950 resultados para food composition tables


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Abstract The surface compositions of food powders created from spray drying solutions containing various ratios of sodium caseinate, maltodextrin and soya oil have been analysed by Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis. The results show significant enrichment of oil at the surface of particles compared to the bulk phase and, when the non-oil components only are considered, a significant surface enrichment of sodium caseinate also. The degree of surface enrichment of both oil and sodium caseinate was found to increase with decreasing bulk levels of the respective components. Surface enrichment of oil was also affected by processing conditions (emulsion drop size and drying temperature), but surface enrichment of sodium caseinate was relatively insensitive to these. The presence of "pock marks" on the particle surfaces strongly suggests that the surface oil was caused by rupturing of emulsion droplets at the surface as the surrounding matrix contracts and hardens. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper discusses the occurrence of manganese-rich concretions in the lakes of Northern Savolax in Eastern Finland. The samples were collected in the summer of 1905 and left to dry for 2 months at room temperature. The quantity of H2O mentionned in the analysis was obtained by dessication at 155°C. The amount of Mn is calulated as MnO2 although other valences might be present in the samples. The contents in CO2 and organic substances was not determined. J. Aschan determined that as a general rule, in Finland the manganese rich lake deposits are rather associated with soft bottom sediments while the iron rich deposits are more assocaited with hard or sandy bottoms.


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This paper discusses the occurrence of manganese-rich concretions (Seeerz or see-erz, in german) in Storsjöen (46 km**2, 130 m above sea level) in southern Norway, (in the basement area, 70 km. Northeast of Oslo, then named Kristiania) and thereby contains a general discussion about the relationship between manganese and iron in the concretions as well as on the different precipitation of Mn-poor iron-manganese oxide concretions in the bottom of lakes from that manganese oxide rich concretions which are relatively Fe-poor.


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Under defined laboratory and field conditions, the investigation of percolating water through soil columns (podsol, lessive and peat) down to groundwater table shows that the main factors which control the chemical characteristics of the percolates are: precipitation, evaporation, infiltration rate, soil type, depth and dissolved organic substances. Evaporation and percolation velocity influences the Na+, SO4**2- and Cl- concentrations. Low percolation velocity leads also to longer percolation times and water logging in less permeable strata, which results in lower Eh-values and higher CO2-concentrations due to low gas exchange with the atmosphere. Ca2+ and Mg2+ carbonate concentration depends on soil type and depth. Metamorphism and decomposition of organic substances involve NO3 reduction and K+, Mg2+, SO4**2-, CO2, Fe2+,3+ transport. The analytical data were evaluated with multi variate statistical methods.


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Presentation from the MARAC conference in Philadelphia, PA on November 7-9, 2013. S6 - Art from Archives


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ABSTRACT. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of different sowing dates on the yield, 100-grain weight, oil, protein and isoflavone contents of food-type soybean breeding lines UEL 110, UEL 115 and UEL 123 and a cultivar BRS 257. The materials were seeded on four sowing dates, and the experiment was conducted in a randomized block design with four replications. The productivity and 100- grain weight varied with the sowing dates and soybean genotypes. The protein content ranged from 36.40 to 42.44%, and the oil content ranged from 18.29 to 22.71%. No significant interaction was found between the genotype and sowing dates for the protein content. The isoflavone content also varied with the sowing dates and soybean genotypes. The cultivar BRS 257 had the highest isoflavone content, including the β- glucoside, malonyl glucoside and aglycones forms. The different sowing dates influenced the productivity, 100-grain weight, oil and protein content and isoflavone levels. Higher temperatures and lower rainfall during the grain filling decreased the productivity and isoflavone content and increased the protein content. For all sowing dates, the BRS 257 soybean food-type cultivar showed the highest isoflavone content, indicating that the effect of genotype is more important. Keywords: soybean, oil, protein, isoflavones. RESUMO. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o efeito das diferentes épocas de semeadura na produtividade, massa de 100 grãos, teor de proteínas, óleo e isoflavonas de linhagens de soja tipo alimento UEL 110, UEL 115 e UEL 123 e cultivar BRS 257. O material foi semeado em quatro épocas de semeadura e o experimento foi conduzido em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. A produtividade e a massa de 100 grãos variaram com a época de semeadura e com os diferentes genótipos. O teor de proteínas variou de 36,40 a 42,44% e o de óleo de 18,29 a 22,71%. Não foi encontrada interação entre genótipo e épocas de semeadura para o teor de proteínas. O teor de isoflavonas variou com as épocas de semeadura e com os genótipos. A cultivar BRS 257 apresentou maior teor de β-glicosídeos, malonil-glicosídeos e agliconas. As diferentes épocas de semeadura influenciam a produtividade, massa de 100 grãos, conteúdo de óleo, proteínas e isoflavonas. Altas temperaturas e baixas precipitações durante o enchimento dos grãos reduzem a produtividade e teor de isoflavonas e aumentam o teor de proteínas. A cultivar BRS 257 apresenta o maior teor de isoflavonas indicando que o efeito genético é mais importante.


