951 resultados para lung hyperinflation


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Primary lung tumors are rare in children, and mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) represents less than 10% of them. Additionally, MEC arising from bronchogenic cysts (BC) is particularly unusual. We describe the clinical and genetic findings on a MEC occurring within a previous location of a BC in an adolescent. This particular association has not been previously reported. The lesion revealed normal karyotype without the typical t(11;19)(q21;p13) translocation. Cyclin D1 overexpression (165-fold increase) was demonstrated by real-time PCR although FISH assessment showed normal hybridization at 11q13. Information on these unusual clinical presentations may present relevant insight on tumorigenesis of infrequent pediatric pulmonary tumors. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2011;56:311-313. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Neural maturation involves diverse interaction and signaling mechanisms that are essential to the development of the nervous system. However, little is known about the development of neurons in heterotopic brain tissue in the lung, a rare abnormality observed in malformed babies and fetuses. The aim of this study was to identify the neurons and to investigate their maturation in experimental brain tissue heterotopia during fetal and neonatal periods. The fetuses from 24 pregnant female Swiss mice were used to induce brain tissue heterotopia on the 15th gestational day. Briefly, the brain of one fetus of each dam was extracted, disaggregated, and injected into the right hemithorax of siblings. Six of these fetuses with pulmonary brain tissue implantation were collected on the 18th gestational day (group E18), and six others were collected on the 8th postnatal day (group P8). The brain of each fetus from dams not submitted to any experimental procedure was collected on the 18th gestational day (group CE18) and on the 8th postnatal day (group CP8) to serve as a control for neuronal quantitation and maturation. Immunohistochemical staining of NeuN was used to assess neuron quantity and maturation. The NeuN labeling index was greater in the postnatal period than in the fetal period for the experimental and control groups (138 > E18 and CP8 > CE18), although there were fewer neurons in experimental than in control groups (P8 < CP8 and El 8 < CE1 8) (P < 0.005). These results indicate that fetal neuroblasts/neurons not only survive a dramatic event such as mechanical disaggregation, in the same way as it happens in human cases, but also they retain their development in heterotopia, irrespective of local tissue influences.


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Integrins and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) are crucially involved in interaction, proliferation, migration, and survival of the cells. However, there is no report in the literature about beta 1 integrin and VEGF expression in heterotopic brain tissue. The aim of this study was to assess beta 1 integrin and VEGF expression in experimental brain tissue heterotopia in the lung during both fetal and neonatal periods. Twenty-four pregnant female Swiss mice were used to induce brain tissue heterotopia on the 15th gestational day. Briefly, the brain of one fetus of each dam was extracted, disaggregated, and injected into the right hemithorax of siblings. Six of these fetuses with pulmonary brain tissue implantation were collected on the 18th gestational day (group E18) and six other on the eighth postnatal day (group P8). Immunohistochemistry of the fetal trunks showed implantation of glial fibrillary acidic protein- and neuronal nuclei-positive heterotopic brain tissue, which were also positive for beta 1 integrin and VEGF in both groups E18 and P8. These results indicate that brain tissue heterotopia during fetal and postnatal period is able to complete integration with the lung tissue as well as to induce vascular proliferation which are the necessary steps for a successful implantation.


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Background: The most primitive leukemic precursor in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is thought to be the leukemic stem cell (LSC), which retains the properties of self-renewal and high proliferative capacity and quiescence of the hematopoietic stem cell. LSC seems to be immunophenotypically distinct and more resistant to chemotherapy than the more committed blasts. Considering that the multidrug resistance (MDR) constitutive expression may be a barrier to therapy in AML, we have investigated whether various MDR transporters were differentially expressed at the protein level by different leukemic subsets. Methods: The relative expression of the drug-efflux pumps P-gp, MRP, LRP, and BCRP was evaluated by mean fluorescence index (MFI) and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov analysis (D values) in five leukemic subpopulations: CD34(+)CD38(-)CD123(+) (LSCs), CD34(+)CD38(+)CD123(-), CD34(+)CD38(+)CD123(+), CD34(+)CD38(+)CD123(-), and CD34(-) mature cells in 26 bone marrow samples of CD34(+) AML cases. Results: The comparison between the two more immature subsets (LSC versus CD34(+)CD38(-)CD123(-) cells) revealed a higher P-gp, MRP, and LRP expression in LSCs. The comparative analysis between LSCs and subsets of intermediate maturation (CD34(+)CD38(+)) demonstrated the higher BCRP expression in the LSCs. In addition, P-gp expression was also significantly higher in the LSC compared to CD34(+)CD38(+)CD123(-) subpopulation. Finally, the comparative analysis between LSC and the most mature subset (CD34(-)) revealed higher MRP and LRP and lower P-gp expression in the LSCs. Conclusions: Considering the cellular heterogeneity of AML, the higher MDR transporters expression at the most immature, self-renewable, and quiescent LSC population reinforces that MDR is one of the mechanisms responsible for treatment failure. (C) 2008 Clinical Cytometry Society.


