925 resultados para in vivo sun protector factor
The human cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4), the predominant but variably expressed cytochrome P450 in adult liver and small intestine is involved in the metabolism of over 50% of currently used drugs. Its paralog CYP3A5 plays a crucial role in the disposition of several drugs with low therapeutic index, including tacrolimus. Limited information is available for the CYP3A5 transcriptional regulation and its induction by xenobiotics remains controversial. In the first part of this study, we analysed the CYP3A5 transcriptional regulation and its induction by xenobiotics in vivo using transgenic mice. To this end, two transgenic strains were established by pronuclear injection of a plasmid, expressing firefly luciferase driven by a 6.2 kb of the human CYP3A5 promoter. A detailed analysis of both strains shows a tissue distribution largely reflecting that of CYP3A5 transcripts in humans. Thus, the highest luciferase activity was detected in the small intestine, followed by oesophagus, testis, lung, adrenal gland, ovary, prostate and kidney. However, no activity was observed in the liver. CYP3A5-luc transgenic mice were similarly induced in both sexes with either PCN or TCPOBOP in small intestine in a dose-dependent manner. Thus, the 6.2 kb upstream promoter of CYP3A5 mediates the broad tissue activity in transgenic mice. CYP3A5 promoter is inducible in the small intestine in vivo, which may contribute to the variable expression of CYP3A in this organ. rnThe hepato-intestinal level of the detoxifying oxidases CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 is adjusted to the xenobiotic exposure mainly via the xenosensor and transcriptional factor PXR. CYP3A5 is additionally expressed in several other organs lacking PXR, including kidney. In the second part of this study, we investigated the mechanism of the differential expression of CYP3A5 and CYP3A4 and its evolutionary origin using renal and intestinal cells, and comparative genomics. For this examination, we established a two-cell line models reflecting the expression relationships of CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 in the kidney and small intestine in vivo. Our data demonstrate that the CYP3A5 expression in renal cells was enabled by the loss of a suppressing Yin Yang 1 (YY1)-binding site from the CYP3A5 promoter. This allowed for a renal CYP3A5 expression in a PXR-independent manner. The YY1 element is retained in the CYP3A4 gene, leading to its suppression, perhaps via interference with the NF1 activity in renal cells. In intestinal cells, the inhibition of CYP3A4 expression by YY1 is abrogated by a combined activating effect of PXR and NF1 acting on their respective response elements located adjacent to the YY1-binding site on CYP3A4 proximal promoter. CYP3A4 expression is further facilitated by a point mutation attenuating the suppressing effect of YY1 binding site. The differential expression of CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 in these organs results from the loss of the YY1 binding element from the CYP3A5 promoter, acting in concert with the differential organ expression of PXR, and with the higher accumulation of PXR response elements in CYP3A4. rn
Die Nuklearmedizin ist ein modernes und effektives Werkzeug zur Erkennung und Behandlung von onkologischen Erkrankungen. Molekulare Bildgebung, die auf dem Einsatz von Radiopharmaka basiert, beinhaltet die Einzel-Photonen-Emissions-Tomographie (SPECT) und Positronenemissions¬tomographie (PET) und ermöglicht die nicht-invasive Visualisierung von Tumoren auf nano-und picomolarer Ebene.rnDerzeit werden viele neue Tracer für die genauere Lokalisierung von kleinen Tumoren und Metastasen eingeführt und hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung untersucht. Die meisten von ihnen sind Protein-basierte Biomoleküle, die die Natur selbst als Antigene für die Tumorzellen produziert. Dabei spielen Antikörper und Antikörper-Fragmente eine wichtige Rolle in der Tumor-Diagnostik und Behandlung. Die PET-Bildgebung mit Antikörpern und Antikörperfragmenten bezeichnet man als immuno-PET. Ein wichtiger Aspekt hierbei ist, dass entsprechende Radiopharmaka benötigt werden, deren Halbwertszeit mit der Halbwertszeit der Biomoleküle korreliert ist.rnIn neueren Arbeiten wird 90Nb als potenzieller Kandidat für die Anwendung in der immuno-PET vorgeschlagen. Seine Halbwertszeit von 14,6 Stunden ist geeignet für die Anwendung mit Antikörperfragmenten und einige intakten Antikörpern. 