999 resultados para foliar feeding


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Prospective studies and intervention evaluations that examine change over time assume that measurement tools measure the same construct at each occasion. In the area of parent-child feeding practices, longitudinal measurement properties of the questionnaires used are rarely verified. To ascertain that measured change in feeding practices reflects true change rather than change in the assessment, structure, or conceptualisation of the constructs over time, this study examined longitudinal measurement invariance of the Feeding Practices and Structure Questionnaire (FPSQ) subscales (9 constructs; 40 items) across 3 time points. Mothers participating in the NOURISH trial reported their feeding practices when children were aged 2, 3.7, and 5 years (N = 404). Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) within a structural equation modelling framework was used. Comparisons of initial cross-sectional models followed by longitudinal modelling of subscales, resulted in the removal of 12 items, including two redundant or poorly performing subscales. The resulting 28-item FPSQ-28 comprised 7 multi-item subscales: Reward for Behaviour, Reward for Eating, Persuasive Feeding, Overt Restriction, Covert Restriction, Structured Meal Setting and Structured Meal Timing. All subscales showed good fit over 3 time points and each displayed at least partial scalar (thresholds equal) longitudinal measurement invariance. We recommend the use of a separate single item indicator to assess the family meal setting. This is the first study to examine longitudinal measurement invariance in a feeding practices questionnaire. Invariance was established, indicating that the subscales of the shortened FPSQ-28 can be used with mothers to validly assess change in 7 feeding constructs in samples of children aged 2-5 years of age.


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- Objective To evaluate dietary intake impact outcomes up to 3.5 years after the NOURISH early feeding intervention (concealed allocation, assessor masked RCT). - Methods 698 first-time mothers with healthy term infants were allocated to receive anticipatory guidance on protective feeding practices or usual care. Outcomes were assessed at 2, 3.7 and 5 years (3.5 years post-intervention). Dietary intake was assessed by 24-hour recall and Child Dietary Questionnaire. Mothers completed a food preference questionnaire and Children’s Eating Behaviour Questionnaire. Linear mixed models assessed group, time and time x group effects. - Results There were no group or time x group effects for fruit, vegetables, discretionary food and non-milk sweetened beverages intake. Intervention children showed a higher preference for fruits (74.6% vs 69.0% liked, P<.001), higher Child Dietary Questionnaire score for fruit and vegetables (15.3 vs 14.5, target>18, P=0.03), lower food responsiveness (2.3 vs 2.4, of maximum 5, P=.04) and higher satiety responsiveness (3.1 vs 3.0, of maximum 5, P=.04). - Conclusions Compared to usual care, an early feeding intervention providing anticipatory guidance regarding positive feeding practices led to small improvements in child dietary score, food preferences and eating behaviours up to 5 years of age, but not in dietary intake measured by 24-hour recall.


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In aquatic systems, the ability of both the predator and prey to detect each other may be impaired by turbidity. This could lead to significant changes in the trophic interactions in the food web of lakes. Most fish use their vision for predation and the location of prey can be highly influenced by light level and clarity of the water environment. Turbidity is an optical property of water that causes light to be scattered and absorbed by particles and molecules. Turbidity is highly variable in lakes, due to seasonal changes in suspended sediments, algal blooms and wind-driven suspension of sediments especially in shallow waters. There is evidence that human activity has increased erosion leading to increased turbidity in aquatic systems. Turbidity could also play a significant role in distribution of fish. Turbidity could act as a cover for small fish and reduce predation risk. Diel horizontal migration by fish is common in shallow lakes and is considered as consequences of either optimal foraging behaviour for food or as a trade-off between foraging and predator avoidance. In turbid lakes, diel horizontal migration patterns could differ since turbidity can act as a refuge itself and affect the predator-prey interactions. Laboratory experiments were conducted with perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) and white bream (Abramis björkna (L.)) to clarify the effects of turbidity on their feeding. Additionally to clarify the effects of turbidity on predator preying on different types of prey, pikeperch larvae (Sander lucioperca (L.)), Daphnia pulex (Leydig), Sida crystallina (O.F. Müller), and Chaoborus flavicans (Meigen) were used as prey in different experiments. To clarify the role of turbidity in distribution and diel horizontal migration of perch, roach (Rutilus rutilus (L.)) and white bream, field studies were conducted in shallow turbid lakes. A clear and a turbid shallow lake were compared to investigate distribution of perch and roach in these two lakes in a 15-year study period. Feeding efficiency of perch and white bream was not significantly affected with increasing clay turbidity up to 50 NTU. The perch experiments with pikeperch larvae suggested that clay turbidity could act as a refuge especially at turbidity levels higher than 50 NTU. Perch experiments with different prey types suggested that pikeperch larvae probably use turbidity as a refuge better compared to Daphnia. Increase in turbidity probably has stronger affect on perch predating on plant-attached prey. The main findings of the thesis show that turbidity can play a significant role in distribution of fish. Perch and roach could use turbidity as refuge when macrophytes disappear while small perch may also use high turbidity as refuge when macrophytes are present. Floating-leaved macrophytes are probably good refuges for small fish in clay-turbid lakes and provide a certain level of turbidity and not too complex structure for refuge. The results give light to the predator-prey interactions in turbid environments. Turbidity of water should be taken in to account when studying the diel horizontal migrations and distribution of fish in shallow lakes.


