142 resultados para gadamer


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Tabla de contenidos: La crítica de Heidegger a la noción de sujeto: un análisis a partir de la incidencia de su reflexión sobre la técnica y el lenguaje / Luciana Carrera Aizpitarte. El juego como auto-representación y modo de ser de la obra de arte en la estética hermenéutica de Gadamer / Paola Belén. El yo sobre la línea de ficción: análisis de las concepciones de Sartre y Lacan / Luisina Bolla. El poder y el sujeto. Sujeción, norma y resistencia en Judith Butler / Matías Abeijón. Theodor W. Adorno: la crítica al sujeto después de Auschwitz / Gustavo Robles. Estructura, discurso y subjetividad / Pedro Karczmarczyk. Transformaciones, rupturas y continuidades entre la perspectiva de Ernesto Laclau y la tradición (post)estructuralista / Hernán Fair. La recuperación del sujeto: escepticismo, autoconocimiento y escritura en S. Cavell / Guadalupe Reinoso.


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El tema de la tesis es la fundamentación ético discursiva propuesta por Karl-Otto Apel en el marco de su pragmática trascendental. El examen crítico de esta propuesta filosófica tiene el objetivo de reforzar los argumentos a favor de una fundamentación trascendental de la ética. Se enfrenta inicialmente a la pragmática apeliana con una serie de críticas provenientes del debate analítico sobre los "argumentos trascendentales", iniciada en los años sesenta del siglo XX. Se reconstruyen tres líneas principales: una que atañe a la forma de los argumentos trascendentales, otra a su capacidad para demostrar validez objetiva, y la otra a su capacidad para demostrar la unicidad de un esquema conceptual (iniciadas respectivamente por M. Gram, B. Stroud y S. Körner). La discusión y posterior aplicación a Apel de las críticas de este debate conduce a tres conclusiones principales. La primera es que no existen razones concluyentes en contra de realizar una reflexión trascendental sobre las condiciones de posibilidad del conocimiento válido. La segunda es que la fundamentación trascendental debe hacerse en el marco de un modelo filosófico dialógico y auto-reflexivo (diferente al asumido por los autores del debate). Precisamente, la tercera conclusión es que todo método trascendental debe ser "interno", es decir, debe asumir las condiciones que investiga. Se aborda entonces el problema de concebir un método que asuma la circularidad de la investigación y le dé un contenido concreto a la fundamentación. En lugar de la fórmula apeliana, se sostiene la conveniencia de entender la pragmática trascendental como una continuación, corregida en un sentido trascendental, de la hermenéutica iniciada por Heidegger y renovada por Gadamer. Un método interno "hermenéutico trascendental" puede describirse con los rasgos de la dialogicidad, la auto-reflexión y la crítica del sentido. El interés fundamental es, como para Apel, la reconstrucción de aquellos presupuestos que conforman la base de la ética discursiva, la cual transforma de manera comunicativa el imperativo categórico kantiano. Se discute finalmente la cuestión de cómo es posible pensar que los presupuestos argumentativos no están sometidos a cambios históricos. La respuesta apunta a señalar que la objeción de "otra razón posible" carece de argumentos sustantivos en contra de la fundamentación.


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Este ensayo sintetiza varias aristas teóricas prácticas dirigidas a una de las decisiones personales más importantes en todo ser humano, el camino del autoconocimiento. Siempre y cuando se reflejen esas necesidades intrínsecas del ser, el hombre contemporáneo está descubriendo que en la satisfacción de los requerimientos materiales, finalmente no se encuentra ni la felicidad, ni la paz verdadera. En medio de este imaginario, el rol del Orientador está en su capacidad de guía fundamentado en unos principios y valores que garanticen que ese camino sea hallado, puesto que su gran compromiso consigo mismo y con los demás es precisamente acompañar en el descubrimiento de los talentos y potencialidades de ese sujeto para aprovechar su genialidad e innatas formas de normal crecimiento hacia la felicidad y armonía. Entre los caminos están los estudiados por un sinnúmero de teóricos expertos en la existencia humana como Ortega y Gasset, Sabater, Jung, Heidegger, Gadamer, Luckmann, Habermas, Bauman, Binswanger. Es un apasionante recorrido por estos análisis motivantes y sobre todo retadores.