90Nb hat eine relativ hohen Anteil an Positronenemission von 53% und eine optimale Energie für die β+-Emission von 0,35 MeV, die sowohl eine hohe Qualität der Bildgebung als auch eine niedrige Aktivitätsmenge des Radionuklids ermöglicht.rnErsten grundlegende Untersuchungen zeigten: i) dass 90Nb in ausreichender Menge und Reinheit durch Protonen-Bombardierung des natürlichen Zirkonium Targets produziert, ii) aus dem Targetmaterial in entsprechender radiochemischer Reinheit isoliert und iii) zur Markierung des monoklonalen Antikörpers (Rituximab) verwendet werden kann und iv) dieser 90Nb-markierte mAb eine hohe in vitro Stabilität besitzt. Desweiteren wurde eine alternative und schnelle Abtrennungsmethode entwickelt, die es erlaubt 90Nb, mit einer geeigneten radiochemischen und radionuklidischen Reinheit für eine anschließende Markierung von Biomolekülen in einer Stunde zu aufzureinigen. Schließlich wurden erstmals 90Nb-markierte Biomolekülen in vivo untersucht. Desweiteren wurden auch Experimente durchgeführt, um den optimalen bifunktionellen Chelatbildner (BFC) für 90Niob zu finden. Mehrere BFC wurden hinsichtlich Komplexbildung mit NbV untersucht. Desferrioxamin (Df) erwies sich als geeignetster Chelator für 90Nb. Der monoklonale Antikörper Bevacizumab (Avastin®) wurde mit 90Nb markiert und eine Biodistributionsstudie und eine PET-Untersuchung durchgeführt. Alle diese Ergebnisse zeigten, dass 90Nb ein vielversprechendes Radionuklid für die Immuno-PET ist, welches sogar für weitere kommerzielle Anwendungen in der klinischen Routine geeignet zu sein scheint.rn
In dieser Arbeit sollte der Einfluss einer Überproduktion von humaner Superoxiddismutase 1 (hSOD1) auf die Spiegel der DNA-Schäden in verschiedenen Geweben von transgenen Mäusen untersucht werden. Tiere die eine Defizienz des Ogg1- und Csb- Proteins aufweisen und deshalb oxidative Purinmodifikationen nicht oder nur schwer reparieren können, akkumulieren 8-oxoG im Laufe ihres Lebens (Osterod, et al. 2001). Aus diesem Grund sind diese ein gutes Modell, um protektive Eigenschaften von Antioxidantien wie z.B. Substanzen oder Enzymen zu untersuchen. Fusser, et al. 2011 konnten beispielsweise zeigen, dass das pflanzliche Polyphenol Resveratrol die endogenen Spiegel an 8-oxoG sowie die spontanen Mutatiosraten im Lac I - Gen senken kann. Um den Einfluss von hSOD1 in vivo zu untersuchen, wurden in zwei Zuchtschritten 4 Mausgenotypen generiert, nämlich (Csb -/- Ogg1 -/- und Csb +/- Ogg1 +/- Mäuse jeweils mit ohne hSOD1 Überexpression). Diese wurden in verschiedenen Altersstufen auf die Basalspiegel an oxidativen Schäden (Einzelstrangbrüche und Fpg-sensitive Läsionen) in der Leber, der Niere und der Milz untersucht. Die Genotypen wurden zunächst charakterisiert und die hSOD1-Überexpression mittels qRT-PCR, Western Blot und Enzymaktivitätsbestimmung verifiziert. Es konnte an diesen Tieren erstmalig gezeigt werden, dass SOD die Generierung von DNA-Schäden in vivo mit zunehmendem Alter der Tiere senkt und dass deshalb Superoxid eine der reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies ist, die unter physiologischen Bedingungen für die DNA-Schäden verantwortlich ist. Außerdem kann ein möglicher toxischer Effekt der Überproduktion von SOD ausgeschlossen werden. Erhöhte Spiegel an oxidativen DNA-Schäden durch womöglich erhöhte Spiegel an H2O2 konnten in dieser Studie nicht beobachtet werden. Eine Messung der Genexpression anderer antioxidativer Enzyme wie Katalase, SOD2 und SOD3, GPX oder HO1 sind an diesem Effekt nicht beteiligt. Auch konnte kein Einfluss des redoxsensitiven Transkriptionsfaktors Nrf2 gezeigt werden. rnUm mögliche Quellen der für die oxidativ gebildeten DNA-Schäden verantwortlichen ROS zu identifizieren, wurde der Einfluss des Dopaminstoffwechsels untersucht. Während des Dopaminmetabolismus werden intrazellulär Reaktive Sauerstoffspezies (H2O2 und O2.-) gebildet und tragen sehr wahrscheinlich zur Entstehung von neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen wie Parkinson bei. In dem gängigen Parkinson-Zellkulturmodell SH-SY5Y konnte keine Erhöhung von oxidativen Schäden in nukleärer DNA nach Dopaminbehandlung nachgewiesen werden. Eine Überexpression der Dopaminmetabolisierenden Enzyme MAO-A und MAO-B zeigen bei niedrigen Dosen Dopamin eine leichte jedoch nicht signifikante Erhöhung der Fpg-sensitiven Modifikationen. Die Überproduktion des Dopamintransporters zeigte keinen Effekt nach Dopaminzugabe. Es kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass durch erhöhte MAO-A und MAO-B endogen ROS gebildet werden, die die Bildung Fpg-sensitiver Läsionen hervorrufen. Bei hohen Dosen und langer Inkubationszeit steht die Dopaminautoxidation, anschließende Neuromelaninbildung und als Konsequenz Apoptose im Vordergrund.rn
