959 resultados para light microscopy


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The Rhodophyceae (red algae) are an established source of volatile halocarbons in the marine environment. Some species in the Bonnemaisoniaceae have been reported to contain large amounts of halogens in structures referred to as vesicle cells, suggesting involvement of these specialised cells in the production of halocarbons. We have investigated the role of vesicle cells in the accumulation and metabolism of bromide in an isolate of the red macroalga Asparagopsis (Falkenbergia stage), a species known to release bromocarbons. Studies of laboratory-cultivated alga, using light microscopy, revealed a requirement of bromide for both the maintenance and formation of vesicle cells. Incubation of the alga in culture media with bromide concentrations below 64 mg l-1 (the concentration of Br- in seawater) resulted in a decrease in the proportion of vesicle cells to pericentral cells. The abundance of vesicle cells was correlated with bromide concentration below this level. Induction of vesicle cell formation in cultures of Falkenbergia occurred at concentrations as low as 8 mg l-1, with the abundance of vesicle cells increasing with bromide concentration up to around 100 mg l-1. Further studies revealed a positive correlation between the abundance of vesicle cells and dibromomethane and bromoform production. Interestingly, however, whilst dibromomethane production was stimulated by the presence of bromide in the culture media, bromoform release remained unaffected suggesting that the two compounds are formed by different mechanisms.


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The introduction of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) has led to an inappropriate decrease in interest in male fertility. It is apparent that light microscopy provides limited information and molecular techniques show that DNA abnormalities need to be considered further. Abnormalities include not only Yq11 deletions but also DNA strand breaks. Increases in advanced glycation end-products in sperm from well controlled diabetics may provide a mechanism for this damage in non-diabetics. In addition, much publicity is given to decreased male fertility: this is NOT confirmed as technical variations and differences in study populations make it difficult to draw conclusions. The generation of stem cell derived germ cells provides hope for men without germ cells but this is currently only experimental.


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Reported mast-cell counts in endobronchial biopsies from asthmatic subjects are conflicting, with different methodologies often being used. This study compared three standard methods of counting mast cells in endobronchial biopsies from asthmatic and normal subjects. Endobronchial biopsies were obtained from atopic asthmatic subjects (n=17), atopic nonasthmatic subjects (n=6), and nonatopic nonasthmatic control subjects (n=5). After overnight fixation in Carnoy's fixative, mast cells were stained by the short and long toluidine blue methods and antitryptase immunohistochemistry and were counted by light microscopy. Method comparison was made according to Bland & Altman. The limits of agreement were unacceptable for each of the comparisons, suggesting that the methods are not interchangeable. Coefficients of repeatability were excellent, and not different for the individual techniques. These results suggest that some of the reported differences in mast-cell numbers in endobronchial biopsies in asthma may be due to the staining method used, making direct comparisons between studies invalid. Agreement on a standard method is required for counting mast cells in bronchial biopsies, and we recommend the immunohistochemical method, since fixation is less critical and the resultant tissue sections facilitate clear, accurate, and rapid counts.


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Diplozoidae monogeneans are fish-gill ectoparasites comprising 2 individuals fused in so-called permanent copula. This unique situation occurs when 2 larvae (diporpae) make contact on the host gill, such that their union triggers maturation into an individual adult worm. The present study examined paired stages of Eudiplozoon nipponicum microscopically to ascertain whether somatic fusion involves neural connectivity between these 2 heterogenic larvae. Neuronal pathways were demonstrated in whole-mount preparations of the worm, using indirect immunocytochemical techniques interfaced with confocal scanning laser microscopy for peptidergic and serotoninergic innervations and enzyme cytochemical methodology and light microscopy for cholinergic components. Elements of the central nervous systems of paired worms are connected by commissures the region of fusion so that the 2 systems are in structural continuity. Interindividual connections were most apparent between corresponding ventral nerve cords. All 3 classes of neuronal mediators were identified throughout both central and peripheral connections of the 2 nervous systems. The anatomical complexity and apparent plasticity of the diplozoon nervous system suggest that it has a pivotal role not only in motility, feeding, and reproductive behaviors but also in the events of larval pairing and somatic fusion.