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El 29 de enero de 2000 Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza ofrece su última conferencia en el salón de actos del edificio sede del BBVA en el Paseo de la Castellana de Madrid. Esta conferencia inaugura el ciclo “El arquitecto enseña su obra”, organizado por el Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid (C.O.A.M.) y la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (E.T.S.A.M.). Las obras en concreto que Oíza 'enseña' en este evento son Torres Blancas (Madrid, 1961- 1968) y Banco de Bilbao (Madrid, 1971-1980). Antes de la conferencia, blandiendo una carpeta, Oíza dice: Traigo aquí los textos de siempre, los que siempre he usado, (...) yo no he escrito ni una línea, solo he subrayado ciertos pasajes, en la medida de lo posible me gustaría leer alguno. Pero como aquí hay como para cinco horas, pues no se qué hacer. Citarlo sí, porque de ustedes el que quiera penetrar un poco en mi conocimiento, pues que vea las citas que yo hago aquí, qué pasajes, o qué libros o qué artículos propongo. 1 La carpeta que lleva Oíza en su mano contiene veinticuatro fichas mecanografiadas por él mismo. Las fichas son pasajes de textos; en su mayoría de textos literarios o poéticos, e incluyen una referencia bibliográfica que menciona: título de libro, edición y número de página. Además, en cada ficha están resaltados los pasajes que Oíza pretende leer. 2 Antes del comienzo de la conferencia Oíza dice: Tengo aquí citas de lecturas que le recomendaría a quien quiera enterarse de cómo es este edificio. 3 Durante la conferencia Oíza no parece hablar sobre las obras que debe enseñar; en cambio se dedica, casi exclusivamente, a leer en público. Esta tesis nace de lo sugerido por el propio Oíza. El objetivo general, siguiendo sus propias palabras, es 'penetrar un poco' en su conocimiento a partir de citas y recomendaciones de lecturas realizadas por él mismo al tratar sobre arquitectura. La hipótesis central plantea que por medio de sus lecturas Oíza sí habla de arquitectura, y sostiene también que a partir de sus textos es posible 'enterarse', al menos en parte, de cómo es un edificio, en particular Torres Blancas y Banco de Bilbao. Más aún, se plantea la hipótesis de que Oíza, maestro ágrafo y de carácter socrático, ha construido, no obstante, un 'discurso teórico' arquitectónico suficientemente sistemático. De modo que aún cuando Oíza no ha dejado una 'teoría' escrita es posible reconstruirla, en cierta medida, a partir de su elocución y a partir de la comprensión de sus 'lecturas'. Las fuentes primarias de esta tesis son: a) Las lecturas que Oíza recomienda en su conferencia de enero de 2000. b) Torres Blancas y Banco de Bilbao. c) Las lecturas en público realizadas por Oíza en conferencias, cursos, debates, mesas redondas, programas de TV, etc. El tema que se investiga es la relación entre los textos recomendados por Oíza y su arquitectura, y la pregunta guía de la investigación es cómo y en qué medida los textos pueden contribuir a la comprensión del pensamiento, del discurso y de la obra de Oíza. Torres Blancas y Banco de Bilbao son, en todo momento, las dos principales obras utilizadas para la observación y el contraste de los resultados de la investigación teórica en el desarrollo de la tesis. El soporte teórico y metodológico de la tesis está dado por la hermenéutica en tanto disciplina encargada de la interpretación y correcta comprensión de textos y obras, en particular por la filosofía hermenéutica de Hans-Georg Gadamer expuesta en Verdad y método. La relevancia, el aspecto original y la posible aportación al conocimiento de esta tesis consiste en una aproximación a Oíza y a su arquitectura, desde un punto de vista hasta ahora no investigado de forma sistemática, esto es, a partir de las lecturas de Oíza. ABSTRACT On 29th January 2000 Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza gave his last lecture in the Auditorium at BBVA headquarters located in Paseo de la Castellana avenue in Madrid. That lecture opened the series The Architect Shows his Work (El arquitecto enseña su obra) organised by the COAM Official College of Architects and the ETSAM Architecture School of Madrid. The specific works that Oíza 'shows' in his lecture were Torres Blancas (Madrid, 1961- 1968) and Banco de Bilbao (Madrid, 1971-1980). Before the lecture, waving a folder in his hand, Oíza says: I've got here the texts I've always used, (…) I haven't written a line, I've only underlined certain passages, I would like to read some of them to the extent possible. But I have here about five hours of reading, so I don't know what to do. I can cite them, yes, and anyone of you who want to delve a little into my knowledge can look at the citations I make here, the passages, books or articles I recommend. 1 The folder in Oíza's hand contains 24 files typed by the architect himself. The files consist of text passages -most of which are literary or poetry texts- and include the bibliographic citation with book the title, edition and page number. In addition, the passages Oíza intends to read are highlighted. Before starting his lecture Oíza says: I've got here citations of readings I'd recommend to those who want to realise how this building is. 2 During the lecture Oíza doesn't seem to be talking about the works he has to show, on the contrary, he focuses almost exclusively on reading texts to the audience. This thesis is the result of a suggestion made by Oíza himself. The broad aim is to 'delve a little into' his knowledge using citations and reading recommendations made by Oíza when dealing with the architecture subject. The main hypothesis proposes that Oíza talks about architecture through his readings and that starting from 'his' texts it is possible to 'realise', at least in part, how a building is, Torres Blancas and Banco de Bilbao in particular. Moreover, it is proposed the hypothesis that Oíza, as a Socratic teacher reluctant to write down his ideas, has nevertheless built a systematic 'theoretical discourse' on architecture. As a result, even when he has not written a 'theory', it is possible to reconstruct it to a certain degree, starting from his speech and from the understanding of his readings. The primary sources for this thesis are: a) The readings that Oíza recommends in his lecture of January 2000. b) The Torres Blancas and Banco de Bilbao. c) The readings done by Oíza in presentations, lectures, debates, panel discussions, television programmes, etc. The subject under research is the relationship between the texts that Oíza recommends and his architecture. The guiding question for the research is how and to what extent the texts can contribute to the understanding of Oíza's thoughts, discourse and work. Torres Blancas and Banco de Bilbao are the two main works considered along the thesis and they have been used for observation and to test the results of the theoretical research as it progresses. The thesis theoretical and methodological framework is based on the hermeneutics -as the discipline that deals with the interpretation and the correct understanding of texts and works-, in particular the hermeneutics philosophy of Hans-Georg Gadamer in Truth and Method. The relevance, the original element and the possible contribution of this thesis is given by the approach to Oíza and his architecture through Oíza's readings, a perspective that hasn't been yet systematically researched.


