865 resultados para intervention programs
The causes and contexts of food insecurity among children in the U.S. are poorly understood because the prevalence of food insecurity at the child level is low compared to the prevalence of household food insecurity. In addition, caregivers may be reluctant to admit their children may not be getting enough food due to shame or fear they might lose custody of their children. Based on our ongoing qualitative research with mothers of young children, we suggest that food security among children is related to adverse childhood experiences of caregivers. This translates into poor mental and physical health in adolescence and adulthood, which can lead to inability to secure and maintain meaningful employment that pays a living wage. In this paper we propose that researchers shift the framework for understanding food insecurity in the United States to adopt a life course approach. This demands we pay greater attention to the lifelong consequences of exposure to trauma or toxic stress—exposure to violence, rape, abuse and neglect, and housing, food, and other forms of deprivation—during childhood. We then describe three case studies of women from our ongoing study to describe a variety of toxic stress exposures and how they have an impact on a woman’s earning potential, her mental health, and attitudes toward raising children. Each woman describes her exposure to violence and deprivation as a child and adolescent, describes experiences with child hunger, and explains how her experiences have shaped her ability to nourish her children. We describe ways in which we can shift the nature of research investigations on food insecurity, and provide recommendations for policy-oriented solutions regarding income support programs, early intervention programs, child and adult mental health services, and violence prevention programs.
Evidence-based decisions on indicated prevention in early psychosis require large-scale studies on the pathways to care in high-risk subjects. EPOS (The European Prediction of Psychosis Study), a prospective multi-center, naturalistic field study in four European countries (Finland, Germany, The Netherlands and England), was designed to acquire accurate knowledge about pathways to care and delay in obtaining specialized high risk care. Our high risk sample (n=233) reported on average 2.9 help-seeking contacts, with an average delay between onset of relevant problems to initial help-seeking contact of 72.6 weeks, and between initial help-seeking contact and reaching specialized high risk care of 110.9 weeks. This resulted in a total estimated duration of an unrecognized risk for psychosis of 3 ½ years. Across EPOS EU regions, about 90% of care pathway contacts were within professional health care sectors. Between EPOS regions, differences in the pathways parameters including early detection and health-care systems were often very pronounced. High-risk participants who later made transition to a full psychotic disorder had significantly longer delays between initial help-seeking and receiving appropriate interventions. Our study underlines the need for regionally adapted implementation of early detection and intervention programs within respective mental health and health care networks, including enhancing public awareness of early psychosis.
Prevention of psychoses has been intensively investigated within the past two decades, and particularly, prediction has been much advanced. Depending on the applied risk indicators, current criteria are associated with average, yet significantly heterogeneous transition rates of ≥30 % within 3 years, further increasing with longer follow-up periods. Risk stratification offers a promising approach to advance current prediction as it can help to reduce heterogeneity of transition rates and to identify subgroups with specific needs and response patterns, enabling a targeted intervention. It may also be suitable to improve risk enrichment. Current results suggest the future implementation of multi-step risk algorithms combining sensitive risk detection by cognitive basic symptoms (COGDIS) and ultra-high-risk (UHR) criteria with additional individual risk estimation by a prognostic index that relies on further predictors such as additional clinical indicators, functional impairment, neurocognitive deficits, and EEG and structural MRI abnormalities, but also considers resilience factors. Simply combining COGDIS and UHR criteria in a second step of risk stratification produced already a 4-year hazard rate of 0.66. With regard to prevention, two recent meta-analyses demonstrated that preventive measures enable a reduction in 12-month transition rates by 54-56 % with most favorable numbers needed to treat of 9-10. Unfortunately, psychosocial functioning, another important target of preventive efforts, did not improve. However, these results are based on a relatively small number of trials; and more methodologically sound studies and a stronger consideration of individual profiles of clinical needs by modular intervention programs are required
The purpose of this dissertation was to explore and describe the factors that influence the safer sex choices of African-American college women. The pandemic of HIV and the prevalence of other sexually transmitted diseases has disproportionately affected African-American females. As young women enter college they are faced with a myriad of choices. Unprotected sexual exploration is one choice that can lead to deadly consequences. This dissertation explores, through in-depth interviews, the factors associated with the decision to practice or not practice safe sex. ^ The first study describes the factors associated with increased sexual risk taking among African-American college women. Sexual risk taking or sex without a condom was found to be more likely when issues of self or partner pleasure were raised. Participants were also likely to have sexual intercourse without a condom if they desired a long term relationship with their partner. ^ The