160 resultados para felinos
The most common endocrinal disease in the cat is hyperthyroidism. The excess of the thyroidal hormones in the circulation causes a hipermetabolic state, which leads to changes in all the systems of the organism. One of the most affected being the cardiovascular. The most common changes are the ventricular hypertrophic, hypertension and thromboembolism, which also occur in primary heart disease. This revision addresses the mechanism and modifications caused by the hyperthyroidism in the cardiovascular system and its importance in the differentials diagnosis
The feline leukemia virus (FeLV) was described in 1964 by William Jarrett and collaborators wen find viral particles attached to the membrane of lymphoblasts in cat with lymphoma. The virus belongs to the family Retroviridae, subfamily oncornavirus. With worldwide distribution, the occurrence of FeLV has 1.6% in healthy cats and 10.8% in sick cats in Brazil. The mortality of persistently viremic animals in catteries is about 50% in two years and 80% in three years. In catteries that have endemic feline Coronavirus (FCoV), FeLV and / or Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), the FeLV infection has greater contribution to mortality. The test for infection and FeLV positive cats segregation is the main way to prevent the spread of infection. The diagnostic methods are based on clinical signs and changes compatible with FeLV infection observed by physical examination, complete blood count, X-ray, bone marrow aspirate and biochemical. The viral p27 protein is produced in infected cells in high amounts and is found in abundance in the cytoplasm and in body fluids enabling diagnosed methods such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - ELISA and direct immunofluorescence, detection of viral genome (Chain Reaction Polymerase - PCR) and detection of the virus by virus isolation. Although diagnostic tests are highly sensitive, it should be made more than a confirmatory test, especially serological due to variable characteristic of the progress of infection
Cholangiohepatitis is a common hepatic disorder in cats that is second only to hepatic lipidosis in frequency. The cholangitis-cholangiohepatitis complex is known as the diseases that involve the biliar tract inflammation and may extend to the liver. The classification of the cholangiohepatitis is still controversial, in this present study the following classification was used: Acute Cholangiohepatitis, Chronic Cholangiohepatitis, Lymphocitic Cholangitis. The cholangiohepatitis may be associated with pancreatitis and inflammatory bowel disease, this association is known as feline triaditis. The diagnosis is based on the clinical signs, alterations in laboratory exams and ultrasonography alterations, but the definitive diagnosis is only possible through liver biopsy. The treatment for each type of cholangiohepatitis differs, hence the importance of the right diagnosis. This study aimed to do a review over the ethiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment for this disease
The policystycal kidney disease that's a disease congenital autossomal dominant , no connected with the sex , what affect equally manly and females, especially the from race Persian and intersections with animals of that race. The polycystical kidney disease is broadcast the all issue from the individuals affected due at your character hereditary dominant. Yours signals clinical is linked together at the classic signals of Insufficiency Renal Account, such as: nefromegaly, poliury, anorexic, hematury and anemia , because in as much as the animals affected they tend developing this pathology among others secondary systemic problems . The means diagnostic, to ide ntify this pathology as varied, being used principally the of image, permitting a precociou diagnostic. Your treatment consists in master the symptoms caused by kidney insufficiencies Account and furnish, comfort and quality of life for the animals bearers, because it doesn’t have cur. Know the etiology, signals clinical, mediums diagnostic and the treatment is essential tools about to the screening of that disease and also to the future from race Persian and yours intersections obtained across her. The main objective this study was realize a bibliographic review about polycystical kidney disease linking a traditional forms of the diagnostic, treatment and control with new studies recently published about affected felines populations
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common heart disease in the feline specie, more frequently affecting pure-breed males such as Ragdolls and Maine Coons. HCM can be primary (idiopathic) or secondary, when other diseases such as hyperthyroidism are involved. The disease is characterized by an increase in the diameter and thickness of the left ventricular wall, with consequent diastolic dysfunction. Mitral regurgitation happens due to compromised ventricular filling, leading to an increased left atrium size and consequent cardiogenic pulmonary edema. Along with the progress of modern veterinary medicine, many diseases could be addressed more successfully on small animal internal medicine, such as feline HCM. This article brings a literature review of the feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, focusing on its etiology, physiopathology, clinical presentations, diagnostic methods, therapeutics and prognosis
