990 resultados para germ cell


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Fecundity and oocyte development in Salminus hilarii female brood stock were analyzed with the aim of investigating the impact of migration impediment on oogenesis. Histological analyses of the ovaries were performed in adult females caught in two different environments-the TietA(a) River (natural) and captivity-and the gonadossomatic index, oocyte diameter and fecundity determined. Five germ cell development stages (oogonium, perinucleolar, cortical alveoli, vitellogenic, ripe) and two other structures (postovulatory follicles and atretic oocytes) were observed in females caught in the river. Captive animals lacked the ripe oocytes and postovulatory follicles and had a relatively higher number of atretic oocytes. Females in captivity are known to produce larger oocytes, and they release fewer eggs in each spawn (absolute fecundity) when compared with animals that are able to migrate. Our results suggest that the TietA(a) River is undergoing alterations which are being reflected in the reproductive performance of S. hilarii, mainly due to the presence of atretic oocytes in females caught in the river. The lack of postovulatory follicles and ripe oocytes in captive animals reveals that migratory impediment negatively impacts final oocyte maturation. However, the stage of maturation reached is adequate for ovulation induction with hormone manipulation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background. Primary non-gestational choriocarcinoma of the female genital tract has been described in the ovaries and is very unusual in other genital sites.Case. Primary non-gestational uterine cervical choriocarcinoma was diagnosed in a patient, 32, single, without previous sexual contact nor antecedent pregnancy, admitted to the hospital with irregular vaginal hemorrhaging. Pelvic examination realized under anesthetic revealed a tumor mass occupying the uterine cervix. Metastases investigation was realized and the patient was accepted as FIGO IV: risk factor of 13. She was submitted to intensive chemotherapy and hysterectomy, showing general recovery, but died from drug-resistant disease 12 months later. Histological, immunohistochemical, and molecular genetics studies confirmed non-gestational choriocarcinoma.Conclusion. Primary non-gestational uterine cervical choriocarcinoma may arise from germ cell tumor or epithelial tissue. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A seven-year-old Quarter Horse had a serious external genitalia trauma with severe swelling of ventrum, penis, prepuce and scrotum after falling over a fence. Appropriated treatment was rapidly started after clinical examination. During recovery period, the spermatogenesis assess by semen evaluation was not possible due to stallion's inability to ejaculate. Therefore, for testicular evaluation fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) was performed. The first FNAC showed a deviation of germ cell line towards immature cells, mainly by primary spermatocytes (59.5%) with very few late spermatids and spermatozoa (2.5% each), and an increased Sertoli cells/germ cells ratio (478/100), which characterized testicular degeneration. One month after the first FNAC, the second exam presented a drastic decrease of Sertoli cells/germ cells ratio (7/100) and marked increase of mature cell number, specially by early and late spermatids (50% and 24.5%, respectively). In this case, the results of both FNAC could demonstrate a partial recovery of spermatogenesis activity. Two months later, the stallion had mated two mares successfully and they became pregnant. In conclusion, the adequate treatment allowed a complete recovery of the stallion's reproductive function, and since semen collection was impossible during treatment, testicular FNAC showed to be an efficient diagnostic method for evaluating acute damage in the spermatogenesis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In order to study the morphological changes that occur in cells of the testes of isogenic black mouse C57BL/6/Uni into three periods during spermatogenetic used 15 mice divided into 3 groups of 5 animals with 40,50 and 60 days of age. The mice were sacrificed and weighed. Testicles were weighed and measured, and histologically processed and stained with HE, PAS and Masson Massom-H and evaluated under light microscopy. It was observed that group I with 40 days of age in the seminifcrous tubules had a lumen with sparse small amount of interstitial tubular cells. In the seminiferous epithelium type A spermatogonia, intermediate and B were identified, which occupied the compartment adbasal and intermingled with these cells in spermatocytes I in Pachytene and leptotene was observed, whereas in the adluminal compartment Golgi phase spermatids we observed the presence of acrosomal granule. In group II, the cells of the seminiferous epithelium were developed and it was observed in round spermatids cephalic hood phase plus many elongated spermatids in acrosome phase and Sertoli cells. In Group III, 60 days old, it was found that seminiferous epithelium which was of the tubules had elongated spermatids in acrosome phase and maturation, with elongated nuclei and acrosomal system typical of spermiation in the presence of sperm and residual bodies near the tubular lumen. Therefore morphological evolution of germ cell testicular spermatids can be checked and recognized in its four phases: Golgi, cap, acrosome and maturation over the age of the animal.