second study examined safe sex decision making processes among a group of African-American college women. Women were found to employ both emotional and philosophical strategies to determine their safe sex behavior. These strategies range from assessing a partner's physical capabilities and appearance to length of the dating relationship. ^ The third study explores the association between knowledge and risk perception as predictors for safer sex behaviors. Knowledge of HIV/AIDS and other STDs was not found to be a determinant of safer sex behavior. Perception of personal risk was also not highly correlated with consistent safer sex behavior. ^ These studies demonstrate the need for risk-based safer sex education and intervention programs. The current climate of knowledge-based program development insures that women will continue to predicate their decision to practice safer sex on their limited perception and understanding of the risks associated with unprotected sexual behavior. Further study into the emotional and philosophical determinants of sexual behavior is necessary for the realistic design of applicable and meaningful interventions. ^
The purpose of this study was to describe predictors of level of grief and physical symptoms in mothers during the year after a newborn death. This was undertaken to fmd better ways to help these mothers during this crisis. Following appropriate approvals, volunteer subjects were contacted through hospitals, the Internet, and a health department. Of the 75 who responded, 77% were White and married, 64% were Christian. 51 % had other living children, 72% had had no prior pregnancy losses, 87% had support with decision-making about newborn care, and their mean age was 30 yrs. Once subjects had agreed to take Par4 the survey and consent form were sent to them. Study outcome variables were: Total scores on the Perinatal Grief Scale, Short Version (level of grief; T oedter, Lasker, & Alhadeff. 1988) and Sickness Impact Profile 68 (level of physical symptoms; de Bruin, Buys, de Witte, & Diederiks, 1994). Predictor variables were total scores on the Personal Resources Questionnaire 85, Part U (perceived support; Brandt & Weinert, 1981); Relationship Satisfaction Questionnaire (relationship satisfaction; Olson & McCubbin, 1983); Emotion-Focused. Problem-Focused, and Mixed Coping Subscales (emotion-focused, problem-focused, and mixed coping; Lazarus & Folkman, 1988); interval since death, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, gestational age, and presence of living children. Coefficient alphas for scales were all over .75. In two stepwise-hierarchical multiple regressions, perceived support and emotion- focused coping combined to predict 43% of the variance in level of grief, and level of grief alone predicted 50% of the variance in level of physical symptoms. In written comments, mothers said they valued their role in decision-making about newborn care even with death as the result. and felt supported in that process. Findings may be used to design intervention programs to help bereaved mothers following a newborn death. Specifically, programs can help increase perceived support for bereaved mothers, and teach new ways of coping. Both strategies may result in lower levels of grief and physical symptoms in this group of bereaved mothers.
This study is a secondary data analysis that assesses the relationship between risky sexual behaviors and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among drug users. This study analyzes data collected from drug users in the Houston Metropolitan area during 2004 and through August 2005, by researchers with the DASH (Drugs, AIDS, STDs and Hepatitis) project at The University of Texas at Houston School of Public Health. Specifically, the sexually transmitted infections that will be of interest in this proposed study are Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV). Risky sexual behaviors that will be examined include lack of condom use, sexual orientation, trading sex for drugs, trading sex for money, and number of male and female sexual partners in the last 4 weeks. ^ Unadjusted, gender, sexual orientation, number of recent male and female sex partners, and a history of injection drug use were all found to be significant independent variables that increased the odds of STI status. When included in an overall model, these variables significantly increased the odds of STI status, including HBV infection, HIV infection, and HBV/HIV co-infection. History of injection drug use was significant for both HBV and HBV/HIV co-infection, whereas a gay sexual orientation was significant for both HIV and HBV/HIV co-infection. Additionally, having excessive female sex partners was significant for HIV infection. This significant association increases the need for implementation of stronger intervention programs tailored to suit this population's needs such as a combination of drug and sexually transmitted disease (STD) treatment. ^ The importance of these findings is that they establish the strength of associations between the previously mentioned risky sexual behaviors and STI status among drug users. This is crucial for assessing future risk of infection as well as for serving as a necessary component in intervention and treatment programs both for drug use and STIs. ^
Background. Previous findings reported more depression among Mexican American adolescents than among adolescents from other groups. There has been minimal research published on distribution of depression symptoms among Mexican American adolescents and practically no data has been published from community samples. ^ Objective. To examine the phenomenology of DSM-IV major depression symptoms across groups defined by ethnic status, by gender and language use focusing on the Mexican American group. ^ Methods. Secondary data from 2624 adolescents (ages 10-17) among three ethnic subgroups, Mexican (26.7%), African (45%) and Anglo Americans (28.3%), was analyzed. Data come from the Teen Life Changes (TLC) Survey conducted in 1994 by Roberts et al. (1997). A self-report questionnaire, which includes the DSD scale to measure depression, was used. ^ Results. Analysis of data showed significant differences among youth in the phenomenology of depression symptoms by ethnicity, by gender and by language use at home. ^ Conclusion. This study adds knowledge to the psychopathology and mental health literature from the identification of depression symptoms profile as well as permits the design of more appropriate policy for prevention and intervention programs among culturally diverse youth. ^
