963 resultados para isômeros trans


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Tat activates transcription by interacting with Sp1, NF-kappaB, positive transcription elongation factor b, and trans-activator-responsive element (TAR). Tat and Sp1 play major roles in transcription by protein-protein interactions at human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 (HIV-1) long terminal repeat. Sp1 activates transcription by interacting with cyclin T1 in the absence of Tat. To disrupt the transcription activation by Tat and Sp1, we fused Sp1-inhibiting polypeptides, zinc finger polypeptide, and the TAR-binding mutant Tat (TatdMt) together. A designed or natural zinc finger and Tat mutant fusion was used to target the fusion to the key regulatory sites (GC box and TAR) on the long terminal repeat and nascent short transcripts to disrupt the molecular interaction that normally result in robust transcription. The designed zinc finger and TatdMt fusions were targeted to the TAR, and they potently repressed both transcription and replication of HIV-1. The Sp1-inhibiting POZ domain, TatdMt, and zinc fingers are key functional domains important in repression of transcription and replication. The designed artificial zinc fingers were targeted to the high affinity Sp1-binding site, and by being fused with TatdMt and POZ domain, they strongly block both Sp1-cyclin T1-dependent transcription and Tat-dependent transcription, even in the presence of excess expressed Tat.


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Patients with stenosed biologic pulmonary conduits require redo cardiac surgery to prevent severe right ventricular dysfunction. Following the latest trends, the trans-catheter pulmonary stent-valve implantation represents a new fascinating alternative carrying a lower operative risk, compared with the standard open-heart re-intervention. Traditionally, the pulmonary stent valve is positioned off pump, under fluoroscopic control, and requires angiographies. However, alternative tools not requiring contrast injections for the intra-operative cardiac imaging have to be also considered strongly. The usefulness of intravascular ultrasound for the positioning of aortic endoprosthesis has already been proven in previous reports and, following the same principle, we have started to routinely implant balloon-expandable stent valves (Edwards Sapien? THV) in stenosed pulmonary valve conduits using intravascular ultrasound for the stent-valve positioning without angiography. We describe the intra-operative intravascular imaging technique with technical details.


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Se presentan los resultados obtenidos en la determinación de ácidos grasos trans en una serie de muestras de tejidos subcutáneo y muscular, procedentes de canales de cerdo, mediante cromatografía en fase gaseosa. Ambos tipos de grasas presentan valores similares y relativamente bajos, con un valor medio del 0.6% de 018:1 t. Se detecta una marcada influencia de la alimentación, puesta de manifiesto por las diferencias significativas obtenidas para los contenidos de C18:1 trans, en función del origen de las muestras. Igualmente, se recogen las correlaciones obtenidas entre los contenidos de C18:1 t. y los de ácidos grasos saturados, monoinsaturados y poliinsaturados, así como con el contenido graso intramuscular.


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RJ 2.2.5 is a human B cell line that has lost the capacity to express MHC class II genes. The human class II-positive phenotype is restored in somatic cell hybrids between RJ 2.2.5 and mouse spleen cells. By karyotype and molecular studies of an informative family of hybrids we have now shown that the reexpression of human class II gene products, as well as the maintenance of the mouse class II-positive phenotype, correlates with the presence of mouse chromosome 16. Thus, the existence on this mouse chromosome of a newly found locus, designated by us aIr-1, that determines a trans-acting activator function for class II gene expression, is established. Possible implications of this finding are discussed.


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The Ly49A NK cell receptor interacts with MHC class I (MHC-I) molecules on target cells and negatively regulates NK cell-mediated target cell lysis. We have recently shown that the MHC-I ligand-binding capacity of the Ly49A NK cell receptor is controlled by the NK cells' own MHC-I. To see whether this property was unique to Ly49A, we have investigated the binding of soluble MHC-I multimers to the Ly49 family receptors expressed in MHC-I-deficient and -sufficient C57BL/6 mice. In this study, we confirm the binding of classical MHC-I to the inhibitory Ly49A, C and I receptors, and demonstrate that detectable MHC-I binding to MHC-I-deficient NK cells is exclusively mediated by these three receptors. We did not detect significant multimer binding to stably transfected or NK cell-expressed Ly49D, E, F, G, and H receptors. Yet, we identified the more distantly related Ly49B and Ly49Q, which are not expressed by NK cells, as two novel MHC-I receptors in mice. Furthermore, we show using MHC-I-sufficient mice that the NK cells' own MHC-I significantly masks the Ly49A and Ly49C, but not the Ly49I receptor. Nevertheless, Ly49I was partly masked on transfected tumor cells, suggesting that the structure of Ly49I is compatible in principal with cis binding of MHC-I. Finally, masking of Ly49Q by cis MHC-I was minor, whereas masking of Ly49B was not detected. These data significantly extend the MHC-I specificity of Ly49 family receptors and show that the accessibility of most, but not all, MHC-I-binding Ly49 receptors is modulated by the expression of MHC-I in cis.


