918 resultados para infrared spectroscopy,chemometrics,least squares support vector machines


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The use of mobile robots turns out to be interesting in activities where the action of human specialist is difficult or dangerous. Mobile robots are often used for the exploration in areas of difficult access, such as rescue operations and space missions, to avoid human experts exposition to risky situations. Mobile robots are also used in agriculture for planting tasks as well as for keeping the application of pesticides within minimal amounts to mitigate environmental pollution. In this paper we present the development of a system to control the navigation of an autonomous mobile robot through tracks in plantations. Track images are used to control robot direction by preprocessing them to extract image features. Such features are then submitted to a support vector machine in order to find out the most appropriate route. The overall goal of the project to which this work is connected is to develop a real time robot control system to be embedded into a hardware platform. In this paper we report the software implementation of a support vector machine, which so far presented around 93% accuracy in predicting the appropriate route. © 2012 IEEE.


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Promiscuous human leukocyte antigen (HLA) binding peptides are ideal targets for vaccine development. Existing computational models for prediction of promiscuous peptides used hidden Markov models and artificial neural networks as prediction algorithms. We report a system based on support vector machines that outperforms previously published methods. Preliminary testing showed that it can predict peptides binding to HLA-A2 and -A3 super-type molecules with excellent accuracy, even for molecules where no binding data are currently available.


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Using methods of Statistical Physics, we investigate the generalization performance of support vector machines (SVMs), which have been recently introduced as a general alternative to neural networks. For nonlinear classification rules, the generalization error saturates on a plateau, when the number of examples is too small to properly estimate the coefficients of the nonlinear part. When trained on simple rules, we find that SVMs overfit only weakly. The performance of SVMs is strongly enhanced, when the distribution of the inputs has a gap in feature space.


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Learning from Positive and Unlabelled examples (LPU) has emerged as an important problem in data mining and information retrieval applications. Existing techniques are not ideally suited for real world scenarios where the datasets are linearly inseparable, as they either build linear classifiers or the non-linear classifiers fail to achieve the desired performance. In this work, we propose to extend maximum margin clustering ideas and present an iterative procedure to design a non-linear classifier for LPU. In particular, we build a least squares support vector classifier, suitable for handling this problem due to symmetry of its loss function. Further, we present techniques for appropriately initializing the labels of unlabelled examples and for enforcing the ratio of positive to negative examples while obtaining these labels. Experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that the non-linear classifier designed using the proposed approach gives significantly better generalization performance than the existing relevant approaches for LPU.


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Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a deformity of the spine manifested by asymmetry and deformities of the external surface of the trunk. Classification of scoliosis deformities according to curve type is used to plan management of scoliosis patients. Currently, scoliosis curve type is determined based on X-ray exam. However, cumulative exposure to X-rays radiation significantly increases the risk for certain cancer. In this paper, we propose a robust system that can classify the scoliosis curve type from non invasive acquisition of 3D trunk surface of the patients. The 3D image of the trunk is divided into patches and local geometric descriptors characterizing the surface of the back are computed from each patch and forming the features. We perform the reduction of the dimensionality by using Principal Component Analysis and 53 components were retained. In this work a multi-class classifier is built with Least-squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) which is a kernel classifier. For this study, a new kernel was designed in order to achieve a robust classifier in comparison with polynomial and Gaussian kernel. The proposed system was validated using data of 103 patients with different scoliosis curve types diagnosed and classified by an orthopedic surgeon from the X-ray images. The average rate of successful classification was 93.3% with a better rate of prediction for the major thoracic and lumbar/thoracolumbar types.


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One of the major concerns of scoliosis patients undergoing surgical treatment is the aesthetic aspect of the surgery outcome. It would be useful to predict the postoperative appearance of the patient trunk in the course of a surgery planning process in order to take into account the expectations of the patient. In this paper, we propose to use least squares support vector regression for the prediction of the postoperative trunk 3D shape after spine surgery for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Five dimensionality reduction techniques used in conjunction with the support vector machine are compared. The methods are evaluated in terms of their accuracy, based on the leave-one-out cross-validation performed on a database of 141 cases. The results indicate that the 3D shape predictions using a dimensionality reduction obtained by simultaneous decomposition of the predictors and response variables have the best accuracy.


