982 resultados para histone H3 acetylation


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Asthma is an incapacitating disease of the respiratory system, which causes extensive morbidity and mortality worldwide. Asthma affects more than 300 million people globally(Masoli et al. 2004). In Australia, it affects 10.2% of the population (Masoli et al. 2004) and causes 60,000 people to be hospitalised annually. Health care expenditure due to asthma in Australia was $606 million in 2004–2005. There are four primary biological factors that function in the initiation and exacerbation of asthma. Airway inflammation is important as it is often the first response to an airway insult, initiating the three other components: bronchoconstriction, mucus hyper-secretion and hyper-reactivity. The mediators involved in asthma are still not well understood, and current anti-inflammatory corticosteroid treatments are not effective with all asthmatics. As there is currently no cure for asthma, and airway inflammation is the primary component of the disease, it is important that we understand and investigate the mediators of airway inflammation to look for a potential cure and to produce better therapeutics to treat the inflammation. Trefoil factors (TFFs) and secretoglobins (SCGBs) are small secreted proteins involved in the mediation of inflammation and epithelial restitution. TFFs are pro-inflammatory and SCGBs anti-inflammatory by nature. The hypothesis of this study is that in response to induced acute airway inflammation, the expression of TFF1 and TFF3 will increase and expression of SCGB1A1 and SCGB3A2 will decrease in non-asthmatics (N-A), asthmatics medicating with bronchodilators (A-BD) and asthmatics medicating with corticosteroids (A-ST). When comparing the three groups, we expect to see higher expression of the TFFs in the A-BD group compared to the N-A and A-ST groups, indicating that inflammation is mediated by TFFs in asthma and that corticosteroid medication controls their expression as part of the control of inflammation. We expect to see the opposite with SCGBs, with a greater decrease in the A-BD group compared to the other two groups, suggesting that the A-BD group has the least anti-inflammatory activity in response to inflammatory insult. Epigenetic modification plays a role in the regulation of genes that initiate disease states such as inflammatory conditions and cancers. Histone acetylation is one such modification, which involves the acetylation of histones in chromatin by histone acetyltransferases (HATs). This increases the transcription of genes involved with inflammation or enrols histone deacetylases (HDACs) to down-regulate the transcription of inflammatory genes. These HATs and HDACs work in a homeostatic fashion; however, in the event of inflammation, increased HAT activity can stimulate further inflammation, which is believed to be the mechanism involved in some inflammatory diseases. This study hypothesises that in response to inflammation, the expression of HDACs (HDAC1-5) will decrease and the expression of HATs (NCOA1-3, HAT-1 and CREBBP) will increase in all groups. When comparing the expression between the groups, it was expected that a greater decrease in HDACs and a greater increase in HATs will be seen in the A-BD group compared to the other two groups. This would identify histone acetylation as a mechanism involved in the inflammatory condition of asthma and indicate that corticosteroids may treat the inflammation in asthma at least in part by controlling histone acetylation. The aim of the project was to compare the expression of inflammatory genes TFF1, TFF3, SCGB1A1 and SCGB3A2, as well as to compare the gene expression of HDAC1-5, NCOA1-3, HAT-1 and CREBBP within and between N-A (n=15), A-BD (n=15) and A-ST (n=15) groups in response to inflammation. This was performed by collecting airway cells and proteins by sputum induction in three sessions. The sessions were coordinated into an initial baseline collection (SI-1), followed by a second session at least one week later (SI-2) and a third session, six hours after SI-2 to collect a sample containing the resultant acute inflammation caused in SI-2 (SI-3). Analysis of the SI-1 and SI-2 samples in all three groups had high amounts of variability between samples. The samples were taken at least one weak apart and the environmental stimuli on each participant outside of the testing sessions could not be controlled. For this reason, the SI-1 samples were not used for analysis; instead SI-2 and SI-3 samples were compared as they were same-day collections, reducing the probability of differences being due to anything other than the sputum induction. The gene expressions of the TFFs, SCGBs, HDACs and HATs were analysed using real-time PCR. Western blot analysis was performed to analyse the protein concentrations of the TFFs and SCGBs in secreted fractions of the sputum collection. Both the secreted and intracellular protein fractions collected from the sputum inductions for pre- and post-inflammation (SI-2, SI-3) samples of the N-A and A-BD groups were analysed using a proteomic method called iTRAQ. This allowed the comparison of the change in protein expression as a result of airway inflammation in each group. This technique was used as a discovery method to identify novel proteins that are modulated by induced acute airway inflammation. Any proteins of interest would then be further validated and used for future research. Inflammation was achieved in the SI-3 samples of the