954 resultados para information systems applications


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This paper explores how a world-wide operating software solutions provider implemented environmentally sustainable business practices in response to emerging environmental concerns. Through an interpretive case study, we develop a theoretical framework that identifies four important functional affordances originating in information systems, which are required in environmental sustainability transformations as they create an actionable context in which (1) organizations can engage in a sensemaking process related to understanding emerging environmental requirements, and (2) individuals can implement environmentally sustainable work practices. Through our work, we provide several contributions, including a better understanding of IS-enabled organizational change and the types of functional affordances of information systems that are required in sustainability transformations. We describe implications relating to (1) how information systems can contribute to the creation of environmentally sustainable organizations, (2) the design of information systems to create required functional affordances, (3) the management of sustainability transformations, and (4) the further development of the concept of functional affordances in IS research.


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IEEE 802.11p is the new standard for Inter-Vehicular Communications (IVC) using the 5.9 GHz frequency band, as part of the DSRC framework; it will enable applications based on Cooperative Systems. Simulation is widely used to estimate or verify the potential benefits of such cooperative applications, notably in terms of safety for the drivers. We have developed a performance model for 802.11p that can be used by simulations of cooperative applications (e.g. collision avoidance) without requiring intricate models of the whole IVC stack. Instead, it provide a a straightforward yet realistic modelisation of IVC performance. Our model uses data from extensive field trials to infer the correlation between speed, distance and performance metrics such as maximum range, latency and frame loss. Then, we improve this model to limit the number of profiles that have to be generated when there are more than a few couples of emitter-receptor in a given location. Our model generates realistic performance for rural or suburban environments among small groups of IVC-equipped vehicles and road side units.


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The need for native Information Systems (IS) theories has been discussed by several prominent scholars. Contributing to their conjectural discussion, this research moves towards theorizing IS success as a native theory for the discipline. Despite being one of the most cited scholarly works to-date, IS success of DeLone and McLean (1992) has been criticized by some for lacking focus on the theoretical approach. Following theory development frameworks, this study improves the theoretical standing of IS success by minimizing interaction and inconsistency. The empirical investigation of theorizing IS success includes 1396 respondents, gathered through six surveys and a case study. The respondents represent 70 organisations, multiple Information Systems, and both private and public sector organizations.


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The Control Theory has provided a useful theoretical foundation for Information Systems development outsourcing (ISD-outsourcing) to examine the co-ordination between the client and the vendor. Recent research identified two control mechanisms: structural (structure of the control mode) and process (the process through which the control mode is enacted). Yet, the Control Theory research to-date does not describe the ways in which the two control mechanisms can be combined to ensure project success. Grounded in case study data of eight ISD-outsourcing projects, we derive three ‘control configurations’; i) aligned, ii) negotiated, and 3) self-managed, which describe the combinative patterns of structural and process control mechanisms within and across control modes.


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Social Media Analytics ist ein neuer Forschungsbereich, in dem interdisziplinäre Methoden kombiniert, erweitert und angepasst werden, um Social-Media-Daten auszuwerten. Neben der Beantwortung von Forschungsfragen ist es ebenfalls ein Ziel, Architekturentwürfe für die Entwicklung neuer Informationssysteme und Anwendungen bereitzustellen, die auf sozialen Medien basieren. Der Beitrag stellt die wichtigsten Aspekte des Bereichs Social Media Analytics vor und verweist auf die Notwendigkeit einer fächerübergreifenden Forschungsagenda, für deren Erstellung und Bearbeitung der Wirtschaftsinformatik eine wichtige Rolle zukommt.


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Although recommender systems and reputation systems have quite different theoretical and technical bases, both types of systems have the purpose of providing advice for decision making in e-commerce and online service environments. The similarity in purpose makes it natural to integrate both types of systems in order to produce better online advice, but their difference in theory and implementation makes the integration challenging. In this paper, we propose to use mappings to subjective opinions from values produced by recommender systems as well as from scores produced by reputation systems, and to combine the resulting opinions within the framework of subjective logic.