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In Australia and increasingly worldwide, methamphetamine is one of the most commonly seized drugs analysed by forensic chemists. The current well-established GC/MS methods used to identify and quantify methamphetamine are lengthy, expensive processes, but often rapid analysis is requested by undercover police leading to an interest in developing this new analytical technique. Ninety six illicit drug seizures containing methamphetamine (0.1% - 78.6%) were analysed using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy with an Attenuated Total Reflectance attachment and Chemometrics. Two Partial Least Squares models were developed, one using the principal Infrared Spectroscopy peaks of methamphetamine and the other a Hierarchical Partial Least Squares model. Both of these models were refined to choose the variables that were most closely associated with the methamphetamine % vector. Both of the models were excellent, with the principal peaks in the Partial Least Squares model having Root Mean Square Error of Prediction 3.8, R2 0.9779 and lower limit of quantification 7% methamphetamine. The Hierarchical Partial Least Squares model had lower limit of quantification 0.3% methamphetamine, Root Mean Square Error of Prediction 5.2 and R2 0.9637. Such models offer rapid and effective methods for screening illicit drug samples to determine the percentage of methamphetamine they contain.


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The present study reports an application of the searching combination moving window partial least squares (SCMWPLS) algorithm to the determination of ethenzamide and acetoaminophen in quaternary powdered samples by near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. Another purpose of the study was to examine the instrumentation effects of spectral resolution and signal-to-noise ratio of the Buchi NIRLab N-200 FT-NIR spectrometer equipped with an InGaAs detector. The informative spectral intervals of NIR spectra of a series of quaternary powdered mixture samples were first located for ethenzamide and acetoaminophen by use of moving window partial least squares regression (MWPLSR). Then, these located spectral intervals were further optimised by SCMWPLS for subsequent partial least squares (PLS) model development. The improved results are attributed to both the less complex PLS models and to higher accuracy of predicted concentrations of ethenzamide and acetoaminophen in the optimised informative spectral intervals that are featured by NIR bands. At the same time, SCMWPLS is also demonstrated as a viable route for wavelength selection.


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Levels of lignin and hydroxycinnamic acid wall components in three genera of forage grasses (Lolium,Festuca and Dactylis) have been accurately predicted by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy using partial least squares models correlated to analytical measurements. Different models were derived that predicted the concentrations of acid detergent lignin, total hydroxycinnamic acids, total ferulate monomers plus dimers, p-coumarate and ferulate dimers in independent spectral test data from methanol extracted samples of perennial forage grass with accuracies of 92.8%, 86.5%, 86.1%, 59.7% and 84.7% respectively, and analysis of model projection scores showed that the models relied generally on spectral features that are known absorptions of these compounds. Acid detergent lignin was predicted in samples of two species of energy grass, (Phalaris arundinacea and Pancium virgatum) with an accuracy of 84.5%.


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Volatile chemical compounds responsible for the aroma of wine are derived from a number of different biochemical and chemical pathways. These chemical compounds are formed during grape berry metabolism, crushing of the berries, fermentation processes (i.e. yeast and malolactic bacteria) and also from the ageing and storage of wine. Not surprisingly, there are a large number of chemical classes of compounds found in wine which are present at varying concentrations (ng L-1 to mg L-1), exhibit differing potencies, and have a broad range of volatilities and boiling points. The aim of this work was to investigate the potential use of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy combined with chemometrics as a rapid and low-cost technique to measure volatile compounds in Riesling wines. Samples of commercial Riesling wine were analyzed using an NIR instrument and volatile compounds by gas chromatography (GC) coupled with selected ion monitoring mass spectrometry. Correlation between the NIR and GC data were developed using partial least-squares (PLS) regression with full cross validation (leave one out). Coefficients of determination in cross validation (R 2) and the standard error in cross validation (SECV) were 0.74 (SECV: 313.6 μg L−1) for esters, 0.90 (SECV: 20.9 μg L−1) for monoterpenes and 0.80 (SECV: 1658 ?g L-1) for short-chain fatty acids. This study has shown that volatile chemical compounds present in wine can be measured by NIR spectroscopy. Further development with larger data sets will be required to test the predictive ability of the NIR calibration models developed.


