851 resultados para healthcare, mHealth, BSN, sensori, attuatori, mobilità, eHealth
This factsheet provides information for healthcare practitioners on the rotavirus vaccine given to babies at two and three months old from July 2013.
The Northern Ireland Prevalence Survey of Healthcare-Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Use in Long Term Care Facilities, also known as the 'HALT' survey was conducted as part of the 2013 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) European HALT survey.In May 2013, 42 Northern Ireland long-term care facilities (nursing and residential homes) participated in a European point prevalence survey of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use. Thirty-one privately owned nursing homes and 11 HSC Trust-controlled residential homes took part.The report and results have highlighted priority areas for future interventions to prevent and control HCAI, antimicrobial stewardship and future local and national prevalence surveys in long-term care facilities. The 2013 European report was published on 5th May 2014.
�Vaccination against shingles for adults aged 70, 78�and 79. Information for healthcare professionals
Information for patients and visitors on the prevention of healthcare associated infections.
Résumé Ce travail s'intéresse à la mise en oeuvre des politiques publiques visant à résoudre les problèmes engendrés par le développement de la mobilité urbaine. Nous adoptons sur cette dernière un point de vue nouveau, à savoir que l'enjeu de la régulation du trafic est d'abord celui de la maîtrise des usages nombreux et conflictuels sur deux ressources collectives, l'air et les voies publiques. Pour comprendre comment ces usages sont régulés, nous mobilisons les deux apports théoriques de l'économie institutionnelle (Bromley 1991, Devlin et Grafton 1990, Ostrom 1990, 2000) et de l'analyse des politiques publiques (Knoepfel et al. 2001) au sein du cadre d'analyse des régimes institutionnels de ressources collectives. La première problématise la difficulté de définir des règles communes d'usage pour éviter la surexploitation des ressources alors que la seconde met en jeu notamment le problème de la coordination des politiques publiques d'exploitation et de protection de l'environnement. Sur ce socle, nous choisissons de retenir une approche « institutionnaliste centrée sur les acteurs » (Scharpf 1997), aussi thématisée par les approches néo-institutionnalistes (Hall/Taylor 1996, March/Olsen 1989) visant à expliquer le changement politique par deux types de variables explicatives, à savoir les changements dans la régulation publique (variable institutionnelle) et les changements de la configuration des acteurs en présence, à partir desquels nous bâtissons nos hypothèses de recherche. En l'espèce, l'étude mobilise la variable explicative des régimes institutionnels de l'air et du sol mobilisés par les acteurs de la mobilité pour comprendre l'évolution de la répartition des usages sur les routes urbaines. Ce processus passe par le recours à des ressources de politiques publiques comme le droit, l'argent, l'information, le consensus, le soutien politique, l'infrastructure ou le temps que les acteurs peuvent activer en fonction des règles institutionnelles en présence. On peut classer ces dernières d'abord selon leur niveau de généralité (niveaux opérationnel, des choix collectifs et constitutionnel - Ostrom 1990). L'étude établit que la régulation des usages connaît une importante gradation que rend compte le concept de résistance normative. En fonction de cette dernière, les acteurs essaient de s'imposer au moyen de deux dimensions des règles, que ce travail met en exergue, à savoir selon qu'elles régulent tantôt le mode de décision tantôt le mode d'appropriation. Ces règles décisionnelles et possessionnelles déterminent les possibilités d'accès, ainsi que la procédure d'intervention et la place qui sont réservées aux acteurs, aussi bien pour les ressources collectives physiques que de politique publique. L'étude permet ainsi à la fois d'apporter des éléments nouveaux à la théorie des changements de régimes institutionnels de ressources collectives, d'éclairer un peu plus les processus de mise en couvre de l'action publique et de contribuer au débat sur les principales propositions permettant de maîtriser les impacts négatifs du développement de la mobilité.
This document gives advice and guidance for registered healthcare professionals on the 2015/16 seasonal influenza vaccination programme for children.
The following suite of nine leaflets for patients and visitors to healthcare settings include information on healthcare associated infections, C. difficile, MRSA, norovirus, scabies, ESBL resistant bacteria, multi-drug resistant bacteria and laundry and hand hygiene guidance.
Healthcare associated infections are infections that someone has developed,as a direct result of receiving healthcare.Occasionally, carers or others providing healthcare may develop HCAIs.
To evaluate the long-term impact of successive interventions on rates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) colonization or infection and MRSA bacteremia in an endemic hospital-wide situation. DESIGN:Quasi-experimental, interrupted time-series analysis. The impact of the interventions was analyzed by use of segmented regression. Representative MRSA isolates were typed by use of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. SETTING:A 950-bed teaching hospital in Seville, Spain. PATIENTS:All patients admitted to the hospital during the period from 1995 through 2008. METHODS:Three successive interventions were studied: (1) contact precautions, with no active surveillance for MRSA; (2) targeted active surveillance for MRSA in patients and healthcare workers in specific wards, prioritized according to clinical epidemiology data; and (3) targeted active surveillance for MRSA in patients admitted from other medical centers. RESULTS:Neither the preintervention rate of MRSA colonization or infection (0.56 cases per 1,000 patient-days [95% confidence interval {CI}, 0.49-0.62 cases per 1,000 patient-days]) nor the slope for the rate of MRSA colonization or infection changed significantly after the first intervention. The rate decreased significantly to 0.28 cases per 1,000 patient-days (95% CI, 0.17-0.40 cases per 1,000 patient-days) after the second intervention and to 0.07 cases per 1,000 patient-days (95% CI, 0.06-0.08 cases per 1,000 patient-days) after the third intervention, and the rate remained at a similar level for 8 years. The MRSA bacteremia rate decreased by 80%, whereas the rate of bacteremia due to methicillin-susceptible S. aureus did not change. Eighty-three percent of the MRSA isolates identified were clonally related. All MRSA isolates obtained from healthcare workers were clonally related to those recovered from patients who were in their care. CONCLUSION:Our data indicate that long-term control of endemic MRSA is feasible in tertiary care centers. The use of targeted active surveillance for MRSA in patients and healthcare workers in specific wards (identified by means of analysis of clinical epidemiology data) and the use of decolonization were key to the success of the program.
