907 resultados para gear assembly
The Sex Offender Research Council was formed as a successor to the Sex Offender Treatment and Supervision Task Force, established to provide assistance to the General Assembly. It will respond to legislative direction to adjust its future plans as laid out in this report. Its plans could be modified to broaden or narrow its scope or to assign different priority levels of effort to its current areas of study. Also, further Council considerations of the recommendations it has already submitted could be called for. In the meantime, it is hoped that the information and recommendations submitted through this report prove helpful.
The Sex Offender Research Council was formed as a successor to the Sex Offender Treatment and Supervision Task Force, established to provide assistance to the General Assembly. It will respond to legislative direction to adjust its future plans as laid out in this report. Its plans could be modified to broaden or narrow its scope or to assign different priority levels of effort to its current areas of study. Also, further Council considerations of the recommendations it has already submitted could be called for. In the meantime, it is hoped that the information and recommendations submitted through this report prove helpful.
The Sex Offender Research Council was formed as a successor to the Sex Offender Treatment and Supervision Task Force, established to provide assistance to the General Assembly. It will respond to legislative direction to adjust its future plans as laid out in this report. Its plans could be modified to broaden or narrow its scope or to assign different priority levels of effort to its current areas of study. Also, further Council considerations of the recommendations it has already submitted could be called for. In the meantime, it is hoped that the information and recommendations submitted through this report prove helpful.
Organization of the Iowa General Assembly
Today in the Senate/House 85th Iowa General Assembly, Cell Phone Audio Daily Committee Meeting Schedules for the Senate and House of Representatives.
Today in the Senate/House 85th Iowa General Assembly, Cell Phone Audio Daily Committee Meeting Schedules for the Senate and House of Representatives.
I map of all committee meeting room during the legislative session for 2013.
Pieces of Iowa’s Past, published by the Iowa State Capitol Tour Guides weekly during the legislative session, features historical facts about Iowa, the Capitol, and the early workings of state government. All historical publications are reproduced here with the actual spelling, punctuation, and grammar retained. January 23, 2013 THIS WEEK: Iowa’s Grasshopper Plague of 1873 BACKGROUND: Fifteen General Assembly The 15th General Assembly convened January 12 and adjourned March 19, 1874—a 67-day session. The Senate had six Democratic members, 34 Republican members, and 10 Independent members. The House of Representatives had six Democratic members, 50 Republican members, and 44 Independent members. There were a total of 150 legislators in Iowa. By 1874, the Capital had been relocated to Des Moines. The legislature had occupied the old Brick Capitol since 1858. Joseph Dysart was the Lieutenant Governor presiding in the Senate, and John Gear was Speaker of the House of Representatives. Iowa’s population at the 1870 federal census had grown to 1,194,020. Both House and Senate journals from the 15th Iowa General Assembly include several references to assisting the destitution brought on by the 1874 plague of grasshoppers in Northwestern Iowa. Senator Perkins, from the Special Committee appointed to inquire into the reports of destitution in the northwestern counties of Iowa, submitted the following report, in part: “We have examined such evidence as is attainable here, and made such inquiries of parties interested in affording temporary relief as were to be met, and are pieces satisfied in our own minds that the case is one of sufficient importance to command the attention of the State.”
This report includes discussions of the general subject of water resources and flood control, including the presentation of facts and arguments which were considered in the drafting of this report. It also discusses various bills presented and a brief explanation of each bill.
Genetic recombination can lead to the formation of intermediates in which DNA molecules are linked by Holliday junctions. Movement of a junction along DNA, by a process known as branch migration, leads to heteroduplex formation, whereas resolution of a junction completes the recombination process. Holliday junctions can be resolved in either of two ways, yielding products in which there has, or has not, been an exchange of flanking markers. The ratio of these products is thought to be determined by the frequency with which the two isomeric forms (conformers) of the Holliday junction are cleaved. Recent studies with enzymes that process Holliday junctions in Escherichia coli, the RuvABC proteins, however, indicate that protein binding causes the junction to adopt an open square-planar configuration. Within such a structure, DNA isomerization can have little role in determining the orientation of resolution. To determine the role that junction-specific protein assembly has in determining resolution bias, a defined in vitro system was developed in which we were able to direct the assembly of the RuvABC resolvasome. We found that the bias toward resolution in one orientation or the other was determined simply by the way in which the Ruv proteins were positioned on the junction. Additionally, we provide evidence that supports current models on RuvABC action in which Holliday junction resolution occurs as the resolvasome promotes branch migration.