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This article summarizes a panel held at the 15th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) in Brisbane, Austrailia, in 2011. The panelists proposed a new research agenda for information systems success research. The DeLone and McLean IS Success Model has been one of the most influential models in Information Systems research. However, the nature of information systems continues to change. Information systems are increasingly implemented across layers of infrastructure and application architecture. The diffusion of information systems into many spheres of life means that information systems success needs to be considered in multiple contexts. Services play a much more prominent role in the economies of countries, making the “service” context of information systems increasingly important. Further, improved understandings of theory and measurement offer new opportunities for novel approaches and new research questions about information systems success.


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Design Science is the process of solving ‘wicked problems’ through designing, developing, instantiating, and evaluating novel solutions (Hevner, March, Park and Ram, 2004). Wicked problems are described as agent finitude in combination with problem complexity and normative constraint (Farrell and Hooker, 2013). In Information Systems Design Science, determining that problems are ‘wicked’ differentiates Design Science research from Solutions Engineering (Winter, 2008) and is a necessary part of proving the relevance to Information Systems Design Science research (Hevner, 2007; Iivari, 2007). Problem complexity is characterised as many problem components with nested, dependent and co-dependent relationships interacting through multiple feedback and feed-forward loops. Farrell and Hooker (2013) specifically state for wicked problems “it will often be impossible to disentangle the consequences of specific actions from those of other co-occurring interactions”. This paper discusses the application of an Enterprise Information Architecture modelling technique to disentangle the wicked problem complexity for one case. It proposes that such a modelling technique can be applied to other wicked problems and can lay the foundations for proving relevancy to DSR, provide solution pathways for artefact development, and aid to substantiate those elements required to produce Design Theory.


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INTRODUCTION: I want to argue that understanding masculinity is an important part of understanding gender and sexuality as it relates to information and communications technologies (ICTs), specifically those under the lens of the information-systems community. In order to do this, the landscape of gender and sexuality research in general is referred to along with such research in the field of information systems (IS), with reference as necessary to masculinity studies. I will then suggest some possible areas where a more thorough going theorization may prove useful. In sum, future research might focus on the relation-ship between marginalised masculinities and the construction and consumption of is in work organisations and society…


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Organisational dependence upon IT continues to grow yet experiences of satisfaction vary widely. Problematic, aged IT is often cited as being a fundamental problem in this respect and this is commonly termed legacy information systems. However, in this paper the author offers an alternative, and arguably more comprehensive, theory of legacy information systems that accommodates multiple viewpoints and recognises its inherent dynamism. The paper suggests a theory of legacy information systems that comprises of the concepts of temporal effects, interpretations and characteristics. It is argued that legacy information systems are constructed of many ‘legacies’ that are handed down continuously, forming an amorphous set of sociotechnical interdependencies and relationships.


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This research contributes a fully-operational approach for managing business process risk in near real-time. The approach consists of a language for defining risks on top of process models, a technique to detect such risks as they eventuate during the execution of business processes, a recommender system for making risk-informed decisions, and a technique to automatically mitigate the detected risks when they are no longer tolerable. Through the incorporation of risk management elements in all stages of the lifecycle of business processes, this work contributes to the effective integration of the fields of Business Process Management and Risk Management.


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I develop a model of individuals’ intentions to discontinue information system use. Understanding these intentions is important because they give insights into users’ willingness to carry out system tasks, and provide a basis for maintenance decisions as well as possible replacement decisions. I offer a first conceptualization of factors determining users’ discontinuance intentions on basis of existing literature on technology use, status quo bias and dual factor concepts. The model is grounded in rational choice theory to distinguish determinants of a conscious decision between continuing or discontinuing IS use. I provide details on the empirical test of the model through a field study of IS users in a retail organization. The work will have implications for theory on information systems continuance and dual-factor logic in information system use. The empirical findings will provide suggestions for managers dealing with cessation of information systems and work routine changes in organizations.