493 resultados para habitus,,


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The question of the social usages of culture and its links with social groups continues to be a topic of discussion today. The aim of this article is to contribute to the debate by examining coherence in the choice of physical activities and sports. The study focuses on the upper social groups, questioning, from a macro-sociological standpoint, their possible omnivority and their dissonance of choice with regard to these activities. Based on a quantitative survey of the sports participated in by the French, the study shows that omnivority and massification of activities are major phenomena. However, the upper social groups in France remain distinguishable both in terms of their "high level of omnivority" and their choice of distinctive activities. Dissonance is another of their characteristics but to a lesser extent.


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The authors describe a new genus and two new species of Brazil as follows: Juinacoris n. gen., J. hugoi n. sp., from Juina, Mato Grosso; Perissobasis hugoi n. sp., Juina, Mato Grosso. Figures of habitus and male genitalia are included.


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From an anthropological perspective, formal post-secondary schooling is not an abstractentity with an intrinsic value that everyone finds desirable, but rather one alternative among many that young people evaluate from their different positions in the social field. The problem discussed in this paper is the diverging life trajectories that young men and women in a concrete rural context, at the end of the 20th century, shape for themselves at the ages of 14-16, a moment of decision created by national legislation regarding mandatory education (LGE, 1970, General Education Law, and LOGSE, 1990, General Organic Law of the Education System). Despite a strong cultural norm of equal inheritance divided among all children, male and female, and despite the equal educational opportunities provided by the Spanish State, different meanings of possession and use-rights over land and the resulting culturally accepted gendered division of work converge to orient men and women differently towards post-secondary schooling. Observation of the age, gender, and civil status structure of the population led to the preliminary query: Why do men and women, in this town, behave differently with respect to migration and marriage? The main hypothesis was that women’s longer school trajectories and resulting migration and men’s anchoring in the town and their higher rates of celibacy were not drastic changes in values, in the positional-relational sense of Bourdieu (1988, 2002), but the current outcome of previously existing dissimilar relations to property that produce dissimilar mobility. Through their schooling and work choices, young men and women, at very early ages, locate themselves in, or decide to belong to, different contexts that later reveal very different possibilities of finding marriage partners. This paper is based on an ethnographic study of a small rural town (302 inhabitants in 1950; 193 in 2000) near Leon. Although this paper deals with the situation in the final decades of the 20th century, we must also consider the first half of the century, where some elements that shape this situation have their roots. Fieldwork was carried out between 1988 and 2001, in periods of differing length and intensity. The social subjects discussed here are the domestic unit and its component members. They were studied in conjunction, analyzing the life-trajectory decisions of specific persons in the framework of the domestic unit and the relations among people and property which comprise it. The tried-and-true methods of ethnographic research –participant observation, interviews, and life-histories, etc.- were employed. Archival research was also important for producing demographic data. Demographic analysis, the analysis of the composition and transformation of domestic units, and the creation of life trajectories were among the principal techniques used. The theoretical analysis was oriented by Bourdieu’s (2002) framework of the social field, habitus, and difference.


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An annotated list of the triatomine species present in French Guiana is given. It is based on field collections carried out between 1993-2008, museum collections and a literature review. Fourteen species, representing four tribes and six genera, are now known in this country and are illustrated (habitus). Three species are recorded from French Guiana for the first time: Cavernicola pilosa, Microtriatoma trinidadensis and Rhodnius paraensis. The two most common and widely distributed species are Panstrongylus geniculatus and Rhodnius pictipes. The presence of two species (Panstrongylus megistus and Triatoma maculata) could be fortuitous and requires confirmation. Also, the presence of Rhodnius prolixus is doubtful; while it was previously recorded in French Guiana, it was probably mistaken for R. robustus. A key for French Guiana's triatomine species is provided.


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Neste estudo descritivo de natureza exploratória, apresentamos o contexto familiar, socioeconômico e cultural pregresso, com ênfase na trajetória escolar e profissional, de um grupo de enfermeiros, cuja característica comum é a formação prévia na área de Enfermagem. No estudo original, do qual foram extraídos parte dos dados aqui apresentados, a abordagem analítica utilizada foi quantitativa e qualitativa em razão do duplo enfoque no tratamento dos dados, por entendermos que estes eram complementares. No presente artigo, objetivamos caracterizar a população em questão, enfatizando-se os aspectos socioeconômicos e culturais que foram determinantes do habitus peculiar, culminando com a classificação socioeconômica anterior e posterior à graduação a fim de detectar o fenômeno da mobilidade social decorrente da mobilidade ocupacional. Concluímos que esta última aconteceu para pouco mais da metade da população estudada, muito mais em razão do duplo vínculo empregatício do que propriamente em razão da ascensão profissional.


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Este estudo etnográfico teve como objetivo compreender as perspectivas culturais dos profissionais de enfermagem que atuam em uma Unidade de Queimados sobre cuidado do paciente vítima de queimaduras. Os dados foram coletados por meio de observação e entrevistas e interpretados de acordo com a perspectiva de Bourdieu, que utiliza os conceitos de habitus e campo para compreender os comportamentos que expressam o que está interiorizado pelas pessoas que fazem parte de um grupo social. Para desempenhar o cuidado, os profissionais agem de acordo com formas que já interiorizaram, como sofrer junto, ser firme e, ao mesmo tempo, atencioso e carinhoso.