Bone formation and osseointegration of biomaterials are dependent on angiogenesis and vascularization. Angiogenic growth factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) were shown to promote biomaterial vascularization and enhance bone formation. However, high local concentrations of VEGF induce the formation of malformed, nonfunctional vessels. We hypothesized that a continuous delivery of low concentrations of VEGF from calcium phosphate ceramics may increase the efficacy of VEGF administration.VEGF was co-precipitated onto biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) ceramics to achieve a sustained release of the growth factor. The co-precipitation efficacy and the release kinetics of the protein were investigated in vitro. For in vivo investigations BCP ceramics were implanted into critical size cranial defects in Balb/c mice. Angiogenesis and microvascularization were investigated over 28 days by means of intravital microscopy. The formation of new bone was determined histomorphometrically. Co-precipitation reduced the burst release of VEGF. Furthermore, a sustained, cell-mediated release of low concentrations of VEGF from BCP ceramics was mediated by resorbing osteoclasts. In vivo, sustained delivery of VEGF achieved by protein co-precipitation promoted biomaterial vascularization, osseointegration, and bone formation. Short-term release of VEGF following superficial adsorption resulted in a temporally restricted promotion of angiogenesis and did not enhance bone formation. The release kinetics of VEGF appears to be an important factor in the promotion of biomaterial vascularization and bone formation. Sustained release of VEGF increased the efficacy of VEGF delivery demonstrating that a prolonged bioavailability of low concentrations of VEGF is beneficial for bone regeneration.
Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) regulates a broad spectrum of fundamental cellular processes like proliferation, death, migration and cytokine production. Therefore, elevated levels of S1P may be causal to various pathologic conditions including cancer, fibrosis, inflammation, autoimmune diseases and aberrant angiogenesis. Here we report that S1P lyase from the prokaryote Symbiobacterium thermophilum (StSPL) degrades extracellular S1P in vitro and in blood. Moreover, we investigated its effect on cellular responses typical of fibrosis, cancer and aberrant angiogenesis using renal mesangial cells, endothelial cells, breast (MCF-7) and colon (HCT 116) carcinoma cells as disease models. In all cell types, wild-type StSPL, but not an inactive mutant, disrupted MAPK phosphorylation stimulated by exogenous S1P. Functionally, disruption of S1P receptor signaling by S1P depletion inhibited proliferation and expression of connective tissue growth factor in mesangial cells, proliferation, migration and VEGF expression in carcinoma cells, and proliferation and migration of endothelial cells. Upon intravenous injection of StSPL in mice, plasma S1P levels rapidly declined by 70% within 1 h and then recovered to normal 6 h after injection. Using the chicken chorioallantoic membrane model we further demonstrate that also under in vivo conditions StSPL, but not the inactive mutant, inhibited tumor cell-induced angiogenesis as an S1P-dependent process. Our data demonstrate that recombinant StSPL is active under extracellular conditions and holds promise as a new enzyme therapeutic for diseases associated with increased levels of S1P and S1P receptor signaling.
The transcription factor IRF4 is involved in several T-cell-dependent chronic inflammatory diseases. To elucidate the mechanisms for pathological cytokine production in colitis, we addressed the role of the IRF transcription factors in human inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and experimental colitis.
High-dose chemotherapy (HDC) followed by autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) is used for the treatment of hemato-oncologic malignancies. In this study, we measured the effect of HDC/ASCT on plasma concentrations of antiangiogenic soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 (sVEGFR1) and of leukapheresis products (LP) and patient serum on chick chorioallantoic (CAM) angiogenesis.
The goal of this study was to evaluate in vitro and in vivo the effects of up-regulation of the proangiogenic hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)-1α induced by dimethyloxalylglycine on endothelial cell cultures and on skin flap survival.
