313 resultados para geostatistical


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No ano agrícola de 2006/07, no município de Selvíria (MS), foi analisada a produtividade do feijão em função de alguns atributos físicos de um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, cultivado nas condições de elevado nível tecnológico de manejo pelo sistema plantio direto irrigado com pivô central. O objetivo foi selecionar, entre os atributos pesquisados do solo, aquele com a melhor representatividade para explicar a variabilidade da produtividade agrícola. Foi instalada a malha geoestatística, para a coleta de dados do solo e da planta, com 117 pontos amostrais, numa área de 2.025 m² e declive homogêneo de 0,055 m m-1. do ponto de vista linear e espacial, a produtividade de feijão foi explicada em função da densidade de partículas e da umidade gravimétrica do solo, respectivamente. Assim, os valores de densidade de partículas entre 1,95 e 2,20 kg dm-3 e de umidade gravimétrica entre 0,205 e 0,239 kg kg-1; ambas coletadas na camada intermediária, resultaram em sítios com as mais elevadas produtividades (2.200-2.600 kg ha-1). Entretanto, para as condições do elevado nível tecnológico de manejo empregado, a produtividade média do feijão não atingiu seu máximo potencial, uma vez que o agravado estado de compactação no qual o solo se encontrava proporcionou à produtividade redução de 26,6 %. Dessa forma, os valores médios da densidade do solo e da resistência do solo à penetração, respectivamente nas faixas de 1,36-1,41 kg dm-3 e de 1,56-3,24 MPa, típicos de solos argilosos compactados, atestaram a substancial queda da produtividade de grãos de feijão.


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A resistência mecânica à penetração do solo pode influenciar, negativamente, o crescimento radicular da soja, afetando, sobremaneira, sua produtividade. No ano agrícola 2008/2009, no município de Selvíria (MS), no Cerrado brasileiro, foi analisada a produtividade da soja, em função da resistência mecânica à penetração de um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, no sistema de semeadura direta. O objetivo foi selecionar, entre os atributos pesquisados do solo, aquele com a melhor correlação, linear e espacial, para explicar a variabilidade da produtividade da soja. Foi instalada uma malha geoestatística, para a coleta de dados do solo e da planta, com 120 pontos amostrais, em área de 8,34 ha e declive homogêneo de 0,055 m m-1. Dessa forma, visando-se a auxiliar futuros trabalhos voltados à agricultura de precisão, os quais venham a utilizar os mesmos atributos do presente estudo, os valores dos alcances da dependência espacial a serem empregados deverão estar compreendidos entre 38,1 m e 114,7 m. do ponto de vista linear, a resistência mecânica à penetração do solo, quando avaliada na camada 0,10-0,20 m, apresentou boa correlação exponencial inversa com a produtividade de grãos de soja. Entretanto, do ponto de vista espacial, o número de vagens por planta apresentou-se como bom indicador da produtividade de grãos de soja.


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Soil porosity influences plant development since root growth and crop yield are determined by the root depth. The objective of this study was to investigate the linear and spatial variability and correlations between common bean yield and soil porosity. The bean grain yield of the irrigated cultivar Carioca IAC was analyzed in the growing season 2004/2005, in Selviria-MS, as well as macroporosity (MA), microporosity (MI) and total porosity (TP), in a Dystroferric Red Latosol, at four depths: 1 (0.0-0.10 m), 2 (0.10-0.20 M), 3 (0.20-0.30 m) and 4 (0.30-0.40 m). Soil and plant data were collected in a geostatistical grid with 135 points spaced 10 m apart, covering an area of 50 x 150 m. The data of the studied attributes did not vary randomly and the values were intermediate to low. They followed well-defined spatial standards, reaching between 11.70-104.40 m. on the other hand, the linear correlation between the plant and soil attributes was low, due to the high number of observations. Grain yield had the best linear correlations with MA1b, MI1 and TP3. From the spatial point of view, the inverse correlation between PG and #TP2 was outstanding. At the sites where #TP2 diminished (0.030-0.045 m(3) m(-3)) the yield varied from 2,173 to 3,529 kg ha(-1) and where it increased (0.045-0.076 m(3) m(-3)), the yield was between 1,630 and 2,173 kg ha(-1). Therefore, the total soil porosity, evaluated in the 0.10-0.20 m layer (#TP2), indicated the importance of the contact root/soil and was in turn a satisfactory indicator of soil physical quality, with a view to the grain yield of irrigated common bean.


