902 resultados para global report


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Proceso del Competitor and Market Report para cubrir las necesidades de información de la Alta Dirección de Zurich Insurance plc, para la unidad de negocio Global Corporate (GC) en la región de Europa Medio Oriente y África (EMEA) “ El Competitor and Market Report surge de la situación de desinformación en la que los altos directivos y los representantes de CD&M GCiEMEA de cada país se encuentran. Este trabajo consiste en estudiar todo el proceso de creación del Competitor and Market Report, empezando por la identificación del problema, búsqueda de soluciones e implementación y puesta en marcha de la solución. Este proceso nos obligara a inventariar y analizar los estudios que hasta el momento la empresa de seguros Zurich Insurance Ltd, recibía procedentes de fuentes externas o de distintos departamentos que rara vez estaban coordinados en la producción de estos informes. Analizaremos cuales son las áreas de información que estos informes no cubren. El proceso nos obligara a realizar un trabajo de campo. Haremos entrevistas que nos ayudaran a comprender mejor las necesidades de información de los altos directivos. A partir de los resultados anteriores se justificará la creación del Competitor and Market Report, y se estudiará todo el proceso de creación y puesta en marcha de un informe que cubra las necesidades anteriores.


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Este estudo realizou um exame crítico sobre os relatórios de sustentabilidade, com base na Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), elaborados pelas empresas do setor de geração de energia elétrica por hidroeletricidade no Brasil e avaliou a significância destes documentos em prestar informações claras sobre a eficácia do desempenho socioambiental. Os estudos acadêmicos relacionados com os relatórios de sustentabilidade, e especificamente com os relatórios da GRI, demonstram que há problemas na qualidade da informação com relação à completeza, padronização e credibilidade do conteúdo, porém sem aprofundar nas causas potenciais. Trata-se de um estudo com abordagem quali-quantitativa, com o emprego de pesquisa do tipo descritiva e a utilização de procedimentos bibliográfico e documental, por meio de análise de conteúdo. A quantificação das evidências foi desenvolvida com base nas informações contidas nos relatórios de sustentabilidade das empresas CPFL, EDP e Tractebel, que possuíam o nível mais alto de aplicação da GRI, associadas com as informações de seus desempenhos socioambientais disponíveis por outras fontes de consulta independentes. Os resultados da análise de conteúdo dos relatórios de sustentabilidade demonstraram que nenhuma das empresas atingiu o atendimento pleno de evidência da informação solicitada nas Unidades de Informação avaliadas. Esta constatação indica que todas as empresas avaliadas apresentaram falhas na validação das informações antes do início da elaboração propriamente dita do relatório, como determina a etapa de validação da GRI, sugerindo que os testes disponíveis nos princípios da GRI, provavelmente, não foram empregados ou foram adotados sem eficácia, afetando a qualidade da informação com relação à completeza e credibilidade do conteúdo. Questões que merecem ser aprofundadas em futuros trabalhos são: a influência dos limites da auditoria independente no resultado da verificação do relatório e a extensão da pesquisa de análise de conteúdo para outros setores industriais formados por grandes empresas e com elevado impacto ambiental potencial. O estudo contribui para o aumento de conhecimento sobre o tema, em destaque na atualidade, seja pelos esforços de normalização mundial do relatório de sustentabilidade GRI, e, principalmente, com a recomendação para o fomento destes relatórios incluída no documento final The Future We Want- O Futuro que Queremos da Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Desenvolvimento Sustentável (Rio+20), no parágrafo 47, com potencial regulamentação brasileira compulsória dos mesmos.


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The CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems is a multi-year research initiative launched in July 2011. It is designed to pursue community-based approaches to agricultural research and development that target the poorest and most vulnerable rural households in aquatic agricultural systems. Led by WorldFish, a member of the CGIAR Consortium, the program is partnering with diverse organizations working at local, national and global levels to help achieve impacts at scale.


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Aquatic agricultural systems (AAS) are places where farming and fishing in freshwater and/or coastal ecosystems contribute significantly to household income and food security. Globally, the livelihoods of many poor and vulnerable people are dependent on these systems. In recognition of the importance of AAS, the CGIAR Research Program (CRP) is undertaking a new generation of global agricultural research programs on key issues affecting global food security and rural development. The overall goal of the research program is to improve the well-being of people dependent on these systems. Solomon Islands is one of five priority countries in the AAS program, led by WorldFish. In Solomon Islands, the AAS program operates in the Malaita Hub (Malaita Province) and the Western Hub (Western Province). This program and its scoping activities are summarized in this report.