The study of obesity and its causes has evolved into one of the most important public health issues in the United States (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2007). Obesity is linked to several chronic conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some cancers (National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2008b) and the public health concern resides in the present morbidity and mortality associated with obesity and related conditions (National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, 1998). Furthermore, obesity and its related conditions present economic challenges to employers in terms of medical health care, sick leave, short-term disability and long-term disability benefits utilized by employees (Østbye, Dement, and Krause, 2007). Recently, articles covering intervention programs targeting obesity in the occupational setting have surfaced in the body of scientific literature. The increased interest in this area stems from the fact that employees in the United States spend more time in the work environment than many industrialized nations, including Japan and most of Western Europe (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2006). Moreover, scientific literature supports the idea of investing in healthy human capital to promote productivity and output from employees (Berger, Howell, Nicholson, & Sharda, 2003). The time spent in the work environment, the business need for healthy employees, and the public health concern create an opportunity for planning, implementation and analysis of interventions for effectiveness. This paper aims to identify those intervention programs that focus on the occupational setting related to obesity, to analyze the overall effect of diet, physical fitness and behavioral change interventions targeting overweight and obesity in the occupational setting, and to evaluate the details and effectiveness of components, such as, intervention setting, target participant group, content, industry and length of follow up. Once strengths and weaknesses of the interventions are evaluated, ideas will be suggested for implementation in the future.^
Background. In over 30 years, the prevalence of overweight for children and adolescents has increased across the United States (Barlow et al., 2007; Ogden, Flegal, Carroll, & Johnson, 2002). Childhood obesity is linked with adverse physiological and psychological issues in youth and affects ethnic/minority populations in disproportionate rates (Barlow et al., 2007; Butte et al., 2006; Butte, Cai, Cole, Wilson, Fisher, Zakeri, Ellis, & Comuzzie, 2007). More importantly, overweight in children and youth tends to track into adulthood (McNaughton, Ball, Mishra, & Crawford, 2008; Ogden et al., 2002). Childhood obesity affects body functions such as the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and endocrine systems, including emotional health (Barlow et al., 2007, Ogden et al., 2002). Several dietary factors have been associated with the development of obesity in children; however, these factors have not been fully elucidated, especially in ethnic/minority children. In particular, few studies have been done to determine the effects of different meal patterns on the development of obesity in children. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to examine the relationships between daily proportions of energy consumed and energy derived from fat across breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack, and obesity among Hispanic children and adolescents. Methods. A cross-sectional design was used to evaluate the relationship between dietary patterns and overweight status in Hispanic children and adolescents 4-19 years of age who participated in the Viva La Familia Study. The goal of the Viva La Familia Study was to evaluate genetic and environmental factors affecting childhood obesity and its co-morbidities in the Hispanic population (Butte et al., 2006, 2007). The study enrolled 1030 Hispanic children and adolescents from 319 families and examined factors related to increased body weight by focusing on a multilevel analysis of extensive sociodemographic, genetic, metabolic, and behavioral data. Baseline dietary intakes of the children were collected using 24-hour recalls, and body mass index was calculated from measured height and weight, and classified using the CDC standards. Dietary data were analyzed using a GEE population-averaged panel-data model with a cluster variable family identifier to include possible correlations within related data sets. A linear regression model was used to analyze associations of dietary patterns using possible covariates, and to examine the percentage of daily energy coming from breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack while adjusting for age, sex, and BMI z-score. Random-effects logistic regression models were used to determine the relationship of the dietary variables with obesity status and to understand if the percent energy intake (%EI) derived from fat from all meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks) affected obesity. Results. Older children (age 4-19 years) consumed a higher percent of energy at lunch and dinner and less percent energy from snacks compared to younger children. Age was significantly associated with percentage of total energy intake (%TEI) for lunch, as well as dinner, while no association was found by gender. Percent of energy consumed from dinner significantly differed by obesity status, with obese children consuming more energy at dinner (p = 0.03), but no associations were found between percent energy from fat and obesity across all meals. Conclusions. Information from this study can be used to develop interventions that target dietary intake patterns in obesity prevention programs for Hispanic children and adolescents. In particular, intervention programs for children should target dietary patterns with energy intake that is spread throughout the day and earlier in the day. These results indicate that a longitudinal study should be used to further explore the relationship of dietary patterns and BMI in this and other populations (Dubois et al., 2008; Rodriquez & Moreno, 2006; Thompson et al., 2005; Wilson et al., in review, 2008). ^
