1000 resultados para lateral neck


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Background MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are known to play an important role in cancer development by post-transcriptionally affecting the expression of critical genes. The aims of this study were two-fold: (i) to develop a robust method to isolate miRNAs from small volumes of saliva and (ii) to develop a panel of saliva-based diagnostic biomarkers for the detection of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Methods Five differentially expressed miRNAs were selected from miScript™ miRNA microarray data generated using saliva from five HNSCC patients and five healthy controls. Their differential expression was subsequently confirmed by RT-qPCR using saliva samples from healthy controls (n = 56) and HNSCC patients (n = 56). These samples were divided into two different cohorts, i.e., a first confirmatory cohort (n = 21) and a second independent validation cohort (n = 35), to narrow down the miRNA diagnostic panel to three miRNAs: miR-9, miR-134 and miR-191. This diagnostic panel was independently validated using HNSCC miRNA expression data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), encompassing 334 tumours and 39 adjacent normal tissues. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was performed to assess the diagnostic capacity of the panel. Results On average 60 ng/μL miRNA was isolated from 200 μL of saliva. Overall a good correlation was observed between the microarray data and the RT-qPCR data. We found that miR-9 (P <0.0001), miR-134 (P <0.0001) and miR-191 (P <0.001) were differentially expressed between saliva from HNSCC patients and healthy controls, and that these miRNAs provided a good discriminative capacity with area under the curve (AUC) values of 0.85 (P <0.0001), 0.74 (P < 0.001) and 0.98 (P < 0.0001), respectively. In addition, we found that the salivary miRNA data showed a good correlation with the TCGA miRNA data, thereby providing an independent validation. Conclusions We show that we have developed a reliable method to isolate miRNAs from small volumes of saliva, and that the saliva-derived miRNAs miR-9, miR-134 and miR-191 may serve as novel biomarkers to reliably detect HNSCC. © 2014 International Society for Cellular Oncology.


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Pavlovian fear conditioning is an evolutionary conserved and extensively studied form of associative learning and memory. In mammals, the lateral amygdala (LA) is an essential locus for Pavlovian fear learning and memory. Despite significant progress unraveling the cellular mechanisms responsible for fear conditioning, very little is known about the anatomical organization of neurons encoding fear conditioning in the LA. One key question is how fear conditioning to different sensory stimuli is organized in LA neuronal ensembles. Here we show that Pavlovian fear conditioning, formed through either the auditory or visual sensory modality, activates a similar density of LA neurons expressing a learning-induced phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinase (p-ERK1/2). While the size of the neuron population specific to either memory was similar, the anatomical distribution differed. Several discrete sites in the LA contained a small but significant number of p-ERK1/2-expressing neurons specific to either sensory modality. The sites were anatomically localized to different levels of the longitudinal plane and were independent of both memory strength and the relative size of the activated neuronal population, suggesting some portion of the memory trace for auditory and visually cued fear conditioning is allocated differently in the LA. Presenting the visual stimulus by itself did not activate the same p-ERK1/2 neuron density or pattern, confirming the novelty of light alone cannot account for the specific pattern of activated neurons after visual fear conditioning. Together, these findings reveal an anatomical distribution of visual and auditory fear conditioning at the level of neuronal ensembles in the LA.


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Objective: Individuals with chronic whiplash-associated disorders (WADs) often note driving as a difficult task. This study’s aims were to (1) compare, while driving, neck motor performance, mental effort, and fatigue in individuals with chronic WAD against healthy controls and (2) investigate the relationships of these variables and neck pain to self-reported driving difficulty in the WAD group. Design: This study involved 14 participants in each group (WAD and control). Measures included self-reported driving difficulty and measures of neck pain intensity, overall fatigue, mental effort, and neck motor performance (head rotation and upper trapezius activity) while driving a simulator. Results: The WAD group had greater absolute path of head rotation in a simulated city area and used greater mental effort (P = 0.04), but there were no differences in other measures while driving compared with the controls (all P Q 0.05). Self-reported driving difficulty correlated moderately with neck pain intensity, fatigue level, and maximum velocity of head rotation while driving in the WAD group (all P G 0.05). Conclusions: Individuals with chronic WAD do not seem to have impaired neck motor performance while driving yet use greater mental effort. Neck pain, fatigue, and maximum head rotation velocity could be potential contributors to self-reported driving difficulty in this group.


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Numerical study has been performed in this study to investigate the turbulent convection heat transfer on a rectangular plate mounted over a flat surface. Thermal and fluid dynamic performances of extended surfaces having various types of lateral perforations with square, circular, triangular and hexagonal cross sections are investigated. RANS (Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes) based modified k–ω turbulence model is used to calculate the fluid flow and heat transfer parameters. Numerical results are compared with the results of previously published experimental data and obtained results are in reasonable agreement. Flow and heat transfer parameters are presented for Reynolds numbers from 2000 to 5000 based on the fin thickness.