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A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based method was developed for the specific and sensitive diagnosis of the microsporidian parasite Nosema bombi in bumble bees (Bombus spp.). Four primer pairs, amplifying ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene fragments, were tested on N. bombi and the related microsporidia Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae, both of which infect honey bees. Only primer pair Nbombi-SSU-Jf1/Jr1 could distinguish N. bombi (323 bp amplicon) from these other bee parasites. Primer pairs Nbombi-SSU-Jf1/Jr1 and ITS-f2/r2 were then tested for their sensitivity with N. bombi spore concentrations from 107 down to 10 spores diluted in 100 mu l of either (i) water or (ii) host bumble bee homogenate to simulate natural N. bombi infection (equivalent to the DNA from 10(6) spores down to 1 spore per PCR). Though the N. bombi-specific primer pair Nbombi-SSU-Jf1/Jr1 was relatively insensitive, as few as 10 spores per extract (equivalent to 1 spore per PCR) were detectable using the N. bombi-non-specific primer pair ITS-f2/r2, which amplifies a short fragment of similar to 120 bp. Testing 99 bumble bees for N. bombi infection by light microscopy versus PCR diagnosis with the highly sensitive primer pair ITS-f2/r2 showed the latter to b more accurate. PCR diagnosis of N. bombi using a combination of two primer pairs (Nbombi-SSU-Jf1/Jr1 and ITS-f2/r2) provides increased specificity, sensitivity, and detection of all developmental stages compared with light microscopy. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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PURPOSE. A spontaneously arising retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cell line (B6-RPE07) was cloned from a primary culture of mouse RPE cells and maintained in culture for more than 18 months. Morphologic and functional properties of this cell line have been characterized.

METHODS. The morphology of the B6-RPE07 cells was examined by phase-contrast light microscopy, electron microscopy, and confocal microscopy. Barrier properties were measured by the flux of fluorescence from the apical to the basolateral compartment of culture chambers. The abilities of the cells to bind/phagocytose photoreceptor outer segments (POS) were determined by confocal microscopy, electron microscopy, and flow cytometry. Cytokine/chemokine secretion was measured by cytometric bead array. The expression of visual cycle proteins was determined by RT-PCR and Western blotting.

RESULTS. In standard culture conditions, B6-RPE07 cells display cobblestone morphology. When cultured on three-dimensional (3D) collagen gel–coated membranes, B6-RPE07 cells exhibit a monolayer epithelial polarization with apical surface microvilli. Immunohistochemistry of B6-RPE07 cultures revealed a high expression of pan-cytokeratin. B6-RPE07 cells also expressed the retinal pigment epithelium-specific marker CRALBP, but not RPE65. Cell junction proteins ZO-1 and ß-catenin, but not claudin-1/3 or occludin-1, were observed in B6-RPE07 cells. B6-RPE07 cells are able to bind, phagocytose, and digest POS. Finally, B6-RPE07 cells produce high levels of IL-6 and CCL2.

CONCLUSIONS. This is the first report of a mouse RPE cell line with morphology, phenotype, and function similar to those of in vivo mouse RPE cells. This cell line will be a valuable resource for future RPE studies, in particular for in vivo gene modification and transplantation studies.


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The abnormal regulation of neutrophil apoptosis may contribute to the ineffective resolution of inflammation in chronic lung diseases. Multiple signalling pathways are implicated in regulating granulocyte apoptosis, in particular, NF?B (nuclear factor-kappa B) signalling which delays constitutive neutrophil apoptosis. Although some studies have suggested a dysregulation in the apoptosis of airway cells in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), no studies to date have directly investigated if NF?B is associated with apoptosis of airway neutrophils from COPD patients. The objectives of this study were to examine spontaneous neutrophil apoptosis in stable COPD subjects (n = 13), healthy smoking controls (n = 9) and non-smoking controls (n = 9) and to investigate whether the neutrophil apoptotic process in inflammatory conditions is associated with NF?B activation.