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BACKGROUND: Since the introduction of the endoscopic endonasal approaches in the field of skull base surgery during the last two decades, several variants of the sella turcica endoscopic surgery have been described. The aim of this study is to provide a stepwise description of one of these variants in a minimally invasive/maximally efficient perspective. METHOD: For the majority of our sella turcica pathologies, we have progressively adopted a uninostril endoscopic approach that is very conservative towards the nasal mucosa with a very limited mucosal incision, resection of the vomer and allowing an almost ad integrum sellar floor reconstruction, without compromising the efficacy and completeness of both surgical oncologic and endocrine targets. CONCLUSION: The uninostril trans-sphenoidal endoscopic endonasal approach to sella turcica is tailored to ally maximal efficiency and minimal invasiveness.


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Beta-oxidation of the conjugated linoleic acid 9-cis,11-trans-octadecadienoic acid (rumenic acid) was analyzed in vivo in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by monitoring polyhydroxyalkanoate production in the peroxisome. Polyhydroxyalkanoate is synthesized by the polymerization of the beta-oxidation intermediates 3-hydroxyacyl-CoAs via a bacterial polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase targeted to the peroxisome. The amount of polyhydroxyalkanaote synthesized from the degradation of rumenic acid was found to be similar to the amount synthesized from the degradation of 10-trans,12-cis-octadecadienoic acid, oleic acid or 10-cis-heptadecenoic acid. Furthermore, the degradation of 10-cis-heptadecenoic acid was found to be unaffected by the presence of rumenic acid in the media. Efficient degradation of rumenic acid was found to be independent of the Delta(3,5),Delta(2,4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase but instead relied on the presence of Delta(3),Delta(2)-enoyl-CoA isomerase activity. The presence of the unsaturated monomer 3-hydroxydodecenoic acid in polyhydroxyalkanoate derived from rumenic acid degradation was found to be dependent on the presence of a Delta(3),Delta(2)-enoyl-CoA isomerase activity. Together, these data indicate that rumenic acid is mainly degraded in vivo in S. cerevisiae through a pathway requiring only the participation of the auxiliary enzymes Delta(3),Delta(2)-enoyl-CoA isomerase, along with the enzyme of the core beta-oxidation cycle.


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Families of clonally expressed major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-specific receptors provide specificity to and regulate the function of natural killer (NK) cells. One of these receptors, mouse Ly49A, is expressed by 20% of NK cells and inhibits the killing of H-2D(d) but not D(b)-expressing target cells. Here, we show that the trans-acting factor TCF-1 binds to two sites in the Ly49A promoter and regulates its activity. Moreover, we find that TCF-1 determines the size of the Ly49A NK cell subset in vivo in a dosage-dependent manner. We propose that clonal Ly49A acquisition during NK cell development is regulated by TCF-1.


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Beta-oxidation of the conjugated linoleic acid 9-cis,11-trans-octadecadienoic acid (rumenic acid) was analyzed in vivo in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by monitoring polyhydroxyalkanoate production in the peroxisome. Polyhydroxyalkanoate is synthesized by the polymerization of the beta-oxidation intermediates 3-hydroxyacyl-CoAs via a bacterial polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase targeted to the peroxisome. The amount of polyhydroxyalkanaote synthesized from the degradation of rumenic acid was found to be similar to the amount synthesized from the degradation of 10-trans,12-cis-octadecadienoic acid, oleic acid or 10-cis-heptadecenoic acid. Furthermore, the degradation of 10-cis-heptadecenoic acid was found to be unaffected by the presence of rumenic acid in the media. Efficient degradation of rumenic acid was found to be independent of the Delta(3,5),Delta(2,4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase but instead relied on the presence of Delta(3),Delta(2)-enoyl-CoA isomerase activity. The presence of the unsaturated monomer 3-hydroxydodecenoic acid in polyhydroxyalkanoate derived from rumenic acid degradation was found to be dependent on the presence of a Delta(3),Delta(2)-enoyl-CoA isomerase activity. Together, these data indicate that rumenic acid is mainly degraded in vivo in S. cerevisiae through a pathway requiring only the participation of the auxiliary enzymes Delta(3),Delta(2)-enoyl-CoA isomerase, along with the enzyme of the core beta-oxidation cycle.