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The perfect spatial intervention to manage the cultivation of the land, deriving from specific regions of the soil mapping, increases the agricultural productivity, as well as its clear gain. The relationships, spatial and Pearson, between eucalyptus data plant with some physical and chemical attributes of soil, in the growing season of 2011, in Selviria County, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil (20 degrees 20' S lat.; 51 degrees 24' W long.), were studied in order to obtain the one that could have the best relationship in order to improve the wood productivity. Thus, a geostatistical grid was installed for the soil and plant data collection, it contained 120 sample points, in plantation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis of 2 years old. The soil was a Dystrophic Red Latosol (Haplic Acrustox) whit slope of 0.025m m(-1). Due to their excellent relationship with wood productivity, the basis diameter of the crown and the bulk density showed management specific regions of soil whit high relation to eucalyptus wood productivity.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Com relação aos atributos do solo, a produtividade de madeira do pinus varia substancialmente em função do pH, do teor de matéria orgânica e da resistência à penetração. No ano de 2007, no Município de Selvíria (MS) foi analisada a produtividade de madeira do Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis, em função de alguns atributos físico-químicos de um Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico estabelecido num maciço florestal com 21 anos de idade. O objetivo foi selecionar, entre os atributos pesquisados do solo, aquele que melhor se apresentasse para explicar a variabilidade da produtividade de madeira. Para tanto, foi instalado um grid geoestatístico, para a coleta dos dados do solo e da planta, contendo 121 pontos amostrais, numa área de 3 ha do referido maciço. A produtividade de madeira variou diretamente com o pH do solo, tanto linear quanto espacialmente, com valores de 27,0-32,6 m³ ha-1 ano-1 e 3,9-4,4, respectivamente. Nos maiores, 32,6-36,9 m³ ha-1 ano-1 e 4,4-4,9. Dessa forma, o pH revelou ser um apreciável indicador da qualidade química do solo quando o objetivo foi estimar, linear e espacialmente, a produtividade de madeira da essência florestal pesquisada nas condições do Cerrado brasileiro do Sudeste do Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul.


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O feijão, importante fonte proteica, é um alimento muito comum na dieta da população dos países latino-americanos, sendo o Brasil maior produtor mundial deste legume. Nacionalmente, seu cultivo no sistema de semeadura direta tem crescido ano após ano. em 2002, foi avaliada a variabilidade espacial do feijoeiro, em função dos atributos químicos de um Latossolo Vermelho Distroférrico no sistema de semeadura direta, em Selvíria (MS) no Cerrado Brasileiro. O objetivo do presente estudo foi selecionar, entre os atributos do solo pesquisado, aquele com a melhor correlação, linear e espacial, para explicar a variabilidade da produtividade do feijoeiro. Foi instalada uma rede amostral, para a coleta de dados do solo e das plantas, com 135 pontos amostrais, em uma área de 7500 m². A produtividade de grãos de feijão (PG) representou o atributo da planta, enquanto os do solo foram: P, MO, pH, K, Ca, Mg, H+Al, S, T e o V%. Estabeleceram-se correlações lineares, simples e múltiplas, entre a PG e os atributos do solo. Foram modelados semivariogramas para todos os atributos, obtendo-se as respectivas krigagens e validações cruzadas. Também foram estabelecidas as co-krigagens entre a PG e os atributos do solo. em relação à produtividade de grãos de feijão, 22% da sua variação foram atribuídos à variação nos atributos químicos do solo. Tanto linear quanto espacialmente, o pH do solo foi bom indicador da produtividade de grãos de feijão quando cultivado sob sistema de semeadura direta.


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The soybean is the crop most cultivated in Brazil, with great socioeconomic importance. In the agriculture year 2008/09 in Selviria County, Mato Grosso do Sul State, in the Brazilian Savannah, was analyzed the production components and the soybean yield cultivated in a Typic Acrustox on no-tillage. The main purpose objective was select among the production components number of pods per plant, number of grains per pod, number of grains per plant, mass of a thousand grains, mass of grains per plant and population of plants, which of the best linear and spatial correlation aiming explain the soybean yield variability. The irregular geostatistical grid was installed to collect of data, with 120 sampling points, in an area of 8.34 ha. The values of spatial dependence range to be utilized should be among 38.1 and 114.7 meters. The model of the adjusted semivariograma was predominantly the spherical. of the lineal and spatial point of view, the number of pods per plant and the mass of grains per plant they were correlated in a direct way with the soybean yield, demonstrating be the best components to esteem her.


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The rice is one of the main sources of the humanity's feeding. During the agricultural year 2009/2010, in Selviria County, Mato Grosso do Sul State, in the Brazilian Savannah, an experiment was installed with rice upland in a Dystropherric Red Latosol (Typic Acrustox) under no-tillage, irrigated by central pivot, with the purpose of selecting the best components production to explain the variability the irrigated rice yield upland. The geostatistical grid was installed, to collect the data, with 120 sampling points, in an area of 3.0 ha and and homogeneous slope of 0.055 m m(-1). The medium rice yield was of the 5980 kg ha(-1). For the simple lineal regressions, the number of spikelets grenades for panicle presented the best direct potential correlation with the yield rice, given for: PGO = 115,5.NEG(0,770). However, for the multiple lineal regressions, the equation equacao PGO = 2754,30-411,55.NEG-461,07. NEC+436,59. NET it was the one that better she came to esteem the yield rice. However, spatial, it was not possible to establish correlation between the yield rice and the components production, once none of those it presented spatial dependence in their data.


