957 resultados para immunofluorescence assay


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Certain bacteria present on frog skin can prevent infection by the pathogenic fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), conferring disease resistance. Previous studies have used agar-based in vitro challenge assays to screen bacteria for Bd-inhibitory activity and to identify candidates for bacterial supplementation trials. However, agar-based assays can be difficult to set up and to replicate reliably. To overcome these difficulties, we developed a semi-quantitative spectrophotometric challenge assay technique. Cell-free supernatants were prepared from filtered bacterial cultures and added to 96-well plates in replicated wells containing Bd zoospores suspended in tryptone-gelatin hydrolysate-lactose (TGhL) broth medium. Plates were then read daily on a spectrophotometer until positive controls reached maximum growth in order to determine growth curves for Bd. We tested the technique by screening skin bacteria from the Australian green-eyed tree frog Litoria serrata. Of bacteria tested, 31% showed some degree of Bd inhibition, while some may have promoted Bd growth, a previously unknown effect. Our cell-free supernatant challenge assay technique is an effective in vitro method for screening bacterial isolates for strong Bd-inhibitory activity. It contributes to the expanding field of bioaugmentation research, which could play a significant role in mitigating the effects of chytridiomycosis on amphibians around the world.


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BACKGROUND: The recent development of very high resistance to phosphine in rusty grain beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens), seriously threatens stored-grain biosecurity. The aim was to characterise this resistance, to develop a rapid bioassay for its diagnosis to support pest management and to document the distribution of resistance in Australia in 20072011. RESULTS: Bioassays of purified laboratory reference strains and field-collected samples revealed three phenotypes: susceptible, weakly resistant and strongly resistant. With resistance factors of > 1000 x , resistance to phosphine expressed by the strong resistance phenotype was higher than reported for any stored-product insect species. The new time-to-knockdown assay rapidly and accurately diagnosed each resistance phenotype within 6 h. Although less frequent in western Australia, weak resistance was detected throughout all grain production regions. Strong resistance occurred predominantly in central storages in eastern Australia. CONCLUSION: Resistance to phosphine in the rusty grain beetle is expressed through two identifiable phenotypes: weak and strong. Strong resistance requires urgent changes to current fumigation dosages. The development of a rapid assay for diagnosis of resistance enables the provision of same-day advice to expedite resistance management decisions. (c) 2012 Commonwealth of Australia. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Coccidiosis is a costly worldwide enteric disease of chickens caused by parasites of the genus Eimeria. At present, there are seven described species that occur globally and a further three undescribed, operational taxonomic units (OTUs X, Y, and Z) that are known to infect chickens from Australia. Species of Eimeria have both overlapping morphology and pathology and frequently occur as mixed-species infections. This makes definitive diagnosis with currently available tests difficult and, to date, there is no test for the detection of the three OTUs. This paper describes the development of a PCR-based assay that is capable of detecting all ten species of Eimeria, including OTUs X, Y, and Z in field samples. The assay is based on a single set of generic primers that amplifies a single diagnostic fragment from the mitochondrial genome of each species. This one-tube assay is simple, low-cost, and has the capacity to be high throughput. It will therefore be of great benefit to the poultry industry for Eimeria detection and control, and the confirmation of identity and purity of vaccine strains.


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The Old World screwworm (OWS) fly, Chrysomya bezziana, is a serious pest of livestock, wildlife and humans in tropical Africa, parts of the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, south-east Asia and Papua New Guinea. Although to date Australia remains free of OWS flies, an incursion would have serious economic and animal welfare implications. For these reasons Australia has an OWS fly preparedness plan including OWS fly surveillance with fly traps. The recent development of an improved OWS fly trap and synthetic attractant and a specific and sensitive real-time PCR molecular assay for the detection of OWS flies in trap catches has improved Australia's OWS fly surveillance capabilities. Because all Australian trap samples gave negative results in the PCR assay, it was deemed necessary to include a positive control mechanism to ensure that fly DNA was being successfully extracted and amplified and to guard against false negative results. A new non-competitive internal amplification control (IAC) has been developed that can be used in conjunction with the OWS fly PCR assay in a multiplexed single-tube reaction. The multiplexed assay provides an indicator of the performance of DNA extraction and amplification without greatly increasing labour or reagent costs. The fly IAC targets a region of the ribosomal 16S mitochondrial DNA which is conserved across at least six genera of commonly trapped flies. Compared to the OWS fly assay alone, the multiplexed OWS fly and fly IAC assay displayed no loss in sensitivity or specificity for OWS fly detection. The multiplexed OWS fly and fly IAC assay provides greater confidence for trap catch samples returning negative OWS fly results. © 2014 International Atomic Energy Agency.