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Arabidopsis thaliana PHO1 is primarily expressed in the root vascular cylinder and is involved in the transfer of inorganic phosphate (Pi) from roots to shoots. To analyze the role of PHO1 in transport of Pi, we have generated transgenic plants expressing PHO1 in ectopic A. thaliana tissues using an estradiol-inducible promoter. Leaves treated with estradiol showed strong PHO1 expression, leading to detectable accumulation of PHO1 protein. Estradiol-mediated induction of PHO1 in leaves from soil-grown plants, in leaves and roots of plants grown in liquid culture, or in leaf mesophyll protoplasts, was all accompanied by the specific release of Pi to the extracellular medium as early as 2-3 h after addition of estradiol. Net Pi export triggered by PHO1 induction was enhanced by high extracellular Pi and weakly inhibited by the proton-ionophore carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone. Expression of a PHO1-GFP construct complementing the pho1 mutant revealed GFP expression in punctate structures in the pericycle cells but no fluorescence at the plasma membrane. When expressed in onion epidermal cells or in tobacco mesophyll cells, PHO1-GFP was associated with similar punctate structures that co-localized with the Golgi/trans-Golgi network and uncharacterized vesicles. However, PHO1-GFP could be partially relocated to the plasma membrane in leaves infiltrated with a high-phosphate solution. Together, these results show that PHO1 can trigger Pi export in ectopic plant cells, strongly indicating that PHO1 is itself a Pi exporter. Interestingly, PHO1-mediated Pi export was associated with its localization to the Golgi and trans-Golgi networks, revealing a role for these organelles in Pi transport.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de elicitores abióticos na biossíntese de resveratrol e na indução de resistência à podridão póscolheita de maçãs 'Gala' e 'Fuji'. Foram realizados os tratamentos: radiação ultravioleta, fosfito e acibenzolar-Smetil - aplicados antes do armazenamento - e ozônio - aplicado intermitente durante o armazenamento. As condições de armazenamento foram: 'Gala', 1,5 kPa de O2 e 2,5 kPa de CO2, a 0,5±0,1ºC, por oito meses, e 'Fuji', 1,0 kPa de O2 e <0,5 kPa de CO2, a 0,5±0,1ºC, por sete meses. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, com oito repetições de 25 frutos. Na casca dos frutos, determinou-se: trans-resveratrol, polifenóis totais, antocianinas totais e diâmetro de lesão, após inoculação de Penicillium sp. no ferimento. Analisou-se na polpa: firmeza de polpa, acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis totais, açúcares redutores e nãoredutores. Os elicitores não alteram a concentração de polifenóis totais e antocianinas, com exceção do acibenzolar-Smetil que reduz o conteúdo de antocianinas na maçã 'Gala'. Os elicitores induzem, na 'Fuji', mas não na maçã 'Gala', a síntese de trans-resveratrol na seqüência: acibenzolar-Smetil> fosfito> irradiação UV-C> ozônio. Na maçã 'Gala', o fosfito reduz a ocorrência de podridão, porém, em ambas as cultivares, não há correlação entre síntese de trans-resveratrol e controle de podridão.


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The Pseudomonas aeruginosa antimetabolite L-2-amino-4-methoxy-trans-3-butenoic acid (AMB) shares biological activities with 4-formylaminooxyvinylglycine, a related molecule produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens WH6. We found that culture filtrates of a P.aeruginosa strain overproducing AMB weakly interfered with seed germination of the grassy weed Poa annua and strongly inhibited growth of Erwinia amylovora, the causal agent of the devastating orchard crop disease known as fire blight. AMB was active against a 4-formylaminooxyvinylglycine-resistant isolate of E.amylovora, suggesting that the molecular targets of the two oxyvinylglycines in Erwinia do not, or not entirely, overlap. The AMB biosynthesis and transport genes were shown to be organized in two separate transcriptional units, ambA and ambBCDE, which were successfully expressed from IPTG-inducible tac promoters in the heterologous host P.fluorescens CHA0. Engineered AMB production enabled this model biocontrol strain to become inhibitory against E.amylovora and to weakly interfere with the germination of several graminaceous seeds. We conclude that AMB production requires no additional genes besides ambABCDE and we speculate that their expression in marketed fire blight biocontrol strains could potentially contribute to disease control.