644 resultados para locational disadvantage


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The goal of this paper is to study the role of multi-product firms in the market provision of product variety. The analysis is conducted using the spokes model of non-localized competition proposed by Chen and Riordan (2007). Firstly, we show that multi-product firms are at a competitive disadvantage vis-a-vis single-product firms and can only emerge if economies of scope are sufficiently strong. Secondly, under duopoly product variety may be higher or lower with respect to both the first best and the monopolistically competitive equilibrium. However, within a relevant range of parameter values duopolists drastically restrict their product range in order to relax price competition, and as a result product variety is far below the efficient level.


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Informe de investigación realizado a partir de una estancia en el Équipe de Recherche en Syntaxe et Sémantique de la Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, Francia, entre julio y setiembre de 2006. En la actualidad existen diversos diccionarios de siglas en línea. Entre ellos sobresalen Acronym Finder, Abbreviations.com y Acronyma; todos ellos dedicados mayoritariamente a las siglas inglesas. Al igual que los diccionarios en papel, este tipo de diccionarios presenta problemas de desactualización por la gran cantidad de siglas que se crean a diario. Por ejemplo, en 2001, un estudio de Pustejovsky et al. mostraba que en los abstracts de Medline aparecían mensualmente cerca de 12.000 nuevas siglas. El mecanismo de actualización empleado por estos recursos es la remisión de nuevas siglas por parte de los usuarios. Sin embargo, esta técnica tiene la desventaja de que la edición de la información es muy lenta y costosa. Un ejemplo de ello es el caso de Abbreviations.com que en octubre de 2006 tenía alrededor de 100.000 siglas pendientes de edición e incorporación definitiva. Como solución a este tipo de problema, se plantea el diseño de sistemas de detección y extracción automática de siglas a partir de corpus. El proceso de detección comporta dos pasos; el primero, consiste en la identificación de las siglas dentro de un corpus y, el segundo, la desambiguación, es decir, la selección de la forma desarrollada apropiada de una sigla en un contexto dado. En la actualidad, los sistemas de detección de siglas emplean métodos basados en patrones, estadística, aprendizaje máquina, o combinaciones de ellos. En este estudio se analizan los principales sistemas de detección y desambiguación de siglas y los métodos que emplean. Cada uno se evalúa desde el punto de vista del rendimiento, medido en términos de precisión (porcentaje de siglas correctas con respecto al número total de siglas extraídas por el sistema) y exhaustividad (porcentaje de siglas correctas identificadas por el sistema con respecto al número total de siglas existente en el corpus). Como resultado, se presentan los criterios para el diseño de un futuro sistema de detección de siglas en español.


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Traumatic injuries resulting in peripheral nerve lesions often require a graft to bridge the gap. Although autologous nerve auto-graft is still the first-choice strategy in reconstructions, it has the severe disadvantage of the sacrifice of a functional nerve. Cell transplantation in a bioartificial conduit is an alternative strategy to create a favourable environment for nerve regeneration. We decided to test new fibrin nerve conduits seeded with various cell types (primary Schwann cells and adult stem cells differentiated to a Schwann cell-like phenotype) for repair of sciatic nerve injury. Two weeks after implantation, the conduits were removed and examined by immunohistochemistry for axonal regeneration (evaluated by PGP 9.5 expression) and Schwann cell presence (detected by S100 expression). The results show a significant increase in axonal regeneration in the group of fibrin seeded with Schwann cells compared with the empty fibrin conduit. Differentiated adipose-derived stem cells also enhanced regeneration distance in a similar manner to differentiated bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. These observations suggest that adipose-derived stem cells may provide an effective cell population, without the limitations of the donor-site morbidity associated with isolation of Schwann cells, and could be a clinically translatable route towards new methods to enhance peripheral nerve repair.


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Investigación realizada a partir de una estancia como profesor visitante en el Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Las soluciones acuosas de LiNO3 tienen una gran potencialidad para ser utilizadas como fluidos de trabajo en ciclos de absorción a altas temperaturas. La adición de otros nitratos y/o nitritos alcalinos mejora, entre otras propiedades, su solubilidad en H2O, el principal inconveniente de estas soluciones. La información bibliográfica sobre la solubilidad de estas es prácticamente inexistente, por eso, en este trabajo se ha realizado un estudio teórico-práctico de la solubilidad de algunos de estos sistemas.(...)


