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The algorithm presented in this paper aims to segment the foreground objects in video (e.g., people) given time-varying, textured backgrounds. Examples of time-varying backgrounds include waves on water, clouds moving, trees waving in the wind, automobile traffic, moving crowds, escalators, etc. We have developed a novel foreground-background segmentation algorithm that explicitly accounts for the non-stationary nature and clutter-like appearance of many dynamic textures. The dynamic texture is modeled by an Autoregressive Moving Average Model (ARMA). A robust Kalman filter algorithm iteratively estimates the intrinsic appearance of the dynamic texture, as well as the regions of the foreground objects. Preliminary experiments with this method have demonstrated promising results.
Irish monitoring data on PCDD/Fs, DL-PCBs and Marker PCBs were collated and combined with Irish Adult Food Consumption Data, to estimate dietary background exposure of Irish adults to dioxins and PCBs. Furthermore, all available information on the 2008 Irish pork dioxin food contamination incident was collated and analysed with a view to evaluate any potential impact the incident may have had on general dioxin and PCB background exposure levels estimated for the adult population in Ireland. The average upperbound daily intake of Irish adults to dioxins Total WHO TEQ (2005) (PCDD/Fs & DLPCBs) from environmental background contamination, was estimated at 0.3 pg/kg bw/d and at the 95th percentile at 1 pg/kg bw/d. The average upperbound daily intake of Irish adults to the sum of 6 Marker PCBs from environmental background contamination ubiquitous in the environment was estimated at 1.6 ng/kg bw/d and at the 95th percentile at 6.8 ng/kg bw/d. Dietary background exposure estimates for both dioxins and PCBs indicate that the Irish adult population has exposures below the European average, a finding which is also supported by the levels detected in breast milk of Irish mothers. Exposure levels are below health based guidance values and/or Body Burdens associated with the TWI (for dioxins) or associated with a NOAEL (for PCBs). Given the current toxicological knowledge, based on biomarker data and estimated dietary exposure, general background exposure of the Irish adult population to dioxins and PCBs is of no human health concern. In 2008, a porcine fat sample taken as part of the national residues monitoring programme led to the detection of a major feed contamination incidence in the Republic of Ireland. The source of the contamination was traced back to the use of contaminated oil in a direct-drying feed operation system. Congener profiles in animal fat and feed samples showed a high level of consistency and pinpointed the likely source of fuel contamination to be a highly chlorinated commercial PCB mixture. To estimate additional exposure to dioxins and PCBs due to the contamination of pig and cattle herds, collection and a systematic review of all data associated with the contamination incident was conducted. A model was devised that took into account the proportion of contaminated product reaching the final consumer during the 90 day contamination incident window. For a 90 day period, the total additional exposure to Total TEQ (PCDD/F &DL-PCB) WHO (2005) amounted to 407 pg/kg bw/90d at the 95th percentile and 1911 pg/kg bw/90d at the 99th percentile. Exposure estimates derived for both dioxins and PCBs showed that the Body Burden of the general population remained largely unaffected by the contamination incident and approximately 10 % of the adult population in Ireland was exposed to elevated levels of dioxins and PCBs. Whilst people in this 10 % cohort experienced quite a significant additional load to the existing body burden, the estimated exposure values do not indicate approximation of body burdens associated with adverse health effects, based on current knowledge. The exposure period was also limited in time to approximately 3 months, following the FSAI recall of contaminated meat immediately on detection of the contamination. A follow up breast milk study on Irish first time mothers conducted in 2009/2010 did not show any increase in concentrations compared to the study conducted in 2002. The latter supports the conclusion that the majority of the Irish adult population was not affected by the contamination incident.
The first phase in the sign, development and implementation of a comprehensive computational model of a copper stockpile leach process is presented. The model accounts for transport phenomena through the stockpile, reaction kinetics for the important mineral species, oxgen and bacterial effects on the leach reactions, plus heat, energy and acid balances for the overall leach process. The paper describes the formulation of the leach process model and its implementation in PHYSICA+, a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) software environment. The model draws on a number of phenomena to represent the competing physical and chemical features active in the process model. The phenomena are essentially represented by a three-phased (solid liquid gas) multi-component transport system; novel algorithms and procedures are required to solve the model equations, including a methodology for dealing with multiple chemical species with different reaction rates in ore represented by multiple particle size fractions. Some initial validation results and application simulations are shown to illustrate the potential of the model.
The design and development of a comprehensive computational model of a copper stockpile leach process is summarized. The computational fluid dynamic software framework PHYSICA+ and various phenomena were used to model transport phenomena, mineral reaction kinetics, bacterial effects, and heat, energy and acid balances for the overall leach process. In this paper, the performance of the model is investigated, in particular its sensitvity to particle size and ore permeability. A combination of literature and laboratory sources was used to parameterize the model. The simulation results from the leach model are compared with closely controlled column pilot scale tests. The main performance characteristics (e.g. copper recovery rate) predicted by the model compare reasonably well with the experimental data and clearly reflect the qualitiative behavior of the process in many respects. The model is used to provide a measure of the sensitivity of ore permeability on leach behavior, and simulation results are examined for several different particle size distributions.
The aggregation of beta-amyloid to plaques in the brain is one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer disease (AD). Numerous studies have tried to elucidate to what degree amyloid peptides play a role in the neurodegenerative developments seen in AD. While most studies report an effect of amyloid on neural activity and cognitive abilities of rodents, there have been many inconsistencies in the results. This study investigated to what degree the different genetic backgrounds affect the outcome of beta-amyloid fragment (25-35) on synaptic plasticity in vivo in the rat hippocampus. Two strains, Wistar and Lister hooded rats, were tested. In addition, the effects of a strong (600 stimuli) and a weak stimulation protocol (100 stimuli) on impairments of LTP were analysed. Furthermore, since the state of amyloid aggregation appears to play a role in the induction of toxic processes, it was tested by dual polarisation interferometry to what degree and at what speed beta-amyloid (25-35) can aggregate in vitro. It was found that 100 nmol beta-amyloid (25-35) injected icv did impair LTP in Wistar rats when using the weak but not the strong stimulation protocol (P <0.001). One-hundred nano mole of the reverse sequence amyloid (35-25) had no effect. LTP in Lister Hooded rats was not impaired by amyloid at any stimulation protocol. The aggregation studies showed that amyloid (25-35) aggregated within hours, while amyloid (35-25) did not. These results show that the genetic background and the stimulation protocol are important variables that greatly influence the experimental outcome. The fact that amyloid (25-35) aggregated quickly and showed neurophysiological effects, while amyloid (35-25) did not aggregate and did not show any effects indicates that the state of aggregation plays an important role in the physiological effects.