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Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and sustained inspiratory insufflations (SI) during acute lung injury (ALI) are suggested to improve oxygenation and respiratory mechanics. We aimed to investigate the hemodynamic effects of PEEP with and without alveolar recruiting maneuver in a mild ALI model induced by inhalation of hydrochloric acid. Thirty-two pigs were randomly allocated into four groups (Control-PEEP, Control-SI, ALI-PEEP and ALI-SI). ALI was induced by intratracheal instillation of hydrochloric acid. PEEP values were progressively increased and decreased from 5, 10, 15 and 20 cmH(2)O in all groups. Three SIs maneuvers of 30 cmH(2)O for 20 s were applied to the assignable groups between each PEEP level. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), global hemodynamics, oxygenation indexes and gastric tonometry were measured 5 min after the maneuvers had been concluded and at each established value of PEEP (5, 10, 15 and 20 cmH(2)O). The cardiac index, ejection fraction and end-diastolic volume of right ventricle were significantly (P < 0.001) decreased with PEEP in both Control and ALI groups. Left ventricle echocardiography showed a significant decrease in end-diastolic volume at 20 cmH(2)O of PEEP (P < 0.001). SIs did not exert any significant hemodynamic effects either early (after 5 min) or late (after 3 h). In a mild ALI model induced by inhalation of hydrochloric acid, significant hemodynamic impairment characterized by cardiac function deterioration occurred during PEEP increment, but SI, probably due to low applied values (30 cmH(2)O), did not exert further negative hemodynamic effects. PEEP should be used cautiously in ALI caused by acid gastric content inhalation.


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This study was undertaken to test whether the structural remodelling of pulmonary parenchyma can be sequentially altered in a model and method that demonstrate the progression of the disease and result in remodelling within the lungs that is typical of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Three groups of mice were studied: (i) animals that received 3-5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxytoluene (BHT) and were killed after 2 weeks (early BHT = 9); (ii) animals that received BHT and were killed after 4 weeks (late BHT = 11); (iii) animals that received corn oil solution (control = 10). The mice were placed in a ventilated Plexiglas chamber with a mixture of pure humidified oxygen and compressed air. Lung histological sections underwent haematoxylin-eosin, immunohistochemistry (epithelial, endothelial and immune cells) and specific staining (collagen/elastic fibres) methods for morphometric analysis. When compared with the control group, early BHT and late BHT groups showed significant decrease of type II pneumocytes, lower vascular density in both and higher endothelial activity. CD4 was increased in late BHT compared with early and control groups, while CD8, macrophage and neutrophil cells were more prominent only in early BHT. The collagenous fibre density were significantly higher only in late BHT, whereas elastic fibre content in late BHT was lower than that in control group. We conclude that the BHT experimental model is pathologically very similar to human usual interstitial pneumonia. This feature is important in the identification of animal models of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis that can accurately reflect the pathogenesis and progression of the human disease.


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Several cystic fibrosis (CF) mouse models demonstrate an increased susceptibility to Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infection, characterized by excessive inflammation and high rates of mortality. Here we developed a model of chronic P. aeruginosa lung disease in mice homozygous for the murine CF transmembrane conductance regulator G551D mutation that provides an excellent model for CF lung disease. After 3 days of infection with mucoid P. aeruginosa entrapped in agar beads, the G551D animals lost substantially more body weight than non-CF control animals and were less able to control the infection, harboring over 40-fold more bacteria in the lung. The airways of infected G551D animals contained altered concentrations of the inflammatory mediators tumor necrosis factor-alpha, KC/N51, and macrophage inflammatory protein-2 during the first 2 days of infection, suggesting that an ineffective inflammatory response is partly responsible for the clearance defect.


