409 resultados para gymnasium.
Skolbokssamlingen vid Tritonia består av ca 100 hm läroböcker som använts vid finlandssvenska skolor i Finland. Samlingen är indelad i den finlandssvenska skolbokssamlingen och den historiska skolbokssamlingen. Den finlandssvenska skolbokssamlingen består av läromedel främst för finlandssvensk grundläggande utbildning och gymnasium från 1960-talet till nutid. Samlingen är katalogiserad och tillgänglig för hemlån. Samlingen omfattar ca 4000 titlar och baseras på fortlöpande donation från Schildts & Söderströms förlag. Den består av teoriböcker, övningsböcker, lärarhandledningsböcker samt annat tillhörande material. Av varje titel finns 1-2 exemplar. Även Schildts förlags Ab:s läromedelsarkiv, böcker från Svenskfinlands läromedelscenter (av Skolstyrelsen godkända läromedel jämte utlåtanden), lättlästa läroböcker (LL) donerade av förlaget Lärum samt övrig anskaffning ingår. Katalogiseringen av samlingen har genomförts med projektmedel från Svenska kulturfonden. Den historiska skolbokssamlingen består av äldre läroböcker (från mitten av 1800-talet fram till år 1960) från bibliotek vid Finlands svenska folkskolor, Ekenäs seminarium och lärarseminariet i Nykarleby samt donationer av privatpersoner. Samlingen omfattar ca 50 hm och är ordnad enligt undervisningsämne med flest böcker inom modersmålet, matematik samt historia och samhällslära. Samlingen är till största del okatalogiserad.
Marty Calder of Brock wrestles Anthony Merlo of Concordia. This photograph has been translated into a painting which can now be seen just outside the Ian D. Beddis Gymnasium.
The complex was comprised of the new Student/Community Health and Fitness Centre and the state-of-the-art health club called The Zone, in addition to encompassing the existing physical education facilities. Among the new facilities was a 23 000-square-foot gymnasium, which boasted four basketball courts and a 200-meter, three-lane elevated track. The building was named after Walker Industries Holdings, a Thorold firm that was the key donor to the project.
This is a critical qualitative inquiry into secondary school students' experiences of power relations within physical activity and physical education settings. More specifically the study examines the reproduction ofpower relations through the use of domination and subordination in physical activity and physical education. This study will attempt to understand power relations that take place between and among students and between teachers and students and how certain sports or activities reinforce power relationships within the gymnasium. Thirty eight first and second year university students completed a questionnaire which asked them to reflect upon their high school physical education experiences. Feedback fi*om the questionnaires described that highly skilled male students benefit the most fi-om high school physical education and receive more power and privilege when compared to lesser skilled students.
Now, more than ever, sponsors of athletic events demand to see evidence of a commercial return, such as enhanced brand awareness, for their investment of cash or non-cash resources (Lough et aI., 2000). The most common way to measure the impact of perimeter signage (Le., any billboard or sign that displays a company's brand name and/or logo and which surrounds the playing area) on spectators' awareness of event sponsors has been through the use of brand name recall and recognition tests (Shilbury & Berriman, 1996). Recall testing requires spectators to list all of the sponsors they can remember seeing at, for example, an athletic event, strictly from memory and without any help (Cuneen & Hannan, 1993). With recognition testing, spectators are required to identify sponsors from a prepared list which include "dummy" brand names (i.e., sponsors that are present in the list but which do not actually sponsor the event). In order to determine whether sponsors' brand awareness objectives are being met, it is important for sport and recreation marketers to understand what influences a spectator's ability to remember (Le., recall and/or recognize) the brand names of companies who advertise on perimeter signage. The purpose this study was to examine the factors that influence spectators' recall and recognition of embedded sponsorship stimuli (i.e., company brand names on perimeter signage surrounding the play area) at a Canadian University's men's basketball game and football game. These factors included the number of games spectators attended over the course of the season (i.e., repeated exposure to sponsorship stimuli), spectators' level of involvement with the event, and spectators' level of involvement with the advertisements (i.e., perimeter signage). This study also examined the differences between recall and recognition as a means of measuring spectators' awareness of sponsors, and attempted to determine if there are sport differences in spectators' recall and recognition of perimeter signage. Upon leaving the football stadium or gymnasium, spectators were approached, at random, by trained research assistants located at each exit and asked to complete a brief survey questionnaire. Respondents completed the survey on-site. A total of 358 completed surveys were collected from spectators who attended the football (N = 277) and basketball (N = 81) games. The data suggest that football and basketball respondents recognized more sponsors' brand names than they recalled. In addition, football respondents who were highly involved with the event (i.e., those individuals who viewed attending the events as fun, interesting and exciting) attended more games over the course of the season and had significantly higher brand name recognition of sponsors who advertised on perimeter signage than those individuals with low involvement with the athletic event. Football respondents who were highly involved with the sponsors' advertisements (i.e., those individuals who viewed sponsors' perimeter signage as appealing, valuable and important) had significantly higher brand name recall of event sponsors than those individuals with low involvement with these sponsors' advertisements. Repeated exposure to perimeter signage did not have a significant influence on football or basketball respondents' recall or recognition of sponsors. Finally, the data revealed that football respondents had significantly higher recall of sponsors' brand names than basketball respondents. Conversely, basketball respondents had significantly higher recognition of sponsors' brand names than did football respondents.
