961 resultados para hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis


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The effects of gonadectomy on the secretion of prolactin, LH, TSH, and thyroxine were investigated. Blood serum hormone concentrations were analysed before and at 20, 120, and 180 min after a single iv TRH injection in each of eight healthy intact and castrated male beagle dogs before (control) and after 4-week treatment with the dopamine-2 receptor agonist cabergoline. Under control conditions the mean prolactin, TSH, and thyroxine concentrations were similar in intact and gonadectomised dogs, and administration of TRH provoked a significant (p < 0.01) increase in concentrations of the three hormones. The overall inhibitory effect of cabergoline treatment on prolactin secretion was more pronounced in the castrated dogs compared with the intact group. Cabergoline significantly suppressed the TRH-induced prolactin increase in each group (p < 0.01). Corresponding TRH-stimulated TSH concentrations were not affected by cabergoline. In the gonadectomised dogs, thyroxine concentrations before and at 120 and 180 min after TRH injection were significantly lower than under control conditions. LH concentrations were always higher (p < 0.01) in gonadectomised dogs compared with the intact dogs, but appeared to be affected neither by TRH nor by cabergoline administration. It can thus be concluded from the results, that gonadectomy does not result in hyperprolactinaemia in male dogs, while LH concentrations are significantly increased due to missing androgen feedback. Thyroid function remains unaffected by gonadectomy. Testicular steroids appear to interact with central dopaminergic and probably other neuroendocrine mechanisms regulating the secretion of prolactin, TSH, and thyroxine. Thus, long-term dopamine-2 receptor agonistic treatment may lead to a hypothyroid condition in castrated male dogs. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of thiopentone/halothane anaesthesia on the release of endogenous opioid, adrenocorticotrophin, arginine vasopressin, cortisol and catecholamine was investigated in ponies. The contribution made by halothane itself was studied by maintaining six ponies with a constant 12 per cent end tidal halothane concentration and five with a concentration ranging between 0.8 and 12 per cent. Cardiorespiratory depression was more prolonged in the ponies receiving a constant 1-2 per cent end tidal halothane concentration than in those which received less halothane. Plasma lactate concentration increased and haematocrit decreased during halothane anaesthesia. The concentrations of met-enkephalin, dynorphin and catecholamines did not change and those of β-endorphin, adrenocorticotrophin, arginine vasopressin and cortisol increased during halothane anaesthesia. Halothane appeared to be a major stimulus to pituitary adrenocortical activation because the adrenocortical secretion was proportional to the amount of halothane inhaled. β-endorphin increased proportionally more than adrenocorticotrophin and their plasma concentrations were not correlated, suggesting that they have independent secretion mechanisms.