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BACKGROUND: Antiretroviral compounds have been predominantly studied in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) subtype B, but only ~10% of infections worldwide are caused by this subtype. The analysis of the impact of different HIV subtypes on treatment outcome is important. METHODS: The effect of HIV-1 subtype B and non-B on the time to virological failure while taking combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) was analyzed. Other studies that have addressed this question were limited by the strong correlation between subtype and ethnicity. Our analysis was restricted to white patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study who started cART between 1996 and 2009. Cox regression models were performed; adjusted for age, sex, transmission category, first cART, baseline CD4 cell counts, and HIV RNA levels; and stratified for previous mono/dual nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor treatment. RESULTS: Included in our study were 4729 patients infected with subtype B and 539 with non-B subtypes. The most prevalent non-B subtypes were CRF02_AG (23.8%), A (23.4%), C (12.8%), and CRF01_AE (12.6%). The incidence of virological failure was higher in patients with subtype B (4.3 failures/100 person-years; 95% confidence interval [CI], 4.0-4.5]) compared with non-B (1.8 failures/100 person-years; 95% CI, 1.4-2.4). Cox regression models confirmed that patients infected with non-B subtypes had a lower risk of virological failure than those infected with subtype B (univariable hazard ratio [HR], 0.39 [95% CI, .30-.52; P < .001]; multivariable HR, 0.68 [95% CI, .51-.91; P = .009]). In particular, subtypes A and CRF02_AG revealed improved outcomes (multivariable HR, 0.54 [95% CI, .29-.98] and 0.39 [95% CI, .19-.79], respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Improved virological outcomes among patients infected with non-B subtypes invalidate concerns that these individuals are at a disadvantage because drugs have been designed primarily for subtype B infections.


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1. Species distribution modelling is used increasingly in both applied and theoretical research to predict how species are distributed and to understand attributes of species' environmental requirements. In species distribution modelling, various statistical methods are used that combine species occurrence data with environmental spatial data layers to predict the suitability of any site for that species. While the number of data sharing initiatives involving species' occurrences in the scientific community has increased dramatically over the past few years, various data quality and methodological concerns related to using these data for species distribution modelling have not been addressed adequately. 2. We evaluated how uncertainty in georeferences and associated locational error in occurrences influence species distribution modelling using two treatments: (1) a control treatment where models were calibrated with original, accurate data and (2) an error treatment where data were first degraded spatially to simulate locational error. To incorporate error into the coordinates, we moved each coordinate with a random number drawn from the normal distribution with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of 5 km. We evaluated the influence of error on the performance of 10 commonly used distributional modelling techniques applied to 40 species in four distinct geographical regions. 3. Locational error in occurrences reduced model performance in three of these regions; relatively accurate predictions of species distributions were possible for most species, even with degraded occurrences. Two species distribution modelling techniques, boosted regression trees and maximum entropy, were the best performing models in the face of locational errors. The results obtained with boosted regression trees were only slightly degraded by errors in location, and the results obtained with the maximum entropy approach were not affected by such errors. 4. Synthesis and applications. To use the vast array of occurrence data that exists currently for research and management relating to the geographical ranges of species, modellers need to know the influence of locational error on model quality and whether some modelling techniques are particularly robust to error. We show that certain modelling techniques are particularly robust to a moderate level of locational error and that useful predictions of species distributions can be made even when occurrence data include some error.


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It has been shown that bilinguals are disadvantaged on some language production tasks when compared to monolinguals. The present study investigated the effects of bilingualism on lexical retrieval in single and multi-word utterances. To this purpose, we tested three groups of 35 participants each (Spanish monolinguals, highly proficient Spanish-Catalan and Catalan-Spanish bilinguals) in two sets of picture naming experiments. In the first one, participants were asked to name black-and-white object drawings by single words. In the second one, participants had to name colored pictures with determiner adjectival noun phrases (NP) like “the red car”. In both sets of experiments, bilinguals were slower than monolinguals, even when naming in their dominant language. We also examined the articulatory durations of both single word and NP productions for this bilingual disadvantage. Furthermore, response onset times and durations of all groups in both experiments were affected by lexical variables of the picture names. These results are consistent with previous studies (Ivanova & Costa, 2008, Gollan et al., 2005) showing a bilingual disadvantage in single word production and extend these findings to multiword-utterances and response durations. They also support the claim that articulatory processes are influenced by lexical variables.