N-A group with a 21% unit increase in % neutrophils compared to SI-2 (p=0.01). The N-A group had a marked 5.5-fold decrease in HDAC1 gene expression in SI-3 compared to SI-2 (p=0.03). No differences were seen in any of the TFFs, SCGBs or any of the rest of the HDACs and HATs. Western blot data did not display any significant changes in the protein levels of the TFFs and SCGBs analysed. However, non-significant analysis of the data displayed increases in TFF1 and TFF3, and decreases in SCGB1A1 and SCGB3A2 for the majority of SI-3 samples compared to SI-2. The A-BD group also presented a marked increase in neutrophils in the SI-3 samples compared to SI-2 (27% unit increase, p=0.04). The A-BD group had a significant increase in TFF3 and SCGB1A1 gene expression concomitant with induced acute airway inflammation. A 7.3-fold increase in TFF3 (p=0.05) in SI-3 indicated that TFF3 is linked to inflammation in asthmatics. A 2.8-fold increase in SCGB1A1 (p=0.03) indicated that this gene is also up-regulated, suggesting that this SCGB is expressed to try to combat induced acute airway inflammation. No significant changes were seen in any of the other genes analysed. Western blot data did not display any significant changes in the protein levels of the TFFs and SCGBs analysed. However, non-significant analysis of the data displayed an increase in TFF1 and TFF3, and a decrease in SCGB1A1 and SCGB3A2 in SI-3, similar to that seen in the N-A group. The A-ST group was different from the A-BD group, characterised by the use of inhaled corticosteroid medication to treat asthma symptoms. Inhaled corticosteroids are known to treat asthma symptoms through the control of inflammation. Therefore, it was expected that corticosteroid medication would also control the expression of TFFs, SCGBs, HATs and HDACs. Gene expression results only identified a 7.6-fold decrease in HDAC2 expression in SI-3 (p=0.001), which is proposed to be due to the up-regulation of HDAC2 protein that is known to be a function of corticosteroid use. Western blot data did not display any significant changes in the protein levels of the TFFs and SCGBs analysed. The gene expression in SI-2 and SI-3 in each group was compared. When comparing the A-BD group to the N-A group, a 9-fold increase in TFF3 (p=0.008) and a 34-fold increase in SCGB1A1 (p=0.03) were seen in the SI-3 samples. Comparisons of the A-ST group to the N-A group had an increased expression in SI-2 samples for HDAC5 (3.6-fold, p=0.04), NCOA2 (8.5-fold, p=0.04), NCOA3 (17-fold, p=0.01), HAT-1 (36-fold, p=0.003) and CREBBP (13-fold, p=0.001). The SI-3 samples in the A-ST group compared to the N-A group had increased expression for HDAC1 (6.4-fold, p=0.04), HDAC5 (5.2-fold, p=0.008), NCOA2 (9.6-fold, p=0.03), NCOA3 (16-fold, p=0.06), HAT-1 (41-fold, p<0.001) and CREBBP (31-fold, p=0.001). Comparisons of the A-ST group to the A-BD group had SI-2 increases in HDAC1 (3.8-fold, p=0.03), NCOA3 (4.5-fold, p=0.03), HAT-1 (5.3-fold, p=0.01) and CREBBP (23-fold, p=0.001), while SI-3 comparisons saw a decrease in HDAC2 (41-fold, p=0.008) and increases in HAT-1 (4.3-fold, p=0.003) and CREBBP (40-fold, p=0.001). Results showed that TFF3 and SCGB1A1 expression is higher in asthmatics than non-asthmatics and that histone acetylation is more active in the A-ST group than either the N-A or A-BD group, which suggests that histone acetylation activity may be positively correlated with asthma severity. The iTRAQ proteomic analysis of the secreted protein samples identified the SCGB1A1 protein and found it to be decreased in both the N-A and A-BD groups post-inflammation, but significantly so only in the A-BD group. Although no significant results were obtained from the western blot data, both groups displayed a decrease in SCGB1A1 concentration in SI-3 samples, suggesting a correlation with the proteomic data. Only 31 peptides were identified from the secreted samples. The intracellular iTRAQ analysis successfully identified 664 peptides, eight of which had differential expression in association with induced acute airway inflammation. Significant increases were seen in the A-BD group in SI-3 compared to SI-2 than in the N-A group in chloride intracellular channel protein 1, keratin-19, eosinophil cationic protein, calnexin, peroxiredoxin-5, and ATP-synthase delta subunit, while decreases were seen in cystatin-A and mucin-5AC. The iTRAQ analysis was only a discovery measure and further validation must be performed. In summary, the expression of TFFs and SCGBs differed between non-asthmatics and asthmatics. It is clear that TFF3 is active in the airway inflammation associated with asthma as indicated by an increase associated with inflammation in the A-BD group compared to the N-A group. Results for HDAC and HAT genes showed high HAT expression in the A-ST group compared to the N-A and A-BD groups, suggesting that histone acetyltransferases may be responsible for the characteristic unregulated inflammatory symptoms of asthmatics taking corticosteroids. Interestingly, corticosteroid medication did not seem to silence the expression of the analysed HAT genes, which indicates that corticosteroids may not control inflammation by direct regulation of HATs, but instead by competition, most probably with HDAC2 protein. As a discovery tool, iTRAQ is a potent method to both identify and compare the concentration of proteins between samples. The method is a powerful first step into the identification of novel proteins that are regulated in response to different treatments.