This project aims the verification of doses in canines and felines to chest and coxal exams due to the transition from screen-film to computed radiography system. It also seeks a possible optimization of the new techniques employed in this new system. The study was carried out in Diagnostic Imaging service in Hospital Veterinário da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo using a conventional x-ray equipment. Initially, data about the physical characteristics of animals and the technique currently used in computed radiography was collected for each of 80 chest and 16 coxal X-ray examinations. The animals were divided into different groups according to the body weight. For each group, were calculated the averages of each item: thickness of the region to be imaged, voltage, current, exposure time, current-time product, size of film used, presence or absence of bucky and focus (small or large). The techniques have been reproduced in phantoms (representative of the thickness of the animal) in order to collect the air kerma entrance. Based on the average of intermediate size M group (weights less than 5 kg for cats and from 10.1 kg and 20 kg for dogs) analysis of image quality using three devices test patterns were made consisting of the evaluation of spatial resolution, low-contrast resolution and contrast-detail. In general, the results showed the dose animals decreased with the use of computed radiography and was possible to preliminary optimization of some techniques used currently in CR
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is one of the most serious complications of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in small animals (SILVA, 2006). It is an acute metabolic disorder, potentially fatal, both in humans and in dogs and cats with DM (BRUYETTE, 1997), being related, mostly, to insulin-dependent diabetics (CHASTAIN, 1981; HUME et al., 2006). DKA is a medical emergency characterized by extreme metabolic abnormalities, including hyperglycemia, metabolic acidosis, ketonemia, dehydration and electrolyte loss (MACINTIRE, 2006) and its diagnosis may be established basically by the detection of ketonuria and metabolic acidosis (NELSON, 2009). The primary purposes of the treatment of DKA are intravascular volume restoration, dehydration, acid-base and electrolyte’s imbalances correction and blood glucose concentration reduction (BOYSEN, 2008). The treatment’s success depends of the clinical status at the time of diagnosis and of the introduction of an appropriate therapy to the conditions of each patient (CHASTAIN, 1981)
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A quantificação de citocinas felinas possibilita uma avaliação do sistema imune do animal em diferentes doenças, permite também a identificação de diferentes fatores que alteram sua secreção, e colabora na compreensão da patogênese das enfermidades. Em humanos e camundongos essa mensuração é feita principalmente pelo método de ELISA, mas para os felinos há uma menor disponibilidade de kits específicos para determinadas citocinas, e estes possuem um custo elevado. Assim, uma alternativa é utilizar a reação de PCR em tempo real com transcrição reversa (RT-qPCR) para quantificação absoluta dos RNAs mensageiros das citocinas felinas, uma técnica bastante sensível e específica para analisar a expressão desses genes. Com esse intuito, esse trabalho teve como objetivo clonar as sequências gênicas codificantes de citocinas, para construir uma curva padrão para a qPCR. Assim, foi feita extração de RNA de amostras de sangue total de gatos domésticos, e estes foram tratados com DNAse para evitar contaminação por DNA genômico. O cDNA foi sintetizado, e amplificado com os primers específicos para cada fragmento codificante de citocina e o GAPDH felino. Cada amplicon purificado foi inserido em um plasmídeo comercial, e introduzido em bactérias E. coli cepa DH5. Os clones recombinantes foram sequenciados para confirmar a inserção do fragmento no vetor. As curvas padrão da qPCR foram construídas com cada plasmídeo recombinante numa de 106 a 101 cópias por reação. O sequenciamento mostrou que todos os clones eram semelhantes àqueles encontrados no GenBank. A eficiência das amplificações, baseado no slope das curvas padrão foram: 101,3% para GAPDH, 99,1% para IL-1, 83,2% para IL-6, 94,4% para IL-10, 105,5% para IL-12, 83,4% para IFN- e 83,8% para TNF-. O valor de r2 foi de 0,99 em todas as reações. Dessa forma, com a clonagem dos fragmentos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia Animal - FMVZ
Há um crescente interesse nas técnicas reprodutivas, por agilizar a procriação de populações animais de interesse econômico, a preservação de espécies em extinção ou a utilização como modelo experimental em outras espécies. A reprodução de felinos em cativeiro é dificultada devido ao ambiente estranho, o que os leva a apresentarem alterações na própria fisiologia. Torna-se importante o estudo de fenômenos reprodutivos destes animais com a finalidade de melhor compreensão e, posteriormente, adaptação adequada das biotécnicas reprodutivas. A atuação da apoptose na fisiologia ovariana ainda não é bem compreendida, havendo a necessidade da comunidade científica elucidá-la melhor. O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar a hipótese de que os índices de apoptose no tecido ovariano são diferentes em gatas jovens, adultas e idosas. Foram utilizadas 18 gatas distribuídas em 3 grupos contendo 6 animais cada, de acordo com a idade (jovens, adultos e idosos). As amostras do tecido ovariano destinadas a avaliação de apoptose, foram submetidas ao método terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-biotin nick end-labelling (TUNEL). Os dados referentes aos diferentes grupos foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias foram comparadas pelo Teste de Tukey. Não houve diferença significativa quanto ao número de folículos e número de células positivas das gatas jovens, adultas e idosas, sendo P < 0,05. O resultado do trabalho sugere que o fenômeno da apoptose em tecido ovariano em gatas não possui relação com a faixa etária, ou seja, a apoptose ocorre de forma contínua nos folículos não-dominantes envolvidos em cada ciclo estral apresentado