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Pasteurella multocida is a Gram-negative bacterial pathogen that is the causative agent of a wide range of diseases in many animal species, including humans. A widely used method for differentiation of P. multocida strains involves the Heddleston serotyping scheme. This scheme was developed in the early 1970s and classifies P. multocida strains into 16 somatic or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) serovars using an agar gel diffusion precipitin test. However, this gel diffusion assay is problematic, with difficulties reported in accuracy, reproducibility, and the sourcing of quality serovar-specific antisera. Using our knowledge of the genetics of LPS biosynthesis in P. multocida, we have developed a multiplex PCR (mPCR) that is able to differentiate strains based on the genetic organization of the LPS outer core biosynthesis loci. The accuracy of the LPS-mPCR was compared with classical Heddleston serotyping using LPS compositional data as the "gold standard." The LPS-mPCR correctly typed 57 of 58 isolates; Heddleston serotyping was able to correctly and unambiguously type only 20 of the 58 isolates. We conclude that our LPS-mPCR is a highly accurate LPS genotyping method that should replace the Heddleston serotyping scheme for the classification of P. multocida strains.


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Testing for mutagenicity and carcinogenicity has become an integral part of the toxicological evaluation of drugs and chemicals. Standard carcinogenicity tests in vivo require both large numbers of animals and prolonged experiments. To circumvent these problems, several rapid tests have been developed for preliminary screening of mutagens and carcinogens in vitro. Ames and his associates, the first to develop a mutation test, used mutant strains of Salmonella typhimurium [1]. Mutation tests with Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Neurospora crassa and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and DNA-repair tests with E. coli and B. subtilis, have been developed. Cytogenetic assays, in vivo as well as in vitro, in both plant and animal systems, are also used to detect potential mutagens and carcinogens. Transfection is inhibited by base mutation, cleavage of DNA, loss of cohesive ends, interaction with histones, spermidine, nalidixic acid, etc. [3]. The efficiency of transfection is affected by temperature, DNA structure and the condition of the competence of the recipient cells [3]. Transfection assays with phages MS: RNA and ~i, x 174-DNA have been reported [15]. A fast and easy transfection assay using colitis bacteriophage DNA is reported in this communication.


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Escherichia coli sequence type 131 (ST131) have emerged as a pandemic lineage of important multidrug resistant pathogens worldwide. Despite many studies examining the epidemiology of ST131, only a few studies to date have investigated the capacity of ST131 strains to form biofilms. Some of these studies have reported contrasting findings, with no specific ST131 biofilm-promoting factors identified. Here we examined a diverse collection of ST131 isolates for in vitro biofilm formation in different media and assay conditions, including urine from healthy adult women. We found significant differences among strains and assay conditions, which offers an explanation for the contrasting findings reported by previous studies using a single condition. Importantly, we showed that expression of type 1 fimbriae is a critical determinant for biofilm formation by ST131 strains and that inhibition of the FimH adhesin significantly reduces biofilm formation. We also offer direct genetic evidence for the contribution of type 1 fimbriae in biofilm formation by the reference ST131 strain EC958, a representative of the clinically dominant H30-Rx ST131 subgroup. This is the first study of ST131 biofilm formation in biologically relevant conditions and paves the way for the application of FimH inhibitors in treating drug resistant ST131 biofilm infections.