Analysis of apoptosis in induced sputum was carried out by 3 methods; light microscopy, Annexin V/Propidium iodide and the terminal transferase-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL) method. Activation of NF?B was assessed using a flow cytometric method and the phosphorylation state of I?Ba was carried out using the Bio-Rad Bio-Plex phosphoprotein I?Ba assay.

Flow cytometric analysis showed a significant reduction in the percentage of sputum neutrophils undergoing spontaneous apoptosis in healthy smokers and subjects with COPD compared to non-smokers (p < 0.001). Similar findings were demonstrated using the Tunel assay and in the morphological identification of apoptotic neutrophils. A significant increase was observed in the expression of both the p50 (p = 0.006) and p65 (p = 0.006) subunits of NF?B in neutrophils from COPD subjects compared to non-smokers.

These results demonstrate that apoptosis is reduced in the sputum of COPD subjects and in healthy control smokers and may be regulated by an associated activation of NF?B.


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Quantification of nanoparticles in biological systems (i.e., cells, tissues and organs) is becoming a vital part of nanotoxicological and nanomedical fields. Dose is a key parameter when assessing behavior and any potential risk of nanomaterials. Various techniques for nanoparticle quantification in cells and tissues already exist but will need further development in order to make measurements reliable, reproducible and intercomparable between different techniques. Microscopy allows detection and location of nanoparticles in cells and has been used extensively in recent years to characterize nanoparticles and their pathways in living systems. Besides microscopical techniques (light microscopy and electron microscopy mainly), analytical techniques such as mass spectrometry, an established technique in trace element analysis, have been used in nanoparticle research. Other techniques require 'labeled particles, fluorescently, radioactively or magnetically. However, these techniques lack spatial resolution and subcellular localization is not possible. To date, only electron microscopy offers the resolving power to determine accumulation of nanoparticles in cells due to its ability to image particles individually. So-called super-resolution light microscopy techniques are emerging to provide sufficient resolution on the light microscopy level to image or 'see particles as individual particles. Nevertheless, all microscopy techniques require statistically sound sampling strategies in order to provide quantitative results. Stereology is a well-known sampling technique in various areas and, in combination with electron microscopy, proves highly successful with regard to quantification of nanoparticle uptake by cells. © 2010 Future Medicine Ltd.