Colorectal cancer (CRC) has been one of the leading causes of cancer death in the United States. Although incidence and mortality rates of colorectal cancer in the United States have decreased in recent years, the disparity in CRC incidence and mortality between African Americans and Whites remain. Disparity in CRC screening rates is believed to be one of the causes that contribute to the disparity in CRC incidence and mortality between these two races. Finding the differences in CRC screening barriers and predictors between these two groups can help us to design more effective intervention programs to improve CRC screening rates for African Americans. However, most of the previous studies have investigated different types of CRC screening barriers for African Americans and/or Whites, but no studies have compared the same CRC screening barriers between African Americans and Whites. The purpose of this study is to describe and compare the same CRC screening barriers between these two races. Using chi-square analysis, significant differences between African Americans and Whites were found for marital status, income and education. Compared to Whites, African Americans were less aware of CRC screening procedures and lacked CRC knowledge. Significant differences were found between African Americans and Whites in the awareness of sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy and barium enema. After adjusting for sex, education, marital status, and household income, six out of thirteen CRC screening barriers and two out of nine CRC screening predictors remained to be statistically significantly different between African Americans and Whites. The results of this study indicated that different CRC screening barriers and predictors had different impact on African Americans, and African Americans had more CRC barriers to overcome than Whites.^
Factors associated with needle sharing among Black male injection drug users in Harris County, Texas
Background. Injection drug users (IDUs) are at increased risk for HIV transmission due to unique risk behaviors, such as sharing needles. In Houston, IDUs account for 18% of all HIV/AIDS cases among Black males. ^ Objectives. This analysis compared demographic, behavioral, and psychosocial characteristics of needle sharing and non-sharing IDUs in a population of Black males in Harris County, Texas. ^ Methods. Data used for this analysis were from the second IDU cycle of the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System. This dataset included a sample of 288 Black male IDUs. Univariate and multivariate statistical analysis were performed to determine statistically significant associations of needle sharing in this population and to create a functional model to inform local HIV prevention programs. ^ Results. Half of the participants in this analysis shared needles in the past 12 months. Compared to non-sharers, sharers were more likely to be homeless (OR=3.70, p<0.01) or arrested in the past year (OR=2.31, p<0.01), inject cocaine (OR=2.07, p<0.01), report male-to-male sex in the past year (OR=6.97, p<0.01), and to exchange sex for money or drugs. Sharers were less likely than non-sharers to graduate high school (OR=0.36, p<0.01), earn $5,000 or more a year (OR=1.15, p=0.05), get needles from a medical source (OR=0.59, p=0.03), and ever test for HIV (OR=0.17, p<0.01). Sharers were more likely to report depressive symptoms (OR=3.49, p<0.01), lower scores on the family support scale (mean difference 0.41, p=0.01) and decision-making confidence scale (mean difference 0.38, p<0.01), and greater risk-taking (mean difference -0.49, p<0.01) than non-sharers. In a multivariable logistic regression, sharers were less likely to have graduated high school (OR=0.33, p<0.01) and have been tested for HIV (OR=0.12, p<0.01) and were more likely to have been arrested in the past year (OR=2.3, p<0.01), get needles from a street source (OR=3.87, p<0.01), report male-to-male sex (OR=7.01, p<0.01), and have depressive symptoms (OR=2.36, p=0.02) and increased risk-taking (OR=1.78, p=0.01). ^ Conclusions. IDUs that shared needles are different from those that did not, reporting lower socioeconomic status, increased sexual and risk behaviors, increased depressive symptoms and increased risk-taking. These findings suggest that intervention programs that also address these demographic, behavioral, and psychosocial factors may be more successful in decreasing needle sharing among this population.^
