140 resultados para hypermedia


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The contribution of this article demonstrates how to identify context-aware types of e-Learning objects (eLOs) derived from the subject domains. This perspective is taken from an engineering point of view and is applied during requirements elicitation and analysis relating to present work in constructing an object-oriented (OO), dynamic, and adaptive model to build and deliver packaged e-Learning courses. Consequently, three preliminary subject domains are presented and, as a result, three primitive types of eLOs are posited. These types educed from the subject domains are of structural, conceptual, and granular nature. Structural objects are responsible for the course itself, conceptual objects incorporate adaptive and logical interoperability, while granular objects congregate granular assets. Their differences, interrelationships, and responsibilities are discussed. A major design challenge relates to adaptive behaviour. Future research addresses refinement on the subject domains and adaptive hypermedia systems.


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This paper describes the CyberAula 2.0 project which presents an integrated solution for videoconferencing and lecture recording as a mechanism to support subjects which need to be promoted or discontinued within the framework of the European convergence process. Our solution is made up of a web portal, a videoconferencing tool and an economical and easily transportable hardware kit. Recording sessions can be exported to SCORM and LOM compliant files which can be imported by an LMS. The validation process is currently being carried out in five scenarios at our university that use Moodle as a way to deliver content to students.


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En esta aportación se reflejan una serie de experiencias docentes que el Grupo de Investigación ‘Hypermedia. Taller de configuración arquitectónica’, reconocido también como grupo de innovación educativa de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ha llevado a cabo en el ámbito de diversos proyectos de innovación educativa basados en el ‘juego’. Dentro del Plan de Estudios para el título de arquitecto, tanto en las asignaturas troncales de primer curso, como en los talleres experimentales interdepartamentales y en las asignaturas de libre elección -una específicamente de diseño de juguetes sostenibles y otra sobre género-, además de en los cursos intensivos para universitarios europeos (Athens) y por último, en las materias de intensificación de los últimos cursos e incluso en los cursos de posgrado -master y doctorado- hemos introducido experiencias pedagógicas que implican el jugar como pedagogía basada en la acción que provoca una reflexión sobre lo arquitectónico, sobre el mundo y sobre nosotros mismos. Someramente se describen aquí algunas de estas acciones, la metodología, los objetivos y los resultados obtenidos


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La acción del dibujar intenta presentarse en este texto como lenguaje mudo, práctica común general y práctica común en el campo arquitectónico en concreto; y también como acción, apertura, exploración (no representación) en el estado naciente del proyecto. La tesis se presenta como un estudio basado en la experiencia directa, la observación in situ (Practice Based Design Doctórate) intentando reflexionar no desde sus productos alcanzados al dibujar, sino desde la propia acción, enfatizando la dinamicidad del cuerpo como productor de gestos dinámicos. El trabajo busca describir la acción del trazar como apertura, exploración (no representación) en el estado naciente del proyecto. Es el cruce entre la acción experienciada y el pensamiento crítico respecto al hacer con aproximaciones a la artesanía (Sennett, 2010), al placer del dibujar (Nancy, 2013) y la aventura de conformar (Badiou, 2006). La experiencia en el dibujar que este estudio recoge es la desarrollada por la autora en el contexto pedagógico del D.I.G.A. de la E.T.S.A. de Madrid en concreto en las asignaturas “Dibujo Avanzado e Interpretación Gráfica (DAII) I y II” y “Dibujo del Natural” ambas impartidas por el profesor Antonio Verd Herrero y en la participación en los trabajos del Grupo de Investigación y de Innovación Educativa denominado: “Hypermedia” dirigidos por el profesor Javier Seguí, en el periodo que va del año 2007 a la actualidad. La colección de acontecimientos que surgió de esta experiencia y se formó de aproximaciones sucesivas presenta algunos rasgos característicos de la acción del dibujar. Los acontecimientos abordan la acción del dibujar desde una experiencia muda, un tipo de lenguaje, escritura y comunicación común, intercultural pero a la vez impersonal, desde su relación con la escritura, la palabra, el movimiento, el gesto y su imagen. El dibujar se presenta como modo de exploración en la investigación proyectual basada en la arbitrariedad que requiere voluntad, compromiso, ir en contra para participar en cualquier transformación de los límites (físicos, nacionales, sociales, de género, religión, sentido). El dibujar no representativo se presenta como técnica imaginaria radical, “terapia” configural con capacidad para la experimentación con uno mismo (Sloderdijk, 2003), un modo de comunicación intercultural que, sin embargo, siempre recurre al lenguaje verbal, leída e interpretada para cobrar sentido. ABSTRACT The action of drawing is intended to be presented in this text as a mute language, a common practice in general and a common practice in the field of architecture specifically; and also as an action, opening, exploration (not representation) at the birth stage of a project. The thesis forms a study based on a direct observation in an in situ experience (Practice Based Design Doctórate), which intends to reflect not on the products produced by drawing, but on the action itself, emphasizing on the dynamics of the body as a generator of dynamic gestures. The work is the intersection of experienced action and critical thinking related with the making with an approach to a path on craftsmanship (Sennett, 2010), the pleasure in drawing (Nancy, 2013) and the adventure of compromise/ conciliation (Badiou, 2006). The experience in drawing was collected and developed for this study by the author in the context of D.I.G.A. at the E.T.S.A. of Madrid and in particular at the courses of “Advanced Drawing and Graphic Interpretation” (DAII) I y II” and “Life drawing”, together with the active participation and the work of the investigation and Innovation Educational Group “Hypermedia”, coordinated by professor Javier Seguí, during the period starting the year 2007 until the present (2013). The collection of the events derives from a process of successive attempts to approach some characteristic aspects of the action of drawing. The events approach the action of drawing as a mute experience, a kind of language, common communication, writing, gesture and image. Drawing is presented as a way of exploration for a project's investigation, based on arbitrarily and on the asking “what if”. At the same time this process requires will, compromise, opposition in order to participate in a transformation of any kind of limits (physical, national, social, genre, religion, sense). This thesis aims to present non-representative drawing as a radical imaginary technique, a configurational ‘therapy’ with the capacity to experiment with oneself (Sloderdijk, 2003). It can also be considered as a way of intercultural communication which always uses the verbal, readable and interpreted language in order to charge sense.