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Genipap fruits, native to the Amazon region, were classified in relation to their stage of ripeness according to firmness and peel color. The influence of the part of the genipap fruit and ripeness stage on the iridoid and phenolic compound profiles was evaluated by HPLC-DAD-MS(n), and a total of 17 compounds were identified. Geniposide was the major compound in both parts of the unripe genipap fruits, representing >70% of the total iridoids, whereas 5-caffeoylquinic acid was the major phenolic compound. In ripe fruits, genipin gentiobioside was the major compound in the endocarp (38%) and no phenolic compounds were detected. During ripening, the total iridoid content decreased by >90%, which could explain the absence of blue pigment formation in the ripe fruits after their injury. This is the first time that the phenolic compound composition and iridoid contents of genipap fruits have been reported in the literature.


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Although Brazil is the third largest fruit producer in the world, several specimens consumed are not well studied from the chemical viewpoint, especially for quantitative analysis. For this reason and the crescent employment of mass spectrometry (MS) techniques in food science we selected twenty-two phenolic compounds with important biological activities and developed an ultra-high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS) method using electrospray (ESI) in negative ion mode aiming their quantification in largely consumed Brazilian fruits (açaí-do-Amazonas, acerola, cashew apple, camu-camu, pineapple and taperebá). Multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) was applied and the selection of proper product ions for each transition assured high selectivity. Linearity (0.99580%), precision (CV<20%) and extraction recovery rate (>80%) were satisfactory and showed that the method provides an efficient protocol to analyze phenolic compounds in fruit pulp extracts.


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Different storage conditions can induce changes in the colour and carotenoid profiles and levels in some fruits. The goal of this work was to evaluate the influence of low temperature storage on the colour and carotenoid synthesis in two banana cultivars: Prata and Nanicão. For this purpose, the carotenoids from the banana pulp were determined by HPLC-DAD-MS/MS, and the colour of the banana skin was determined by a colorimeter method. Ten carotenoids were identified, of which the major carotenoids were all-trans-lutein, all-trans-α-carotene and all-trans-β-carotene in both cultivars. The effect of the low temperatures was subjected to linear regression analysis. In cv. Prata, all-trans-α-carotene and all-trans-β-carotene were significantly affected by low temperature (p<0.01), with negative estimated values (β coefficients) indicating that during cold storage conditions, the concentrations of these carotenoids tended to decrease. In cv. Nanicão, no carotenoid was significantly affected by cold storage (p>0.05). The accumulation of carotenoids in this group may be because the metabolic pathways using these carotenoids were affected by storage at low temperatures. The colour of the fruits was not negatively affected by the low temperatures (p>0.05).


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It was evaluated the effects of metabolizable energy (ME) and digestible lysine (dLYS) densities on performance and body composition of weaned piglets. The study used 114 piglets weaned at 7.4 ± 0.80 kg, out of which 108 were allotted in the nursery and 6 were slaughtered on the weaning day to determine comparative data of body chemical composition. Six nutrients densities were stipulated from a previous study based on the highest nitrogen retention, maintaining the following ME:LYS relationship in the experimental diets: 3,390:1.291; 3,450:1.409; 3,650:1.411; 3,780:1.461; 3,940:1.507; and 4,109 kcal/kg ME:1.564% dLYS. The experimental diets were offered for 13 days when the piglets reached 12.986 ± 1.449 kg of body weight. The probable residual effects of nutritional density on the subsequent performance of the piglets were evaluated. At the end of initial phase 1, six piglets from each density were slaughtered to determine their chemical composition in body fractions and empty body. There was no significant influence of nutritional levels on the performance of the piglets at the end of the evaluation. The results of food conversion and body composition confirm the level indicated in the previous study, 4 g dLYS/Mcal of ME. The increase of energy and lysine densities confirms the need for a correct relationship among both of them to assure better performance of the piglets at the beginning of the growing phase.


