134 resultados para fungicidal


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Abstract Background Particulate systems are well known to be able to deliver drugs with high efficiency and fewer adverse side effects, possibly by endocytosis of the drug carriers. On the other hand, cationic compounds and assemblies exhibit a general antimicrobial action. In this work, cationic nanoparticles built from drug, cationic lipid and polyelectrolytes are shown to be excellent and active carriers of amphotericin B against C. albicans. Results Assemblies of amphotericin B and cationic lipid at extreme drug to lipid molar ratios were wrapped by polyelectrolytes forming cationic nanoparticles of high colloid stability and fungicidal activity against Candida albicans. Experimental strategy involved dynamic light scattering for particle sizing, zeta-potential analysis, colloid stability, determination of AmB aggregation state by optical spectra and determination of activity against Candida albicans in vitro from cfu countings. Conclusion Novel and effective cationic particles delivered amphotericin B to C. albicans in vitro with optimal efficiency seldom achieved from drug, cationic lipid or cationic polyelectrolyte in separate. The multiple assembly of antibiotic, cationic lipid and cationic polyelctrolyte, consecutively nanostructured in each particle produced a strategical and effective attack against the fungus cells.


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Abstract Background Ageing leads to a decline in the function of the immune system, increasing the body's susceptibility to infections through the impairment of T-cells, macrophages, neutrophils and dendritic cells Denture stomatitis is a primary oral disease affecting elderly denture wearers. The major etiologic factor involved in this pathology is the infection by Candida albicans, an opportunistic pathogen that causes local and disseminated diseases in immunosuppressed humans. Neutrophils play a critical role in the immune response against C. albicans and are continually present in the salivary fluid and in the blood. The aim of this study was to determine ageing-related changes in salivary and blood neutrophils and their potential implications in Candida-related denture stomatitis. Results Our results showed a lower number of neutrophils in the saliva from patients presenting Candida-related denture stomatitis in comparison to their matched controls. Furthermore, fewer neutrophils were isolated from the saliva of aged control individuals in comparison to matched younger subjects. CXCR1, CD62L and CD11b expression were significantly greater on systemic neutrophils from younger control individuals. Elderly individuals showed more apoptotic salivary neutrophils and lower GM-CSF levels than younger ones, regardless of the occurrence of Candida infection. On the other hand, CXCL-8 concentrations were higher in the saliva from elderly individuals. Besides, TNF-α was detected at elevated levels in the saliva from infected elderly subjects. Salivary neutrophils from elderly and young patients presented impaired phagocytic activity against C. albicans. However, just systemic neutrophils from elderly showed decreased phagocytosis when compared to the younger ones, regardless of the occurrence of infection. In addition, neutrophils from aged individuals and young patients presented low fungicidal activity. Conclusion The data suggests that the Candida related-denture stomatitis is associated to neutrophils function deficiency, and ageing drastically appears to alter important characteristics of such cells, facilitating the establishment of this infection.


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Lectins are carbohydrate-binding proteins of non-imune origin. This group of proteins is distributed widely in nature and they have been found in viruses, microorganisms, plants and animals. Lectins of plants have been isolated and characterized according to their chemical, physical-chemical, structural and biological properties. Among their biological activities, we can stress its fungicidal action. It has been previously described the effect of the lectins Dviol, DRL, ConBr and LSL obtained from the seeds of leguminous plants on the growth of yeasts isolated from vaginal secretions. In the present work the experiments were carried out in microtiter plates and the results interpreted by both methods: visual observations and a microplate reader at 530nm. The lectin concentrations varied from 0.5 to 256µg/mL, and the inoculum was established between 65-70% of trammitance. All yeast samples isolated from vaginal secretion were evaluated taxonomically, where were observed macroscopic and microscopic characteristics to each species. The LSL lectin did not demonstrate any antifungal activity to any isolate studied. The other lectins DRL, ConBr and DvioL, showed antifungal potential against yeast isolated from vaginal secretion. These findings offering offer a promising field of investigation to develop new therapeutic strategies against vaginal yeast infections, collaborating to improve women's health.