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Collaborative e-learning is increasingly appealing as a pedagogical approach that can positively affect student learning. We propose a didactical model that integrates multimedia with collaborative tools and peer assessment to foster collaborative e-learning. In this paper, we explain it and present the results of its application to the “International Seminars on Materials Science” online course. The proposed didactical model consists of five educational activities. In the first three, students review the multimedia resources proposed by the teacher in collaboration with their classmates. Then, in the last two activities, they create their own multimedia resources and assess those created by their classmates. These activities foster communication and collaboration among students and their ability to use and create multimedia resources. Our purpose is to encourage the creativity, motivation, and dynamism of the learning process for both teachers and students.


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Comunicación presentada en las V Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Ingeniería de Requisitos y Ambientes Software (IDEAS’02), La Habana, Cuba, abril 2002.


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Comunicación presentada en las VII Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2002), dentro del II Taller sobre Ingeniería del Software Orientada al Web (Web Engineering) WebE'2002, El Escorial, Madrid, 19 noviembre 2002.


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The consideration of personalization politics in the context of any web application modelling method obliges to the revision of its different modelling activities, which must be adapted to take into account the information regarding the user (usually gathered in a user model) to define aspects such as navigation or presentation. Additionally, they must provide a set of techniques to populate such user model. Finally, and because of the rapid pace at which personalization politics usually change, the modelling process should provide support not only for static personalization rules (known at design time) but also for the definition or change of these rules once the application has been deployed. This article presents, in the context of the Object Oriented Hypermedia Method (OO-H), a personalization framework that fulfils these requirements, and is organized around four main concepts: (1) a set of design activities that capture the personalization requirements known at design time, (2) a mechanism for the specification of personalization rules, defined by means of an XML template, that decouples the definition of the personalization model from the remaining models, (3) an execution architecture that supports the change at execution time of these rules and (4) an extensible repository that includes a set of register mechanisms for the user activity in the system. The possibility of extension of this repository facilitates its adaptation to the particular characteristics of any particular application.


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O objetivo principal dessa pesquisa é analisar os processos de comunicação mercadológica que utilizam os celulares como plataforma de divulgação. É intenção da pesquisa conhecer as práticas de mobile marketing realizadas no Brasil e a forma como os conteúdos desenvolvidos para celulares são utilizados na divulgação empresarial. As características dos jovens consumidores conectados, com destaque para a desenvoltura com que transitam nas novas mídias, e as formas como as empresas se comunicam com esses consumidores também fazem parte dos temas abordados neste estudo. Entrevistas em profundidade com profissionais da área foram utilizadas como metodologia para essa pesquisa qualitativa, de cunho exploratório, e os levantamentos bibliográfico e documental serviram como base para a análise das entrevistas. A pesquisa observou que no universo da comunicação móvel é fundamental desenvolver campanhas que proporcionem experiência com as marcas e ofereçam conteúdos relevantes aos consumidores. Contudo, alguns entraves tecnológicos não permitem que, até o presente momento, essas ações sejam expandidas para todos os consumidores brasileiros que possuem um celular.


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Discusses the necessity for the conscious recognition of the phenomenon known as the extended enterprise; this demands that product, process and supply chain design are all considered simultaneously. Structure must be given to the extended enterprise in order to understand and manage it efficaciously. The authors discuss multiple perspectives for doing this, and employ the notions of “3-dimensional concurrent engineering” and “holonic thinking” for conceiving what the structure may look like. Describes a current “action research” project that is investigating potential lead-time reductions within an extended enterprise’s product introduction process. This aims to produce process visualisations, a framework for structuring and sychronising phases and stage-gates within the extended enterprise, and a new simulation tool which will provide a synthetic distributed hypermedia network. These deliverables will be used to play strategic “games” to explore problem issues within the product introduction process that belongs to the extended enterprise, develop teamwork across autonomous companies, and ultimately, contribute to the design of future extended enterprise supply chains.