HIV-1 negative factor (Nef) elevates virus replication and contributes to immune evasion in vivo. As one of its established in vitro activities, Nef interferes with T-lymphocyte chemotaxis by reducing host cell actin dynamics. To explore Nef's influence on in vivo recirculation of T lymphocytes, we assessed lymph-node homing of Nef-expressing primary murine lymphocytes and found a drastic impairment in homing to peripheral lymph nodes. Intravital imaging and 3D immunofluorescence reconstruction of lymph nodes revealed that Nef potently impaired T-lymphocyte extravasation through high endothelial venules and reduced subsequent parenchymal motility. Ex vivo analyses of transendothelial migration revealed that Nef disrupted T-lymphocyte polarization and interfered with diapedesis and migration in the narrow subendothelial space. Consistently, Nef specifically affected T-lymphocyte motility modes used in dense environments that pose high physical barriers to migration. Mechanistically, inhibition of lymph node homing, subendothelial migration and cell polarization, but not diapedesis, depended on Nef's ability to inhibit host cell actin remodeling. Nef-mediated interference with in vivo recirculation of T lymphocytes may compromise T-cell help and thus represents an important mechanism for its function as a HIV pathogenicity factor.
CD4+ T cells are involved in several immune response pathways used to control viral infections. In this study, a group of genetically defined goats was immunized with a synthetic peptide known to encompass an immunodominant helper T-cell epitope of caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV). Fifty-five days after challenge with the molecularly cloned CAEV strain CO, the vaccinated animals had a higher proviral load than the controls. The measurement of gamma interferon and interleukin-4 gene expression showed that these cytokines were reliable markers of an ongoing immune response but their balance did not account for more or less efficient control of CAEV replication. In contrast, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor appeared to be a key cytokine that might support virus replication in the early phase of infection. The observation of a potential T-cell-mediated enhancement of virus replication supports other recent findings showing that lentivirus-specific T cells can be detrimental to the host, suggesting caution in designing vaccine candidates.
Alpha interferon (IFN-α) suppresses human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) replication in vitro by inducing cell-intrinsic retroviral restriction mechanisms. We investigated the effects of IFN-α/ribavirin (IFN-α/riba) treatment on 34 anti-HIV-1 restriction factors in vivo. Expression of several anti-HIV-1 restriction factors was significantly induced by IFN-α/riba in HIV/hepatitis C virus (HCV)-coinfected individuals. Fold induction of cumulative restriction factor expression in CD4+ T cells was significantly correlated with viral load reduction during IFN-α/riba treatment (r2 = 0.649; P < 0.016). Exogenous IFN-α induces supraphysiologic restriction factor expression associated with a pronounced decrease in HIV-1 viremia.
INTRODUCTION: SPARC is a matricellular protein, which, along with other extracellular matrix components including collagens, is commonly over-expressed in fibrotic diseases. The purpose of this study was to examine whether inhibition of SPARC can regulate collagen expression in vitro and in vivo, and subsequently attenuate fibrotic stimulation by bleomycin in mouse skin and lungs. METHODS: In in vitro studies, skin fibroblasts obtained from a Tgfbr1 knock-in mouse (TBR1CA; Cre-ER) were transfected with SPARC siRNA. Gene and protein expressions of the Col1a2 and the Ctgf were examined by real-time RT-PCR and Western blotting, respectively. In in vivo studies, C57BL/6 mice were induced for skin and lung fibrosis by bleomycin and followed by SPARC siRNA treatment through subcutaneous injection and intratracheal instillation, respectively. The pathological changes of skin and lungs were assessed by hematoxylin and eosin and Masson's trichrome stains. The expression changes of collagen in the tissues were assessed by real-time RT-PCR and non-crosslinked fibrillar collagen content assays. RESULTS: SPARC siRNA significantly reduced gene and protein expression of collagen type 1 in fibroblasts obtained from the TBR1CA; Cre-ER mouse that was induced for constitutively active TGF-beta receptor I. Skin and lung fibrosis induced by bleomycin was markedly reduced by treatment with SPARC siRNA. The anti-fibrotic effect of SPARC siRNA in vivo was accompanied by an inhibition of Ctgf expression in these same tissues. CONCLUSIONS: Specific inhibition of SPARC effectively reduced fibrotic changes in vitro and in vivo. SPARC inhibition may represent a potential therapeutic approach to fibrotic diseases.