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BACKGROUND: Cellular immunity is the main defense mechanism in paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), the most important systemic mycosis in Latin America. Th1 immunity and IFN-γ activated macrophages are fundamental to immunoprotection that is antagonized by IL-10, an anti-inflammatory cytokine. Both in human and experimental PCM, several evidences indicate that the suppressive effect of IL-10 causes detrimental effects to infected hosts. Because direct studies have not been performed, this study was aimed to characterize the function of IL-10 in pulmonary PCM. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Wild type (WT) and IL-10(-/-) C57BL/6 mice were used to characterize the role of IL-10 in the innate and adaptive immunity against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb) infection. We verified that Pb-infected peritoneal macrophages from IL-10(-/-) mice presented higher phagocytic and fungicidal activities than WT macrophages, and these activities were associated with elevated production of IFN-γ, TNF-α, nitric oxide (NO) and MCP-1. For in vivo studies, IL-10(-/-) and WT mice were i.t. infected with 1×10(6) Pb yeasts and studied at several post-infection periods. Compared to WT mice, IL-10(-/-) mice showed increased resistance to P. brasiliensis infection as determined by the progressive control of pulmonary fungal loads and total clearance of fungal cells from dissemination organs. This behavior was accompanied by enhanced delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions, precocious humoral immunity and controlled tissue pathology resulting in increased survival times. In addition, IL-10(-/-) mice developed precocious T cell immunity mediated by increased numbers of lung infiltrating effector/memory CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. The inflammatory reactions and the production of Th1/Th2/Th17 cytokines were reduced at late phases of infection, paralleling the regressive infection of IL-10(-/-) mice. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our work demonstrates for the first time that IL-10 plays a detrimental effect to pulmonary PCM due to its suppressive effect on the innate and adaptive immunity resulting in progressive infection and precocious mortality of infected hosts.


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Das aus wissenschaftlicher und ökonomischer Sicht wichtigste Pflanzenpathogen M. oryzae entwickelte im Laufe der Evolution konservierte aber auch einzigartige Mechanismen zur Signaltransduktion. Das Erforschen dieser Mechanismen und Prozesse ist essenziell für das Verständnis von Differenzierungsprozessen bei der Pathogen-Wirt-Interaktion.rnIm ersten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Signalweg zur Osmoregulation, der „High Osmolarity Glycerol“ (HOG)-Signalweg, erstmals anhand physiologischer Experimente in entsprechenden Mutantenstämmen in M. oryzae untersucht. Dabei konnten klare Unter-schiede zum HOG-Signalweg von S. cerevisiae aufgezeigt werden. rnDas in M. oryzae bisher noch nicht beschriebene Gen MoYPD1, welches das Phosphotransferprotein MoYpd1p kodiert, wurde erfolgreich inaktiviert. Diese Inaktivierung ist in S. cerevisiae und vielen anderen Pilzen letal und resultierte bei M. oryzae in einer apathoge¬nen Albinomutante, deren Konidiogenese gestört ist. Insbesondere die Funktion des Phosphotransferproteins MoYpd1p, sowohl im Phosphorelaysystem des HOG-Signal¬wegs als auch im Wirkmechanismus des Fungizids Fludioxonil, konnte eindeutig mittels Y2H- und Western Blot-Analysen nachgewiesen werden.rnEs wurden entscheidende Fortschritte für das Verständnis des Aufbaus und der Funktion des HOG-Signalwegs sowohl als physiologisches Regulationssystem für Umweltreize als auch als Fungizidtarget im Pflanzenschutz erzielt. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Zweikompo-nenten-Hybrid-Histidinkinase (HIK) MoSln1p als Signalsensor für Salzstress und MoHik1p als Signalsensor für Zuckerstress fungiert. Die Beteiligung der Histidinkinasen MoHik5p und MoHik9p als Sensorproteine für Hypoxie im HOG-Signalweg ist durchaus denk¬bar und wurde durch erste Ergebnisse bekräftigt. rnSo konnte der HOG-Signalweg in mehreren Modellen dargestellt werden. Die Modelle der Signalerkennung und –transduktion von osmotischem Stress, von Hypoxie und der Wirkmecha¬nismus von Fludioxonil wurden erstmals in diesem Umfang für M. oryzae ausgearbei¬tet.rnDer zweite Teil dieser Arbeit repräsentiert die erste umfassende Untersuchung aller zehn HIK-codierender Gensequenzen, die im Genom von M. oryzae identifiziert werden konnten. Diese Signalproteine waren bisher noch nicht Gegenstand wissenschaftlicher Studien. Die Untersuchung beginnt mit einer phylogenetischen Einordnung aller untersuchten Proteinsequen¬zen in die verschiedenen Gruppen von Histidinkinasen in Pilzen. Eine ausführli-che phänotypische Charakterisierung aller HIK-codierender Gene folgt und wurde anhand von Mutanten durchgeführt, in denen diese Gene einzeln inaktiviert wurden.rnDie Beteiligung von MoHik5p und MoHik9p als mögliche Sauerstoffsensoren im HOG-Signal-weg konnte dokumentiert werden und die anschließenden Western Blot-Analysen bestätig¬ten erstmals die Aktivierung des HOG-Signalwegs bei hypoxieähnlichen Zuständen.rnDes Weiteren wurden mit MoHik5p und MoHik8p zwei neue Pathogenitätsfaktoren in M. oryzae identifiziert. Die apathogenen Mutantenstämme ΔMohik5 und ΔMohik8 sind in der Konidiogenese gestört und nicht in der Lage Appressorien zu differenzieren. Der Einsatz dieser Proteine als Fungizidtarget im protektiven Pflanzenschutz in der Zukunft ist somit denk-bar.rn


