254 resultados para invite
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Contiene: Juguetes: la delicia de esos locos bajitos; Días para jugar; La literatura infantil: una oportunidad a la fantasía; Las lecturas favoritas de los más pequeños
Resumen basado en el de la publicación. Incluye anexos
La mayor parte de las comunidades urbanas y rurales donde funciona el Programa Escuelas Lectoras no tiene ni siente la necesidad de leer ni de escribir. Para la gran mayoría, la expectativa de escribir es aprender a firmar. En este contexto, en el que a la lectura y la escritura no se le da valor ni importancia, la enseñanza formal de la escuela juega un rol fundamental. Es la escuela la que deberá elegir una propuesta teórico-metodológica que haga de la lectura y escritura actividades significativas y con sentido. Es decir, una acción pedagógica que amplíe las expectativas de uso de la lectura y de la escritura; que vaya más allá de la firma o de la elaboración de los deberes; que invite a los estudiantes a descubrir por qué y para qué se lee y escribe en su comunidad y en el mundo; que los seduzca para que se transformen en usuarios de esas prácticas a nivel cotidiano. Los niños y las niñas de los sectores “no lectores” no cuentan sino con la escuela para acceder a esta nueva cultura. Los docentes de estas escuelas son los encargados de que los estudiantes descubran la lectura y escritura como instrumentos de conocimiento, de producción de ideas y como herramientas de participación social. Son los encargados de guiarles en el diseño de su propio proyecto lector y escritor. Es decir, los docentes son los responsables de introducir a los estudiantes en una nueva cultura: en la cultura escrita. En este Encuentro se trabaja sobre estos asuntos y la forma en que la lectura y escritura pueden ser ejes de la calidad educativa.
Different systems, different purposes – but how do they compare as learning environments? We undertook a survey of students at the University, asking whether they learned from their use of the systems, whether they made contact with other students through them, and how often they used them. Although it was a small scale survey, the results are quite enlightening and quite surprising. Blackboard is populated with learning material, has all the students on a module signed up to it, a safe environment (in terms of Acceptable Use and some degree of staff monitoring) and provides privacy within the learning group (plus lecturer and relevant support staff). Facebook, on the other hand, has no learning material, only some of the students using the system, and on the face of it, it has the opportunity for slips in privacy and potential bullying because the Acceptable Use policy is more lax than an institutional one, and breaches must be dealt with on an exception basis, when reported. So why do more students find people on their courses through Facebook than Blackboard? And why are up to 50% of students reporting that they have learned from using Facebook? Interviews indicate that students in subjects which use seminars are using Facebook to facilitate working groups – they can set up private groups which give them privacy to discuss ideas in an environment which perceived as safer than Blackboard can provide. No staff interference, unless they choose to invite them in, and the opportunity to select who in the class can engage. The other striking finding is the difference in use between the genders. Males are using blackboard more frequently than females, whilst the reverse is true for Facebook. Interviews suggest that this may have something to do with needing to access lecture notes… Overall, though, it appears that there is little relationship between the time spent engaging with Blackboard and reports that students have learned from it. Because Blackboard is our central repository for notes, any contact is likely to result in some learning. Facebook, however, shows a clear relationship between frequency of use and perception of learning – and our students post frequently to Facebook. Whilst much of this is probably trivia and social chit chat, the educational elements of it are, de facto, contructivist in nature. Further questions need to be answered - Is the reason the students learn from Facebook because they are creating content which others will see and comment on? Is it because they can engage in a dialogue, without the risk of interruption by others?