Aerial view of the Chapman College campus, Orange, California, 1966. Looking diagonally to the northeast. Corner of North Glassell Street and Palm Avenue in lower middle, with the five original buildings just beyond. The old gymnasium is by the oval playing field and stadium. Photographed by Rene Laursen, 702 N. Grand, Santa Ana, California [No. 1499#1].
The purpose of this research is to describe the journey towards Comprehensive School Health at two Aboriginal elementary schools. An advocate and a healthy schools committee were identified at both schools and were responsible for developing initiatives to create a healthy school community. A case study was used to gather an in-depth understanding of Comprehensive School Health for the two schools involved. As a researcher, I functioned within the role of a participantobserver, as I was actively involved in the programs and initiatives completed in both schools. The research process included: the pilot study, ethics clearance and distribution of letters of invitation and consent forms. Data collection included 16 semi-structured, guided interviews with principals, teachers, and stupents. Participant observations included sites of the gymnasium, classroom, playgrounds, school environments, bulletin boards as well as artifact analysis of decuments such as school newsletters, physical education schedules and school handbooks. The interviews were transcribed and coded using an inductive approach which involves finding patterns, themes and categories from the data (patton, 2002). Research questions guided the findings as physical activity, physical education, nutrition and transportation were discussed. Themes developed t~rough coding were teacherstudent interactions, cultural traditions, time constraints and professional development and were discussed using a Comprehensive School Health framework.
One hardcover photo album containing black and white photos. Many of the photos were taken in the St. Catharines area. Included are photos of Port Dalhousie, Port Weller, Niagara Falls, Niagara-on-the-Lake and St. Catharines. There are also photos of Braeside, Ont. and the Ottawa valley. Various local landmarks are included, such as the armoury in St. Catharines, Montebello Park, and Martindale pond. Some of the events captured include a train wreck that occurred in St. Catharines in 1914, the visit of the Governor General to St. Catharines in 1914 (featuring the Carnegie library and Post Office and federal building decorated with flags), and an airplane that crashed into a body of water, possibly a plane from an air training camp in Beamsville during World War I. There are also two photos of champion Niagara district basketball teams, possibly taken in the gymnasium building located behind the former St. Catharines Collegiate building (later Robertson School) on Church Street. One photo includes Norman Byrne, Gladys Ansell, Miriam Marshall, Irene Stoter (?), Mildrerd Houston, A. Gardner, and Madeline Jenner. The other photo includes George Moase, W. Bennett, Norman Byrne, Jack Bain, Mr. Brackenbury, Cyril Merriman, Jim Galway, Harry Erskine, and Roy Carpenter.
Ayant la boxe comme objet d’étude, le présent mémoire de maîtrise cherche à mettre en lumière le processus par lequel le boxeur fait l’acquisition de l’habitus pugilistique sous l’angle abordé par Loïc Wacquant, où la boxe est envisagée comme un sport individuel, mais qui s’acquiert sous un mode collectif. Dans une étude combinant observation participante, notes de terrain et entrevues, le mémoire a pour objectif de se pencher sur l’apprentissage de ce sport à travers les relations nouées dans les murs du gymnase de boxe, élaboré sous les notions d’habitus, d’esprit de corps, de sens pratique et de capital agonistique. En effet, c’est sur la base de l’entraînement collectif que se développera un « esprit de corps », sous la forme d’habitus susceptibles de gouverner le corps comme les représentations des boxeurs et, par-delà, de fonder une communauté solidaire en vertu duquel le corps « sauvage » se mue en un corps « habitué ».