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The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is important in regulating energy metabolism and in mediating responses to stressors, including increasing energy availability during physical exercise. In addition, glucocorticoids act directly on the central nervous system and influence behavior, including locomotor activity. To explore potential changes in the HPA axis as animals evolve higher voluntary activity levels, we characterized plasma corticosterone (CORT) concentrations and adrenal mass in four replicate lines of house mice that had been selectively bred for high voluntary wheel running (HR lines) for 34 generations and in four nonselected control (C) lines. We determined CORT concentrations under baseline conditions and immediately after exposure to a novel stressor (40 min of physical restraint) in mice that were housed without access to wheels. Resting daytime CORT concentrations were approximately twice as high in HR as in C mice for both sexes. Physical restraint increased CORT to similar concentrations in HR and C mice; consequently, the proportional response to restraint was smaller in HR than in C animals. Adrenal mass did not significantly differ between HR and C mice. Females had significantly higher baseline and postrestraint CORT concentrations and significantly larger adrenal glands than males in both HR and C lines. Replicate lines showed significant variation in body mass, length, baseline CORT concentrations, and postrestraint CORT concentrations in one or both sexes. Among lines, both body mass and length were significantly negatively correlated with baseline CORT concentrations, suggesting that CORT suppresses growth. Our results suggest that selection for increased locomotor activity has caused correlated changes in the HPA axis, resulting in higher baseline CORT concentrations and, possibly, reduced stress responsiveness and a lower growth rate. © 2007 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o comportamento dos níveis séricos de cortisol e dehidroepiandrosterona (DHEA) em pacientes com malária por Plasmodium falciparum. Como o cortisol apresenta um efeito imunossupressor e o DHEA um efeito imunoestimulador, estudou- se a correlação entre os níveis destes esteróides e a condição clínica do paciente de malária. A amostra constou de 24 pacientes com malária por P. falciparum não-complicada, sendo 18 do sexo masculino e 6 do sexo feminino, com idade variando de 15 a 47 anos, 12 primoinfectados e 12 multi-infectados, provenientes de área endêmica de malária da Amazônia. Coletaram-se amostras diárias de sangue de 20 em 20 minutos no pré-tratamento (D0), 24 horas após o início da medicação (D1) e no 8º dia de acompanhamento (D7), quando o paciente já se encontrava assintomático. Todos os pacientes apresentavam parasitemia negativa em D7. Dosaram-se: os níveis séricos de cortisol em D0, D1 e D7; DHEA em D0 e D7; os níveis de anticorpos totais IgG anti-P. falciparum, anti-P. vivax, e anticorpos IgM anti-P. falciparum em D0. Comparam-se os níveis séricos de cortisol dos três dias, concluindo-se que os níveis de cortisol eram significativamente mais elevados em D0 do que nos outros dias. Foram correlacionados os níveis de cortisol com a parasitemia, obtendo-se como significativas as correlações entre cortisol D0 e parasitemia D1, assim como cortisol D1 com parasitemia D1, levando-se a deduzir que o cortisol pode interferir na resposta inicial à terapêutica de pacientes com malária por P. falciparum. O cortisol foi correlacionado com a temperatura, tempo de evolução da doença, níveis de anticorpos IgG anti-P. falciparum, não se obtendo resultados estatisticamente significativos, levando a inferir que a temperatura não interfere nos níveis de cortisol e o mesmo não interfere nos níveis de anticorpos, e não apresenta variações importantes com o tempo de evolução da doença. Os níveis de DHEA em D0, foram significativamente mais elevados do que em D7, apesar dos pacientes estarem sintomáticos há mais de um dia, já que um estímulo mantido do eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-adrenal (HPA) leva a uma diminuição deste esteróide. O DHEA foi correlacionado com a parasitemia obtendo-se um resultado significativo na correlação DHEA D0 com parasitemia D1. A correlação entre cortisol e DHEA em D0 não foi significativa (p = 0,057), porém este resultado leva a crer que o DHEA acompanha o aumento dos níveis de cortisol. Obteve-se uma correlação negativa entre DHEA e tempo de evolução de doença, apesar destes níveis estarem aumentados no pré-tratamento. Calculou-se a correlação parcial entre cortisol, DHEA e temperatura, concluindo-se que a temperatura interfere positivamente na correlação cortisol e DHEA. Uma vez que a febre reflete o momento em que ocorre a lise das hemácias secundária a esquizogonia, provavelmente esta lise com conseqüente liberação de citocinas serve como um fator agudizador da estimulação do eixo HPA, sugerindo que a liberação dos dois hormônios apresenta mecanismo comum. A correlação entre DHEA e anticorpos não foi significativa, portanto o DHEA não deve interferir na produção de anticorpos de pacientes com malária por P. falciparum.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Background: Pain markedly activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and increases plasma corticosterone release interfering significantly with nociceptive behaviour as well as the mechanism of action of analgesic drugs. Aims/Methods: In the present study, we monitored the time course of circulating corticosterone in two mouse strains (C57Bl/6 and Balb/C) under different pain models. In addition, the stress response was investigated following animal handling, intrathecal (i.t.) manipulation and habituation to environmental conditions commonly used in nociceptive experimental assays. We also examined the influence of within-cage order of testing on plasma corticosterone. Results: Subcutaneous injection of capsaicin precipitated a prompt stress response whereas carrageenan and complete Freund's adjuvant induced an increased corticosterone release around the third hour post-injection. However, carrageenan induced a longer increased corticosterone in C57Bl/6 mice. In partial sciatic nerve ligation, neuropathic pain model corticosterone increased only in the first days whereas mechanical hypersensitivity remained much longer. Animal handling also represents an important stressor whereas the i.t. injection per se does not exacerbate the handling-induced stress response. Moreover, the order of testing animals from the same cage does not interfere with plasma corticosterone levels in the intrathecal procedure. Animal habituation to the testing apparatus also does not reduce the immediate corticosterone increase as compared with non-habituated mice. Conclusion: Our data indicate that HPA axis activation in acute and chronic pain models is time dependent and may be dissociated from evoked hyperalgesia. Therefore, HPA-axis activation represents an important variable to be considered when designing experimental assays of persistent pain as well as for interpretation of data.


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Chronic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been associated with perturbed hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis function and a hyperadrenergic state. We hypothesized that patients with PTSD attributable to myocardial infarction (MI) would show peripheral hypocortisolemia and increased norepinephrine levels, whereby taking into account that depressive symptoms would affect this relationship.


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The measurement of inflammation by biomarkers not only documents clinically relevant infections but also offers an important tool to pin point potentially harmful effects of chronic psychosocial stressors. This article focuses firstly on basic biology of inflammation and lists main biomarkers currently used in psycho-physiologic research. In the second part, the effects of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the autonomic nervous system as pathways modulating stress-related inflammation are discussed. Furthermore, current evidence of how chronic psychosocial stressors are related to alterations in inflammatory activity is presented. In summary, job stress, low socioeconomic status, childhood adversities as well as life events, caregiver stress, and loneliness were all shown to exert effects on immunologic activity.