There are over 700 species of fig trees in the tropics and several thousand species of fig wasps are associated with their syconia (inflorescences). These wasps comprise a monophyletic family of fig pollinators and several diverse lineages of non-pollinating wasps. The pollinator larvae gall fig flowers, while larvae of non-pollinating species either initiate their own galls or parasitise the galls of other wasps. A single fig species has 1-4 pollinator species and also hosts up to 30 non-pollinating wasp species. Most wasps show a high degree of host plant specificity and are known from only a single fig species. However, in some cases wasps may be shared across closely related fig species. There is impressive morphological coevolution between figs and fig wasps and this, combined with a high degree of partner specificity, led to the expectation that figs and pollinators have cospeciated extensively. Comparison of deep phylogenies supports long-term codivergence of figs and pollinators, but also suggests that some host shifts have occurred. Phylogenies of more closely related species do not match perfectly and may even be incongruent, suggesting significant roles for processes other than strict cospeciation. Combined with recent evidence on host specificity patterns, this suggests that pollinator wasps may often speciate by host shifts between closely related figs, or by duplication (the wasp speciates but the fig doesn't). The frequencies and biological details of these different modes of speciation invite further study. Far less is known about speciation in non-pollinating fig wasps. Some lineages have probably coevolved with figs and pollinators for most of the evolutionary history of the symbiosis, while others appear to be more recent colonisers. Many species appear to be highly host plant specific, but those that lay eggs through the fig wall without entering the syconium (the majority of species) may be subject to fewer constraints on host-shifting than pollinators. There is evidence for substantial host shifting in at least one gens, but also evidence for ecological speciation on the same host plant by niche shifts in other cases. Finally, recent work has begun to address the issue of “community phylogeny” and provided evidence for long-term co-divergence of multiple pollinating and non-pollinating wasp lineages with their host figs.
This paper analyses the kind of reader constructed in the Lives and the response expected of that reader. It begins by attempting a typology of moralising in the Lives. Plutarch does sometimes make general 'gnomic' statements about right and wrong, and occasionally passes explicit judgement on a subject's behaviour. In addition, the language with which Plutarch describes character is inherently moralistic; and even when he does not pass explicit judgment, Plutarch can rely on a common set of notions about what makes behaviour virtuous or vicious. However, the application of any moral lessons is left to the reader's own judgement. Furthermore, Plutarch's use of multiple focalisations means that the reader is sometimes presented with varying ways of looking at the same individual or the same historical situation. In addition, many incidents or anecdotes are marked by 'multivalence': that is, they resist reduction to a single moral message or lesson. In such cases, the reader is encouraged to exercise his or her own critical faculties. Indeed, the prologues which precede many pairs of Lives and the synkriseis which follow them sometimes explicitly invite the reader's participation in the work of judging. The syncritic structure of the Parallel Lives also invites the reader's participation, as do the varying perspectives provided by a corpus of overlapping Lives. In fact, the presence of a critical, engaged reader is presupposed by the agonistic nature of much of Greek literature, and of several texts in the Moralia which stage opposing viewpoints or arguments. Plutarch himself argues for such a reader in his How the young man should listen to poems.
This paper probes the public dimensions of the work of the twentieth-century Scottish poet W. S. Graham. It draws upon the public contacts and contexts that Graham's lyrics structure and reconfigure, in texts that have appeared to critics to demonstrate the poet's textual aloneness, his intellectual and geographical banishment. Repeatedly addressing his St Ives community of artists and writers, lovers and companions, Graham's work sets up strategic routes through a succession of publicly-minded verbal engagements. Refusing to allow one passively to listen in to the poet's isolation, the lyrics invite, rebuff, tease, avoid, dally with, and proposition audiences and interlocutors. Graham's poetry speaks from within and without tradition, location and heritage, subtly attuning readers to the politics of its handling of national allegiance, identity, class and patronage.
