976 resultados para import elasticity
Degeneration of tendon tissue is a common cause of tendon dysfunction with the symptoms of repeated episodes of pain and palpable increase of tendon thickness. Tendon mechanical properties are directly related to its physiological composition and the structural organization of the interior collagen fibers which could be altered by tendon degeneration due to overuse or injury. Thus, measuring mechanical properties of tendon tissue may represent a quantitative measurement of pain, reduced function, and tissue health. Ultrasound elasticity imaging has been developed in the last two decades and has proved to be a promising tool for tissue elasticity imaging. To date, however, well established protocols of tendinopathy elasticity imaging for diagnosing tendon degeneration in early stages or late stages do not exist. This thesis describes the re-creation of one dynamic ultrasound elasticity imaging method and the development of an ultrasound transient shear wave elasticity imaging platform for tendon and other musculoskeletal tissue imaging. An experimental mechanical stage with proper supporting systems and accurate translating stages was designed and made. A variety of high-quality tissue-mimicking phantoms were made to simulate homogeneous and heterogeneous soft tissues as well as tendon tissues. A series of data acquisition and data processing programs were developed to collect the displacement data from the phantom and calculate the shear modulus and Young’s modulus of the target. The imaging platform was found to be capable of conducting comparative measurements of the elastic parameters of the phantoms and quantitatively mapping elasticity onto ultrasound B-Mode images. This suggests the system has great potential for not only benefiting individuals with tendinopathy with an earlier detection, intervention and better rehabilitation, but also for providing a medical tool for quantification of musculoskeletal tissue dysfunction in other regions of the body such as the shoulder, elbow and knee.
Controversy surrounding the United States import of beef has been an issue since at least 1958, which marked the beginning of major imports from Australia (Edward, 1964). From the onset, U.S. beef producers have been concerned that beef imports would depress the prices they receive for their product. Consumer groups, on the other hand, have welcomed increased imports, expecting that increased competition would lower meat prices. As a result of these conflicting views, the past 50 years has seen the creation of various measures of legislation which control the volume of imports.
There are several techniques to characterize the elastic modulus of wood and those currently using the natural frequencies of vibration stand out as they are non-destructive techniques, producing results that can be repeated and compared over time. This study reports on the effectiveness of the testing methods based on the natural frequencies of vibration versus static bending to obtain the elastic properties of reforested structural wood components usually employed in civil construction. The following components were evaluated: 24 beams of Eucalyptus sp. with nominal dimensions (40 x 60 x 2.000 mm) and 14 beams of Pinus oocarpa with nominal dimensions (45 x 90 x 2.300 mm) both without treatment; 30 boards with nominal dimensions (40 x 240 x 2.010 mm) and 30 boards with nominal dimensions (40 x 240 x 3.050 mm), both of Pinus oocarpa and with chromate copper arsenate (CCA) preservative treatment. The results obtained in thiswork show good correlation when compared to the results obtained by the static bending mechanical method, especially when applying the natural frequency of longitudinal vibration. The use of longitudinal frequency was reliable and practical, therefore recommended for determining the modulus of elasticity of wood structural elements. It was also found that no specific support is needed for the specimens using the longitudinal frequency, as well as no previous calibrations, reducing the execution time and enabling to test many samples.
The strain image contrast of some in vivo breast lesions changes with increasing applied load. This change is attributed to differences in the nonlinear elastic properties of the constituent tissues suggesting some potential to help classify breast diseases by their nonlinear elastic properties. A phantom with inclusions and long-term stability is desired to serve as a test bed for nonlinear elasticity imaging method development, testing, etc. This study reports a phantom designed to investigate nonlinear elastic properties with ultrasound elastographic techniques. The phantom contains four spherical inclusions and was manufactured from a mixture of gelatin, agar and oil. The phantom background and each of the inclusions have distinct Young's modulus and nonlinear mechanical behavior. This phantom was subjected to large deformations (up to 20%) while scanning with ultrasound, and changes in strain image contrast and contrast-to-noise ratio between inclusion and background, as a function of applied deformation, were investigated. The changes in contrast over a large deformation range predicted by the finite element analysis (FEA) were consistent with those experimentally observed. Therefore, the paper reports a procedure for making phantoms with predictable nonlinear behavior, based on independent measurements of the constituent materials, and shows that the resulting strain images (e. g., strain contrast) agree with that predicted with nonlinear FEA.