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The hallmark of mammalian spermiogenesis is the dramatic chromatin remodeling process wherein the nucleosomal histones are replaced by the transition proteins TP1, TP2, and TP4. Subsequently these transition proteins are replaced by the protamines P1 and P2. Hyperacetylation of histone H4 is linked to their replacement by transition proteins. Here we report that TP2 is acetylated in vivo as detected by anti-acetylated lysine antibody and mass spectrometric analysis. Further, recombinant TP2 is acetylated in vitro by acetyltransferase KAT3B (p300) more efficiently than by KAT2B (PCAF). In vivo p300 was demonstrated to acetylate TP2. p300 acetylates TP2 in its C-terminal domain, which is highly basic in nature and possesses chromatin-condensing properties. Mass spectrometric analysis showed that p300 acetylates four lysine residues in the C-terminal domain of TP2. Acetylation of TP2 by p300 leads to significant reduction in its DNA condensation property as studied by circular dichroism and atomic force microscopy analysis. TP2 also interacts with a putative histone chaperone, NPM3, wherein expression is elevated in haploid spermatids.Interestingly, acetylation of TP2 impedes its interaction with NPM3. Thus, acetylation of TP2 adds a new dimension to its role in the dynamic reorganization of chromatin during mammalian spermiogenesis.


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Acetyltransferases and deacetylases catalyze the addition and removal, respectively, of acetyl groups to the epsilon-amino group of protein lysine residues. This modification can affect the function of a protein through several means, including the recruitment of specific binding partners called acetyl-lysine readers. Acetyltransferases, deacetylases, and acetyl-lysine readers have emerged as crucial regulators of biological processes and prominent targets for the treatment of human disease. This work describes a combination of structural, biochemical, biophysical, cell-biological, and organismal studies undertaken on a set of proteins that cumulatively include all steps of the acetylation process: the acetyltransferase MEC-17, the deacetylase SIRT1, and the acetyl-lysine reader DPF2. Tubulin acetylation by MEC-17 is associated with stable, long-lived microtubule structures. We determined the crystal structure of the catalytic domain of human MEC-17 in complex with the cofactor acetyl-CoA. The structure in combination with an extensive enzymatic analysis of MEC-17 mutants identified residues for cofactor and substrate recognition and activity. A large, evolutionarily conserved hydrophobic surface patch distal to the active site was shown to be necessary for catalysis, suggesting that specificity is achieved by interactions with the alpha-tubulin substrate that extend outside of the modified surface loop. Experiments in C. elegans showed that while MEC-17 is required for touch sensitivity, MEC-17 enzymatic activity is dispensible for this behavior. SIRT1 deacetylates a wide range of substrates, including p53, NF-kappaB, FOXO transcription factors, and PGC-1-alpha, with roles in cellular processes ranging from energy metabolism to cell survival. SIRT1 activity is uniquely controlled by a C-terminal regulatory segment (CTR). Here we present crystal structures of the catalytic domain of human SIRT1 in complex with the CTR in an apo form and in complex with a cofactor and a pseudo-substrate peptide. The catalytic domain adopts the canonical sirtuin fold. The CTR forms a beta-hairpin structure that complements the beta-sheet of the NAD^+-binding domain, covering an essentially invariant, hydrophobic surface. A comparison of the apo and cofactor bound structures revealed conformational changes throughout catalysis, including a rotation of a smaller subdomain with respect to the larger NAD^+-binding subdomain. A biochemical analysis identified key residues in the active site, an inhibitory role for the CTR, and distinct structural features of the CTR that mediate binding and inhibition of the SIRT1 catalytic domain. DPF2 represses myeloid differentiation in acute myelogenous leukemia. Finally, we solved the crystal structure of the tandem PHD domain of human DPF2. We showed that DPF2 preferentially binds H3 tail peptides acetylated at Lys14, and binds H4 tail peptides with no preference for acetylation state. Through a structural and mutational analysis we identify the molecular basis of histone recognition. We propose a model for the role of DPF2 in AML and identify the DPF2 tandem PHD finger domain as a promising novel target for anti-leukemia therapeutics.