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Tendo por base os novos conhecimentos oriundos de recentes estudos com Perciformes marinho, a origem e o desenvolvimento dos oócitos no Ostariophysi Gymnotus sylvius são aqui descritos. da mesma maneira que ocorre nos Perciformes, em Gymnotus sylvius as oogônias são encontradas no epitélio germinativo que margeia as lamelas ovígeras. No início da foliculogênese, a proliferação das oogônias e sua entrada em meiose dão origem a ninhos de células germinativas que se projetam em direção ao estroma ovariano, a partir do epitélio germinativo. Os ninhos e o epitélio germinativo são suportados pela mesma membrana basal que os separa do estroma. Coincidindo com a paralisação da meiose os oócitos, presentes nos ninhos, são separados uns dos outros por processos citoplasmáticos das células pré-foliculares. As células pré-foliculares derivam do epitélio germinativo sendo, portanto, inicialmente células epiteliais. Durante a foliculogênese, ao mesmo tempo em que envolvem os oócitos individualizando-os, as células pré-foliculares sintetizam a membrana basal ao seu redor. Os oócitos entram em crescimento primário ainda dentro dos ninhos. Ao término da foliculogênese, o oócito e as células foliculares que compõem o folículo são circundados pela membrana basal. O folículo permanece conectado ao epitélio germinativo uma vez que ambos compartilham uma porção comum da membrana basal. Células oriundas do estroma circundam o folículo ovariano exceto na região de compartilhamento da membrana basal formando a teca. O folículo, a membrana basal e a teca formam o complexo folicular. O desenvolvimento do oócito ocorre dentro do complexo folicular e compreende os estágios de crescimento primário e secundário, maturação e ovulação. Os alvéolos corticais surgem no ooplasma momentos antes do início do crescimento secundário ou estágio vitelogênico que tem início com a deposição de vitelo, progride até o oócito esteja completamente desenvolvido e o ooplasma preenchido pelos glóbulos de vitelo. A maturação é caracterizada pela migração do núcleo ou vesícula germinativa, pela quebra da vesícula germinativa, ou seja, pela fragmentação do envoltório nuclear e, retomada da meiose. Na ovulação o ovo é liberado do complexo folicular para o lúmen ovariano. em comparação com os Perciformes marinhos com ovos pelágicos, o desenvolvimento oocitário em Gymnotus sylvius tem menos etapas dentro dos estágios de desenvolvimento, sendo as duas mais notáveis delas as ausências da formação das gotas de lipídio durante os crescimentos primário e secundário (e a consequente fusão das gotas para formar um único glóbulo de lipídio durante a maturação) e, a hidrólise do vitelo antecedendo a ovulação.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Exposure of 1, 4, 7 & 10 day-old virgin queens of Apis mellifera Linne 1758 for 1 min to CO2 accelerated their ovarian development, having a similar effect as mating on the initial formation of the ovarian follicles. In 3 day-old queens the exposure to CO2 enhanced the initial stage of germ cell differentiation into oocytes and nurse cells in the ovarioles, a developmental stage only seen in 5 day-old untreated virgin queens, the age at which they are ready to mate. In 10 day-old untreated virgin queens, some regions of the ovarioles presented tissue disorganization and many cells with pycnotic nuclei. However, narcotized virgin queens of the same age did not present such ovary degeneration. Conversely, they showed nitid follicle formation, arising in the ovarioles' initial differentiation between nurse and oocytic chambers, although still without vitellogenesis. The accelerative effect of CO2 is limited to the ages near to those proper for mating, since 15 and 18 day-old treated virgin queens presented ovaries with extensive regions of high tissue disorganization and a great number of cells with pycnotic nuclei. According to the results, the narcosis presented three levels of effect on the ovary of honeybee virgin queens: 1) accelerated the germ cell differentiation, 2) preserved the tissue integrity even after the queen mating period and 3) stimulated the initial differentiation of a vitellarium. This later condition was only seen in untreated queens after mating. All these effects are not maintained if the queen is kept virgin beyond 15 days old.


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Realizou-se uma investigação das mudanças histológicas e ultra-estruturais das células de Sertoli durante o ciclo reprodutivo de machos de Piaractus mesopotamicus. Os resultados mostraram que o desenvolvimento das células de Sertoli está estritamente relacionado à maturação das células gaméticas. Portanto, as células de Sertoli têm algum papel na maturação das células germinativas durante o ciclo reprodutivo dessa espécie, talvez formando um tecido de sustentação para os cistos espermatogênicos em desenvolvimento, ajudando a reorganização testicular para um novo ciclo reprodutivo, além de outras possíveis funções discutidas no texto.


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Single high doses of estrogen (35 mg/kg body weight) were administered to young rats aiming to exacerbate its effects on germ cell populations. The short-term (1 week) and medium-term (7 weeks) consequences of this estrogenic treatment (ET) on the testis were evaluated using light and electron microscopies, quantitative methods and TUNEL reaction. Short-term ET led to 50% atrophy of the testis, however, in the medium term the gonado-somatic index was recovered. No histopathological alterations were found at seminiferous epithelium except for short-term severe degeneration of elongated spermatids (EL) and low frequency of these cells in both time intervals. Two morphologically distinct patterns of degeneration were observed: (1) clusters of EL which were TUNEL-negative and exhibited bizarre appearance and nuclear fragmentation, (2) isolated apoptotic EL within the cytoplasm of Sertoli cells (SC). Both degenerative phenomena were more frequent in stages III - VIII of seminiferous cycle, whereas at stages I and II only coiling of flagellum was observed. One week after ET, small amounts of EL were detected in stages IX - XII, suggesting spermiation failure. Signs of functional SC damage such as an accumulation of myelin-like inclusions in their cytoplasm were observed in the short but not medium-term. However, the apoptotic rates still remained five times higher and the number of elongated spermatids was three-fold lower. Our data indicate that exposure to a high dose of estrogen around puberty has stage-specific effects on the testis and causes massive degeneration of elongated spermatids. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.