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Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious medical condition effecting both military and civilian populations. While its etiology remains poorly understood it is characterized by high and prolonged levels of fear responding. One biological unknown is whether individuals expressing high or low conditioned fear memory encode the memory differently and if that difference underlies fear response. In this study we examined cellular mechanisms that underlie high and low conditioned fear behavior by using an advanced intercrossed mouse line (B6D2F1) selected for high and low Pavlovian fear response. A known requirement for consolidation of fear memory, phosphorylated mitogen activated protein kinase (p44/42 (ERK) MAPK (pMAPK)) in the lateral amygdala (LA) is a reliable marker of fear learning-related plasticity. In this study, we asked whether high and low conditioned fear behavior is associated with differential pMAPK expression in the LA and if so, is it due to an increase in neurons expressing pMAPK or increased pMAPK per neuron. To examine this, we quantified pMAPK-expressing neurons in the LA at baseline and following Pavlovian fear conditioning. Results indicate that high fear phenotype mice have more pMAPK-expressing neurons in the LA. This finding suggests that increased endogenous plasticity in the LA may be a component of higher conditioned fear responses and begins to explain at the cellular level how different fear responders encode fear memories. Understanding how high and low fear responders encode fear memory will help identify novel ways in which fear-related illness risk can be better predicted and treated.


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Background Definitive cisplatin-based is increasingly delivered as the treatment of choice for patients with head and neck cancer. Sensorineural hearing loss is a significant long term side effect of cisplatin-based chemoradiation and is associated with potential major quality of life issues for patients. Purpose The purpose of this manuscript was to review the mechanism behind sensorineural hearing loss in patients treated with cisplatin-based chemoradiation, including incidence, the contributions of radiotherapy and cisplatin to sensorineural hearing loss and the impact of the toxicity on patient quality of life. Methods Database searches were conducted through PubMed (National Centre for Biotechnology Information) and OvidSP Medline via the Queensland University of Technology Library website. General article searches were conducted through the online search engine Google Scholar. Articles were excluded if the full-text was unavailable, they were not in English or if they were published prior to 1990. Keywords included hearing loss, ototoxicity, cancer, quality of life, cisplatin and radiotherapy. Results/Discussion The total number of journal articles accessed was 290. Due to exclusion criteria, 129 articles were deemed appropriated for review. Findings indicated that sensorineural hearing loss is a significant, long term complication for patients treated with cisplatin-based chemoradiation. Current literature recognises the ototoxic effects of cisplatin and cranial irradiation as separate entities, however the impact of combined modality therapy on sensorineural hearing loss is seldom reported. Multiple risk factors for hearing loss are described, however there are contradictory opinions on incidence and severity and the exact radiation dose threshold responsible for inducing hearing loss in patients receiving combined modality therapy. Sensorineural hearing loss creates a subset of complexities for patients with head and neck cancer and that these patients face significant quality of life impairment. Conclusion The literature review identified that sensorineural hearing loss is a major quality of life issue for patients treated with cisplatin-based chemoradiation for head and neck cancer. Further investigation evaluating the contribution of cisplatin-based chemoradiation to sensorineural hearing loss and the subsequent effect on patient quality of life is warranted.


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Cancer rates have been increasing over the past 26 years, but earlier detection and increasingly more treatment options also mean more and more people are surviving cancer.


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How memory is organized within neural networks is a fundamental question in neuroscience. We used Pavlovian fear conditioning to study the discrete organization patterns of neurons activated in an associative memory paradigm. In Pavlovian fear conditioning a neutral stimulus, such as an auditory tone, is temporally paired with an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US), such as a foot shock...


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The lateral amygdala (LA) has been extensively implicated in the neurobiology of conditioned fear paradigms. Norepinepherine (NE), especially its beta receptors, has been implicated in consolidation, reconsolidation and extinction of fear memories, and has been proposed as a potential treatment for PTSD (Berlau and McGaugh, NLM, 2006; Debiec and LeDoux, N, 2005)...


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The dorsal lateral amygdala (LAd) is a vital nucleus for the formation of associations between aversive unconditioned stimuli (US) and neutral stimuli, such as auditory tones, which can become conditioned (CS) to the US through temporal pairing. Important aspects of CS-US associations are believed to occur within the LAd, however relatively little is known about the temporal behavior of local LAd networks. Information about the CS and US enters the LA via a rapid and direct thalamic input and a longer latency cortical path...


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Morphological and physiological characteristics of neurons located in the dorsolateral and two ventral subdivisions of the lateral amygdala (LA) have been compared in order to differentiate their roles in the formation and storage of fear memories (Alphs et al, SfN abs 623.1, 2003). Briefly, in these populations, significant differences are observed in input resistance, membrane time constant, firing frequency, dendritic tortuosity, numbers of primary dendrites, dendritic segments and dendritic nodes...