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Despite compelling preclinical data in colorectal cancer (CRC), the efficacy of HDACIs has been disappointing in the clinic. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of vorinostat and panobinostat in a dose- and exposure-dependent manner in order to better understand the dynamics of drug action and antitumor efficacy. In a standard 72 h drug exposure MTS assay, notable concentration-dependent antiproliferative effects were observed in the IC50 range of 1.2-2.8 μmol/L for vorinostat and 5.1-17.5 nmol/L for panobinostat. However, shorter clinically relevant exposures of 3 or 6 h failed to elicit any significant growth inhibition and in most cases a >24 h exposure to vorinostat or panobinostat was required to induce a sigmoidal dose-response. Similar results were observed in colony formation assays where ≥ 24 h of exposure was required to effectively reduce colony formation. Induction of acetyl-H3, acetyl-H4 and p21 by vorinostat were transient and rapidly reversed within 12 h of drug removal. In contrast, panobinostat-induced acetyl-H3, acetyl-H4, and p21 persisted for 48 h after an initial 3 h exposure. Treatment of HCT116 xenografts with panobinostat induced significant increases in acetyl-H3 and downregulation of thymidylate synthase after treatment. Although HDACIs exert both potent growth inhibition and cytotoxic effects when CRC cells were exposed to drug for ≥ 24 h, these cells demonstrate an inherent ability to survive HDACI concentrations and exposure times that exceed those clinically achievable. Continued efforts to develop novel HDACIs with improved pharmacokinetics/phamacodynamics, enhanced intratumoral delivery and class/isoform-specificity are needed to improve the therapeutic potential of HDACIs and HDACI-based combination regimens in solid tumors.


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We analyze the chromosomal location of 5S rDNA clusters in 29 species of grasshoppers belonging to the family Acrididae. There was extensive variation among species for the number and location of 5S rDNA sites. Out of 148 sites detected, 75% were proximally located, 21.6% were interstitial, and only 3.4% were distal. The number of 5S rDNA sites per species varied from a single chromosome pair (in six species) to all chromosome pairs (in five species), with a range of intermediate situations. Thirteen chromosomes from eight species carried two 5S rDNA clusters. At intraspecific level, differences among populations were detected in Eyprepocnemis plorans, and some heteromorphisms have also been observed in some species. Double FISH for 5S rDNA and H3 histone gene DNA, performed on 17 of these 29 species, revealed that both markers are sometimes placed in a same chromosome but at different location, whereas they appeared to co-localize in five species (Calliptamus barbarus, Heteracris adpersa, Aiolopus strepens, Oedipoda charpentieri and O. coerulescens). Double fiber-FISH in A. strepens and O. coerulescens showed that the two DNAs are closely interspersed with variable relative amounts of both classes of DNA. Finally, no correlation was observed between the number of 5S and 45S rDNA clusters in 23 species where this information was available. These results are discussed in the light of possible mechanisms of spread that led to the extensive variation in the number of clusters observed for both rDNA types in acridid grasshoppers. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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Although somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is a promising tool, its potential use is hampered by the high mortality rates during the development to term of cloned offspring. Abnormal epigenetic reprogramming of donor nuclei after SCNT is thought to be the main cause of this low efficiency. We hypothesized that chromatin-modifying agents (CMAs) targeting chromatin acetylation and DNA methylation could alter the chromatin configuration and turn them more amenable to reprogramming. Thus, bovine fibroblasts were treated with 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (AZA) plus trichostatin (TSA) or hydralazine (HH) plus valproic acid (VPA) whereas, in another trial, cloned bovine zygotes were treated with TSA. The treatment of fibroblasts with either AZA + TSA or HH + VPA increased histone acetylation, but did not affect the level of DNA methylation. However, treatment with HH + VPA decreased cellular viability and proliferation. The use of these cells as nuclear donors showed no positive effect on pre- and postimplantation development. Regarding the treatment of cloned zygotes with TSA, treated one-cell embryos showed an increase in the acetylation patterns, but not in the level of DNA methylation. Moreover, this treatment revealed no positive effect on pre- and postimplantation development. This work provides evidence the treatment of either nuclear donor cells or cloned zygotes with CMAs has no positive effect on pre- and postimplantation development of cloned cattle.