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The preparation of a novel radioiodination reagent, the (aminooxy)acetyl derivative of (p-[125]-iodophenyl)ethylamine, is described. Conventional radioiodination of proteins involves the formation of iodotyrosine residues, but for in vivo applications such as thyroid or stomach immunoscintigraphy, the susceptibility of these residues to tissue dehalogenases constitutes a serious disadvantage. Using our new compound, which has a particularly nonreactive aromatic ring, we confirm and extend studies published by other workers indicating the much greater in vivo stability of iodophenyl compounds compared to the more conventional iodophenolic ones. In addition, the aminooxy group of our reagent gives a stable and specific linkage to aldehyde groups formed by periodate oxidation on the sugar moiety of antibody molecules. In vitro, favorable binding activity and high stability was obtained with a (([125I]iodoaryl)amino)oxy labeled monoclonal antibody directed against carcinoembryonic antigen. In vivo, using paired labeling experiments in nude mice bearing colon carcinoma xenografts, the (([125I]iodoaryl)amino)oxy-MAb (MAb = monoclonal antibody) was compared with the same MAb 131I-labeled by conventional chloramine-T method. Tumor 125I concentration of (arylamino)oxy MAb (measured as percent injected dose per gram) was significantly higher as compared to values obtained with a conventionally labeled 131I antibody. Additionally, thyroid uptake, an indicator of iodine release from the antibody, was up to 25 times lower after injection of 125I-MAb obtained by the new method as compared to the conventionally iodinated 131I-MAb.


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The aim of this paper is to analyse the colocation patterns of industries and firms. We study the spatial distribution of firms from different industries at a microgeographic level and from this identify the main reasons for this locational behaviour. The empirical application uses data from Mercantile Registers of Spanish firms (manufacturers and services). Inter-sectorial linkages are shown using self-organizing maps. Key words: clusters, microgeographic data, self-organizing maps, firm location JEL classification: R10, R12, R34


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Aquest treball de recerca tracta de la relació existent entre pedagogia, traducció, llengües estrangeres i intel•ligències múltiples. El debat sobre si la traducció és una eina útil a la classe de llengües estrangeres és un tema actual sobre el qual molts investigadors encara indaguen. Estudis recents, però, han demostrat que qualsevol tasca de traducció -en la qual s’hi poden incloure treballs amb les diferents habilitats- és profitosa si la considerem un mitjà, no una finalitat en ella mateixa. Evidentment, l’ús de la traducció dins l’aula és avantatjosa, però també hem de tenir presents certs desavantatges d’aquesta aplicació. Un possible desavantatge podria ser la creença que, al principi, molta gent té referent a l’equivalència, paraula per paraula, d’una llengua vers una altra. Però després de presentar vàries tasques de traducció als estudiants, aquests poden arribar a controlar, fins i tot, les traduccions inconscients i poden assolir un cert nivell de precisió i flexibilitat que val la pena mencionar. Però l’avantatge principal és que s’enfronten a una activitat molt estesa dins la societat actual que combina dues llengües, la llengua materna i la llengua objecte d’estudi, per exemple. De tot això en podem deduir que utilitzar la llengua materna a la classe no s’ha de considerar un crim, com fins ara, sinó una virtut, evidentment si és emprada correctament. En aquest treball de recerca s’hi pot trobar una síntesi tant de les principals teories d’adquisició i aprenentatge de llengües com de les teories de traducció. A la pregunta de si les teories, tant de traducció com de llengües estrangeres, s’haurien d’ensenyar implícita o explícitament, es pot inferir que segons el nivell d’estudis on estiguin els aprenents els convindrà aprendre les teories explícitament o les aprendran, de totes maneres, implícitament. Com que qualsevol grup d’estudiants és heterogeni -és a dir que cada individu té un ritme i un nivell d’aprenentatge concret i sobretot cadascú té diferents estils de percepció (visual, auditiu, gustatiu, olfactiu, de moviment) i per tant diferents intel•ligències-, els professors ho han de tenir en compte a l’hora de planificar qualsevol programa d’actuació vers els alumnes. Per tant, podem concloure que les tasques o projectes de traducció poden ajudar als alumnes a aprendre millor, més eficaçment i a aconseguir un aprenentatge més significatiu.