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Although stress is implicated in the pathophysiology of mood and anxiety disorders, not all individuals who suffer stressful life events develop psychopathology. Differential susceptibility to stress may be influenced by genetically mediated differences in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity and moderation of the stress response by the opioid peptide beta-endorphin (beta-E). The present study investigated genetic contributions to coping behavior by examining anxious behavior of transgenic mice with varying capacities to synthesize beta-E [B6.129S2-Pomc(tm1Low)/J; regulated by insertion of a premature stop codon into one or both copies of the proopiomelanocortin (POMC) gene], both under normal conditions and following 3 min of forced swim (FS). Ten minutes after this stress exposure or a control manipulation, acutely food-deprived female and male transgenic mice were subjected to a novelty-suppressed feeding (NSF) test, during which their interaction with an almond slice located in the center of an open field box was measured. There was an interaction between genotype and stress for latency to approach the almond and whether or not the almond was approached, such that mice with low or absent beta-E displayed a stronger aversion to novelty-feeding after stress exposure than did mice with normal levels. These data provide evidence for a moderating effect of beta-E on the behavioral response to stress. Genotypic differences in anxious behavior emerged when mice were stressed prior to behavioral assessment, suggesting that beta-E plays a role in coping behavior. These findings indicate that genetic variability in sensitivity of the beta-E system to stress may contribute, at least in part, to heritable differences in stress reactivity as well as vulnerability to stress-related psychopathology.


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The adequate replacement dose of estrogens during infancy and childhood is still not known in girls. Aromatase deficiency offers an excellent model to study how much estrogens are needed during infancy, childhood and adulthood.


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BACKGROUND: Depressed mood following an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a risk factor for future cardiac morbidity. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis dysregulation is associated with depression, and may be a process through which depressive symptoms influence later cardiac health. Additionally, a history of depression predicts depressive symptoms in the weeks following ACS. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a history of depression and/or current depression are associated with the HPA axis dysregulation following ACS. METHOD: A total of 152 cardiac patients completed a structured diagnostic interview, a standardized depression questionnaire and a cortisol profile over the day, 3 weeks after an ACS. Cortisol was analysed using: the cortisol awakening response (CAR), total cortisol output estimated using the area under the curve method, and the slope of cortisol decline over the day. RESULTS: Total cortisol output was positively associated with history of depression, after adjustment for age, gender, marital status, ethnicity, smoking status, body mass index (BMI), Global Registry of Acute Cardiac Events (GRACE) risk score, days in hospital, medication with statins and antiplatelet compounds, and current depression score. Men with clinically diagnosed depression after ACS showed a blunted CAR, but the CAR was not related to a history of depression. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with a history of depression showed increased total cortisol output, but this is unlikely to be responsible for associations between depression after ACS and later cardiac morbidity. However, the blunted CAR in patients with severe depression following ACS indicates that HPA dysregulation is present.


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Child abuse and neglect are universal risk factors for delinquency, violence and aggression; this phenomenon is known as the cycle of violence. Despite a wide body of research demonstrating this phenomenon, the processes which mediate this relationship remain largely unknown. One potentially relevant result of abuse and neglect may be disruptions in the development of the body’s stress response, specifically the function of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis. The HPA-axis, and its end-product, cortisol, may play a role in regulating aggressive behavior, but this function may be disrupted following abuse and neglect. Another risk factor for aggression, psychopathy, may mediate the cycle of violence or independently contribute to aggressive behavior. This study examined the relationship between child abuse and neglect, HPA-axis function, psychopathy and aggression. History of abuse was measured using a self-report questionnaire, the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire. Using a within-subject, placebo-controlled, counter-balanced dosing design, 67 adults were given an acute dose of 20mg cortisol as a challenge to the HPA-axis. Following dosing, measures of cortisol response were obtained through saliva samples, and state-aggressive behavior was measured by a laboratory task, the Point-Subtraction Aggression Paradigm (PSAP). Basal measures of cortisol were obtained prior to dosing. Psychopathy and a trait-measure of aggression were assessed through self-report questionnaires. PSAP data and trait-aggression scores were normalized and summed for an overall aggression score. Linear regression analyses indicated that a history of abuse and neglect robustly predicted aggression, supporting the cycle of violence hypothesis. Further, abuse and neglect predicted a diminished HPA-axis response to the cortisol challenge. Although a diminished HPA-axis response significantly predicted increased aggression, mediation analysis revealed that HPA-axis reactivity did not mediate a significant portion of the effect of abuse and neglect on aggression. However, HPA-axis reactivity did mediate part of the effect, indicating that HPA-axis function may be a factor in the cycle of violence. Psychopathy robustly predicted increased aggression. Although the results indicate that cortisol, psychopathy and HPA-axis function are involved in the cycle of violence, further research is required to better understand the complex interaction of these factors.