953 resultados para health and social services centre (CSSS)


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Recently arrived older refugees in resettlement countries are a particularly vulnerable population who face many risks to their health and well-being, and many challenges in accessing services.This paper reports on a project undertaken in Victoria,Australia to explore the needs of older people from 14 recently arrived refugee communities, and the barriers to their receiving health and aged care. Findings from consultations with community workers and service providers highlight the key issues of isolation, family conflict and mental illness affecting older refugees, and point to ways in which policy-makers and service providers can better respond to these small but deserving communities.


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This study explored the health needs, familial and social problems of Thai migrants in a local community in Brisbane, Australia. Five focus groups with Thai migrants were conducted. The qualitative data were examined using thematic content analysis that is specifically designed for focus group analysis. Four themes were identified: (1) positive experiences in Australia, (2) physical health problems, (3) mental health problems, and (4) familial and social health problems. This study revealed key health needs related to chronic disease and mental health, major barriers to health service use, such as language skills, and facilitating factors, such as the Thai Temple. We concluded that because the health needs, familial and social problems of Thai migrants were complex and culture bound, the development of health and community services for Thai migrants needs to take account of the ways in which Thai culture both negatively impacts health and offer positive solutions to problems.


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The comments I make are based on my nearly twenty years involvement in the dementia cause at both a national and international level. In preparation, I read two papers namely the Ministerial Dementia Forum – Option Paper produced by KPMG Management Consultants (2014) and Analysis of Dementia Programmes and Services Funded by the Department of Social Services: Conversation Starter prepared by KPMG as a preparation document for those attending a workshop in Brisbane on April 22nd 2015. Dementia is a complex “syndrome” and as is often said, “when you meet one person with dementia, you have met one” meaning that no two persons with dementia are the same. Even in dementia care, Australia is a “lucky country” and there is much to be said for the quality and diversity of dementia care available for people living with dementia. Despite this, I agree with the many views expressed in the material I read that there is scope for improvement, especially in the way that services are coordinated. In saying that, I do not purport to have all the solutions nor claim to have the knowledge required to comment on all the programs covered by this review. If I appear to be a “biased” advocate for Alzheimer’s Australia across the States and Territories, it is because I have seen constant evidence of ordinary people doing extraordinary things with inadequate resources. Dementia care is not cheap and if those funding dementia services are primarily only interested in economic outcomes and benefits, the real purpose of this consultation will be defeated. In addition, nowhere in the material I have read is there any recognition that in many instances program funding is a complex mix of government (at all levels) and private funding. This makes reviewing those programs more complex and less able to be coordinated at a Departmental level. It goes without saying therefore that the Federal Government is not” the only player in this game”. Of all those participating in this review, Alzheimer’s Australia is best placed to comment on programs as it is more connected to people living with dementia and has probably the best record of consulting with them. It would appear however that their role has been reduced to that of a “bit player”. Without wanting to be critical, the Forum Report which deals with the comments made at a gathering of 70 individuals and organisations, only three (3) or 4.28% were actual carers of people living with dementia. Even if it is argued that a number of organisations present represented consumers, the percentage goes up only marginally to 8.57% which is hardly an endorsement of the forum being “consumer driven”. The predominance of those present were service providers, each with their own agenda and each seeking advantage for their “business”. The final point I want to make before commenting on more specific, program related issues, is that many programs being reviewed have a much longer history than is reflected in the material I have read. Their growth and development was pioneered by Alzheimer’s Australia organisations across the country often with no government funding. Attempts to bring about better coordination of programs were often at the behest of Alzheimer’s Australia but in the main were ignored. The opportunity to now put this right is long overdue.