Market failure can be corrected using different regulatory approaches ranging from high to low intervention. Recently, classic regulations have been criticized as costly and economically irrational and thus policy makers are giving more consideration to soft regulatory techniques such as information remedies. However, despite the plethora of food information conveyed by different media there appears to be a lack of studies exploring how consumers evaluate this information and how trust towards publishers influence their choices for food information. In order to fill such a gap, this study investigates questions related to topics which are more relevant to consumers, who should disseminate trustful food information, and how communication should be conveyed and segmented. Primary data were collected both through qualitative (in depth interviews and focus groups) and quantitative research (web and mail surveys). Attitudes, willingness to pay for food information and trust towards public and private sources conveying information through a new food magazine were assessed using both multivariate statistical methods and econometric analysis. The study shows that consumer attitudes towards food information topics can be summarized along three cognitive-affective dimensions: the agro-food system, enjoyment and wellness. Information related to health risks caused by nutritional disorders and food safety issues caused by bacteria and chemical substances is the most important for about 90% of respondents. Food information related to regulations and traditions is also considered important for more than two thirds of respondents, while information about food production and processing techniques, life style and food fads are considered less important by the majority of respondents. Trust towards food information disseminated by public bodies is higher than that observed for private bodies. This behavior directly affects willingness to pay (WTP) for food information provided by public and private publishers when markets are shocked by a food safety incident. WTP for consumer association (€ 1.80) and the European Food Safety Authority (€ 1.30) are higher than WTP for the independent and food industry publishers which cluster around zero euro. Furthermore, trust towards the type of publisher also plays a key role in food information market segmentation together with socio-demographic and economic variables such as gender, age, presence of children and income. These findings invite policy makers to reflect on the possibility of using information remedies conveyed using trusted sources of information to specific segments of consumers as an interesting soft alternative to the classic way of regulating modern food markets.
Um dos produtos mais consumidos do mundo vem passando por grandes transformações, e a cerveja que conhecemos como tipo Pilsen (Light Lager) deixou de ser opção única nas prateleiras. Dado o potencial de crescimento do setor no Brasil, o objetivo deste trabalho é mapear as preferências do consumidor de cerveja artesanal, usando técnicas de preferência declarada, a partir da aplicação de questionários que convidam o entrevistado a elencar suas preferências diante das combinações dos atributos Cor, Paladar, Aroma e Álcool. A partir da estratificação da amostra em Idade e Experiência, os resultados indicam que Paladar, seguido da Cor e, por último, o Aroma são os atributos mais relevantes para o entrevistado Experiente, enquanto o Não Experiente atribui maior peso à Cor, seguida do Paladar, sendo o Aroma um atributo irrelevante em suas escolhas. O atributo Álcool revelou-se insignificante em todas as estratificações realizadas.
Cette recherche vise à réfléchir sur la culture vers le point de vue de l'art. À partir de la pensée d'Antonin Artaud (1896-1948), qui nos invite à penser la culture tel comme une ramification de la vie. Le théâtre, la scène pour ses nombreuses créations, il se déplace dans l'espace, une fois qu'Artaud vas essayer de vivre leurs expériences scéniques a partir de son propre théâtre, le Théâtre de la Cruauté, avec des actions vecue, en nient alors la représentation. Ainsi Artaud a fait de votre existence une oeuvre d'art, il transporte à sa propre vie l'esthétique de la cruauté, tel comme il l'a compris. Cette étude présente le concept de la cruauté artaudienne, l'attachant à la culture, donnant lieu a ce qu'on appelle la Culture de la Cruauté
Cette étude essaie d offrir des contributions pour la construction de connaissance concernant à la corporeité et dans l espace virtuel. À travers des processus interactifs elle propose la construction la production de nouvelles possibilités/stratégies pour la production de connaissance, en adoptant une pratique éducative spécifique: apprendre dans l éducation à distance (EAD). L apprentissage est le centre de ce travail, les acteurs les élèves sont sujets de l action et de la transformation selon la penseé de Paulo Freire et Corpo-vivido dans sa totalité, selon Marleau Ponty. Ce dialogue vif et révecu fait un parcours méthodologique à partir des interlocutions de Pierre-Lévy (1993,1996). On a réalisé une trajectoire pour se représenter, renvoyer, dialoguer et mettre en perspective, en ayant comme point de départ les attributs communicatifs et imagés