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The phosphate-inhibitable neutral protease activity of the heavy mitochondrial fraction of rat liver is of lysosomal origin. The activity is essentially due to the thiol proteinases of the lysosomes. Digitonin treatment of the mitochondrial fraction results in the release of about 85 per cent of the neutral protease activity and the residual activity has an alkaline pH optimum and is not inhibited by phosphate. Clofibrate feeding at 0.5 per cent level in the diet results in enhanced levels of lysosomal enzymes. The increase is however restricted to the lysosome-rich fraction such that the activities associated with the heavy mitochondrial fraction show a significant decrease. It is suggested that clofibrate inhibits engulfment of mitochondria by lysosomes and this results in enhanced mitochondrial protein content.


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This paper presents a five-level inverter scheme with four two-level inverters for a four-pole induction motor (IM) drive. In a conventional three-phase four-pole IM, there exists two identical voltage-profile winding coil groups per phase around the armature, which are connected in series and spatially apart by two pole pitches. In this paper, these two identical voltage-profile pole-pair winding coils in each phase of the IM are disconnected and fed from four two-level inverters from four sides of the windings with one-fourth dc-link voltage as compared to a conventional five-level neutral-point-clamped inverter. The scheme presented in this paper does not require any special design modification for the induction machine. For this paper, a four-pole IM drive is used, and the scheme can be easily extended to IMs with more than four poles. The proposed scheme is experimentally verified on a four-pole 5-hp IM drive.


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"In rats, sucking milk reduces anxiety and promotes non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, and in calves it induces resting but the effect on sleep is unknown. Here, we investigated how calves' sleep was affected by colostrum feeding methods. Forty-one calves were blocked by birth date and randomly allotted within blocks to the experimental treatments. Calves were housed for four days either with their dam (DAM) or individually with warm colostrum feeding (2 L four times a day) from either a teat bucket (TEAT) or an open bucket (BUCKET). DAM calves suckled their dam freely. Calves' sleeping and sucking behaviour was filmed continuously for 48 h at the ages of two and three days. Behavioural sleep (BS) was defined as calves resting at least 30 s with their head still and raised (non-rapid eye movement) or with their head against their body or the ground (rapid eye movement, REM). Latency from the end of colostrum feeding to the start of BS was recorded. We compared behaviour of TEAT calves with that of DAM and BUCKET calves using mixed models. Milk meal duration was significantly longer for TEAT calves than for BUCKET calves (mean +/- S.E.M.; 8.3 +/- 0.6 min vs. 5.2 +/- 0.6 min), but equal to that of DAM calves. We found no effect of feeding method on the duration of daily BS (12 h 59 min I h 38 min) but we found a tendency for the daily amount of NREM sleep; BUCKET calves had less NREM sleep per day than TEAT calves (6 h 18 min vs. 7 h 48 min, S.E.M. = 45 min) and also longer latencies from milk ingestion to BS (21.9 +/- 2.0 min vs. 16.2 +/- 2.0 min). DAM calves slept longer bouts than TEAT calves (10.8 +/- 1.0 min vs. 8.3 +/- 1.0 min) and less often (78 +/- 4 vs. 92 +/- 4). Sucking colostrum from a teat bucket compared with drinking from an open"