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The survival and growth of populations of the obligately anaerobic pathogenic bacterium Bacteroides fragilis enriched for large capsules (LCs), small capsules (SCs) or an electron-dense layer (EDL; non-capsulate by light microscopy) were examined in a mouse model of infection over a minimum period of 20 d. Chambers which allowed the influx of leukocytes, but not the efflux of bacteria, were implanted in the mouse peritoneal cavity. The LC and EDL populations consistently attained viable cell densities of the order of 10(8)-10(9) c.f.u. ml-1 within 24 h, whereas the SC population did not. However, after 3 d, all three bacterial populations maintained total viable numbers of 10(8)-10(9) c.f.u. ml-1 within the chambers. LC expression was selected against within 24 h in the model, the populations becoming non-capsulate by light microscopy, whereas in the SC population expression of the SC was retained by approximately 90% of the population. The EDL population remained non-capsulate by light microscopy throughout. Lymphocytes infiltrated the chambers to an equal extent for all three B. fragilis populations and at approximately 1000 times higher concentration than chambers which contained only quarter-strength Ringer's solution. The presence of neutrophils within the chambers did not cause a decrease in the total viable bacterial count. Each population elicited antibodies specific for outer-membrane proteins and polysaccharide, as detected by immunoblotting, which cross-reacted with the other populations. Differences were observed in the immunogenicity of the outer-membrane proteins within the three populations. Neutrophils were initially the predominant cell type in the chambers, but as the total leukocyte count increased with incubation time, neutrophils were outnumbered by other leukocytes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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The haemagglutinating and enzymic activities of the obligately anaerobic pathogenic bacterium Bacteroides fragilis were examined. Outer membrane vesicles are released from the surface of B. fragilis. They can be detected by electron microscopy in ultrathin sections and bacterial suspensions after negative staining. Electron microscopy and immunogold labelling with a MAb specific for surface polysaccharide of B. fragilis confirmed that the vesicles carried outer membrane associated epitopes. The haemagglutinating activity of whole cells from populations of B. fragilis strains NCTC9343, BE3 and LS66 enriched by Percoll density gradient centrifugation for a large capsule (LC), electron dense layer (EDL); non-capsulate by light microscopy) and outer membrane vesicles (OMV) which had been purified by centrifugation from EDL-enriched populations were compared using human and horse erythrocytes. The enzymic activity of OMV, LC- and EDL-enriched populations, as detected by the API ZYM kit, was compared for strains NCTC 9343 and BE3. Purified OMV from the strains examined exhibited both haemagglutinating and enzymatic activity. Haemagglutination by the EDL-enriched population was sensitive to treatment with sodium periodate. The LC-enriched population haemagglutinated only after ultrasonic removal of the capsule. This indicates that the LC masks a haemagglutinin. The results suggest a potential role for OMV in the virulence of B. fragilis.


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Bacteroides fragilis is a constituent of the normal resident microbiota of the human intestine and is the gram-negative obligately anaerobic bacterium most frequently isolated from clinical infection. Surface polysaccharides are implicated as potential virulence determinants. We present evidence of within strain immunochemical variation of surface polysaccharides in populations that are noncapsulate by light microscopy as determined by monoclonal antibody labelling. Expression of individual epitopes can be enriched from a population of an individual strain by use of immunomagnetic beads. Also, individual colonies in which either >94% or 94% of the bacteria carry a given epitope, there is no enrichment for other epitopes recognized by different polysaccharide-specific monoclonal antibodies. This intrastrain variation has important implications for the development of potential vaccines or immunodiagnostic tests.


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Aim: To evaluate the role of macrophages in the development of posterior capsule opacification (PCO). Methods: For this purpose, an extracapsular lens extraction was performed in 18 consecutive Sprague-Dawley rats. Animals were treated with liposomal clodronate (Cl MDP-lip-treated group, n = 10) or phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (control group, n = 8) 1 day preoperatively and on the first day postoperatively, and sacrificed 3 days postoperatively. Masked clinical, light microscopy and immunohistochemistry studies were conducted. The Fisher exact test and randomisation test were used to assess statistically differences between groups. Results: A statistically significant reduction in the number of macrophages (ED1+, ED7+, ED8+) was found in the Cl MDP-lip-treated group compared with the PBS-lip-treated group (p = 0.048, p = 0.004, p = 0.027, respectively). There were no statistically significant differences with regards to the presence/absence of central opacification (p = 0.29) and capsular wrinkling (p = 0.21) as detected clinically between groups. Similarly, a qualitative evaluation of the degree of PCO with regards to lens epithelial cell (LEC) proliferation, capsular wrinkling and Soemmerring ring formation showed no statistically significance between groups (p = 0.27, p = 0.061, p = 1.0, respectively). However, a statistically significant reduction in the number of lens epithelial cells (LEC) counted in the centre of the posterior capsule was found in the Cl MDP-lip- treated group (p = 0.009). Conclusion: Depletion of macrophages was accompanied by a reduction in LEC in the centre of the posterior capsule in rodents.