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Mismatch repair (MMR) mechanisms repair DNA damage occurring during replication and recombination. To date, five human MMR genes, MSH2, MHS6, MSH3, MLH1 and PMS2 are known to be involved in the MMR function. Human MMR proteins form 3 different heterodimers: MutSα (MSH2 and MSH6) and MutSβ (MSH2 and MSH3), which are needed for mismatch recognition and binding, and MutLα (MLH1 and PMS2), which is needed for mediating interactions between MutS homologues and other MMR proteins. The other two MutL homologues, MLH3 and PMS1, have been shown to heterodimerize with MLH1. However, the heterodimers MutLγ (MLH1and MLH3) and MutLβ (MLH1 and PMS1) are able to correct mismatches only with low or no efficiency, respectively. A deficient MMR mechanism is associated with the hereditary colorectal cancer syndrome called hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) or Lynch syndrome. HNPCC is the most common hereditary colorectal cancer syndrome and accounts for 2-5% of all colorectal cancer cases. HNPCC-associated mutations have been found in 5 MMR genes: MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2 and MLH3. Most of the mutations have been found in MLH1 and MSH2 (~90%) and are associated with typical HNPCC, while mutations in MSH6, PMS2 and MLH3 are mainly linked to putative HNPCC families lacking the characteristics of the syndrome. More data of MLH3 mutations are needed to assess the significance of its mutations in HNPCC. In this study, were functionally characterized 51 nontruncating mutations in the MLH1, MLH3 and MSH2 genes to address their pathogenic significance and mechanism of pathogenicity. Of the 36 MLH1 mutations, 22 were deficient in more than one assay, 2 variants were impaired only in one assay, and 12 variants behaved like the wild type protein, whereas all seven MLH3 mutants functioned like the wild type protein in the assays. To further clarify the role and relevance of MLH3 in MMR, we analyzed the subcellular localization of the native MutL homologue proteins. Our immunofluorescence analyses indicated that when all the three MutL homologues are natively expressed in human cells, endogenous MLH1 and PMS2 localize in the nucleus, whereas MLH3 stays in the cytoplasm. The coexpression of MLH3 with MLH1 results in its partial nuclear localization. Only one MSH2 mutation was pathogenic in the in vitro MMR assay. Our study on MLH1 mutations could clearly distinguish nontruncating alterations with severe functional defects from those not or only slightly impaired in protein function. However, our study on MLH3 mutations suggest that MLH3 mutations per se are not sufficient to trigger MMR deficiency and the continuous nuclear localization of MLH1 and PMS2 suggest that MutLα has a major activity in MMR in vivo. Together with our functional assays, this confirms that MutLγ is a less efficient MMR complex than MutLα.


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An immunoscreening approach was used to isolate a strongly positive cDNA clone from an Entamoeba histolytica HK-9 cDNA expression library in the phage vector lambda ZAP-II. The 1.85-kb cDNA insert was found to be truncated and encoded the cysteine-rich, immunodominant domain of the antigenic 170-kDa subunit of the amebal galactose N-acetylgalactosamine binding lectin. This domain was expressed as a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein in Escherichia coli. Inclusion bodies of the recombinant protein were solubilized with Sarkosyl, and the protein was enriched from the crude bacterial extract by thiol-affinity chromatography. The recombinant protein was used to develop a rapid, sensitive, and specific avidin-biotin microtiter enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for invasive amebiasis. Sera from 38 individuals suffering from invasive amebiasis, 12 individuals with noninvasive amebiasis, 44 individuals with other infections, and 27 healthy subjects were screened by the recombinant antigen-based ELISA. The sensitivity and specificity of the assay were 90.4 and 94.3%, respectively, which correlated well with those of an ELISA developed with crude amebal antigen (r = 0.94; P < 0.0001), as well as with those of a commercially available serodiagnostic ELISA (r = 0.92; P < 0.0001). Thus, the bacterially expressed recombinant lectin can replace the crude amebal extract as an antigen in the serodiagnosis of invasive amebiasis by using avidin-biotin microtiter ELISA.