Face aux données conflictuelles de la littérature sur le VO2 requis d’exercices de boxe (sparring, palettes de frappe et sac de frappe), surtout pour le “vrai” sparring avec coups de poings au visage, une nouvelle méthode basée sur une mesure de VO2 “post-exercice” fut développée, validée (Annexe 1) et utilisée pour ré-évaluer le coût énergétique de ces exercices de boxe. Neufs boxeurs mâles expérimentés, de 22.0±3.5 ans et 71.4±10.9 kg avec un VO2pic de 62.2±4.1 ml·kg-1·min-1 (moyenne ± écart type) furent mesurés lors 1) d’un test progressif maximal sur tapis roulant en laboratoire 2) d’un entrainement standardisé de boxe en gymnase et 3) d’exercices de boxe standardisés en laboratoire. Des VO2 requis de 43.4±5.9, 41.1±5.1, 24.7±6.1, 30.4±5.8 et 38.3±6.5 ml·kg-1·min-1, respectivement obtenues pour le sparring, les palettes de frappe et le sac de frappe à 60, 120 et 180 coup·min-1, situe l’intensité de ces exercices autour de ~70 %VO2pic.
Der in dieser Arbeit wesentliche Fokus ist die Realisierung eines anwendungsbezogenen Konzeptes zur Förderung stochastischer Kompetenzen im Mathematikunterricht, die sich auf Entscheiden und Urteilen unter Unsicherheit beziehen. Von zentraler Bedeutung ist hierbei die alltagsrelevante Kompetenz, mit Problemen um bedingte Wahrscheinlichkeiten und Anwendungen des Satzes von Bayes umgehen zu können, die i.w.S. mit „Bayesianischem Denken“ bezeichnet wird. Die historische und theoretische Grundlage der Arbeit sind kognitionspsychologische Erkenntnisse zum menschlichen Urteilen unter Unsicherheit: Intuitive Formen probabilistischen Denkens basieren auf Häufigkeitsanschauungen (z.B. Piaget & Inhelder, 1975; Gigerenzer, 1991). Meine didaktischen Analysen ergaben aber, dass der Umgang mit Unsicherheit im üblichen Stochastikunterricht nach einer häufigkeitsbasierten Einführung des Wahrscheinlichkeitsbegriffes (der ja bekanntlich vielfältige Interpretationsmöglichkeiten aufweist) nur noch auf Basis der numerischen Formate für Wahrscheinlichkeiten (z.B. Prozentwerte, Dezimalbrüche) und entsprechenden Regeln gelehrt wird. Damit werden m.E. grundlegende Intuitionen von Schülern leider nur unzureichend beachtet. Das in dieser Arbeit detailliert entwickelte „Didaktische Konzept der natürlichen Häufigkeiten“ schlägt somit die konsequente Modellierung probabilistischer Probleme mit Häufigkeitsrepräsentationen vor. Auf Grundlage empirischer Laborbefunde und didaktischer Analysen wurde im Rahmen der Arbeit eine Unterrichtsreihe „Authentisches Bewerten und Urteilen unter Unsicherheit“ für die Sekundarstufe I entwickelt (Wassner, Biehler, Schweynoch & Martignon, 2004 auch als Band 5 der KaDiSto-Reihe veröffentlicht). Zum einen erfolgte eine Umsetzung des „Didaktischen Konzeptes der natürlichen Häufigkeiten“, zum anderen wurde ein Zugang mit hohem Realitätsbezug verwirklicht, in dem so genannte „allgemeinere Bildungsaspekte“ wie Lebensvorbereitung, eigenständige Problemlösefähigkeit, kritischer Vernunftgebrauch, Sinnstiftung, motivationale Faktoren etc. wesentliche Beachtung fanden. Die Reihe wurde auch im Rahmen dieser Arbeit in der Sekundarstufe I (fünf 9. Klassen, Gymnasium) implementiert und daraufhin der Unterrichtsgang detailliert bewertet und analysiert. Diese Arbeit stellt die Dissertation des Verfassers dar, die an der Universität Kassel von Rolf Biehler betreut wurde. Sie ist identisch mit der Erstveröffentlichung 2004 im Franzbecker Verlag, Hildesheim, der der elektronischen Veröffentlichung im Rahmen von KaDiSto zugestimmt hat.