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Although the principle of equal access to medically justified treatment has been promoted by official health policies in many Western health care systems, practices do not completely meet policy targets. Waiting times for elective surgery vary between patient groups and regions, and growing problems in the availability of services threaten equal access to treatment. Waiting times have come to the attention of decision-makers, and several policy initiatives have been introduced to ensure the availability of care within a reasonable time. In Finland, for example, the treatment guarantee came into force in 2005. However, no consensus exists on optimal waiting time for different patient groups. The purpose of this multi-centre randomized controlled trial was to analyse health-related quality of life, pain and physical function in total hip or knee replacement patients during the waiting time and to evaluate whether the waiting time is associated with patients health outcomes at admission. This study also assessed whether the length of waiting time is associated with social and health services utilization in patients awaiting total hip or knee replacement. In addition, patients health-related quality of life was compared with that of the general population. Consecutive patients with a need for a primary total hip or knee replacement due to osteoarthritis were placed on the waiting list between August 2002 and November 2003. Patients were randomly assigned to a short waiting time (maximum 3 months) or a non-fixed waiting time (waiting time not fixed in advance, instead the patient followed the hospitals routine practice). Patients health-related quality of life was measured upon being placed on the waiting list and again at hospital admission using the generic 15D instrument. Pain and physical function were evaluated using the self-report Harris Hip Score for hip patients and a scale modified from the Knee Society Clinical Rating System for knee patients. Utilization measures were the use of home health care, rehabilitation and social services, physician visits and inpatient care. Health and social services use was low in both waiting time groups. The most common services used while waiting were rehabilitation services and informal care, including unpaid care provided by relatives, neighbours and volunteers. Although patients suffered from clear restrictions in usual activities and physical functioning, they seemed primarily to lean on informal care and personal networks instead of professional care. While longer waiting time did not result in poorer health-related quality of life at admission and use of services during the waiting time was similar to that at the time of placement on the list, there is likely to be higher costs of waiting by people who wait longer simply because they are using services for a longer period. In economic terms, this would represent a negative impact of waiting. Only a few reports have been published of the health-related quality of life of patients awaiting total hip or knee replacement. These findings demonstrate that, in addition to physical dimensions of health, patients suffered from restrictions in psychological well-being such as depression, distress and reduced vitality. This raises the question of how to support patients who suffer from psychological distress during the waiting time and how to develop strategies to improve patients initiatives to reduce symptoms and the burden of waiting. Key words: waiting time, total hip replacement, total knee replacement, health-related quality of life, randomized controlled trial, outcome assessment, social service, utilization of health services


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En 2004, le gouvernement québécois s’est engagé dans une importante réorganisation de son système de santé en créant les Centres de santé et des services sociaux (CSSS). Conjugué à leur mandat de production de soins et services, les CSSS se sont vus attribuer un nouveau mandat de « responsabilité populationnelle ». Les gestionnaires se voient donc attribuer le mandat d’améliorer la santé et le bien-être d’une population définie géographiquement, en plus de répondre aux besoins des utilisateurs de soins et services. Cette double responsabilité demande aux gestionnaires d’articuler plus formellement au sein d’une gouverne locale, deux secteurs de prestations de services qui ont longtemps évolué avec peu d’interactions, « la santé publique » et « le système de soins ». Ainsi, l’incorporation de la responsabilité populationnelle amène à développer une plus grande synergie entre ces deux secteurs dans une organisation productrice de soins et services. Elle appelle des changements importants au niveau des domaines d’activités investis et demande des transformations dans certains rôles de gestion. L’objectif général de ce projet de recherche est de mieux comprendre comment le travail des gestionnaires des CSSS se transforme en situation de changement mandaté afin d’incorporer la responsabilité populationnelle dans leurs actions et leurs pratiques de gestion. Le devis de recherche s’appuie sur deux études de cas. Nous avons réalisé une étude de deux CSSS de la région de Montréal. Ces cas ont été choisis selon la variabilité des contextes socio-économiques et sanitaires ainsi que le nombre et la variété d’établissements sous la gouverne des CSSS. L’un des cas avait au sein de sa gouverne un Centre hospitalier de courte durée et l’autre non. La collecte de données se base sur trois sources principales; 1) l’analyse documentaire, 2) des entrevues semi-structurées (N=46) et 3) des observations non-participantes sur une période de près de deux ans (2005-2007). Nous avons adopté une démarche itérative, basée sur un raisonnement inductif. Pour analyser la transformation des CSSS, nous nous appuyons sur la théorie institutionnelle en théorie des organisations. Cette perspective est intéressante car elle permet de lier l’analyse du champ organisationnel, soit les différentes pressions issues des acteurs gravitant dans le système de santé québécois et le rôle des acteurs dans le processus de changement. Elle propose d’analyser à la fois les pressions environnementales qui expliquent les contraintes et les opportunités des acteurs gravitant dans le champ organisationnel de même que les pressions exercées par les CSSS et les stratégies d’actions locales que ceux-ci développent. Nous discutons de l’évolution des CSSS en présentant trois phases temporelles caractérisées par des dynamiques d’interaction entre les pressions exercées par les CSSS et celles exercées par les autres acteurs du champ organisationnel; la phase 1 porte sur l’appropriation des politiques dictées par l’État, la phase 2 réfère à l’adaptation aux orientations proposées par différents acteurs du champ organisationnel et la phase 3 correspond au développement de certains projets initiés localement. Nous montrons à travers le processus d’incorporation de la responsabilité populationnelle que les gestionnaires modifient certaines pratiques de gestion. Certains de ces rôles sont plus en lien avec la notion d’entrepreneur institutionnel, notamment, le rôle de leader, de négociateur et d’entrepreneur. À travers le processus de transformation de ces rôles, d’importants changements au niveau des actions entreprises par les CSSS se réalisent, notamment, l’organisation des services de première ligne, le développement d’interventions de prévention et de promotion de la santé de même qu’un rôle plus actif au sein de leur communauté. En conclusion, nous discutons des leçons tirées de l’incorporation de la responsabilité populationnelle au niveau d’une organisation productrice de soins et services. Nous échangeons sur les enjeux liés au développement d’une plus grande synergie entre la santé publique et le système de soins au sein d’une gouverne locale. Également, nous présentons un modèle synthèse d’un processus de mise en œuvre d’un changement mandaté dans un champ organisationnel fortement institutionnalisé en approfondissant les rôles des entrepreneurs institutionnels dans ce processus. Cette situation a été peu analysée dans la littérature jusqu’à maintenant.