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Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Totalsynthese von Monilicin. Seine Chlor- und Brom-Derivate wurden aus Monilinia fructicola isoliert und zeigten fungizide Wirkung. Die Schlüsselschritte der Synthese sind der Aufbau des ε-Lakton, die Einführung der exozyklischen Carboxymethyl-Gruppe und der Einbau der Doppelbindung in das Lakton. Es wurden drei Synthesestrategien verfolgt, wobei die Bildung des Laktons über eine Veresterung erfolgen sollte.rnÜber enantioselektive Syntheseschritte sollten die reinen Enantiomere erhalten werden. Ausgehend vom Orcinol erfolgte auf allen Syntheserouten zuerst der Aufbau des 5-Hydroxy-7-methylchromon-Grundgerüstes, und anschließend dessen Funktionalisierung in den Positionen 2 und 3. Der Ringschluss zum ε-Lakton gelang über eine Steglich-Veresterung. Syntheseweg A lieferte nach der Oxidation der primären exozyklischen Alkoholgruppe und anschließender Methylierung das Dihydromonilicin. Auf dem Syntheseweg B gelang die Einführung der späteren exozyklischen Carboxymethyl-Gruppe vor der Laktonisierung. Aus der Dicarbonsäure konnte zum ersten Mal auch der Naturstoff Oxalicumon C totalsynthetisch dargestellt und seine absolute Konfiguration aufgeklärt werden. Nach selektiver Hydrolyse konnte aus Oxalicumon C ebenfalls das Dihydromonilicin synthetisiert werden. Die Darstellung von Monilicin durch Einführung der Doppelbindung in das Dihydromonilicin oder bereits vor der Laktonisierung (Syntheseweg C) konnte nicht erreicht werden. Einige der Chromon-Derivate zeigten fungizide und zytotoxische Aktivitäten. rn


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Immune challenge to the insect Podisus maculiventris induces synthesis of a 21-residue peptide with sequence homology to frog skin antimicrobial peptides of the brevinin family. The insect and frog peptides have in common a C-terminally located disulfide bridge delineating a cationic loop. The peptide is bactericidal and fungicidal, exhibiting the largest antimicrobial spectrum observed so far for an insect defense peptide. An all-D-enantiomer is nearly inactive against Gram-negative bacteria and some Gram-positive strains but is fully active against fungi and other Gram-positive bacteria, suggesting that more than one mechanism accounts for the antimicrobial activity of this peptide. Studies with truncated synthetic isoforms underline the role of the C-terminal loop and flanking residues for the activity of this molecule for which we propose the name thanatin.