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Breslau, Phil. Diss. v. 20. Dez. 1913, Ref. Gadamer.


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One of the curious things about this challenging book is that its ostensible subject— the Saxon medical and political scientist Hermann Conring (1606–1681)— is not mentioned in the title. Constantin Fasolt argues that we cannot know what Conring really thought or meant in his writings, which means that his topic cannot be Conring as such and must instead be that which occludes our knowledge of him, the titular limits of history. Given that we do in fact learn a good deal about Conring from Fasolt’s book, we can only hope that the decapitation of its subject will be rectified in a subsequent edition, or perhaps by the restorative work of librarians putting together subject headings. And yet Fasolt’s decision is understandable, for Conring is indeed a stalking-horse for a much bigger quarry: historiography and the historical consciousness. By “history” Fasolt understands a way of imposing intelligibility on the world, which is founded on the twin assumptions that the past is gone and unchangeable, and that the meaning of texts can be determined by placing them in their historical contexts (ix). In challenging this mode of intelligibility, Fasolt is not attempting to improve professiona history—it’s already as good as it can be—but to displace it. He regards his work as a declaration of “independence from historical consciousness” (32). At the same time, Fasolt insists that he is not simply jumping from historiography to philosophy, or attempting to preempt history with ontology (37-39). That has been tried by Nietzsche and Heidegger, who have been tainted by Nazism (Fasolt thinks unfairly). It has also been attempted by modern philosophers from Gadamer to Foucault and Charles Taylor who, in failing to address the “violence” that its mode of intelligibility does to the world, have not succeeded in outflanking history. Perhaps, Fasolt wonders, it is only the personal experience of those who have been subject to this violence—the experience of those who have been subject to historical examination—that can break the spell of history. Fasolt’s disclaimer notwithstanding, in the course of these remarks I shall argue that he is indeed jumping from history to philosophy, or attempting to outflank history by subjecting it to a particular metaphysical understanding. I shall do so in part by sketching the recent intellectual history of this move—a historical examination that I hope inflicts as little violence as possible on Fasolt’s argument.