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BACKGROUND: Administration of medication to care recipients is delegated to home-care assistants working in the municipal social care, alongside responsibility for providing personal assistance for older people. Home-care assistants have practical administration skills, but lack formal medical knowledge. AIM: The aim of this study was to explore how home-care assistants perceive administration of medication to older people living at home, as delegated to them in the context of social care. METHODS: Four focus groups consisting of 19 home-care assistants were conducted. Data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. RESULTS: According to home-care assistants, health and social care depends on delegation arrangements to function effectively, but in the first place it relieves a burden for district nurses. Even when the delegation had expired, administration of medication continued, placing the statutes of regulation in a subordinate position. There was low awareness among home-care assistants about the content of the statutes of delegation. Accepting delegation to administer medications has become an implicit prerequisite for social care work in the municipality. CONCLUSIONS: Accepting the delegation to administer medication was inevitable and routine. In practice, the regulating statute is made subordinate and consequently patient safety can be threatened. The organisation of health and social care relies on the delegation arrangement to meet the needs of a growing number of older home-care recipients. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: This is a crucial task which management within both the healthcare professions and municipal social care needs to address, to bridge the gap between statutes and practice, to create arenas for mutual collaboration in the care recipients' best interest and to ensure patient safety.


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"Contract no. PLD-8793-77 SH."


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Social workers form a critical component of the Australian health workforce. Whilst their roles as practitioners are very strategic within the health system, less clear is their contribution to health research. This paper reviews the published record of social work research in Australian health from 1990-2009 in order to discern the patterns of the social work contribution to new knowledge in health. The results of this review indicate a tendency to focus on discursive commentary rather than empirical research as well as a less than expected focus on client studies. Given the rise of evidence based practice, there are potentially serious implications for social work in terms of how it positions itself as a contributor to new knowledge within the health field.


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The choice to vaccinate or not to vaccinate a child is usually an ‘informed decision’, however, it is how this decision is informed which is of most importance. More frequently, families are turning to the Internet, in particular social media, as a data source to support their decisions. However, much of the online information may be unscientific or biased. While issues such as vaccination will always see dissenting voices, engaging with that ‘other side’ is difficult in the public policy debate which is informed by evidence based science. This chapter investigates the other side in light of the growing adoption and reliance on social media as a source of anti-vaccine information. The study adopts a qualitative approach to data collection and is based on a critical discourse analysis of online social media discourse. The findings demonstrate the valuable contribution this approach can make to public policy work in vaccination.