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Somatic angiotensin-converting enzyme (sACE) is crucial in cardiovascular homeostasis and displays a tissue-specific profile. Epigenetic patterns modulate genes expression and their alterations were implied in pathologies including hypertension. However, the influence of DNA methylation and chromatin condensation state on the expression of sACE is unknown. We examined whether such epigenetic mechanisms could participate in the control of sACE expression in vitro and in vivo. We identified two CpG islands in the human ace-1 gene 3 kb proximal promoter region. Their methylation abolished the luciferase activity of ace-1 promoter/reporter constructs transfected into human liver (HepG2), colon (HT29), microvascular endothelial (HMEC-1) and lung (SUT) cell lines (p < 0.001). Bisulphite sequencing revealed a cell-type specific basal methylation pattern of the ace-1 gene -1,466/+25 region. As assessed by RT-qPCR, inhibition of DNA methylation by 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine and/or of histone deacetylation by trichostatin A highly stimulated sACE mRNA expression cell-type specifically (p < 0.001 vs. vehicle treated cells). In the rat, in vivo 5-aza-cytidine injections demethylated the ace-1 promoter and increased sACE mRNA expression in the lungs and liver (p = 0.05), but not in the kidney. In conclusion, the expression level of somatic ACE is modulated by CpG-methylation and histone deacetylases inhibition. The basal methylation pattern of the promoter of the ace-1 gene is cell-type specific and correlates to sACE transcription. DNMT inhibition is associated with altered methylation of the ace-1 promoter and a cell-type and tissue-specific increase of sACE mRNA levels. This study indicates a strong influence of epigenetic mechanisms on sACE expression.


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Inflammation is a key process in cardiovascular diseases. The extracellular matrix (ECM) of the vasculature is a major target of inflammatory cytokines, and TNFalpha regulates ECM metabolism by affecting collagen production. In this study, we have examined the pathways mediating TNFalpha-induced suppression of prolyl-4 hydroxylase alpha1 (P4Halpha1), the rate-limiting isoform of P4H responsible for procollagen hydroxylation, maturation, and organization. Using human aortic smooth muscle cells, we found that TNFalpha activated the MKK4-JNK1 pathway, which induced histone (H) 4 lysine 12 acetylation within the TNFalpha response element in the P4Halpha1 promoter. The acetylated-H4 then recruited a transcription factor, NonO, which, in turn, recruited HDACs and induced H3 lysine 9 deacetylation, thereby inhibiting transcription of the P4Halpha1 promoter. Furthermore, we found that TNFalpha oxidized DJ-1, which may be essential for the NonO-P4Halpha1 interaction because treatment with gene specific siRNA to knockout DJ-1 eliminated the TNFalpha-induced NonO-P4Halpha1 interaction and its suppression. Our findings may be relevant to aortic aneurysm and dissection and the stability of the fibrous cap of atherosclerotic plaque in which collagen metabolism is important in arterial remodeling. Defining this cytokine-mediated regulatory pathway may provide novel molecular targets for therapeutic intervention in preventing plaque rupture and acute coronary occlusion.


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The corepressor complex Tup1-Ssn6 regulates many classes of genes in yeast including cell type specific, glucose repressible, and DNA damage inducible. Tup1 and Ssn6 are recruited to target promoters through their interactions with specific DNA binding proteins such as α2, Mig1, and Crt1. Most promoters that are repressed by this corepressor complex exhibit a high degree of nucleosomal organization. This chromatin domain occludes transcription factor access to the promoter element resulting in gene repression. Previous work indicated that Tup1 interacts with underacetylated isoforms of H3 and H4, and that mutation of these histones synergistically compromises repression. These studies predict that Tup1-hypoacetyalted histone interaction is important to the repression mechanism, and in vivo hyperacetylation might compromise the corepressors ability to repress target genes. ^ One way to alter histone acetylation levels in vivo is to alter the balance between histone acetyltransferases and histone deacetylases. To date five histone deacetylases (HDACs) have been identified in yeast Rpd3, Hos1, Hos2, Hos3 and Hda1. Deletion of single or double HDAC genes had little to no effect on Tup1-Ssn6 repression, but simultaneous deletion of three specific activities Rpd3, Hos1, and Hos2 abolished repression in vivo. Promoter regions of Tup1-Ssn6 target genes in these triple deacetylase mutant cells are dramatically hyperacetylated in both H3 and H4. Examination of bulk histone acetylation levels showed that this specific HDAC triple mutant combination (rpd3 hos1 hos2) caused a dramatic and concomitant hyperacetylation of both H3 and H4. The loss of repression in the rpd3 hos1 hos2 cells, but not in other mutants, is consistent with previous observations, which indicate that histones provide redundant functions in the repression mechanism and that high levels of acetylation are required to prevent Tup1 binding. Investigation into a potential direct interaction between the Tup1-Ssn6 corepressor complex and one or more HDAC activities showed that both Rpd3 and Hos2 interact with the corepressor complex in vivo. These findings indicate that Tup1-Ssn6 repression involves the recruitment of histone deacetylase activities to target promoters, where they locally deacetylate histone residues promoting Tup1-histone tail interaction to initiate and/or maintain the repressed state. ^


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Histones H3 and H4 have a well defined structural role in the nucleosome and an established role in the regulation of transcription. We have made use of a microinjection strategy using Xenopus embryos to define the minimal structural components of H3 and H4 necessary for nucleosome assembly into metazoan chromosomes in vivo. We find that both the N-terminal tail of H4, including all sites of acetylation, and the C-terminal α-helix of the H4 histone fold domain are dispensable for chromatin assembly. The N-terminal tail and an N-terminal α-helix of H3 are also dispensable for chromatin assembly. However, the remainder of the H3 and H4 histone folds are essential for incorporation of these proteins into chromatin. We suggest that elements of the histone fold domain maintain both nucleosomal integrity and have distinct functions essential for cell viability.


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Increased histone acetylation has been correlated with increased transcription, and regions of heterochromatin are generally hypoacetylated. In investigating the cause-and-effect relationship between histone acetylation and gene activity, we have characterized two yeast histone deacetylase complexes. Histone deacetylase-A (HDA) is an ≈350-kDa complex that is highly sensitive to the deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A. Histone deacetylase-B (HDB) is an ≈600-kDa complex that is much less sensitive to trichostatin A. The HDA1 protein (a subunit of the HDA activity) shares sequence similarity to RPD3, a factor required for optimal transcription of certain yeast genes. RPD3 is associated with the HDB activity. HDA1 also shares similarity to three new open reading frames in yeast, designated HOS1, HOS2, and HOS3. We find that both hda1 and rpd3 deletions increase acetylation levels in vivo at all sites examined in both core histones H3 and H4, with rpd3 deletions having a greater impact on histone H4 lysine positions 5 and 12. Surprisingly, both hda1 and rpd3 deletions increase repression at telomeric loci, which resemble heterochromatin with rpd3 having a greater effect. In addition, rpd3 deletions retard full induction of the PHO5 promoter fused to the reporter lacZ. These data demonstrate that histone acetylation state has a role in regulating both heterochromatic silencing and regulated gene expression.


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Recent evidence suggests that the Myc and Mad1 proteins are implicated in the regulation of the gene encoding the human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT), the catalytic subunit of telomerase. We have analyzed the in vivo interaction between endogenous c-Myc and Mad1 proteins and the hTERT promoter in HL60 cells with the use of the chromatin immunoprecipitation assay. The E-boxes at the hTERT proximal promoter were occupied in vivo by c-Myc in exponentially proliferating HL60 cells but not in cells induced to differentiate by DMSO. In contrast, Mad1 protein was induced and bound to the hTERT promoter in differentiated HL60 cells. Concomitantly, the acetylation of the histones at the promoter was significantly reduced. These data suggest that the reciprocal E-box occupancy by c-Myc and Mad1 is responsible for activation and repression of the hTERT gene in proliferating and differentiated HL60 cells, respectively. Furthermore, the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A inhibited deacetylation of histones at the hTERT promoter and attenuated the repression of hTERT transcription during HL60 cell differentiation. In addition, trichostatin A treatment activated hTERT transcription in resting human lymphocytes and fibroblasts. Taken together, these results indicate that acetylation/deacetylation of histones is operative in the regulation of hTERT expression.