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BACKGROUND: The link between host MHC (major histocompatibility complex) genotype and malaria is largely based on correlative data with little or no experimental control of potential confounding factors. We used an experimental mouse model to test for main effects of MHC-haplotypes, MHC heterozygosity, and MHC x parasite clone interactions. We experimentally infected MHC-congenic mice (F2 segregants, homo- and heterozygotes, males and females) with one of two clones of Plasmodium chabaudi and recorded disease progression. RESULTS: We found that MHC haplotype and parasite clone each have a significant influence on the course of the disease, but there was no significant host genotype by parasite genotype interaction. We found no evidence for overdominance nor any other sort of heterozygote advantage or disadvantage. CONCLUSION: When tested under experimental conditions, variation in the MHC can significantly influence the course of malaria. However, MHC heterozygote advantage through overdominance or dominance of resistance cannot be assumed in the case of single-strain infections. Future studies might focus on the interaction between MHC heterozygosity and multiple-clone infections.


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BACKGROUND: Socioeconomic adversity in early life has been hypothesized to "program" a vulnerable phenotype with exaggerated inflammatory responses, so increasing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in adulthood. The aim of this study is to test this hypothesis by assessing the extent to which the association between lifecourse socioeconomic status and type 2 diabetes incidence is explained by chronic inflammation. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We use data from the British Whitehall II study, a prospective occupational cohort of adults established in 1985. The inflammatory markers C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 were measured repeatedly and type 2 diabetes incidence (new cases) was monitored over an 18-year follow-up (from 1991-1993 until 2007-2009). Our analytical sample consisted of 6,387 non-diabetic participants (1,818 women), of whom 731 (207 women) developed type 2 diabetes over the follow-up. Cumulative exposure to low socioeconomic status from childhood to middle age was associated with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes in adulthood (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.96, 95% confidence interval: 1.48-2.58 for low cumulative lifecourse socioeconomic score and HR = 1.55, 95% confidence interval: 1.26-1.91 for low-low socioeconomic trajectory). 25% of the excess risk associated with cumulative socioeconomic adversity across the lifecourse and 32% of the excess risk associated with low-low socioeconomic trajectory was attributable to chronically elevated inflammation (95% confidence intervals 16%-58%). CONCLUSIONS: In the present study, chronic inflammation explained a substantial part of the association between lifecourse socioeconomic disadvantage and type 2 diabetes. Further studies should be performed to confirm these findings in population-based samples, as the Whitehall II cohort is not representative of the general population, and to examine the extent to which social inequalities attributable to chronic inflammation are reversible. Please see later in the article for the Editors' Summary.


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This article analyzes empirically the main existing theories on income and population city growth: increasing returns to scale, locational fundamentals and random growth. To do this we implement a threshold nonlinearity test that extends standard linear growth regression models to a dataset on urban, climatological and macroeconomic variables on 1,175 U.S. cities. Our analysis reveals the existence of increasing returns when per-capita income levels are beyond $19; 264. Despite this, income growth is mostly explained by social and locational fundamentals. Population growth also exhibits two distinct equilibria determined by a threshold value of 116,300 inhabitants beyond which city population grows at a higher rate. Income and population growth do not go hand in hand, implying an optimal level of population beyond which income growth stagnates or deteriorates


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Predictive species distribution modelling (SDM) has become an essential tool in biodiversity conservation and management. The choice of grain size (resolution) of environmental layers used in modelling is one important factor that may affect predictions. We applied 10 distinct modelling techniques to presence-only data for 50 species in five different regions, to test whether: (1) a 10-fold coarsening of resolution affects predictive performance of SDMs, and (2) any observed effects are dependent on the type of region, modelling technique, or species considered. Results show that a 10 times change in grain size does not severely affect predictions from species distribution models. The overall trend is towards degradation of model performance, but improvement can also be observed. Changing grain size does not equally affect models across regions, techniques, and species types. The strongest effect is on regions and species types, with tree species in the data sets (regions) with highest locational accuracy being most affected. Changing grain size had little influence on the ranking of techniques: boosted regression trees remain best at both resolutions. The number of occurrences used for model training had an important effect, with larger sample sizes resulting in better models, which tended to be more sensitive to grain. Effect of grain change was only noticeable for models reaching sufficient performance and/or with initial data that have an intrinsic error smaller than the coarser grain size.


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Traveller Health A National Strategy 2002-2005 Travellers are a distinct minority group of Irish people. They differ from the general population in many respects including their life-style, their culture and their treatment by society. In the Ireland of today, the Traveller community continues to experience high levels of social exclusion and disadvantage â?" a situation which requires an urgent, planned response. Click here to download PDF 831kb