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High-throughput techniques are necessary to efficiently screen potential lignocellulosic feedstocks for the production of renewable fuels, chemicals, and bio-based materials, thereby reducing experimental time and expense while supplanting tedious, destructive methods. The ratio of lignin syringyl (S) to guaiacyl (G) monomers has been routinely quantified as a way to probe biomass recalcitrance. Mid-infrared and Raman spectroscopy have been demonstrated to produce robust partial least squares models for the prediction of lignin S/G ratios in a diverse group of Acacia and eucalypt trees. The most accurate Raman model has now been used to predict the S/G ratio from 269 unknown Acacia and eucalypt feedstocks. This study demonstrates the application of a partial least squares model composed of Raman spectral data and lignin S/G ratios measured using pyrolysis/molecular beam mass spectrometry (pyMBMS) for the prediction of S/G ratios in an unknown data set. The predicted S/G ratios calculated by the model were averaged according to plant species, and the means were not found to differ from the pyMBMS ratios when evaluating the mean values of each method within the 95 % confidence interval. Pairwise comparisons within each data set were employed to assess statistical differences between each biomass species. While some pairwise appraisals failed to differentiate between species, Acacias, in both data sets, clearly display significant differences in their S/G composition which distinguish them from eucalypts. This research shows the power of using Raman spectroscopy to supplant tedious, destructive methods for the evaluation of the lignin S/G ratio of diverse plant biomass materials.


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O biodiesel tem sido amplamente utilizado como uma fonte de energia renovável, que contribui para a diminuição de demanda por diesel mineral. Portanto, existem várias propriedades que devem ser monitoradas, a fim de produzir e distribuir biodiesel com a qualidade exigida. Neste trabalho, as propriedades físicas do biodiesel, tais como massa específica, índice de refração e ponto de entupimento de filtro a frio foram medidas e associadas a espectrometria no infravermelho próximo (NIR) e espectrometria no infravermelho médio (Mid-IR) utilizando ferramentas quimiométricas. Os métodos de regressão por mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS), regressão de mínimos quadrados parciais por intervalos (iPLS), e regressão por máquinas de vetor de suporte (SVM) com seleção de variáveis por Algoritmo Genético (GA) foram utilizadas para modelar as propriedades mencionadas. As amostras de biodiesel foram sintetizadas a partir de diferentes fontes, tais como canola, girassol, milho e soja. Amostras adicionais de biodiesel foram adquiridas de um fornecedor da região sul do Brasil. Em primeiro lugar, o pré-processamento de correção de linha de base foi usado para normalizar os dados espectrais de NIR, seguidos de outros tipos de pré-processamentos que foram aplicados, tais como centralização dos dados na média, 1 derivada e variação de padrão normal. O melhor resultado para a previsão do ponto de entupimento de filtro a frio foi utilizando os espectros de Mid-IR e o método de regressão GA-SVM, com alto coeficiente de determinação da previsão, R2Pred=0,96 e baixo valor da Raiz Quadrada do Erro Médio Quadrático da previsão, RMSEP (C)= 0,6. Para o modelo de previsão da massa específica, o melhor resultado foi obtido utilizando os espectros de Mid-IR e regressão por PLS, com R2Pred=0,98 e RMSEP (g/cm3)= 0,0002. Quanto ao modelo de previsão para o índice de refração, o melhor resultado foi obtido utilizando os espectros de Mid-IR e regressão por PLS, com excelente R2Pred=0,98 e RMSEP= 0,0001. Para esses conjuntos de dados, o PLS e o SVM demonstraram sua robustez, apresentando-se como ferramentas úteis para a previsão das propriedades do biodiesel estudadas