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The Republic of Kiribati is a vast South Pacific island group with one of the largest exclusive economic zones (EEZs) in the world. Kiribati waters support a wealth of marine fisheries activities. These activities occur in oceanic, coastal and inshore environments and range from large, foreign, industrial-scale oceanic fishing operations to small-scale, domestic, inshore subsistence fisheries, aquaculture and recreational fisheries. Kiribati has developed a framework of domestic and international governance arrangements that are designed to sustainably manage its wealth of marine resources. The report provides background information for fisheries projects in Kiribati that aim to build food security, improve artisanal livelihoods and strengthen community engagement in fisheries governance. It provides information on the current status of Kiribati fishery resources (oceanic and coastal), their current governance and future challenges. Fish and fisher alike pay little heed to maritime boundaries and bureaucratic distinctions. This report covers both sides of the oceanic/coastal boundary because of the I-Kiribati communities’ interest in oceanic fisheries such as tuna and their heavy dependence on its fisheries resources for food security and economic development. The report focuses on two potential pilot sites for community-based fisheries management projects: North Tarawa and Butaritari.


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The Nutrient Enhanced Coastal Ocean Productivity (NECOP) Program is a component of NOAA's Coastal Ocean Program. The central hypothesis of this research is: Anthropogenic nutrient inputs have enhanced coastal ocean productivity with subsequent impacts on coastal ocean water quality, living resource yields, and the global marine carbon cycle. The initial study area for this program is the Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Outflow and adjacent Louisiana shelf region.


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Small-scale and artisanal fisheries contribute about two-thirds of the global fish production destined for direct human consumption. They also accommodate over 90 per cent of those who make their living from fisheries. Women comprise at least half the workforce in small-scale fisheries. Despite the important contributions made by small-scale fisheries to poverty eradication and food security, small-scale fishers and fishworkers continue to be marginalized at different levels. It is in this context that the Committee on Fisheries (COFI) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has developed the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines).


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The Nabugabo lakes are an important source of affordable protein food in the form of fish, income, water for domestic and commercial purposes (aquaculture farm and Hotels), handcraft materials (mats, hats, roof thatch) and fishing floats and rafts. Nabugabo lakes provide employment, income and export earnings to Uganda that flow from the act of harvesting the fish. In Uganda the fisheries sector directly employs 350,000 people and indirectly 1.2 million people. In 2005, it is estimated that about 370,000 mt fish export (97-98% Nile perch) earned Uganda US $ 143 Million up from US $ 103 million in 2004 .and up from US $ 45 million in 1996. , making it almost become the first non' traditional export commodity. The Nabugabo lakes are also import for cultural values and fish species from these lakes are important in evolutionary studies. The fishery sector is therefore very important in Uganda's socio-economic life. Despite the above values to the communities and global biodiversity roles, the amount of fish caught and the number fishing fleets operating on the Nabugabo lakes to guide management of the lake are lacking. The fishery that exists in these lakes is largely for subsistence and commercial purposes specific for Lake Nabugabo based on introduced species (Nile perch and Nile Tilapia). The fish is caught using mainly gill nets and long line hooks.


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Labels or Fables? The Myth of Sustainability examines the costs of certification of global fisheries and how it is allegedly biased towards industrial-scale fisheries. This dossier is a compilation of articles from Samudra Report dealing with the issue of ecolabelling in fisheries.


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FIRRI surveyed the fisheries of Lake George and Kazinga Channel between 20th June and 20th July 2001. This was the second survey FIRRI has conducted for the ILM project on the water system. The first survey was conducted during November 2000. These data, the analyses and accompanying reports contribute to baseline information for the fishery being collected with the support of ILM that is required for lakewide planning and management. Eight fish landing sites (6 on Lake George) namely; Kahendero, Hamukungu, Kasenyi, Kashaka, Mahyoro, Kayinja (2 on Kazinga Channel) namely; Katunguru -K and B fall within the focus of ILM and were surveyed during November 2000 and June/July 2001 over a three day period at each landing site in 2001 (Mahyoro 2 days). In November 2000, each landing was sampled once. FIRRI conducted a rapid FS and concurrently a CAS. All results are reported by landing site and then summed up (Global) for 8 sites on Lake George and Kazinga Channel.