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Estudo histórico-sociológico com o objetivo de analisar e descrever a visibilidade da atuação de uma enfermeira do Exército inserida na Força Expedicionária Brasileira (FEB) durante a 2º Guerra Mundial. Fonte primária: uma fotografia da época, articulada aos depoimentos orais de dezenove agentes. Essa modalidade de obtenção de dados possibilitou criar um método de pesquisa que denominamos Analítico Fotográfico Oral. Escolhemos a foto no acervo iconográfico do Exército localizado no Comando Militar do Leste, no Rio de Janeiro. Fontes secundárias: acervo literário sobre o contexto histórico social da época. Utilizamos os conceitos de habitus, poder e capital cultural de Pierre Bourdieu. Os resultados evidenciaram que para enfrentar o desafio, as voluntárias precisaram adquirir novos habitus mediante treinamento obrigatório, orientado pelos militares para cuidar dos feridos de guerra.


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In this paper, we analyze working experiences of female sports journalists in the French-speaking Swiss daily press. We draw on Bourdieu's theory of habitus and field to examine how structures of power shape these journalists' lives. Based on 27 semistructured interviews and observations in the field, we found that women journalists' work experiences depend on the relationship between their position in the field and their ethos and hexis. We identified three main strategies through which the women journalists negotiated their experiences: (1) conforming to the dominant male ethos (2) threatening the orthodoxy (3) resisting while hijacking the assigned role.


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O objeto desse estudo é a reconfiguração do Serviço de Enfermagem do Hospital Estadual Santa Maria, frente a uma nova política contra a tuberculose no Brasil. Objetivos: descrever as circunstâncias que ensejaram a implantação do novo Programa de Ação na Luta contra a Tuberculose no Brasil, e discutir as estratégias utilizadas pelas enfermeiras diplomadas do Hospital Estadual Santa Maria, no Estado da Guanabara, para adequar a assistência de enfermagem ao novo programa de combate à tuberculose. Estudo histórico-social. Para sua elaboração, foi realizada pesquisa documental, entrevistas e depoimentos de enfermeiras da época. A análise do corpus documental, apoiada pelos conceitos de habitus, campo e poder simbólico de Pierre Bourdieu, se fez com base em documentos escritos, orais e fontes secundárias. Resultados: a reconfiguração do serviço de enfermagem se deu sob a liderança de uma enfermeira cujo capital simbólico lhe conferia poder e prestígio para implementar as mudanças necessárias. Pode-se concluir que a atuação dessa enfermeira possibilitou a implantação do novo programa, e contribuiu para demarcar o espaço e a importância da enfermeira diplomada na assistência aos acometidos de tuberculose, tanto nos aspectos de prevenção quanto nos de cura.


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The association of marfanoid habitus (MH) and intellectual disability (ID) has been reported in the literature, with overlapping presentations and genetic heterogeneity. A hundred patients (71 males and 29 females) with a MH and ID were recruited. Custom-designed 244K array-CGH (Agilent®; Agilent Technologies Inc., Santa Clara, CA) and MED12, ZDHHC9, UPF3B, FBN1, TGFBR1 and TGFBR2 sequencing analyses were performed. Eighty patients could be classified as isolated MH and ID: 12 chromosomal imbalances, 1 FBN1 mutation and 1 possibly pathogenic MED12 mutation were found (17%). Twenty patients could be classified as ID with other extra-skeletal features of the Marfan syndrome (MFS) spectrum: 4 pathogenic FBN1 mutations and 4 chromosomal imbalances were found (2 patients with both FBN1 mutation and chromosomal rearrangement) (29%). These results suggest either that there are more loci with genes yet to be discovered or that MH can also be a relatively non-specific feature of patients with ID. The search for aortic complications is mandatory even if MH is associated with ID since FBN1 mutations or rearrangements were found in some patients. The excess of males is in favour of the involvement of other X-linked genes. Although it was impossible to make a diagnosis in 80% of patients, these results will improve genetic counselling in families.


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New species of Anatrichobius Wenzel, 1966 (Diptera, Streblidae) from Southern Brazil. Anatrichobius passosi sp. nov. collected on the vespertilionid bat Myotis nigricans, from southern Brazil is described. Habitus, gonopod and hipoproct are illustrated and a key for the species of Anatrichobius is given.


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Brachylophora, a new brachypterous genus of Rhopalophorini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Brachylophora auricollis (Bruch, 1918) comb. nov. = Pasiphyle auricollis Bruch, 1918, originally described from Argentina (Salta), is redescribed and illustrated. Although with reduced elytra, the genus is transferred from Rhinotragini to Rhopalophorini based on the following characters: eyes well separated in both sexes, frons between eyes depressed and lacking frontal suture; pro-, meso-, and metasternum planar; mesothorax parallel-sided, not at all declivous before mesosternal process; metasternum large, together with mesosternum twice length of prosternum, metepisternum very wide, entire suture separating it from metasternum clearly visible when viewed from below; female ovipositor shortened with short cylindrical styles; and, more generally, structural features of hind legs, and surface ornamentation. Habitus similar to Coremia group. Bolivian specimens were netted as they visited flowers of Croton sp. (Euphorbiaceae).


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The second species of the Neotropical genus Wygodasilus Artigas & Papavero, 1995, Wygodasilus albisetus sp. nov., is described from Bahia state, Brazil. The habitus, wing, male and female terminalia are described and illustrated.


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The Chilean species Thoracotropis cypriformis, type species of the monotypic genus Thoracotropis, is redescribed based on the only known specimen, the holotype. Habitus, head, wing venation, and male terminalia are illustrated. Comments are made on the diagnostic features of the genus and on its position in the subfamily to which it is usually assigned, the Leiinae.


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Aristofolia Ayala-Landa, a valid genus of Asilinae (Diptera, Asilidae). The robber fly genus Aristofolia Ayala-Landa, 1978 is a monotypic taxon of Asilinae. The status of Aristofolia is revalidated, and addenda to the original description of the genus is provided. The habitus, wings, male and female terminalia are described and illustrated.