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The Asian elephant's foraging strategy in its natural habitat and in cultivation was studied in southern India during 1981-83. Though elephants consumed at least 112 plant species in the study area, about 85% of their diet consisted of only 25 species from the order Malvales and the families Leguminosae, Palmae, Cyperaceae and Gramineae. Alteration between a predominantly browse diet during the dry season with a grass diet during the early wet season was related to the seasonally changing protein content of grasses. Crop raiding, which was sporadic during the dry season, gradually increased with more area being cultivated with the onset of rains. Raiding frequency reached a peak during October-December, with some villages being raided almost every night, when finger millet (Eleusine coracana) was cultivated by most farmers. The monthly frequency of raiding was related to the seasonal movement of elephant herds and to the size of the enclave. Of their total annual food requirement, adult bull elephants derived an estimated 9.3% and family herds 1.7% in quantity from cultivated land. Cultivated cereal and millet crops provided significantly more protein, calcium and sodium than the wild grasses. Ultimately, crop raiding can be thought of as an extension of the elephant's optimal foraging strategy.


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The ant-plant Humboldtia brunonis secretes extrafloral nectar (EFN) despite the lack of antiherbivore protection from most ants. EFN was richer in composition than phloem sap and honeydew from untended Hemiptera on the plant, suggesting that EFN could potentially distract ants from honeydew, since ants rarely tended Hemiptera on this plant.


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Resumen: Existen evidencias que señalan zonas en la pampa húmeda con deficiencias de micronutrientes como el cinc, el boro y el cobre para el cultivo de maíz. Se cree que la fertilización foliar puede ser la técnica apropiada para cubrir estas deficiencias originando incrementos en los rendimientos. Por otra parte, mediante esta técnica es posible agregar pequeñas cantidades de macro-nutrientes que pueden incrementar el rendimiento. Sin embargo esta no es una práctica generalizada en la Argentina y probablemente se deba a su respuesta de baja magnitud y muchas veces errática en ensayos. En consecuencia se realizó un trabajo con el objetivo de encontrar la respuesta promedio en rendimiento del maíz que esta técnica posee. Por un lado se llevaron a cabo cuatro ensayos en la campaña 2009/2010 para encontrar esta respuesta y por el otro se realizó un meta-análisis estadístico, que resumió 31 ensayos, totalizando 108 tratamientos sin contabilizar testigos. El meta-análisis estadístico es una herramienta estadística ampliamente utilizada en otros países y otros campos de estudio como la medicina, pero es en la Argentina algo novedoso. Se incluyeron en este meta-análisis ensayos de Satus Ager S.A., empresa sin interés comercial en la venta de fertilizantes y del INTA como organismo técnico independiente. En las publicaciones de estos ensayos, de los 108 tratamientos evaluados solamente un 6,4% eran señalados como significativamente distintos a sus testigos, demostrando la escasa potencia de los ensayos pequeños para detectar incrementos en el rendimiento. Al realizar el meta-análisis se detectó heterogeneidad y falta de normalidad en los datos, la que fue solucionada subdividiendo a los ensayos en líneas endocriadas e híbridos. Los fertilizantes foliares aumentaron el rendimiento en 3,8% y 5,7% para las líneas endocriadas y los híbridos respectivamente. Ambas respuestas fueron estadísticamente significativas (p < 0,0001). Para los híbridos se encontró, además, que a mayor rendimiento del testigo, mayor respuesta del fertilizante, no solo en kg sino también en % (p = 0,002).


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El presente trabajo se desarrolló en la finca CHELOL, sede del Centro Nacional de Vetiver, propiedad de la Cooperativa Agropecuaria “Ing. Humberto Tapia Barquero”, ubicado en el Municipio de Jinotepe, Carazo, en el período comprendido del 12 de enero al 21 de abril del año 2003. Se evaluó el efecto del tiempo de inmersión en agua en el desarrollo foliar y radical en vástagos de la gramínea vetiver con un testigo. El objetivo es generar información tecnológica que favorezca el prendimiento y desarrollo de vástagos de esta gramínea, para ser establecidos como barrera viva en acciones de conservación de suelo y agua. Se utilizó un diseño completamente aleatorio (DCA) con seis tratamientos de treinta observaciones cada uno. Los resultados mostraron diferencias altamente significativas entre los tratamientos, sobresaliendo, con respecto a velocidad de crecimiento radical y peso del área foliar, velocidad de crecimiento radical y mortalidad de vástagos, eficiencia y beneficios económicos, el tratamiento de inmersión de vástagos de vetiver durante cuarenta y ocho horas. En términos generales, el prendimiento de los vástagos en los tratamientos con inmersión en agua fueron superiores comparado al testigo en el que se aplicó la técnica tradicional.