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On the health area, care is seen as an important concept for professionals. Recently there is a trend, the epistemological point of view, to think carefully as category allowing discuss and re (thinking) practices of humane health care. The objective of this study is to investigate the understanding of care in nursing staff in a Basic Health Unit (BHU) in the city of Natal. The participants were two nurses and two nursing technicians working on the BHU of Guarapes district, located on the west side of Natal - RN. As Theoretical support for data interpretation, was used the concept of care taking, using Heidegger’s theories as reference, through Ayre’s ideas. This is a qualitative research using autobiographical as a methodology. The methodological strategy approach used were focus group and individual interviews. The data were discussed by three angles: knowledge (concepts and theories behind the practical model), technical (the way to do), and ethics (values that bases practices) by hermeneutics Gadamer's dialectic. The results showed the necessity to expand the discussion on care, in practice the understanding of care seems to get narrower concerns with technical success by professionals. The care, as a meeting between beings, the desired humanized care, seems to be understood in parts in theory, but also distances itself from reality in professional practice.


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This dissertation articulates the basic aims and achievements of education. It recognizes language as central to thinking, and philosophy and education as belonging profoundly to one another. The first step is to show that although philosophy can no longer claim to dictate the foundations of knowledge or of disciplines of inquiry, it still offers an exceptionally general level of self-understanding. Education is equally general and faces a similar crisis of self-identity, of coming to terms with reality. Language is the medium of thought and the repository of historical mind; so a child’s acquisition of language is her acquisition of rational freedom. This marks a metaphysical change: no longer merely an animal, she comes to exercise her powers of rationality, transcending her environment by seeking and expressing reasons for thinking and doing. She can think about herself in relation to the universe, hence philosophize and educate others in turn. The discussion then turns to the historical nature of language. The thinking already embedded in language always anticipates further questioning. Etymology serves as a model for philosophical understanding, and demonstrates how philosophy can continue to yield insights that are fundamental, but not foundational, to human life. The etymologies of some basic educational concepts disclose education as a leading out and into the midst of Being. The philosophical approach developed in previous chapters applies to the very idea of an educational aim. Discussion concerning the substantiality of educational ideals results in an impasse: one side recommends an open-­ended understanding of education’s aims; the other insists on a definitive account. However, educational ideals exhibit a conceptual duality: the fundamental achievements of education, such as rational freedom, are real; but how we should understand them remains an open question. The penultimate chapter investigates philosophical thinking as the fulfillment of rational freedom, whose creative insights can profoundly transform our everyday activities. That this transformative self-understanding is without end suggests the basic aims of education are unheimlich. The dissertation concludes with speculative reflection on the shape and nature of language, and with the suggestion that through education reality awakens to itself.


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El presente artículo se confronta con una problemática que ha focalizado los debates teóricos en torno a los fundamentos normativos de la crítica en las últimas décadas. La cuestión es si, en un marco social escindido como el nuestro, la crítica tiene que asumir su carácter perspectivista, es decir, su estar ubicada en una de las perspectivas que se enfrentan en el escenario social. Si ello es así, el problema que se abre es el de la posibilidad o no de legitimar racional, moral y políticamente una crítica que asume su estar ya siempre situada en uno de los horizontes normativos que coexisten en el marco social. Este trabajo afronta este problema poniendo en diálogo motivos de la hermenéutica y de la teoría crítica: con ello pretende realizar una aportación a lo que podríamos llamar una reflexión hermenéutica de la crítica, que logre articular carácter perspectivo y pretensión de normatividad de la misma.


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The first decades of the 19th century constituted a period of profound change for Chile, the principal results of which were to be seen in the consolidation of the process of independence from Spanish dominion in 1818. The consequences were not limited to a revolution of military and political nature; they also included a renovation of the cultural panorama -at least among the educated patriots who made an effort to distance themselves ideologically from the Monarchy-, with the implicit challenge of establishing a new order for Chile, based on legitimate and universally recognizable foundations. The inspirational framework for these efforts is usually associated with other revolutionary examples -France and the United States- that preceded the emancipation processes in Spanish America, as well as with the discourses of illustrated liberalism. As we will attempt to demonstrate in this study, a new reading of the texts written by the Creoles that lead the Chilean independence process may, nonetheless, also reveal the relevance of the classical tradition as a model for the configuration and legitimization of the first Republican projects that especially admired the ideals of Republicanism.