Background: Most migrant studies have compared health characteristics between migrants and nationals of the host country. We aimed at comparing health characteristics of migrants with nationals from their home country. Methods: Portuguese national health survey (2005-6; 30,173 participants aged 18-75 years) and four national health surveys conducted in Switzerland (2002, 2004, 2007 and 2011, totalling 1,170 Portuguese migrants of the same age range). Self-reported data on length of stay, cardiovascular risk factors, healthcare use and health status were collected. Results: Resident Portuguese were significantly older and more educated than migrants. Resident Portuguese had a higher mean BMI and prevalence of obesity than migrants. Resident Portuguese also reported more frequently being hypertensive and having their blood pressure screened within the last year. On the contrary, migrant Portuguese were more frequently smokers, had a medical visit in the previous year more frequently and self-rated their health higher than resident Portuguese. After adjustment for age, gender, marital status and education, migrants had a higher likelihood smoking, of having a medical visit the previous year, and of self-rating their current health as good or very good than resident Portuguese. Compared to Portuguese residents, cholesterol screening in the previous year was more common only among migrants living in Switzerland for more than 17 years. Conclusion: Portuguese migrants in Switzerland do not differ substantially from resident Portuguese regarding most cardiovascular risk factors. Migrants appear to benefit from higher healthcare accessibility and consider themselves healthier than Portuguese residents.
INTRODUCTION AND AIMS: Satisfaction of inpatients with served food within a hospital care system still constitutes one of the main attempts to modernize food services. The impact of type of menu, food category, hospital centre and timetable on the meals wastage produced in different Spanish healthcare settings, was evaluated. METHODS: Meal wastage was measured through a semiquantitative 5-point scale ("nothing on plate"; "¼ on plate"; "half on plate"; "¾ on plate" and "all on plate"). The study was carried out in two periods of three months each in 2010 and 2011. A trained person took charge of measuring plate waste classified into 726 servings belonging to 11 menus. In total 31,392 plates were served to 7,868 inpatients. A Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test (p < 0.05) was applied to evaluate significant differences among the variables studied. RESULTS: The menus were satisfactorily consumed because more than 50% of the plates were classified as "nothing on plate". Regarding food categories, 26.78% of the plates corresponded to soups and purées, while pasta and rice, and prepared foods were only distributed in 4-5% of the servings. Desserts were mostly consumed, while cooked vegetables were less accepted by the inpatients evaluated. Other factors such as hospital centre influenced plate waste (p < 0.05) but timetable did not (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION: Visual inspections of plate waste might be useful to optimize type and quality of menus served. The type of menu served and the food category could have a great influence on food acceptability by the inpatientsstudied.
The Andalusian eHealth Library (Biblioteca Virtual del Sistema Sanitario Publico de Andalucia, BV-SSPA), was created in June 2006. The 42 librarians who already worked for the Health System were integrated within this new system. The annual library meeting has been held every year since then, and in 2013 the EAHIL workshop held in Stockholm was the model to follow.
BACKGROUND The demographic structure has a significant influence on the use of healthcare services, as does the size of the population denominators. Very few studies have been published on methods for estimating the real population such as tourist resorts. The lack of information about these problems means there is a corresponding lack of information about the behaviour of populational denominators (the floating population or tourist load) and the effect of this on the use of healthcare services. The objectives of the study were: a) To determine the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) ratio, per person per day, among populations of known size; b) to estimate, by means of this ratio, the real population in an area where tourist numbers are very significant; and c) to determine the impact on the utilisation of hospital emergency healthcare services of the registered population, in comparison to the non-resident population, in two areas where tourist numbers are very significant. METHODS An ecological study design was employed. We analysed the Healthcare Districts of the Costa del Sol and the island of Menorca. Both are Spanish territories in the Mediterranean region. RESULTS In the two areas analysed, the correlation coefficient between the MSW ratio and admissions to hospital emergency departments exceeded 0.9, with p < 0.001. On the basis of MSW generation ratios, obtained for a control zone and also measured in neighbouring countries, we estimated the real population. For the summer months, when tourist activity is greatest and demand for emergency healthcare at hospitals is highest, this value was found to be double that of the registered population. CONCLUSION The MSW indicator, which is both ecological and indirect, can be used to estimate the real population in areas where population levels vary significantly during the year. This parameter is of interest in planning and dimensioning the provision of healthcare services.