992 resultados para forage crop


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Potential for forage legumes as a feed ingredient for pig nutrition.


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Better Macadamia crop forecasting.


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Early season beneficials in brassica crops.


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The continually expanding macadamia industry needs an accurate crop forecasting system to allow it to develop effective crop handling and marketing strategies, particularly when the industry faces recurring cycles of unsustainably high and low commodity prices. This project aims to provide the AMS with a robust, reliable predictive model of national crop volume within 10% of the actual crop by 1 April each year by factoring known seasonal, environmental, cultural, climatic, management and biological constraints, together with the existing AMS database which includes data on tree numbers, tree age, variety, location and previous season's production.


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To adapt to climate variability and a lack of irrigation water, businesses and growers in southern Australia, northern New South Wales and southern Queensland are, or are considering, migrating their businesses to northern Australia.


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Integrated crop production of bananas to manage wilt diseases for improved livelihoods in Indonesia and Australia.


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Project Objectives: 1. Improving yield and water use efficiency of the wheat crop, the backbone of the Australia grains industry, by better matching management, variety, soil and climate. The aim is thus increasing kg grain/ha per mm evapotranspiration and kg grain/ha per mm rain. 2. Improving land and water productivity and profit by better arrangement of the components of the cropping system. This involves better allocation of farm resources (land, water, machinery, labour) and identifying strategies that account for trade-offs between profit and risk. The aim is thus improving $/ha per year and mm rain in a risk framework.


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Sorghum grown in India in the post-rainy season (Rabi) relies on residual soil moisture, and the crop is commonly exposed to terminal drought stress. But there is a ready market for its high-quality grain and stover (used as fodder on dairy farms). Steps to improve productivity while maintaining quality offer an attractive opportunity for sorghum farmers to improve their incomes. Genetically improving the efficiency of using stored soil moisture is a prime target to maximise grain/stover production and quality of Rabi sorghum. This project aims to achieve this through the application of DNA sequences known as quantitative trait loci (QTLs). The project scientists will introduce marker-assisted introgression of stay-green QTLs into sorghum lines, enhancing both the quality and the quantity of grain/stover of postrainy sorghum. They will also use modelling to identify the key physiological traits involved in a higher, more stable yield across water-limited environments of India and Australia, and the key stay-green QTLs contributing to these traits. The publicly available QTL isolines lines developed in this project will be the basis of new varieties to be bred in a subsequent phase.


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It is proposed that over 4-5 years of study period, multiple collaborative sites will be established with on-farm cooperators to demonstrate better integration of crop-legume sequencing for improved root growth and functioning under limited water, leading to improved productivity and carbon sequestration, and reduced runoff and deep drainage losses.


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This full application seeks ongoing funding for the Agri-Science Queensland's forage oat breeding program through the Meat and Livestock Australia Partners in Innovation program with Heritage Seeds as the Donor Company and the commercial collaborator. The focus of the breeding program will shift to the use of minor genes that confer partial resistance or adult plant resistance to leaf rust. Accumulation of several minor genes in a single variety should produce a high level of effective field resistance, and better durability of resistance, with less likelihood of a mutational change in the pathogen.


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This is part of a GRDC funded project led by Dr Jeremy Whish of CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences. The project aims to build a root-lesion nematode module into the crop growth simulation program APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems Simulator). This will utilise existing nematode and crop data from field, glasshouse and laboratory research led by Dr John Thompson. New data will be collected to validate and extend the model.


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This project encompasses laboratory, glasshouse and field research to improve N fixation in grain and forage legumes in the northern region and assess compatability of rhizobial strains with current and new legume varieties.


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This project aims to develop integrated irrigation and nutrition management strategies under limited water for irrigators currently investing in overhead irrigation systems (CPLM) to minimize the learning lag in their use and optimize crop and economic performance.


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This project developed a novel approach to integrating enhanced gene mapping technologies with crop modelling to enhance the rate of improvement in sorghum yield.


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Validation of new Indian seasonal climate forecasting products. In the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh (AP) kharif crops are heavily dependent on summer monsoon rains, where the timing and intensity of the rains affects crop yield. The majority of farms in AP are small and marginal, making them very vulnerable to yield reductions. Farmers also lack access to relevant information that might enable them to respond to seasonal conditions. Enabling farmers to utilise seasonal climate forecasting would allow them to respond to seasonal variability. To do this, farmers need a forecasting system that indicates a specific management strategy for the upcoming season, and effective and timely communication of the forecast information. Current agro-meteorological advisories in AP are issued on a bi-weekly basis, and they are relevant to an agro-climatic zone scale which may not be sufficiently relevant at a village level. Also, the information in the advisories may not be necessarily packaged in way relevant to cropping decisions by farmers. The objectives of this project are to evaluate the skill of seasonal climate forecasts to be issued for the 2008 monsoon season, to assess crop management options in response to seasonal scenarios that capture the range of seasonal climatic variability, to develop and evaluate options for effective communication and adoption of climate forecasts and agricultural advisories, and to synthesise and report on options for future research investments into seasonal climate forecasting.