des matériels d étude utilisés par l EAD, les changements socioculturels provoqués par des possibles dépassements paradigmatiques manifestés dans la société informations et de la communication, et les présuppositions théoriques qui sont ancréesdans les formulations des stratégies et/ou de propositions méthodologiques et comme élément intervenant dans le processus de construction de la connaissance à distance: le sujet de la corporeité. L espace empirique de la recherche est donné à l intérieur du cours TV na Escola e os desafios de hoje , et presenté dans la période de 2000 à 2004 dans l État du Pará. Le texte a été divisé à quatre chapitres. Le premier moment du texte parle de la métaphore de la Fleur et de l organisation du travail. Le deuxième moment systématise ce qui a été projeté pour donner une vision du travail dans l ensemble. Le troisième moment apporte des mots et des concrétisations qui deviennent réelles dans le Desvelando o corpo e o diálogo: a Flor da aprendizagem percebida , en reflétant sur la corporéification du mot s en allant à la rencontre et à la participation d'un apprentissage de dialogue. Et finalement le quatrième moment où nous parcourons la culture de la potentialité de la modalité de l'enseignement à distance, faisant le portrait en arrière plan de l'étude tout en mettant en évidence l'étude du phénomène dans le cours "TV na escola e os desafios de hoje" les paroles des sujets et leur interlocutions. A Flor numa totalidade englobe dans une totalité les moments qui le précedent et invite tous les autres moments à d autres révélations
Most knowledge and techniques developed by mankind since ancient times had the main purpose to study and understand the various phenomena of Nature. Science, like one of these narratives, works as a translation, transcribing what, is systematically observed. Within the set of transformations on the modern sciences, the dialogue with related areas became quite narrow and, occasionally, functional, and the dialogue with non-related areas, in turn, does not takes place by any matters. The focus of this research is the teaching of Biological Sciences, and the undergraduate courses as strategic places to disseminate a broad understanding of Nature, that broadens the conceptual relations between different disciplinary axes, previously fragmented. In order to do so, I take a four-way metaphorical approach as a methodological construction base. Three of them proposed by Joël de Rosnay, represented by artifacts: The Telescope, The Microscope and the Macroscope. And finally, a proposition that complements the approach, that i named The Naked Eye. In Telescope, which allows a more general construct of a phenomenon, I discuss the teaching of Biological Sciences in Brazil. In the microscope, which allows us to analyze in detail a scenario, I construct a rank of the major courses in biological sciences and propose a discussion on the understanding of nature on the undergraduate programs. In Macroscope, who allows, at the same time, zoom in and out to the phenomenon observed, I call for a transdisciplinary dialogue, based on the authors Ilya Prigogine, Basarab Nicolescu, Henri Atlan and Bruno Latour, which can certainly contribute to the curriculum of the Biologists training programs, that builds knowledge pertinent to a complex observation of Nature. I complete the set of the quaternary reading and understanding of the world from the Naked Eye, as the first strategy of perception in our species. For this, I invite the philosopher of Nature Chico Lucas da Silva as my interlocutor
In this research, we invite to reflection by a phenomenological gaze on the body, through the description of some works of contemporary Brazilian dance company Grupo Corpo. This Company was chosen intentionally to give us elements in their creations to interrogate the understanding of the body and sensitive. Thus, as we launch issues in this dissertation: that body dance in Grupo Corpo? And as we can see, a phenomenological approach, an understanding of the body and sensitive works in that company? Building on this, the works are to be questioned Benguelê (1998/2003), Lecuona (2004) and Onqotô (2005). It is intended, through these works, coreological approaching the discourse of philosophical discourse and give movement to phenomenological thought of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, in special the sensitive, flesh of the body, the investment in the sensory world as a merger, calling the know body and its power to take chances, to incorporate the world, language, culture, create and choose. Thus, these openings is where thought enters this research. This consistency, we used the phenomenological attitude of Maurice Merleau-Ponty as a methodological approach, since in their study the philosopher takes a look expressive on the body, forming a sensitive language that is expressed in the movements, which deepens the arguments of the Phenomenology a new arrangement for knowledge as a result of our experience in the lived world. The reflections presented here aim to take us to the amazement, the unthinking, whom many still impose epistemological challenges, including understanding the body of knowledge and sensitive
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC