164 resultados para hemólise extravascular
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O cobre (Cu) é um microelemento essencial aos mamíferos, entretanto, quando ingerido em altas quantidades, num período curto ou prolongado, pode provocar uma intoxicação severa. A habilidade de acumular Cu nos tecidos varia de acordo com as espécies e com as raças dentro da própria espécie, dentre as espécies acometidas, destacam-se a ovina, e em menor escala, canina, suína e bovina. A intoxicação aguda em ovinos é pouco frequente e pode ser decorrente da ingestão oral ou da administração parenteral de cobre. A intoxicação crônica é a principal forma de ocorrência desta enfermidade nesta espécie. A maioria dos ovinos acometidos é proveniente de manejo intensivo, os quais recebem dietas ricas em concentrados energéticos, e a ocorrência mais comum se dá quando estes animais ingerem misturas minerais destinadas a bovinos. A forma crônica caracteriza-se por três fases distintas: pré-hemolítica, hemolítica e pós-hemolítica. O resultado, tanto da forma crônica, como da aguda será a hemólise intravascular. O diagnóstico é realizado por meio do histórico, exame clínico e laboratorial e achados de necropsia. Entre os sinais clínicos destacam-se a icterícia e a hemoglobinúria. A terapia pode ser eficiente se for iniciada precocemente no decorrer do 1º ao 2º dia após o início da hemoglobinúria, sendo utilizado antídoto específico à base de tetratiomolibdato (TTM). O controle em rebanhos ovinos deve ser feito com rígidas medidas dietéticas, evitando-se oferecer rações concentradas em concomitância com sais minerais que contenham altos teores de cobre.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The seventh version of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) Melanoma Staging guidelines, published in 2009, has significant revisions compared with the previous version. The current schema was based on the largest melanoma patient cohort analyzed to date and is the result of a multivariate analysis of 30,946 patients with stages I, II, and III melanoma and 7972 patients with stage IV melanoma. This article summarizes the findings and the new definitions included in the 2009 AJCC Melanoma Staging and Classification. The TNM categories and the stage groupings are defined. Changes in the melanoma staging system are summarized.
La sindrome nefrosica (SN) è definita come la presenza concomitante di una proteinuria maggiore di 3.5g/24 h, ipoalbuminemia, ipercolesterolemia e presenza di edemi. I pazienti con SN sono più a rischio di quelli che presentano una nefropatia glomerulare non nefrosica (NNGD) per lo sviluppo di ipertensione, ipernatremia, complicazioni tromboemboliche e comparsa di insufficienza renale. In Medicina Veterinaria, la Letteratura riguardante l’argomento è molto limitata e non è ben nota la correlazione tra SN e gravità della proteinuria, ipoalbuminemia e sviluppo di tromboembolismo. L’obiettivo del presente studio retrospettivo è stato quello di descrivere e caratterizzare le alterazioni cliniche e clinicopatologiche che si verificano nei pazienti con rapporto proteine urinarie:creatinina urinaria (UPC) >2 con lo scopo di inquadrare con maggiore precisione lo stato clinico di questi pazienti e individuare le maggiori complicazioni a cui possono andare incontro. In un periodo di nove anni sono stati selezionati 338 cani e suddivisi in base ad un valore cut-off di UPC≥3.5. Valori mediani di creatinina, urea, fosforo, albumina urinaria, proteina C reattiva (CRP) e fibrinogeno sono risultati al di sopra del limite superiore dell’intervallo di riferimento, valori mediani di albumina sierica, ematocrito, antitrombina al disotto del limite inferiore di riferimento. Pazienti con UPC≥3.5 hanno mostrato concentrazioni di albumine, ematocrito, calcio, Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC), significativamente minori rispetto a quelli con UPC<3.5, concentrazioni di CRP, di urea e di fosforo significativamente maggiori. Nessuna differenza tra i gruppi nelle concentrazioni di creatinina colesterolo, trigliceridi, sodio, potassio, cloro, ferro totale e pressione sistolica. I pazienti con UPC≥3.5 si trovano verosimilmente in uno “stato infiammatorio” maggiore rispetto a quelli con UPC<3.5, questa ipotesi avvalorata dalle concentrazioni minori di albumina, di transferrina e da una concentrazione di CRP maggiore. I pazienti con UPC≥3.5 non presentano concentrazioni di creatinina più elevate ma sono maggiormente a rischio di anemia.
The diagnosis, grading and classification of tumours has benefited considerably from the development of DCE-MRI which is now essential to the adequate clinical management of many tumour types due to its capability in detecting active angiogenesis. Several strategies have been proposed for DCE-MRI evaluation. Visual inspection of contrast agent concentration curves vs time is a very simple yet operator dependent procedure, therefore more objective approaches have been developed in order to facilitate comparison between studies. In so called model free approaches, descriptive or heuristic information extracted from time series raw data have been used for tissue classification. The main issue concerning these schemes is that they have not a direct interpretation in terms of physiological properties of the tissues. On the other hand, model based investigations typically involve compartmental tracer kinetic modelling and pixel-by-pixel estimation of kinetic parameters via non-linear regression applied on region of interests opportunely selected by the physician. This approach has the advantage to provide parameters directly related to the pathophysiological properties of the tissue such as vessel permeability, local regional blood flow, extraction fraction, concentration gradient between plasma and extravascular-extracellular space. Anyway, nonlinear modelling is computational demanding and the accuracy of the estimates can be affected by the signal-to-noise ratio and by the initial solutions. The principal aim of this thesis is investigate the use of semi-quantitative and quantitative parameters for segmentation and classification of breast lesion. The objectives can be subdivided as follow: describe the principal techniques to evaluate time intensity curve in DCE-MRI with focus on kinetic model proposed in literature; to evaluate the influence in parametrization choice for a classic bi-compartmental kinetic models; to evaluate the performance of a method for simultaneous tracer kinetic modelling and pixel classification; to evaluate performance of machine learning techniques training for segmentation and classification of breast lesion.
BACKGROUND: Lung retrieval from non-heart-beating donors (NHBD) has been introduced into clinical practice successfully. However, because of potentially deleterious effects of warm ischemia on microvascular integrity, use of NHBD lungs is limited by short tolerable time periods before preservation. Recently, improvement of NHBD graft function was demonstrated by donor pre-treatment using aerosolized Ventavis (Schering Inc., Berlin, Germany). Currently, there is no information whether additional application of this approach in reperfusion can further optimize immediate graft function. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Asystolic pigs (n = 5/group) were ventilated for 180-min of warm ischemia (groups 1-3). In groups 2 and 3, 100 microg Ventavis were aerosolized over 30-min using an ultrasonic nebulizer (Optineb). Lungs were then retrogradely preserved with Perfadex and stored for 3-h. After left lung transplantation and contralateral lung exclusion, grafts were reperfused for 6-h. Only in group 3, another dose of 100 microg Ventavis was aerosolized during the first 30-min of reperfusion. Hemodynamics, pO2/FiO2 and dynamic compliance were monitored continuously and compared to controls. Intraalveolar edema was quantified stereologically, and extravascular-lung-water-index (EVLWI) was measured. Statistics comprised ANOVA analysis with repeated measurements. RESULTS: Dynamic compliance was significantly lower in both Ventavis groups, but additional administration did not result in further improvement. Oxygenation, pulmonary hemodynamics, EVLWI and intraalveolar edema formation were comparable between groups. CONCLUSIONS: Alveolar deposition of Ventavis in NHBD lungs before preservation significantly improves dynamic lung compliance and represents an important strategy for improvement of preservation quality and expansion of warm ischemic intervals. However, additional application of this method in early reperfusion is of no benefit.
The endothelium, as an organ at the interface between the intra- and extravascular space, actively participates in maintaining an anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant environment under physiological conditions. Severe humoral as well as cellular rejection responses, which accompany cross-species transplantation of vascularized organs as well as ischemia/reperfusion injury, primarily target the endothelium and disrupt this delicate balance. Activation of pro-inflammatory and pro-coagulant pathways often lead to irreversible injury not only of the endothelial layer but also of the entire graft, with ensuing rejection. This review focuses on strategies targeted at protecting the endothelium from such damaging effects, ranging from genetic manipulation of the donor organ to soluble, as well as membrane-targeted, protective strategies.
BACKGROUND: Activation of the complement system and polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocytes plays a major role in mediating reperfusion injury after lung transplantation. We hypothesized that early interference with complement activation would reduce lung reperfusion injury after transplantation. METHODS: Unilateral left lung autotransplantation was performed in 6 sheep. After hilar stripping the left lung was flushed with Euro-Collins solution and preserved for 2 hours in situ at 15 degrees C. After reperfusion the right main bronchus and pulmonary artery were occluded, leaving the animal dependent on the reperfused lung (reperfused group). C1-esterase inhibitor group animals (n = 6) received 200 U/kg body weight of C1-esterase inhibitor as a short infusion, half 10 minutes before, the other half 10 minutes after reperfusion. Controls (n = 6) underwent hilar preparation only. Pulmonary function was assessed by alveolar-arterial oxygen difference and pulmonary vascular resistance. The release of beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase served as indicator of polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocyte activation. Extravascular lung water was an indicator for pulmonary edema formation. Biopsy specimens were taken from all groups 3 hours after reperfusion for light and electron microscopy. RESULTS: In the reperfused group, alveolar-arterial oxygen difference and pulmonary vascular resistance were significantly elevated after reperfusion. All animals developed frank alveolar edema. The biochemical marker beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase showed significant leukocyte activation. In the C1-esterase inhibitor group, alveolar-arterial oxygen difference, pulmonary vascular resistance, and the level of polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocyte activation were significantly lower. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with C1-esterase inhibitor reduces reperfusion injury and improves pulmonary function in this experimental model.
OBJECTIVE: Reperfusion injury is the main reason for early graft failure after lung transplantation. Inhibition of the adherence of polymorphonuclear leukocytes to activated endothelium by blocking L- and E-selectins (antibody EL-246) could potentially inhibit reperfusion injury. METHODS: Reperfusion injury was induced in a left lung autotransplant model in sheep. After hilar stripping the left lung was flushed with Euro-Collins solution and preserved for 2 h in situ at 15 degrees C. After reperfusion right main bronchus and pulmonary artery were occluded leaving the animal dependent on the reperfused lung (control, n = 6). Pulmonary function was assessed by alveolo-arterial oxygen difference (AaDO2) and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), the chemiluminescence of isolated neutrophils, as well as the release of beta-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase (beta-NAG) served as indicator of neutrophilic activation. Extravascular lung water was an indicator for pulmonary edema formation. EL-246 group animals (n = 6) were treated additionally with 1 mg/kg BW of EL-246 given prior and during reperfusion. RESULTS: After 3 h of reperfusion five control animals developed alveolar edema compared to one animal in the EL-246 group (P = 0.08). AaDO2 (mm Hg) was significantly higher in the control compared to the EL-246 group (510 +/- 148 vs. 214 +/- 86). PVR (dyn x s x cm(-5)) was significantly increased in the control compared to the EL-246 group (656 +/- 240 vs. 317 +/- 87). Neutrophilic activation was significantly lower in the EL-246 group. Extravascular lung water was significantly lower compared to control (6.88 +/- 1.0 vs. 13.4 +/- 2.8 g/g blood-free lung weight). CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with EL-246 results in improved pulmonary function and less in vivo PMN activation in this experimental model. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the possible role of selectin blockade in amelioration of reperfusion injury in human lung transplantation.