967 resultados para inequalities


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This study investigated whether the availability and accessibility of supermarkets and fruit and vegetable stores, and the availability, variety and price of foods within these stores, varied across areas of different levels of socioeconomic disadvantage in Melbourne, Australia. Data on food store locations, and food variety and price within stores were obtained through objective audits of 45 neighbourhoods of varying socioeconomic disadvantage. Geographical accessibility of healthy food stores was mostly better amongst those living in more advantaged neighbourhoods. Availability of healthy foods within stores only slightly favoured those in advantaged neighbourhoods. However food prices favoured those living in disadvantaged areas.


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Examines the inequalities of the Aboriginal Australian and politics, government, history, legal status and the effects of Aboriginal institutions in Western Australia. The researcher found that the destruction and disappearance of documents, files and records greatly impacted the thesis.


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The injustices of ‘allowing certain people to succeed, based not upon merit but upon the cultural experiences, the social ties and the economic resources they have access to, often remains unacknowledged in the broader society’ (Wacquant, 1998, p. 216). Cognizant of this, the authors argue that education requires researchers’ renewed examination and explanation of its involvement in the construction of social and economic differences. Specifically, they make the case for researchers to consider the theoretical work of Pierre Bourdieu, outlining what they understand by a Bourdieuian methodology, which is informed by socially critical and poststructural understandings of the world. Such methodology attempts to dig beneath surface appearances, asking how social systems work. By asking ‘whose interests are being served and how’ (Tripp, 1998, p. 37) in the social arrangements we find, Bourdieu can help us to ‘work towards a more just social order’ (Lenzo, 1995, p. 17).


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To speak of an ideal is to lay claim to what ought or should be and to explain 'reality' as deviation. That is, ideals serve to provide direction towards some desired goal as well as judgment about how well a perceived reality approximates that desire. In more recent times, the postmodernist critique has provided its own 'reality check' on modernist ideals, challenging the notion that there is one best way to reach Utopian ends. The emergence of postmodern theories has signalled a general shift in 'the structure of feeling'1 from acquiescence to censure of the universal. But it is not as if there are no postmodern ideals. In these accounts, utopianism is more cogently understood as 'heterotopianisms'. While we are convinced by such critique, that there are diverse goals of value and pathways to reach them, we admit to some uneasiness about a 'postmodern pluralism' in which ideals have die potential to wash away into relativism, where one ideal is as good as the next and ways of achieving them are also equally regarded.


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This book is essential reading for Australasian mathematics educators and other researchers with an interest in the history of mathematics curriculum, the culture of mathematics, gender, and social justice issues in mathematics. Drawing on the results of research conducted by the Educational Outcomes Research Unit at the University of Melbourne and historical documents, Richard Teese argues that the education system fails to diffuse the economic and cultural benefits assumed to flow from the completion of secondary schooling.


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Socio-economically disadvantaged women are at a greater risk of spending excess time engaged in television viewing, a behavior linked to several adverse health outcomes. However, the factors which explain socio-economic differences in television viewing are unknown. This study aimed to investigate the contribution of intrapersonal, social and environmental factors to mediating socio-economic (educational) inequalities in women's television viewing.

Cross-sectional data were provided by 1,554 women (aged 18-65) who participated in the 'Socio-economic Status and Activity in Women study' of 2004. Based on an ecological framework, women self-reported their socio-economic position (highest education level), television viewing, as well as a number of potential intrapersonal (enjoyment of television viewing, preference for leisure-time sedentary behavior, depression, stress, weight status), social (social participation, interpersonal trust, social cohesion, social support for physical activity from friends and from family) and physical activity environmental factors (safety, aesthetics, distance to places of interest, and distance to physical activity facilities).

Multiple mediating analyses showed that two intrapersonal factors (enjoyment of television viewing and weight status) and two social factors (social cohesion and social support from friends for physical activity) partly explained the educational inequalities in women's television viewing. No physical activity environmental factors mediated educational variations in television viewing.

Acknowledging the cross-sectional nature of this study, these findings suggest that health promotion interventions aimed at reducing educational inequalities in television viewing should focus on intrapersonal and social strategies, particularly providing enjoyable alternatives to television viewing, weight-loss/management information, increasing social cohesion in the neighborhood and promoting friend support for activity.


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Objective: To describe how New South Wales (NSW) Area Health Service Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) understood concepts of equity in the development of NSW Health's Equity Statement; CEO knowledge and interpretation of a given concept being one aspect of developing policy.

Design and Setting: This paper describes the process through which NSW Area Health Service CEOs were involved in developing the Equity Statement, specifically:

1. Briefings with individual CEOs on key issues and identification of possible difficulties and potential 'equity champions'.
2. A two-hour workshop to explore ('pre-mortem') why the proposed statement might fail.
3. CEO involvement in identifying strategies that promoted equity already operating locally.
4. C onsultations with selected individuals about the draft recommendations.
5. Feedback to CEOs.

The article provides a case study of consultative policy making by illustrating how participant knowledge can both inform and be strengthened by involvement in the policy development process.

Results: There was a high level of awareness among CEOs of health inequalities and an acceptance of their responsibility to address them. They saw three main ways of doing this: a) equity of resource allocation for health service delivery within and between regions; b) equity of access to health services based on need; and c) equity of health outcomes. CEOs felt that making the health system accountable for health outcomes would provide pressure for system-wide resource allocation changes. They recognised that factors substantially impacting on health outcomes were outside the control of the health system. Furthermore, finding a balance to which they could be held accountable was difficult. All CEOs saw ensuring needs-based access to services as a key area where they could potentially have an impact; and they specifically saw challenges in a conflict between equity and efficiency, marginalisation of special treatment for disadvantaged people, balancing investment in rescue services and prevention/early intervention, and developing a rational health financing system. The resulting policy has been broadly embedded within the NSW health system with strong local support.

Conclusion: The NSW Health and Equity policy was embedded because CEO leadership and acceptance of the policy enhanced local ownership.