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Context: Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas (PPGLs) are heritable neoplasms that can be classified into gene-expression subtypes corresponding to their underlying specific genetic drivers. Objective: This study aimed to develop a diagnostic and research tool (Pheo-type) capable of classifying PPGL tumors into gene-expression subtypes that could be used to guide and interpret genetic testing, determine surveillance programs, and aid in elucidation of PPGL biology. Design: A compendium of published microarray data representing 205 PPGL tumors was used for the selection of subtype-specific genes that were then translated to the Nanostring gene-expression platform. A support vector machine was trained on the microarray dataset and then tested on an independent Nanostring dataset representing 38 familial and sporadic cases of PPGL of known genotype (RET, NF1, TMEM127, MAX, HRAS, VHL, and SDHx). Different classifier models involving between three and six subtypes were compared for their discrimination potential. Results: A gene set of 46 genes and six endogenous controls was selected representing six known PPGL subtypes; RTK1–3 (RET, NF1, TMEM127, and HRAS), MAX-like, VHL, and SDHx. Of 38 test cases, 34 (90%) were correctly predicted to six subtypes based on the known genotype to gene-expression subtype association. Removal of the RTK2 subtype from training, characterized by an admixture of tumor and normal adrenal cortex, improved the classification accuracy (35/38). Consolidation of RTK and pseudohypoxic PPGL subtypes to four- and then three-class architectures improved the classification accuracy for clinical application. Conclusions: The Pheo-type gene-expression assay is a reliable method for predicting PPGL genotype using routine diagnostic tumor samples.


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Purpose: Testis specific heat-shock protein 70-2 (HSP70-2), a member of HSP70 chaperone family, is essential for the growth of spermatocytes and cancer cells. We investigated the association of HSP70-2 expression with clinical behaviour and progression of urothelial carcinoma of bladder. Experimental design: We assessed the HSP70-2 expression by RT-PCR and HSP70-2 protein expression by immunofluorescence, flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry and Western blotting in urothelial carcinoma patient specimens and HTB-1, UMUC-3, HTB-9, HTB-2 and normal human urothelial cell lines. Further, to investigate the role of HSP70-2 in bladder tumour development, HSP70-2 was silenced in the high-grade invasive HTB-1 and UMUC-3 cells. The malignant properties of urothelial carcinoma cells were examined using colony formation, migration assay, invasion assay in vitro and tumour growth in vivo. Results: Our RT-PCR analysis and immunohistochemistry analysis revealed that HSP70-2 was expressed in both moderate to well-differentiated and high-grade invasive urothelial carcinoma cell lines studied and not in normal human urothelial cells. In consistence with these results, HSP70-2 expression was also observed in superficially invasive (70%) and muscle-invasive (90%) patient's tumours. Furthermore, HSP70-2 knockdown significantly suppressed cellular motility and invasion ability. An in vivo xenograft study showed that inhibition of HSP70-2 significantly suppressed tumour growth. Conclusions: In conclusion, our data suggest that the HSP70-2 expression is associated with early spread and progression of urothelial carcinoma of bladder cancer and that HSP70-2 can be the potential therapeutic target for bladder urothelial carcinoma. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Asian elephants (Dephas maximus), prominent ``flagship species'', arelisted under the category of endangered species (EN - A2c, ver. 3.1, IUCN Red List 2009) and there is a need for their conservation This requires understanding demographic and reproductive dynamics of the species. Monitoring reproductive status of any species is traditionally being carried out through invasive blood sampling and this is restrictive for large animals such as wild or semi-captive elephants due to legal. ethical, and practical reasons Hence. there is a need for a non-invasive technique to assess reproductive cyclicity profiles of elephants. which will help in the species' conservation strategies In this study. we developed an indirect competitive enzyme linked immuno-sorbent assay (ELISA) to estimate the concentration of one of the progesterone-metabolites i.e, allopregnanolone (5 alpha-P-3OH) in fecal samples of As elephants We validated the assay which had a sensitivity of 0.25 mu M at 90% binding with an EC50 value of 1 37 mu M Using female elephants. kept under semi-captive conditions in the forest camps of Mudumalar Wildlife Sanctuary, Tamil Nadu and Bandipur National Park, Karnataka, India. we measured fecal progesterone-metabolite (5 alpha-P-3OH) concentrations in six an and showed their clear correlation with those of scrum progesterone measured by a standard radio-immuno assay. Statistical analyses using a Linear Mixed Effect model showed a positive correlation (P < 0 1) between the profiles of fecal 5 alpha-P-3OH (range 0 5-10 mu g/g) and serum progesterone (range: 0 1-1 8 ng/mL) Therefore, our studies show, for the first time, that the fecal progesterone-metabolite assay could be exploited to predict estrus cyclicity and to potentially assess the reproductive status of captive and free-ranging female Asian elephants, thereby helping to plan their breeding strategy (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.