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To develop a convenience healthy food snack the partially hydrogenated vegetable fat, used as the flavour fixative agent, was replaced by a non-fat-flavouring solution enriched with inulin and oligofructose. The effects of this replacement on chemical composition, in vitro rate of starch digestion and sensory acceptability were assessed. The new snack presented low-fat levels (0.1 per cent) and around a sevenfold increase in dietary fibre (15.3 per cent of dietary fibre, being 13.3 per cent of fructans) when compared with the traditional ones. The enrichment with fructans reduced the predicted Glycaemic Index by 25 per cent, thus indicating that this dietary fibre contributes effectively towards delaying the in vitro glycaemic response. Fructans-enriched snack presented overall acceptability score (6.6 ± 1.7) similar to the traditional one, flavoured with fatty fixative agent (7.4 ± 1.4). The healthy low-fat fibre-enriched snack produced presented the high sensory acceptability typical for this food product type


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Tomato is amongst the most consumed vegetables in the world, not only for its culinary versatility but also for its high nutritional value. In the last years, consumers have shown an increased concern regarding food origin and safety. The organic tomato production has been a promising alternative for the consumer offering a safer food in relation to environmental, social and nutritional aspects. This study assessed the chemical composition of tomato seeds produced in both conventional and organic systems by INAA. The results showed significant differences (P <= 0.05) in the mass fractions of Br, Cs, Eu, Fe, K, Mo, Na, Rb and Sm between both systems, indicating influence of the crop management adopted in the different tomato production systems.


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The use of the fish silage as an ingredient in feed for aquatic organisms is an alternative to solve sanitary and environmental problems caused by the lack of an adequate destination for the residues generated by the fishing industry. It would also lower the costs with feed, and consequently the fish production costs, since the expenses with the feed account for approximately 60% of the total cost. The objective of this study was to evaluate the fatty acid composition of the acid silage (AS), biological silage (BS) and enzymatic silage (ES) produced from discardings of the culture and from processing residues of the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The values found for lipids (dry matter basis) were: 12.45; 12.25 and 12.17 g 100 g(-1) for BS, AS, and ES, respectively. The fatty acids present in the lipid fraction of the silages are predominantly unsaturated. Oleic acid was present in larger amounts (30.49, 28.60 and 30.60 g 100 g(-1) of lipids for BS, AS and ES, respectively). Among saturated fatty acids, palmitic and stearic acids were present in larger amounts. Only traces of eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) fatty acids were found. The silages produced from discardings of the culture and processing residues of the Nile tilapia are not a good source of EPA and DHA for fish feeds.


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Intense physical training and dietary energy restriction have been associated with consequences such as nutritional amenorrhea. We investigated the effects of intense physical training, food restriction or the combination of both strategies on estrous cyclicity in female rats, and the relationship between leptin ad these effects. Twenty-seven female Wistar rats were distributed into four groups: SF: sedentary, fed ad libitum; SR: sedentary subjected to 50% food restriction (based on the food intake of their fed counterparts); TF: trained (physical training on a motor treadmill with a gradual increase in speed and time), fed ad libitum; TR; trained with 50% food restriction. We analysed estrous cyclicity, plasma leptin and estradiol as well as chemical composition of the carcass, body weight variation. and weight of ovaries and perirenal adipose tissue. Data demonstrate that physical training alone was not responsible for significant modifications in either carcass chemical composition or reproductive function. Food restriction reduced leptin levels in all animals and interrupted the estrous cyclicity in some animals, but only the combination of food restriction and physical training was capable of interrupting the estrous cyclicity in all animals. Leptin was not directly related to estrous cyclicity. From our findings, it may be concluded that there is an additive or synergistic effect of energy intake restriction and energy expenditure by intense physical training on estrous cyclicity. Leptin appears to be one among others factors related to estrous cycle, but it probably acts indirectly.


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P>The aim of the present work was to evaluate the use of the kefir grains as a starter culture for tradicional milk kefir beverage and for cheese whey-based beverages production. Fermentation was performed by inoculating kefir grains in milk (ML), cheese whey (CW) and deproteinised cheese whey (DCW). Erlenmeyers containing kefir grains and different substrates were statically incubated for 72 h at 25 degrees C. Lactose, ethanol, lactic acid, acetic acid, acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, isoamyl alcohol, isobutanol, 1-propanol, isopentyl alcohol and 1-hexanol were identified and quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography and GC-FID. The results showed that kefir grains were able to utilise lactose in 60 h from ML and 72 h from CW and DCW and produce similar amounts of ethanol (similar to 12 g L-1), lactic acid (similar to 6 g L-1) and acetic acid (similar to 1.5 g L-1) to those obtained during milk fermentation. Based on the chemical characteristics and acceptance in the sensory analysis, the kefir grains showed potential to be used for developing cheese whey-based beverages.