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Recent surveys reveal that many university students in the U.K. are not satisfied with the timeliness and usefulness of the feedback given by their tutors. Ensuring timeliness in marking can result in a reduction in the quality of feedback. Though suitable use of Information and Communication Technology should alleviate this problem, existing Virtual Learning Environments are inadequate to support detailed marking scheme creation and they provide little support for giving detailed feedback. This paper describes a unique new web-based tool called e-CAF for facilitating coursework assessment and feedback management directed by marking schemes. Using e-CAF, tutors can create or reuse detailed marking schemes efficiently without sacrificing the accuracy or thoroughness in marking. The flexibility in marking scheme design also makes it possible for tutors to modify a marking scheme during the marking process without having to reassess the students’ submissions. The resulting marking process will become more transparent to students.


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ACM Computing Classification System (1998): K.3.1, K.3.2.


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The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of three student response conditions during computer-assisted instruction on the acquisition and maintenance of social-studies facts. Two of the conditions required active student responding (ASR), whereas the other required an on-task (OT) response. Participants were five fifth-grade students, with learning disabilities enrolled in a private school. An alternating treatments design with a best treatments phase was used to compare the effects of the response procedures on three major dependent measures: same-day tests, next-day tests, and maintenance tests. ^ Each week for six weeks, participants were provided daily one-to-one instruction on sets of 21 unknown social-studies facts using a hypermedia computer program, with a new set of facts being practiced each week. Each set of 21 facts was divided randomly into three conditions: Clicking-ASR, Repeating-ASR, and Listening-OT. Hypermedia lesson began weekly with the concept introduction lesson, followed by practice and testing. Practice and testing occurred four days per week, per set. During Clicking-ASR, student practice involved the selection of a social-studies response by clicking on an item with the mouse on the hypermedia card. Repeating-ASR instruction required students to orally repeat the social-studies facts when prompted by the computer. During Listening-OT, students listened to the social-studies facts being read by the computer. During weeks seven and eight, instruction occurred with seven unknown facts using only the best treatment. ^ Test results show that all for all 5 students, the Repeating-ASR practice procedure resulted in more social-studies facts stated correctly on same-day tests, next-day tests, and one-and two-week maintenance tests. Clicking-ASR was the next most effective procedure. During the seventh and eighth week of instruction when only the best practice condition was implemented, Repeating-ASR produced higher scores than all conditions (including Repeating-ASR) during the first six weeks of the study. ^ The results lend further support to the growing body of literature that demonstrates the positive relation between ASR and student achievement. Much of the ASR literature has focused on the effects of increased ASR during teacher-led or peer-mediated instruction. This study adds a dimension to that research in that it demonstrated the importance of ASR during computer-assisted instruction and further suggests that the type of ASR used during computer-assisted instruction may influence learning. Future research is needed to investigate the effectiveness of other types of ASR during computer-assisted instruction and to identify other fundamental characteristics of an effective computer-assisted instruction. ^


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The outcome of this research is an Intelligent Retrieval System for Conditions of Contract Documents. The objective of the research is to improve the method of retrieving data from a computer version of a construction Conditions of Contract document. SmartDoc, a prototype computer system has been developed for this purpose. The system provides recommendations to aid the user in the process of retrieving clauses from the construction Conditions of Contract document. The prototype system integrates two computer technologies: hypermedia and expert systems. Hypermedia is utilized to provide a dynamic way for retrieving data from the document. Expert systems technology is utilized to build a set of rules that activate the recommendations to aid the user during the process of retrieval of clauses. The rules are based on experts knowledge. The prototype system helps the user retrieve related clauses that are not explicitly cross-referenced but, according to expert experience, are relevant to the topic that the user is interested in.


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Las TIC son inseparables de la museografía in situ e imprescindibles en la museografía en red fija y móvil. En demasiados casos se han instalado prótesis tecnológicas para barnizar de modernidad el espacio cultural, olvidando que la tecnología debe estar al servicio de los contenidos de manera que resulte invisible y perfectamente imbricada con la museografía tradicional. Las interfaces móviles pueden fusionar museo in situ y en red y acompañar a las personas más allá del espacio físico. Esa fusión debe partir de una base de datos narrativa y abierta a obras materiales e inmateriales de otros museos de manera que no se trasladen las limitaciones del museo físico al virtual. En el museo in situ tienen sentido las instalaciones hipermedia inmersivas que faciliten experiencias culturales innovadoras. La interactividad (relaciones virtuales) debe convivir con la interacción (relaciones físicas y personales) y estar al servicio de todas las personas, partiendo de que todas, todos tenemos limitaciones. Trabajar interdisciplinarmente ayuda a comprender mejor el museo para ponerlo al servicio de las personas.