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The influence of a population of the understorey woody bamboo Merostachys riedeliana and different flooding regimes on tree community dynamics in a section of tropical semideciduous forest in South-Eastern Brazil was examined. A forest section with an area of 1.6 ha composed of 71 adjacent plots was located on a slope ending at the river margin. The section was divided into five topographical sectors according to the mean duration of river floods. In 1991 and 1998 all trees with a diameter at the base of the trunk greater than or equal to 5 cm were measured, identified and tagged, and all live bamboo culms were counted. Annualised estimates of the rates of tree mortality and recruitment, gain and loss of tree basal area, and change in bamboo density were calculated for each of the 71 plots and five topographical sectors as well as for diameter classes and tree species. To segregate patterns arising from spatially autocorrelated events, geostatistical analyses were used prior to statistical comparisons and correlations. In general, mortality rates were not compensated by recruitment rates but there was a net increase in basal area in all sectors, suggesting that the tree community as a whole was in a building phase. Tree community dynamics of the point bar forest (Depression and Levee sectors) differed from that of the upland forest (Ridgetop, Middle Slope and Lower Slope sectors) in the extremely high rates of gain in basal area. The predominant and specialised species, Inga vera and Salix humboldtiana, are probably favoured by relaxed competition in an environment stressed by long-lasting floods. In the upland forest, mortality rates were highest at the Middle Slope, particularly for smaller trees, while recruitment rates were lowest. As bamboo clumps were concentrated in this sector, the locally higher instability in the tree community probably resulted from the direct interference of bamboos. The density of bamboo culms in the upland forest was negatively correlated with the rates of tree recruitment and gain in basal area, and positively correlated with tree mortality rates. Bamboos therefore seemed to restrict the recruitment, growth and survival of trees.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Spatial analysis and fuzzy classification techniques were used to estimate the spatial distributions of heavy metals in soil. The work was applied to soils in a coastal region that is characterized by intense urban occupation and large numbers of different industries. Concentrations of heavy metals were determined using geostatistical techniques and classes of risk were defined using fuzzy classification. The resulting prediction mappings identify the locations of high concentrations of Pb, Zn, Ni, and Cu in topsoils of the study area. The maps show that areas of high pollution of Ni and Cu are located at the northeast, where there is a predominance of industrial and agricultural activities; Pb and Zn also occur in high concentrations in the northeast, but the maps also show significant concentrations of Pb and Zn in other areas, mainly in the central and southeastern parts, where there are urban leisure activities and trade centers. Maps were also prepared showing levels of pollution risk. These maps show that (1) Cu presents a large pollution risk in the north-northwest, midwest, and southeast sectors, (2) Pb represents a moderate risk in most areas, (3) Zn generally exhibits low risk, and (4) Ni represents either low risk or no risk in the studied area. This study shows that combining geostatistics with fuzzy theory can provide results that offer insight into risk assessment for environmental pollution.


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This paper describes a geostatistical method, known as factorial kriging analysis, which is well suited for analyzing multivariate spatial information. The method involves multivariate variogram modeling, principal component analysis, and cokriging. It uses several separate correlation structures, each corresponding to a specific spatial scale, and yields a set of regionalized factors summarizing the main features of the data for each spatial scale. This method is applied to an area of high manganese-ore mining activity in Amapa State, North Brazil. Two scales of spatial variation (0.33 and 2.0 km) are identified and interpreted. The results indicate that, for the short-range structure, manganese, arsenic, iron, and cadmium are associated with human activities due to the mining work, while for the long-range structure, the high aluminum, selenium, copper, and lead concentrations, seem to be related to the natural environment. At each scale, the correlation structure is analyzed, and regionalized factors are estimated by cokriging and then mapped.


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This paper presents the results of electrical resistivity methods in the area delineation that was potentially contaminated by liquefaction products, which are also called putrefactive liquids in Vila Rezende municipal cemetery, Piracicaba, So Paulo, Brazil. The results indicate a depth of water table between 3.1 and 5.1 m, with two groundwater direction flows, one to the SW and another to the SE. Due to the contamination plumes, which have the same groundwater direction flow, as well the conductive anomalies observed in the geoelectric sections, the contamination suspicions in the area were confirmed. The probable plume to the SE extends beyond the limits of the cemetery. The location of the conductive anomalies and the probable contamination plumes showed that the contamination is linked with the depth of the water table and the burial time. Mapping using the geostatistical method of ordinary kriging applied to the work drew structural characteristics of the regional phenomenon and spatial behavior of the electrical resistivity data, resulting in continued surfaces. Thus, this method has proved to be an important tool for mapping contamination plumes in cemeteries.


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This paper presents a methodology based on geostatistical theory for quantifying the risks associated with heavy-metal contamination in the harbor area of Santana, Amapa State, Northern Brazil. In this area there were activities related to the commercialization of manganese ore from Serra do Navio. Manganese and arsenic concentrations at unsampled sites were estimated by postprocessing results from stochastic annealing simulations; the simulations were used to test different criteria for optimization, including average, median, and quantiles. For classifying areas as contaminated or uncontaminated, estimated quantiles based on functions of asymmetric loss showed better results than did estimates based on symmetric loss, such as the average or the median. The use of specific loss functions in the decision-making process can reduce the costs of remediation and health maintenance. The highest global health costs were observed for manganese. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved