807 resultados para individual: 3C 273
In the present thesis I analyse the roles of individual ability and structural embeddedness on entrepreneurial success. The results retrieved from a matched employer-employee longitudinal data set show prior worker productivities and environmental embeddedness to have a persistent positive impact on the size and growth rates of new firms. What is more, embeddedness facilitates the impact of ability on start-up performance with outsiders of comparable abilities starting smaller and slower growing firms. Those in higher ability categories are more likely to transfer and also, albeit to a lesser extent, close their ventures, an effect attributed to the higher opportunity costs associated with the group. Firms managed by embedded agents enjoy longer longevities and have better chances of finding a new owner after the departure of the previous one. Finally, higher ability types show evidence of specialisation in serial entrepreneurship.
Field lab: Business project
Field lab: Business project
Field lab: Business project
Field lab: Business project
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar padrões de crescimento individual de diversas árvores que ocorrem em duas toposseqüências (direções Norte-Sul e Leste-Oeste), de uma amostra representativa da floresta de terra-firme na Amazônia Central. Foram selecionados de forma aleatória, aproximadamente, 300 indivíduos, sendo 150 em cada toposseqüência, distribuídos em mesmas proporções nas três classes topográficas (platô, encosta e baixio) e nas três classes de diâmetro (10 ≤ DAP < 30 cm; 30 ≤ DAP< 50 cm e DAP≥ 50 cm). Em cada uma dessas árvores foi instalada uma fita metálica, com extremidades parcialmente sobrepostas e ligadas por uma mola; o avanço de uma das pontas, dentro de uma abertura, representa o crescimento em circunferência, que foi medido com um paquímetro digital. As medições foram realizadas mensalmente ao longo de 19 meses, de junho/1999 a dezembro/2000; neste estudo foram considerados apenas os 12 meses do ano 2000. O padrão individual de crescimento em diâmetro varia muito com o passar dos meses (p = 0,00) e apenas razoavelmente quando os meses são interagidos com as classes de diâmetro (p 0,08); por outro lado, há fraca uma evidência (p = 0,25) quando as classes topográficas são acrescentadas na interação anterior e praticamente nenhuma evidência (p = 0,89) quando é analisada a interação meses e classes topográficas. Dentre todas as árvores selecionadas (300 indivíduos), foram mantidas na análise 272 indivíduos. A média do incremento anual em diâmetro, considerando as 272 árvores monitoradas, foi de 1,64 ± 0,21 mm (p = 0,05), ficando dentro do intervalo dos incrementos obtidos no BIONTE e FLONA Tapajós, que é de 1,5 a 2 mm por ano.
This paper reports on the experience of the implementation of a new mechanism to assess individual student contribution within project work, where students work in teams to solve a large-scale open-ended interdisciplinary project. The study takes place at the University of Minho, with first year engineering students, enrolled in the Industrial Management and Engineering (Integrated Masters) degree. The aim of this paper is to describe the main principles and procedures underlying the assessment mechanism created and also provide some feedback from its first implementation, based on the students, lecturers and tutors perceptions. For data collection, a survey was sent to all course lecturers and tutors involved in the assessment process. Students also contributed with suggestions, both on a workshop held at the end of the project and also by answering a survey on the overall satisfaction with PBL experience. Findings show a positive level of acceptance of the new mechanism by the students and also by the lecturers and tutors. The study identified the need to clarify the criteria used by the lecturers and the exact role of the tutor, as well as the need for further improvement of its features and procedures. Some recommendations are also issued regarding technical aspects related to some of the steps of the procedures, as well as the need for greater support on the adjustment and final setting of the individual grades.
Social intelligence is a favorable condition for career decision-making and development. The social intelligence indices of Portuguese students in school years prior to a career transition are characterized and intra and interindividual differences are analyzed. Participants were 1095 students (552, 50.4% women) with a mean age of 14.78 years (SD = 1.86), in the 8th (542, 49.5%), 10th (295, 26.9%) and 11th (258, 23.6%) grades. The Cognitive Test of Social Intelligence (PCIS) was administered at two moments, six months apart. Results indicate that the 8th grade obtained higher average scores in Problem Solving, Motivation and Self-confidence (time 1), while the 10th grade obtained better results in Problem Solving, Motivation and Familiarity (time 2). Between the assessment moments, all school years register an increase in Problem Solving and Self-confidence in social situations. These results constitute favorable psychological conditions for the promotion of ethical questioning in career guidance interventions.
The receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve is the most widely used measure for evaluating the performance of a diagnostic biomarker when predicting a binary disease outcome. The ROC curve displays the true positive rate (or sensitivity) and the false positive rate (or 1-specificity) for different cut-off values used to classify an individual as healthy or diseased. In time-to-event studies, however, the disease status (e.g. death or alive) of an individual is not a fixed characteristic, and it varies along the study. In such cases, when evaluating the performance of the biomarker, several issues should be taken into account: first, the time-dependent nature of the disease status; and second, the presence of incomplete data (e.g. censored data typically present in survival studies). Accordingly, to assess the discrimination power of continuous biomarkers for time-dependent disease outcomes, time-dependent extensions of true positive rate, false positive rate, and ROC curve have been recently proposed. In this work, we present new nonparametric estimators of the cumulative/dynamic time-dependent ROC curve that allow accounting for the possible modifying effect of current or past covariate measures on the discriminatory power of the biomarker. The proposed estimators can accommodate right-censored data, as well as covariate-dependent censoring. The behavior of the estimators proposed in this study will be explored through simulations and illustrated using data from a cohort of patients who suffered from acute coronary syndrome.
In the present study, the ethanolic extracts of fourteen edible mushrooms were investigated for their anti-inflammatory potential in LPS (lipopolysaccharide) activated RAW 264.7 macrophages. Furthermore the extracts were chemically characterized in terms of phenolic acids and related compounds. The identified molecules (p-hydroxybenzoic, p-coumaric and cinnamic acids) and their glucuronated and methylated derivatives obtained by chemical synthesis were also evaluated for the same bioactivity, in order to establish structure-activity relationships and to comprehend the effects of in vivo metabolism reactions in the activity of the compounds. The extracts of Pleurotus ostreatus, Macrolepiota procera, Boletus impolitus and Agaricus bisporus revealed the strongest anti-inflammatory potential (EC50 values 96 ± 1 to 190 ± 6 µg/mL, and also the highest concentration of cinnamic acid (656 to 156 µg/g), which was also the individual compound with the highest anti-inflammatory activity. The derivatives of p-coumaric acid revealed the strongest properties, specially the derivative methylated in the carboxylic group (CoA-M1) that exhibited similar activity to the one showed by dexamethaxone used as anti-inflammatory standard; by contrast, the derivatives of p-hydroxybenzoic revealed the lowest inhibition of NO production. All in all, whereas the conjugation reactions change the chemical structure of phenolic acids and may increase or decrease their activity, the glucuronated and methylated derivatives of the studied compounds are still displaying anti-inflammatory activity.
OBJECTIVE: To make individual assessments using automated quantification methodology in order to screen for perfusion abnormalities in cerebral SPECT examinations among a sample of subjects with OCD. METHODS: Statistical parametric mapping (SPM) was used to compare 26 brain SPECT images from patients with OCD individually with an image bank of 32 normal subjects, using the statistical threshold of p < 0.05 (corrected for multiple comparisons at the level of individual voxels or clusters). The maps were analyzed, and regions presenting voxels that remained above this threshold were sought. RESULTS: Six patients from a sample of 26 OCD images showed abnormalities at cluster or voxel level, considering the criteria described above, which represented 23.07%. However, seven images from the normal group of 32 were also indicated as cases of perfusional abnormality, representing 21.8% of the sample. CONCLUSION: The automated quantification method was not considered to be a useful tool for clinical practice, for analyses complementary to visual inspection.
OBJECTIVE: To determine if abnormal laboratory findings are more common in individuals with hypertension and in those with other risk factors, such as obesity, smoking and alcohol ingestion. METHODS: A study was carried out in the general outpatient clinics of a university hospital (145 individuals without previous diagnosis of hypertension) and the following variables were assessed: high blood pressure (as defined by the VI Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection and Treatment of High Blood Pressure - VI JNC), obesity [calculated using body mass index (BMI)], tobacco use, and alcoholic ingestion. The laboratory examinations consisted of the following tests: hemogram, glycemia, uric acid, potassium, total/HDL-fraction cholesterol, triglycerides, calcium and creatinine. RESULTS: High blood pressure was not associated with a higher number of abnormal laboratory tests. Hypertensive individuals with a BMI > or = 25kg/m² or normotensive obese individuals, however, had a higher frequency of diabetes (12X), hypertriglyceridemia (3X), and hypercholesterolemia (2X), as compared with hypertensive individuals with BMI <25kg/m² and preobese/normal weight normotensive individuals. CONCLUSION: High blood pressure is not associated with a higher frequency of abnormal laboratory tests. The association of high blood pressure and obesity, however, increases the detection of diabetes and dyslipidemias.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Música
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Wirtschaftswiss., Diss., 2010