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An interesting interaction between glyoxylate and cystein takes place in phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) to form a product which is resistant to hydrolysis at ordinary temperatures. The reaction product is broken up by acid hydrolysis at elevated temperatures under controlled conditions, giving a quantitive yield of glyoxylate. Other keto acids, such as α-ketoglutarate, pyruvate and oxaloacetate, do not interact with cysteine under similar conditions. Methods based on these findings are described for(a) direct estimation of other keto acids in the presence of glyoxylate, and (b) assay of isocitritase and glyoxylate transaminase.


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Antigen specific monoclonal antibodies present in crude hybridoma supernatants are normally screened by ELISA on plates coated with the relevant antigen. Screening for inhibitory monoclonals to enzymes would require the evaluation of purified antibodies or antibody containing supernatants for their inhibition of enzyme activity in a separate assay. However, screening for inhibitory antibodies against DNA transacting enzymes such as topoisomerase I (topo I) cannot be done using hybridoma supernatants due to the presence of nucleases in tissue culture media containing foetal calf serum which degrade the DNA substrates upon addition. We have developed a simple and rapid screening procedure for the identification of clones that secrete inhibitory antibodies against mycobacterial topo I using 96 well ELISA microtiter plates. The principle of the method is the selective capture of monoclonal antibodies from crude hybridoma supernatants by topo I that is tethered to the plate through the use of plate-bound polyclonal anti-topo I antibodies. This step allows the nucleases present in the medium to be washed off leaving the inhibitor bound to the tethered enzyme. The inhibitory activity of the captured antibody is assessed by performing an in situ DNA relaxation assay by the addition of supercoiled DNA substrate directly to the microtiter well followed by the analysis of the reaction products by agarose gel electrophoresis. The validity of this method was confirmed by purification of the identified inhibitory antibody and its evaluation in a DNA relaxation assay. Elimination of all enzyme-inhibitory constituents of the culture medium from the well in which the inhibitory antibody is bound to the tethered enzyme may make this method broadly applicable to enzymes such as DNA gyrases, restriction enzymes and other DNA transaction enzymes. Further, the method is simple and avoids the need of prior antibody purification for testing its inhibitory activity. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fifteen stable mouse spleen cell myeloma hybrids (hybridomas) producing monoclonal antibodies to rinderpest virus proteins were produced. The specificity of these monoclonal antibodies was established by radioimmunoprecipitation followed by polyacrylamide gel analysis and immunofluorescence. Nine antibodies were specific for the surface glycoprotein H. All the nine clones showed inhibition of haemagglutination by measles virus. The antibodies from two clones (A7D2 and B2F6) neutralise infectious virus. Six clones produce antibodies reacting with the nucleocapsid protein N. Three antigenic sites designated I–III, with sites I and II partially overlapping, were topographically mapped on the H molecule by competitive binding assay. Similarly, two antigenic sites I and II were delineated on the N protein. The monoclonal antibodies were used to study the antigenic relationships of H and N proteins of rinderpest virus, measles virus and canine distemper virus.