Virtual colonoscopy (VC) is a minimally invasive means for identifying colorectal polyps and colorectal lesions by insufflating a patient’s bowel, applying contrast agent via rectal catheter, and performing multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) scans. The technique is recommended for colonic health screening by the American Cancer Society but not funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) partially because of potential risks from radiation exposure. To date, no in‐vivo organ dose measurements have been performed for MDCT scans; thus, the accuracy of any current dose estimates is currently unknown. In this study, two TLDs were affixed to the inner lumen of standard rectal catheters used in VC, and in-vivo rectal dose measurements were obtained within 6 VC patients. In order to calculate rectal dose, TLD-100 powder response was characterized at diagnostic doses such that appropriate correction factors could be determined for VC. A third-order polynomial regression with a goodness of fit factor of R2=0.992 was constructed from this data. Rectal dose measurements were acquired with TLDs during simulated VC within a modified anthropomorphic phantom configured to represent three sizes of patients undergoing VC. The measured rectal doses decreased in an exponential manner with increasing phantom effective diameter, with R2=0.993 for the exponential regression model and a maximum percent coefficient of variation (%CoV) of 4.33%. In-vivo measurements yielded rectal doses ranged from that decreased exponentially with increasing patient effective diameter, in a manner that was also favorably predicted by the size specific dose estimate (SSDE) model for all VC patients that were of similar age, body composition, and TLD placement. The measured rectal dose within a younger patient was favorably predicted by the anthropomorphic phantom dose regression model due to similarities in the percentages of highly attenuating material at the respective measurement locations and in the placement of the TLDs. The in-vivo TLD response did not increase in %CoV with decreasing dose, and the largest %CoV was 10.0%.
BACKGROUND Interferon-α (IFN-α) treatment suppresses HIV-1 viremia and reduces the size of the HIV-1 latent reservoir. Therefore, investigation of the molecular and immunologic effects of IFN-α may provide insights that contribute to the development of novel prophylactic, therapeutic and curative strategies for HIV-1 infection. In this study, we hypothesized that microRNAs (miRNAs) contribute to the IFN-α-mediated suppression of HIV-1. To inform the development of novel miRNA-based antiretroviral strategies, we investigated the effects of exogenous IFN-α treatment on global miRNA expression profile, HIV-1 viremia, and potential regulatory networks between miRNAs and cell-intrinsic anti-HIV-1 host factors in vivo. METHODS Global miRNA expression was examined in longitudinal PBMC samples obtained from seven HIV/HCV-coinfected, antiretroviral therapy-naïve individuals before, during, and after pegylated interferon-α/ribavirin therapy (IFN-α/RBV). We implemented novel hybrid computational-empirical approaches to characterize regulatory networks between miRNAs and anti-HIV-1 host restriction factors. RESULTS miR-422a was the only miRNA significantly modulated by IFN-α/RBV in vivo (p<0.0001, paired t test; FDR<0.037). Our interactome mapping revealed extensive regulatory involvement of miR-422a in p53-dependent apoptotic and pyroptotic pathways. Based on sequence homology and inverse expression relationships, 29 unique miRNAs may regulate anti-HIV-1 restriction factor expression in vivo. CONCLUSIONS The specific reduction of miR-422a is associated with exogenous IFN-α treatment, and likely contributes to the IFN-α suppression of HIV-1 through the enhancement of anti-HIV-1 restriction factor expression and regulation of genes involved in programmed cell death. Moreover, our regulatory network analysis presents additional candidate miRNAs that may be targeted to enhance anti-HIV-1 restriction factor expression in vivo.
UNLABELLED Adenovirus dodecahedron (Dd), a nanoparticulate proteinaceous biodegradable virus-like particle (VLP), was used as a vector for delivery of an oncogene inhibitor to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) rat orthotopic model. Initiation factor eIF4E is an oncogene with elevated expression in human cancers. Cell-impermeant eIF4E inhibitor, cap structure analog (cap) and anti-cancer antibiotic doxorubicin (Dox) were delivered as Dd conjugates. Dd-cap and Dd-dox inhibited cancer cell culture proliferation up to 50 and 84%, respectively, while with free Dox similar results could be obtained only at a 5 times higher concentration. In animal HCC model the combination treatment of Dd-cap/Dd-dox caused 40% inhibition of tumor growth. Importantly, the level of two pro-oncogenes, eIF4E and c-myc, was significantly diminished in tumor sections of treated rats. Attachment to Dd, a virus-like particle, permitted the first demonstration of cap analog intracellular delivery and resulted in improved doxorubicin delivery leading to statistically significant inhibition of HCC tumor growth. FROM THE CLINICAL EDITOR Adenovirus dodecahedron, a nanoparticulate proteinaceous biodegradable virus-like particle was used in this study as a vector for the concomitant delivery of cap structure analog and doxorubicine to hepatocellular carcinoma in a rat model, resulting in significant inhibition of tumor growth.