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Cette recherche vise, dans un premier temps, à colliger les informations existantes sur l’histoire de la corderie du quartier Saint-Sauveur qui passa au feu en 1866 dans un seul document tout en le bonifiant des nouveaux éléments trouvés. Puis, dans un deuxième temps, élaborer diverses activités artistiques thématiques inspirées de son histoire afin de réaliser une œuvre collective grâce à la participation d’aînés fréquentant le Centre de jour du Centre d’hébergement Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, centre directement situé sur le site où la corderie avait été construite. Enfin, la recherche vise aussi à découvrir quelles sont les retombées pour ces aînés impliqués dans le processus de création. La recherche s’inscrit dans une perspective herméneutique puisque la question de signification et de sens en est le cœur. Que ce soit selon l’approche de Heidegger, de Gadamer, de Dilthey, de Ricœur ou celle de Grondin, chacune des avenues que ces auteurs proposent sont des pistes de compréhension. Les notions de textile, de trace, de mémoire et d’histoire contribuent aussi à éclairer et à analyser les réponses au questionnement qui sous-tend cette recherche. Les résultats obtenus permettent d’en connaître davantage sur le développement de la partie sud-est du quartier Saint-Sauveur au XIXe siècle, développement étroitement relié à la construction de navires à voiles, vaste industrie qui participa à l’essor de la ville de Québec à la même époque. Les résultats permettent aussi de comprendre ce que les thèmes inspirés de l’histoire de la corderie représentent pour les aînés participant à la création et aident également à découvrir ce que les participants ont pu retirer d’une telle expérience et ce, pour l’ensemble du processus. Mots clés : Corderie – quartier Saint-Sauveur – herméneutique – aîné – œuvre collective – textile.


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Based on the presupposition that the arts in the West always counted on resources, supports, and devices pertaining to its time context, an reflection is intended regarding the scenic compositions mediated by digital technologies do. Such technologies are inserted in the daily routine, also composing artistic experiments, thus playing a dialogical role with the art/technology intersection. Therefore, the proposal is to investigate what relationships are established in the contemporary theatrical scene from the contagion by digital technologies, aiming at establishing this parallel through a dialogue with the authors discussing the subject, and also based on the group practices having technological resources as a determinant factor in their plays. Furthermore, a reflection should be made on the scene that incorporates or is carried out in intermediatic events, analyzing how digital technologies (re)configure compositional processes of the plays by GAG Phila7, in the city of São Paulo/SP. For such, the dissertation is organized in three sections comprising four moments, to wit: brief overview of the field, contextualization, poetic analysis and synthesis. Qualitative methods are used as the methodological proposal: semi-structure interview, note and document taking (program, website, playing book, disclosure material for advertising text, photographs, and videos). Within the universe of qualitative research, it works with the epistemological perspective of the Gadamer philosophical hermeneutics. The possibilities allowed by the double virtual (Internet/web) generated a type of theater with another material basis and new forms of organization and structure, being possible to perceive that such technological advances and the arts are mutually contaminated, generating a dislocation in the logics of theatrical composition, movement beginning with the artistic vanguards, gradually intensified, thus offering new possibilities of constructions and hybridization of the of the most different possible types. Experiment ―Profanações_superfície de eventos de construção coletiva‖, idealized by Phila7 is inserted in this perspective. Object of the discussion of such research, the experiment works with possible poetics arising from the intersection with the digital technologies, aiming at identifying and problematizing the challenges from the technological evolution and expansion in a scenic context


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília,Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia, 2014.


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Persigo aqui o objetivo de contribuir à recuperação da interlocução entre Nietzsche e a tradição dialética. A despeito da ideia de registros teóricos incompatíveis, procuro sublinhar as preocupações comuns e o possível benefício recíproco nessa interlocução. A diretriz fundamental consiste na visualização da capacidade de a linguagem se tensionar entre a mediação simbólica das formas de vida e a expressividade das vivências singularizadas. Primeiramente, proponho uma interpretação das reflexões de Nietzsche sobre a linguagem no sentido de detectar aí uma instigante polarização entre conceito e intuição (1). Em seguida, mostro como Adorno desenvolve esse tema no sentido de uma concepção dialética de linguagem (2). Finalmente, apoiando-me em Hegel e Gadamer, gostaria de indicar como a tradição dialética logra responder ao desafio nietzschiano do inacabamento do sentido poético (3). ______________________________________________________________________________ RESUMEM