Proper division plane positioning is essential to achieve faithful DNA segregation and to control daughter cell size, positioning, or fate within tissues. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, division plane positioning is controlled positively by export of the division plane positioning factor Mid1/anillin from the nucleus and negatively by the Pom1/DYRK (dual-specificity tyrosine-regulated kinase) gradients emanating from cell tips. Pom1 restricts to the cell middle cortical cytokinetic ring precursor nodes organized by the SAD-like kinase Cdr2 and Mid1/anillin through an unknown mechanism. In this study, we show that Pom1 modulates Cdr2 association with membranes by phosphorylation of a basic region cooperating with the lipid-binding KA-1 domain. Pom1 also inhibits Cdr2 interaction with Mid1, reducing its clustering ability, possibly by down-regulation of Cdr2 kinase activity. We propose that the dual regulation exerted by Pom1 on Cdr2 prevents Cdr2 assembly into stable nodes in the cell tip region where Pom1 concentration is high, which ensures proper positioning of cytokinetic ring precursors at the cell geometrical center and robust and accurate division plane positioning.
Calpain 3 is a member of the calpain family of calcium-dependent intracellular proteases. Thirteen years ago it was discovered that mutations in calpain 3 (CAPN3) result in an autosomal recessive and progressive form of limb girdle muscular dystrophy called limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2A. While calpain 3 mRNA is expressed at high levels in muscle and appears to have some role in developmental processes, muscles of patients and mice lacking calpain 3 still form apparently normal muscle during prenatal development; thus, a functional calpain 3 protease is not mandatory for muscle to form in vivo but it is a pre-requisite for muscle to remain healthy. Despite intensive research in this field, the physiological substrates of the calpain 3 protein (hereafter referred to as CAPN3) and its alternatively spliced isoforms remain elusive. The existence of these multiple isoforms complicates the search for the physiological functions of CAPN3 and its pathophysiological role. In this review, we summarize the genetic and biochemical evidence that point to loss of function of the full-length isoform of CAPN3, also known as p94, as the pathogenic isoform. We also argue that its natural substrates must reside in its proximity within the sarcomere where it is stored in an inactive state anchored to titin. We further propose that CAPN3 has many attributes that make it ideally suited as a sensor of sarcomeric integrity and function, involved in its repair and maintenance. Loss of these CAPN3-mediated activities can explain the "progressive" development of muscular dystrophy.
Using simplified model derivatives, the assembly of the macrocyclic rings of madangamines, including the 13- and 14-membered D rings of madangamines C-E, the all-cis-triunsaturated 15-membered D ring of madangamine A, and the (Z,Z)-unsaturated 11-membered E ring common to madangamines A-E, has been studied.
The objective of this research was to evaluate two experimental D.S. Brown, Type SL450 and one D.S. Brown, Type SL750 expansion assemblies to identify possible construction problems and to determine the long term performances. These joints were installed in Wapello County on Jefferson Street viaduct in Ottumwa, Iowa. Visual inspections were made yearly. There is an indication that there may be a slow leakage at all three joints. The joint assemblies have performed well.
The objective of this research was to evaluate two experimental Acme MSB neoprene expansion assemblies to identify possible construction problems and to determine the long term performance. These joints were installed in Black Hawk County on the curved bridge of ramp H from US 218 to I-380 in Waterloo, Iowa. Visual inspections were made yearly. There is slow leakage at one joint and indication that there is some slow leakage of both joints. The joint assemblies have performed well.