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En el siguiente trabajo se realiza la impregnación de diferentes sustratos poliméricos con agentes biocidas y con un colorante textil, comúnmente empleados en los procesos de acabados textiles. En este estudio se realiza la selección del colorante Disperse Red 167 (DR167), mediante la comparación de solubilidad en CO2 supercrítico (scCO2) entre varios colorantes dispersos. Los agentes biocidas seleccionados han sido; esencia de clavo (eugenol) y aceite esencial de orégano. Se ha realizado la impregnación de diferentes sustratos poliméricos; poliéster (PES), polipropileno (PP), y algodón (CO), en diferentes condiciones. En total se realizaron impregnaciones utilizando diez concentraciones relativas del DR167. El objetivo principal es determinar las condiciones óptimas de procesado para cada sustrato. Para determinar el rendimiento de la tintura en scCO2 se han representado los diagramas cromáticos de las muestras tintadas en diferentes condiciones. Las muestras de PES son las que presentan mayor rendimiento de color, sabiendo que esta es la única fibra que presenta afinidad con el DR167. Para determinar el efecto de inhibición de las bacterias se han realizado ensayos de actividad antimicrobiana y actividad fungicida. Puede indicarse que sí se observó cierta actividad inhibitoria frente algunos microorganismos, como Staphylococcus aureus, mientras que no se observó una actividad inhibitoria importante frente a otros como Pseudomonas aeruginosa.


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The naturally occurring reactive electrophilic species 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (12-oxo-PDA) is a potent antifungal agent, whereas the plant growth regulator jasmonic acid, which is synthesized from 12-oxo-PDA, is ineffective. To address what structural features of the molecule endow it with antifungal activity, we synthesized a series of molecular mimics of 12-oxo-PDA varying in the length of the alkyl chain at its C-4 ring position. The octyl analogue (4-octyl cyclopentenone) was the most effective at suppressing spore germination and subsequent mycelial growth of a range of fungal pathogens and was particularly effective against Cladosporium herbarum and Botrytis cinerea, with minimum fungicidal concentrations in the range 100-200 µM. Introduction of a carboxyl group to the end of the chain, mimicking natural fatty acids, markedly reduced antifungal efficacy. Electrolyte leakage, indicative of membrane perturbation, was evident in both C. herbarum and B. cinerea exposed to 4-octyl cyclopentenone. Lipid composition analysis of the fungal spores revealed that those species with a high oil content, namely Fusarium oxysporum and Alternaria brassicicola, were less sensitive to 4-octyl cyclopentenone. The comparable hydrophobicity of 4-octyl cyclopentenone and 12-oxo-PDA accounts for the similar spore suppression activity of these two compounds. The relative ease of synthesis of 4-octyl cyclopentenone makes it an attractive compound for potential use as an antifungal agent. © 2011 SGM.


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Currently, the management recommendations for asian soybean rust (ASR) has been based on the application of protective fungicides mixed with triazoles and stronilurins. Thus, this study aimed at assessing whether the increased productivity provided by the application of protective fungicides is due solely to the fungicidal action of the product or some physiological changes in the plant and which the latter would be. The experiment was conducted from March to July 2015 at the experimental station of Udi Research and Development in Uberlândia-MG, with the cultivar 97Y07 RR. The experimental design chosen for this study was comprised of a randomized block with four replications and 16 treatments: check, fluxapyroxad + pyraclostrobin (116.55 + 58.45 g ha-1), azoxystrobin + benzovindiflupir (90 + 45 g ha-1), trifloxystrobin + prothioconazole (60 + 70 g ha-1), tebuconazole + picoxystrobin (100 + 60 g ha-1), picoxystrobin + cyproconazole (60 + 24 g ha-1), mancozeb (1125 g ha-1), azoxistrobina + tebuconazole + difenoconazole (60 + 75 + 120 g ha-1), azoxystrobin + tebuconazole + difenoconazole + chlorothalonil ( 60 + 120 + 75 + 1440 g ha-1), and mistures fluxapyroxad + pyraclostrobin + mancozeb, azoxystrobin + benzovindiflupir + mancozeb, trifloxystrobin + prothioconazole + mancozeb, tebuconazole + picoxystrobin + mancozeb, picoxystrobin + cyproconazole + mancozeb, azoxystrobin + tebuconazole + difenoconazole + mancozeb, and azoxystrobin + benzovindiflupir + chlorothalonil, from the aforesaid doses. The first application of the treatments occurred in R1, in the absence of symptoms. The number of applications, intervals and the use of adjuvants were performed according to the recommendations by manufacturers. The variables analyzed were: disease severity, concentration of chlorophylls and carotenoids, photosynthetic rate (A), transpiration rate (E), stomatal conductance (gs), internal carbon concentration (Ci), instantaneous efficiency in water use (A/E), intrinsic water use efficiency (A/gs), and carboxylation efficiency (A/C). With these data collected, this study set to date the progress curve of each variable (AUPC). At the end of the crop cycle, the average of pods per plant was quantified, grain per pod, productivity and weight of 1,000 grains. It was concluded that: the addition of mancozeb to fluxapyroxad + pyraclostrobin, azoxystrobin + benzovindiflupir, trifloxystrobin + prothioconazole and tebuconazole + picoxystrobin potentiated the ASR control; adding mancozebe to the mixture azoxystrobin + benzovindiflupir provided better control of the disease compared to the addition of chlorothalonil; mancozeb amounts to AUPC concentration of photosynthetic pigments and when added to axozystrobin + tebuconazole + difenoconazole, increases the AUPC for total chlorophyll concentration, as well as when chlorothalonil was added; mancozeb added to the mix fluxapyroxad + pyraclostrobin raised the AUPC for A/Ci and A/gs, increasing the W1,000G and crop productivity; the addition of protectors similarly reflected on the productivity of culture.


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The crops are affected by pests and diseases that decrease productivity. Among them are the damping off of seedlings that can occur in pre and post-emergence. In bean crops, cucumber and beet these diseases occur, being caused by various pathogens, especialy fitopathogenic fungi. Several measures are used for the controle of such diseases, among them, is the chemical seed treatment fungicides. However, society has become increasingly concerned about the quality and food and environmental contamination, generation a growting search for sensitive products to humans and the environment. The use of essential oils to control plant pathogens is an example of alternative tested by science in the search for less aggressive technologies. This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of the use of essential oil Aloysia citriodora, in control of pathogens causing damping off in beans, cucumber and beet. This thesis was divided in four chapters, the introductory first, and the other addressing the control of Pythium sp. in beans, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on cucumber, and Fusarium sp. on beet. The methodology consisted of four experiments in each pathosystem, with all the work done at the Federal Technological University of Parana, Campus Dois Vizinhos. In the first experiment evaluated the fungistatic and fungicidal effect of the essential oil of A. citriodora on PDA in vitro in mycelial growth of pathogens studied. In the second experiment evaluated the in vitro effect of essential oil concentrations of A. citriodora in BD medium on microscope slides, on the germination of sporangia Pythium sp. and conidia Fusarium sp., and in Petri dishes with PDA medium, the sclerotia germination speed index of S. sclerotiorum. In the third experiment, we evaluated in germination test in paper roll (PR), the phytotoxic effect or not the use of essential oil concentrations of A. citriodora in dry bean seed, cucumber and beet. The variables used to assess this experiment were the germination percentage, mediun green mass per plant and average length of seedlings. In the fourth experiment we assessed the effect of treating bean seeds, cucumber and beet with essential oil contents of A. citriodora, seeds in their subsequent substrates contamined with pathogens studied, Pythium sp., S. sclerotiorum and Fusarium sp. In this experiment we used the following variables: percentage of emergence, percentage of post-emergence damping off, green average mass per plant, average length per plant and biochemical analyzes. The biochemistry of plant tissues evaluated were as follows: protein content, enzymatic activities of peroxidases, phenylalanine ammonia-liase (PAL), chitinases and β-1,3-glucanases. The in vitro results show that the essential oil has fungistatic and fungicidal effect on mycelial growth, on sporangia germination, conidia and sclerotia of the pathogens studied in this work, wich may be related to its major components, citral and limonene. The oil also exhibits low phytotoxicity to seeds of the species studied, only in beans decreases germination in most studied dosage (0,25%), cucumber also in the higher dosage (0,25%) reduce the length of seedlings, and beet there were no negative effects to the seedlings. In the test in substrate contaminated with the pathogens, the use of essential oil: increased germination and decreased post emergence damping off of beans seedlings; at a concentration of 0,0625% decreases post emergence damping off in cucumber. In biochemical analyzes found an increase in the enzymatic activity of peroxidases and β-1,3-glucanases on beans, and glucanases on cucumber, and increased enzyme activity of peroxidases on beet, showing action in resistance induction at damping off.


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Opportunistic fungal infections, namely involving Candida species, constitute a hot topic for scientific researchers. The present wor1( aims to access antifungal potential of plant-derived phenolic extrac:ls against planktonic cells and biofilms of Candida species. Eucalyptvs globulus Labill. (blue gum), Glycyrrhiza glabra L. (licorice), Juglans regia L. (walnut) and Salvia officina/is L. (sage) evidenced to be the most effective Candida growth inhibitors, using disc diffusion assay. Minmal inhibitory (MIC) and minimal fungicidal (MFC) concentrations, and chemical composition of extracts by using HPLC-DAO-ESVMS were also determined. Blue gum and walnut mainly exerted fungistatic potential, while sage exerted an interesting anti-Candida potential. However, the most prominent candidacidal potential was observed to licorice extract, being achieved the lowest MIC and MFC values. The candidacidal potential of these phenolic extracts was mainly attributed to their high abundance in flavonoids, mainly flavones: luteolin (sage) and apigen~ derivatives (licorice), and flavanones: liQuiritin derivatives (licorice). In order to deepen the knowledge on the most effective extract. its abiity to inhibit biofilm formation was evaluated. Overall, a double concentration of MFC value was necessary to achieve similar results in biofims. Row cytometry assays were also carried out, and the obtained results revealed that primary lesion of cellular membrane appear to be most relevant mode of action. Thus, plant derived phenolic compounds evidence a promising potential to combat Candida species biofilms, both individually or combined with conventional therapy.


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The severity and frequency of opportunistic fungal infections still growing, concomitantly to the increasing rates of antimicrobial drug’s resistance. Natural matrices have been used over years due to its multitude of health benefits, including antifungal potential. Thus, the present work aims to evaluate the anti-Candida potential of the phenolic extract and individual phenolic compounds of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. (licorice), by disc diffusion assay, followed by determination of the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal fungicidal concentration (MFC) for both planktonic cells and biofilms. Licorice extract evidenced inhibitory potential against the nineteen tested Candida strains, but no pronounced effect was observed by testing the most abundant individual phenolic compounds. Candida tropicalis strains were the most sensible, followed by Candida glabrata, Candida parapsilosis and, then, Candida albicans. Lower MIC and MFC values were achieved to C. glabrata and C. tropicalis, which confirms its susceptibility to licorice extract; however, for C. tropicalis strains a higher variability was observed. Anti-biofilm potential was also achieved, being most evident in some C. glabrata and C. tropicalis strains. In general, a twice concentration of the MIC was necessary for planktonic cells to obtain a similar potential to that one observed for biofilms. Thus, an upcoming approach for new antifungal agents, more effective and safer than the current ones, is stablished; notwithstanding, further studies are necessary in order to understand its mechanism of action, as also to assess kinetic parameters.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Medicina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Patologia Molecular, 2016.