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PURPOSE. This study evaluated the effect of transforming growth factor (TGF)-ß2 and anti-TGF-ß2 antibody in a rodent model of posterior capsule opacification (PCO). METHODS. An extracapsular lens extraction (ECLE) was performed in 72 Sprague-Dawley rats. At the end of the procedure, 10 µL TGF-ß2 (TGF-ß2-treated group), fetal calf serum (FCS)/phosphate- buffered saline (PBS; FCS/PBS-treated control group), a human monoclonal TGF-ß2 antibody (anti-TGF-ß2-treated group), or a null control IgG4 antibody (null antibody-treated control group) was injected into the capsule. Animals were killed 3 and 14 days postoperatively. Eyes were evaluated clinically prior to euthanatization, then enucleated and processed for light microscopy and immunohistochemistry afterward. PCO was evaluated clinically and histopathologically. Student's t-test and ? were used to assess differences between groups. RESULTS. There were no statistically significant clinical or histopathological differences in degree of PCO between the TGF-ß2- and FCS/PBS-treated groups at 3 and 14 days after ECLE. Nor were there differences between the anti-TGF-ß2- and the null antibody-treated groups, with the exception of the histopathology score for capsule wrinkling 3 days after ECLE (P = 0.02). a-Smooth-muscle actin staining was observed in the lens capsular bag only in areas where there was close contact with the iris. CONCLUSIONS. No sustained effect of TGF-ß2 or anti-TGF-ß2 antibody on PCO was found in rodents at the dose and timing administered in this study. Iris cells may play a role in the process of epithelial mesenchymal transition linked to PCO. Copyright © Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.


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We studied the process of lens regeneration in the rat following an extracapsular lens extraction preserving the anterior lens capsule and anterior lens epithelium. We assessed clinically the clarity of the newly regenerated lens, evaluated changes in the lens electrical currents following surgery and during the regeneration process and correlated these changes with findings on light microscopy. Protein analysis of the regenerated lens was also undertaken. Experiments were performed in 41 Sprague-Dawley rats, sacrificed at 0, 2, 4 and 8 weeks postoperatively. Our results showed that complete lens regeneration occurred 8 weeks postoperatively only if the anterior epithelium was preserved and the lens capsule was closed surgically. Lens electrical currents, altered following surgery, recovered in parallel with the process of regeneration of the lens. The newly regenerated lens was optically clear and biochemical analysis revealed a pattern of protein expression resembling that observed during lens development. In conclusion, complete lens regeneration occurs in the rat and it is possible that lens electrical signals, together with other cues, may play an important role in this process. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd.


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Objective: To present a new model of posterior capsule opacification (PCO) in mice. Methods: An extracapsular lens extraction was performed in 28 consecutive mice. Animals were humanely killed 0 and 24 hours and 3 and 14 days after surgery. Eyes were enucleated and processed for light microscopy and immunohistochemistry. Results: In 20 animals (71%), the eye appeared well healed before death. In 8 animals (29%), postoperative complications were noted. All animals developed PCO 2 weeks after surgery. Immediately after extracapsular lens extraction, lens epithelial cells were present in the inner surface of the anterior capsule and at the lens bow. At 24 hours, lens epithelial cells started to migrate toward the center of the posterior capsule. At 3 days, multilayered lens epithelial cells throughout the lens capsule and capsular wrinkling were apparent. Lens fibers and Soemmerring ring formation were observed 14 days after surgery. CD45 and CD11b macrophages were found in greater numbers 24 hours and 3 days after surgery (CD45 , P = .04 and P <.001, respectively; and CD11b , P = .01 and P = .004, respectively). The number of CD45 cells remained statistically significantly higher (P = .04) 14 days after surgery. Conclusion: In mice, PCO occurs following extracapsular lens extraction and is associated with low-grade but significant macrophage response. Clinical Relevance: The use of genetically modified mice to evaluate the pathogenic mechanisms of PCO and search for new therapeutic modalities to prevent or treat PCO is now possible.