Il Cloud Computing permette di utilizzare al meglio le risorse distribuite allo scopo di risolvere problemi di computazione su larga scala, e viene distribuito dai provider all'utente finale sotto forma di servizio. Presentati i diversi modelli di distribuzione dei servizi Cloud, si discutono le varie tipologie di servizi offerti. Efficaci meccanismi di elasticità e scalabilità hanno permesso al Cloud Computing di superare lo scoglio iniziale di utilizzo medio dei server al 10%. L'elasticità (rapid elasticity) è l’abilità di acquisire e rilasciare le risorse di un'infrastruttura Cloud su richiesta, l’abilità di un'applicazione di cambiare le sue dimensione durante il suo tempo di esecuzione; la scalabilità è un prerequisito per ottenere una buona elasticità per il sistema, ed è l'abilità che ha un layer di sostenere carichi di lavoro variabili continuando ad adempiere agli obblighi imposti dallo SLA allocando o disallocando risorse computazionali. Le diverse modalità di scaling e il loro utilizzo determinano la scalabilità e di conseguenza l'elasticità del sistema, e sfruttano la virtualizzazione per poter funzionare. Ciò ha portato notevoli benefici perchè aumenta l'utilizzo dei server, migliora l'efficienza del sistema, e dona flessibilità in caso di errori massimizzando il tempo di funzionamento. Sono stati introdotti due esempi di sistemi elastici basati ovviamente sulla virtualizzazione come Amazon Web Services e Microsoft Azure, che dominano il mercato del Cloud Computing e fanno uso dei più efficenti meccanismi d'elasticità. Il cuore di questo elaborato è l'analisi dell'ampliamento dell'adozione del Cloud Computing in azienda Onit Group srl. L'obiettivo è trattare i punti fondamentali per il Cloud Computing, analizzarli e immagazzinare tutte queste conoscenze per analizzare lo stato attuale del Cloud nell'azienda focalizzando l'attenzione sui vantaggi e sugli svantaggi che un sostanziale ampliamento dell'adozione ai sistemi Cloud poteva apportare.
The mitochondrial genomes of most eukaryotes lack a variable number of tRNA genes. This lack is compensated for by import of a small fraction of the corresponding cytosolic tRNAs. There are two broad mechanisms for the import of tRNAs into mitochondria. In the first one, the tRNA is coimported together with a mitochondrial precursor protein along the protein import pathway. It applies to the yeast tRNA(Lys) and has been elucidated in great detail. In the second more vaguely defined mechanism, which is mainly found in plants and protozoa, tRNAs are directly imported independent of cytosolic factors. However, results in plants indicate that direct import of tRNAs may nevertheless require some components of the protein import machinery. All imported tRNAs in all systems are of the eukaryotic type but need to be functionally integrated into the mitochondrial translation system of bacterial descent. For some tRNAs, this is not trivial and requires unique evolutionary adaptations.
Canine distemper virus (CDV) causes in dogs a severe systemic infection, with a high frequency of demyelinating encephalitis. Among the six genes transcribed by CDV, the P gene encodes the polymerase cofactor protein (P) as well as two additional nonstructural proteins, C and V; of these V was shown to act as a virulence factor. We investigated the molecular mechanisms by which the P gene products of the neurovirulent CDV A75/17 strain disrupt type I interferon (IFN-alpha/beta)-induced signaling that results in the establishment of the antiviral state. Using recombinant knockout A75/17 viruses, the V protein was identified as the main antagonist of IFN-alpha/beta-mediated signaling. Importantly, immunofluorescence analysis illustrated that the inhibition of IFN-alpha/beta-mediated signaling correlated with impaired STAT1/STAT2 nuclear import, whereas the phosphorylation state of these proteins was not affected. Coimmunoprecipitation assays identified the N-terminal region of V (VNT) responsible for STAT1 targeting, which correlated with its ability to inhibit the activity of the IFN-alpha/beta-mediated antiviral state. Conversely, while the C-terminal domain of V (VCT) could not function autonomously, when fused to VNT it optimally interacted with STAT2 and subsequently efficiently suppressed the IFN-alpha/beta-mediated signaling pathway. The latter result was further supported by a single mutation at position 110 within the VNT domain of CDV V protein, resulting in a mutant that lost STAT1 binding while retaining a partial STAT2 association. Taken together, our results identified the CDV VNT and VCT as two essential modules that complement each other to interfere with the antiviral state induced by IFN-alpha/beta-mediated signaling. Hence, our experiments reveal a novel mechanism of IFN-alpha/beta evasion among the morbilliviruses.