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This article reports on the first extensive survey of Approved Social Worker (ASW) activity under the Mental Health (Northern Ireland) Order 1986. The integrated health and social services organizational structure, the adverse effects on individual mental health of the legacy of thirty years of civil conflict and the move from hospital to community care are significant features which have influenced the delivery of mental health social work services locally. The practice and experience of ASWs was surveyed by postal questionnaire and user and carer experience of compulsory hospital admission was investigated by a series of focus groups. The study revealed that two‐thirds of ASWs had experience of acting as an applicant in compulsory hospital admission during the past two years. Nearly half (42 per cent) of these ASWs had reported experience of between one and five admissions and one‐tenth had completed over twenty admissions in the two‐year period. In only a small minority of cases did joint face‐to‐face assessment with the General Practitioner (doctor) take place; nearly half of ASWs reported difficulties in obtaining transport; and only one‐fifth of ASWs had experience of acting as a second approved social worker. Half of ASWs reported experience of guardianship, either as applicant or in making the recommendation. Both service users and carers reported a lack of understanding about the role of the ASW and complained about the lack of alternative resources that ASWs could use to prevent hospital admissions. These findings are discussed and a number of recommendations are proposed for improvements to approved social worker practice.


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Background. Obesity appears to be more common among people with intellectual disabilities, with few studies focusing on achieving weight reduction. Aim. Firstly, to follow up people identified as overweight and obese following special health screening clinics and to determine the actions taken. Secondly, to evaluate the impact of health promotion classes on participants' weight loss. Methods. A clinic led by two learning disbaility nurses was held for all people aged 10 years and over (n=464) who attended special services within the area of one Health and Social Services Trust in Northern Ireland. In a second study, the nurses organised health promotion classes for 20 people over a 6 - 8 week period. Findings. The health screen identified 64% of adults and 26% of 10 - 19 year olds as being overweight or obese. Moreover, those aged 40 - 49 years who were obese had significantly higher levels of blood pressure. However, information obtained from a follow up questionnaire sent after 3 months suggested that of the 122 people identified for wiehgt reduciton, action had been taken for only 34% of them and only three were reported to have lost weight. The health promotion classes, however, led to a significant reduction in weight and body mass index scores. Conclusion. Health screening per se has limited impact on reducing obesity levels in this client group. Rather, health personnel such as general practitioners, nurses and health promotion staff need to work in partnership with service staff, carers and people with intellectual disabiltieis to create more active lifestyles.


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The importance of establishing effective interagency working between adult mental health services and child care services in order to safeguard children has been repeatedly identified by research, policy, inquiries and inspection reports. This article reports on the evaluation of an initiative in one Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland that aimed to facilitate joint working and so improve service provision and protection for children and families. The Champions Initiative involved identifying a champion in each multi-disciplinary community mental health team and in each family and child care team who would have responsibility for providing information, promoting joint working and identifying any obstacles to better co-operation. The evaluation of this initiative assessed levels of experience, training, confidence, understanding and awareness in the Champions and their team members at baseline. The Champions and their Team Leaders were then followed-up after six months to obtain their qualitative views of the impact of the initiative. The results include comparisons between mental health and child care staff, and crucially, views about whether the initiative has had any impact on working together. This study also generated recommendations for further service development in this complex and important area of practice.


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Aim: This study aims to describe the sex education and sexual health needs of young people in care, and to explore the degree to which these needs are being met by current provision.As part of the Department for Children and Youth Affairs ‘National Strategy for Data and Research on Children’s Lives, 2011-2016’, the HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme (CPP) and HSE Children and Families Social Services Care Group have co-commissioned a team of researchers from UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery & Health Systems, Insights Health and Social Research and Queen’s University Belfast to examine the sex education and sexual health needs of young people in care in the Republic of Ireland. The project is supported by a steering group of senior personnel from both partner organisations (CPP and CFS) and external advisors. The study involves data collection with young people, care providers, birth parents and foster parents using a mixed methods approach. Findings from each stage of the study will be combined to inform recommendations for policy and practice.