by intercalation of tetrathiafulvalene, - to study the electrochemistry of redox-active coordination compounds immobilised on clay coated electrodes, and - to study the role of clays as reagents in inorganic glass forming reactions using mainly solid-state magic-angle-spinning NMR. TTF was intercalated by smectites containing different interlayer and lattice cations. Evidence from ESR and 57Fe Mossbauer indicated charge-transfer from TTF to structural iron in natural montmorillonite, and to interlayer Cu2+ in Cu2+ exchanged laponite. No charge transfer was observed for laponite (Na+ form) itself. Ion exchange of TTF3(BF4)2 with laponite was found to proceed quantitatively. The intercalated species were believed to be (TTF)2+ dimers. Conductivity data showed an order of magnitude increase for the intercalated clays. The mechanism is thought to be ionic rather than CT as Na+ laponite showed a similar enhancement in conductivity. Mechanically robust colloidal clay films were prepared on platinum electrodes. After immersion in solutions containing redox active complexes [Co(bpy)3]3+ and [Cr(bpy)3]3+, the films became electroactive when a potential was applied. Cyclic voltammograms obtained for both complexes were found to be of the diffusion controlled type. For [Co(bpy)3]3+ immobilised on clay coated electrodes, a one-step oxidation and four-step reduction wave was observed corresponding to a one electron stepwise reversible reduction of Co(III), through Co(II), Co(I), Co(O) to Co(I) oxidation state. For [Cr(bpy)3]3+ the electrochemistry was complicated by the presence of additional waves corresponding to the dissociation of [Cr(bpy)3]3+ into the diaquo complex. ESR and diffuse reflectance data supported such a mechanism. 29Si, 27Al and 23Na MAS NMR spectroscopy, supported by powder XRD and FTIR, was used to probe the role of clays as reagents in glass forming reactions. 29Si MAS NMR was found to be a very sensitive technique for identifying the presence and relative abundance of crystalline and non-crystalline phases. In thermal reactions of laponite formation of new mineral phases such as forsterite, akermanite, sillimanite and diopside were detected. The relative abundance of each phase was dependent on thermal history, chemical nature and concentration of the modifier oxide present. In continuing work, the effect of selected oxides on the glass forming reactions of a model feldspar composition was investigated using solid state NMR alone. Addition of network modifying oxides generally produced less negative 29Si chemical shifts and larger linewidths corresponding to a wider distribution of Si-O-Si bond angles and lengths, and a dominant aluminosilicate phase with a less polymerised structure than the starting material. 29Si linewidths and 27Al chemical shifts were respectively correlated with cationic potential and Lewis acidity of the oxide cations. Anomalous Al(4) chemical shifts were thought to be due to precipitation of aluminate phases rather than a breakdown in Lowenstein's aluminium avoidance principle.


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Aluminium - lithium alloys are specialist alloys used exclusively by the aerospace industry. They have properties that are favourable to the production of modern military aircraft. The addition of approximately 2.5 percent lithium to aluminium increases the strength characteristics of the new alloys by 10 percent. The same addition has the added advantage of decreasing the density of the resulting alloy by a similar percentage. The disadvantages associated with this alloy are primarily price and castability. The addition of 2.5 weight percent lithium to aluminium results in a price increase of 100% explaining the aerospace exclusivity. The processability of the alloys is restricted to ingot casting and wrought treatment but for complex components precision casting is required. Casting the alloys into sand and investment moulds creates a metal - mould reaction, the consequences of which are intolerable in the production of military hardware. The primary object of this project was to investigate and characterise the reactions occurring between the newly poured metal and surface of the mould and to propose a method of counteracting the metal - mould reaction. The constituents of standard sand and investment moulds were pyrolised with lithium metal in order to simplify the complex in-mould reaction and the products were studied by the solid state techniques of powder X-Ray diffraction and magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The results of this study showed that the order of reaction was: Organic reagents> > Silicate reagents> Non silicate reagents Alphaset and Betaset were the two organic binders used to prepare the sand moulds throughout this project. Studies were carried out to characterise these resins in order to determine the factors involved in their reaction with lithium. Analysis revealed that during the curing process the phenolic hydroxide groups are not reacted out and that a redox reaction takes place between these hydroxides and the lithium in the molten alloys. Casting experiments carried out to assess the protection afforded by various hydroxide protecting agents showed that modern effective, protecting chemicals such as bis-trimethyl silyl acetamide and hexamethyldisilazane did not inhibit the metal - mould reaction to a sufficiently high standard and that tri-methylchlorosilane was consistently the best performer. Tri-methyl chlorosilane has a simple functionalizing mechanism compared to other hydroxide protecting reagents and this factor is responsible for its superior inhibiting qualities. Comparative studies of 6Li and 7Li N.M.R. spectra (M.A.S. and `off angle') establish that, for solid state (and even solution) analytical purposes 6Li is the preferred nucleus. 6Li M.A.S.N.M.R. spectra were obtained for thermally treated laponite clay. At temperatures below 800oC both dehydrated and rehydrated samples were considered. The data are consistent with mobility of lithium ions from the trioctahedral clay sites at 600oC. The superior resolution achievable in 6Li M.A.S.N.M.R. is demonstrated in the analysis of a microwave prepared lithium exchanged clay where 6Li spectroscopy revelaed two lithium sites in comparison to 7Li M.A.S.N.M.R. which gave only a single lithium resonance.