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The authors undertook this study to assess levels of cadmium exposure in the general population. Samples of lung, liver, and kidney were obtained from 61 cadavers (43 males, 18 females; 2-89 yr of age, mean age = 38.5 yr) who died from accidental causes and who were subject to postmortem examinations at the John Tonge Centre for Forensic Sciences, Queensland Health Scientific Services, Brisbane, Australia, in 1997 and 1998. Samples of bladder urine were also obtained from 22 cadavers. Tissue and urine samples were analyzed for cadmium, zinc, and copper with inductively coupled plasm (ICP) mass spectrometry. The overall mean values for cadmium in the lung, liver, and kidney cortex samples were 0.13, 0.95, and 15.45 mug/gm wet tissue weight. The average renal cadmium level in subjects with high lung-cadmium levels (n = 13) was 6 mug/gm wet tissue weight higher than that of similarly aged subjects who had medium lung-cadmium levels (n = 30). In females, the average level of cadmium in the liver was 74% greater than in males, and the average liver cadmium in females with high lung-cadmium levels was 100% higher than in males in the same age range who had the same high lung-cadmium levels. Renal cadmium accumulation tended to be greater in females than in males who were in the same age range and who had similar lung-cadmium levels, a result that suggested that there was a higher absorption rate of cadmium in females. The mean value for a urinary cadmium excretion of 2.30 mug/gm creatinine was found in a subset of samples that had a mean age of 39 yr and a renal cortex cadmium concentration of 18.6 mug/gm wet tissue weight. Urinary cadmium excretion rates were correlated more strongly with lung and kidney cadmium content than with age or liver cadmium levels. The results suggest that urinary cadmium excretion may be increased in smokers and could provide some estimate of body cadmium burdens in future Australian epidemiological studies.


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Three confirmed cases of acute iron tablet-induced necrosis due to a fulminant chemical burn injury to the tracheobronchial tree as a result of accidental inhalation and/or aspiration of iron tablets are described. Although histological confirmation has been relied upon for diagnosis, the distinctive bronchoscopic features may allow prompt recognition and treatment by bronchoscopists to prevent this potentially fatal condition.


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As survival of patients with CF increases,glucose intolerance and cystic fibrosisrelated diabetes (CFRD),ar e increasingly recognised common complications. CFRD may be preceded by a pre-diabetic state. Using markers identified as being associated with CFRD may improve targeted screening. Aim: To identify features consistently predicting CFRD in paediatric patients. Patients diagnosed with CFRD between January 1997–January 2002 were compared with age and sex matched controls. Clinical,micr obiological, and hospitalisation data was collected at time of CFRD diagnosis,and at six monthly intervals for 3 yr prior to diagnosis. Eight patients with CFRD were identified,mean age 13.7 yr (S.D. 3.49) at time of diagnosis. Control patients underwent OGTT to ensure normal glucose tolerance. Patients with CFRD had a lower FEV1 up to 12 months prior to diagnosis however, this was only significant at diagnosis. There was no difference in weight and height z scores between the 2 groups; however,the decrease in weight and height z scores in the CFRD group over 3 yr prior to diagnosis was significant. Mean number of days in hospital and admissions per patient significantly increased in the CFRD group,6 months prior to diagnosis. No other significant differences were observed between the 2 groups. Conclusions: This study has shown a difference in lung function,gr owth parameters and frequency of hospital admissions between patients with CFRD and controls. These differences may be utilised as tools for targeted screening in the paediatricyadolescent population. Further larger scale studies are required to improve guidelines for targeted screening in this population.


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Recently, regulating mechanisms of branching morphogenesis of fetal lung rat explants have been an essential tool for molecular research. The development of accurate and reliable segmentation techniques may be essential to improve research outcomes. This work presents an image processing method to measure the perimeter and area of lung branches on fetal rat explants. The algorithm starts by reducing the noise corrupting the image with a pre-processing stage. The outcome is input to a watershed operation that automatically segments the image into primitive regions. Then, an image pixel is selected within the lung explant epithelial, allowing a region growing between neighbouring watershed regions. This growing process is controlled by a statistical distribution of each region. When compared with manual segmentation, the results show the same tendency for lung development. High similarities were harder to obtain in the last two days of culture, due to the increased number of peripheral airway buds and complexity of lung architecture. However, using semiautomatic measurements, the standard deviation was lower and the results between independent researchers were more coherent


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Background: Regulating mechanisms of branching morphogenesis of fetal lung rat explants have been an essential tool for molecular research. This work presents a new methodology to accurately quantify the epithelial, outer contour and peripheral airway buds of lung explants during cellular development from microscopic images. Methods: The outer contour was defined using an adaptive and multi-scale threshold algorithm whose level was automatically calculated based on an entropy maximization criterion. The inner lung epithelial was defined by a clustering procedure that groups small image regions according to the minimum description length principle and local statistical properties. Finally, the number of peripheral buds were counted as the skeleton branched ends from a skeletonized image of the lung inner epithelial. Results: The time for lung branching morphometric analysis was reduced in 98% in contrast to the manual method. Best results were obtained in the first two days of cellular development, with lesser standard deviations. Non-significant differences were found between the automatic and manual results in all culture days. Conclusions: The proposed method introduces a series of advantages related to its intuitive use and accuracy, making the technique suitable to images with different lightning characteristics and allowing a reliable comparison between different researchers.