Smoking is often initiated in adolescence through trying or experimenting with cigarettes. Smoking initiation is the beginning critical stage in the smoking trajectory often resulting in addiction. This dissertation examined the effect of parenting variables on smoking initiation behavior among 11–14 year old Mexican origin adolescents, a largely understudied group. The participants in this study were part of a population-based cohort of Mexican origin adolescents residing in Houston, Texas. ^ Aim 1 of this study assessed the appropriateness of the Family Life Questionnaire (FLQ) among Mexican origin adolescents. Second order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to examine the factor structure of the FLQ and measurement invariance testing was conducted to evaluate the cross-cultural validity of this scale. Aim 2 analyzed cross-sectional associations between parenting variables and adolescent ever tried smoking behavior while aim 3 focused on prospective examination of changes in parenting variables from baseline to final follow-up on ever tried smoking behavior among never smokers. ^ Overall, the results of the CFA indicated that the original factor structure of the FLQ, with alterations, was a good fit for the Mexican origin adolescents. The measurement invariance analysis of the modified FLQ scale indicated adequate measurement invariance. The aim 2 cross-sectional analyses indicated that family cohesion was significantly associated with lower odds of ever tried smoking. Authoritarian parenting was significantly associated with smoking initiation only at the baseline while family conflict was significantly associated with smoking initiation only at the two-year final home visit. The findings from the aim 3 prospective analysis indicated that changes in levels of family cohesion and conflict are important predictors of smoking initiation among those who have never tried smoking. Specifically, perceiving low levels of family cohesion and a decrease in the family cohesion over two years, as well as perceiving high levels of family conflict and an increase in conflict over two years was associated with smoking initiation among never smokers. ^ In general, the findings of this study provide important insights on the links between parenting and adolescent smoking and assist in designing prevention and intervention programs that emphasize the role of family bonding to prevent adolescent smoking behavior. Family education programs for Mexican culture could also highlight the positive effects of authoritarian practices and good family communication to prevent family conflict and subsequent smoking behavior.^
The prevalence of diabetes in Mexican Americans is disproportionately higher than in non-Hispanic whites. The rate of diabetic retinopathy resulting from prolonged diabetes is also greater in Mexican Americans than in non-Hispanic whites. A longitudinal study was carried out on data collected from Mexican Americans in Starr County, Texas to assess the association between socioeconomic and acculturation factors with diabetic retinopathy prevalence, incidence, and progression in those free of diabetic retinopathy or who had only early non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. A multivariable analysis was done. ^ The incidence rate was 12.78 cases per year and the progression rate was 8.55 cases per year. The baseline characteristics of the population revealed that more people with occupations synonymous with lower income jobs like trade workers and machine operators had early non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. A multivariable analysis revealed that those with early non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy were more likely to have been born in Mexico as compared to those free of diabetic retinopathy. Surprisingly, a multivariable analysis also showed that those that progressed in diabetic retinopathy disease status were more likely to have been employed as compared to those that did not. ^ This analysis reveals that Mexican Americans are heterogeneous in socioeconomic and acculturation factors that may be used to deter the incidence and progression of diabetic retinopathy severity. These findings could be targeted to create culturally sensitive intervention programs that will improve the detection and treatment of diabetic retinopathy in the work arena in addition to programs that will impact those that do not work. Workplace preventative health screenings and dissemination of language-specific informational brochures is warranted to curb the rates of progression in those employed. ^ A limitation of this study is the narrow surrogates used for assessing socioeconomic and acculturation status. To fully evaluate these variables, a study using a questionnaire with a multitude of surrogates for socioeconomic and acculturation factors should be employed.^
El estudio evalúa el impacto de un programa de promoción del desarrollo lingüístico y cognitivo para niños de 5 años implementado según dos modalidades: una que implicó acciones de alfabetización familiar en los hogares de los niños (modalidad intensiva) y otra que incluyó la participación de los niños en las salas de jardín de infantes (modalidad extensiva). La evaluación del impacto se realizó por medio de un diseño pre-test ? post-test. Se tomaron pruebas de vocabulario receptivo (VR), producción de categorías (PC) y escritura a una muestra de 214 niños participantes de la modalidad intensiva, 69 participantes de la modalidad extensiva y un grupo control de no participó del programa (49 niños). Los resultados mostraron que la participación en la modalidad intensiva implicó un mayor incremento en las habilidades infantiles de VR, PC que en la modalidad extensiva. A su vez ambas modalidades experimentales mostraron un mayor incremento en las variables examinadas respecto de las observadas en el grupo control. No se detectaron efectos de la escolaridad de la madre y la asistencia previa al jardín. Los resultados mostraron correlaciones significativas entre todas las variables analizadas y el valor predictivo de los puntajes en VR a principio de año respecto de los puntajes en VR y escritura a fin de año
En el presente artículo los autores plantean que es imprescindible recuperar un concepto con vasta trayectoria en los estudios rurales. Para ello se problematizan las formas en que dicho concepto fue caracterizado tanto desde la academia como desde los programas de intervención estatal. A la par, se propone un cambio epistémico que permita reconocer al sujeto campesino en sus discursos y prácticas: Soberanía Alimentaria, Reforma Agraria Integral, Agroecología y Justicia Ambiental dan cuenta tanto de la historicidad del sujeto como de la capacidad del mismo de insertarse en debates actuales que convocan a toda la sociedad