881 resultados para exponential-convexity
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is defined based on observed units and by finding the distance of each unit to the border of estimated production possibility set (PPS). The convexity is one of the underlying assumptions of the PPS. This paper shows some difficulties of using standard DEA models in the presence of input-ratios and/or output-ratios. The paper defines a new convexity assumption when data includes a ratio variable. Then it proposes a series of modified DEA models which are capable to rectify this problem.
Non-linear relationships are common in microbiological research and often necessitate the use of the statistical techniques of non-linear regression or curve fitting. In some circumstances, the investigator may wish to fit an exponential model to the data, i.e., to test the hypothesis that a quantity Y either increases or decays exponentially with increasing X. This type of model is straight forward to fit as taking logarithms of the Y variable linearises the relationship which can then be treated by the methods of linear regression.
In this chapter, the authors use an EGARCH-ECM to estimate the pass-through effects of Foreign Exchange (FX) rate changes and changes in producers' prices for 20 U.K. export sectors. The long-run adjustments of export prices to FX rate changes and changes in producers' prices are within the range of -1.02% (for the Textiles sector) and -17.22% (for the Meat sector). The contemporaneous Pricing-To-Market (PTM) coefficients are within the range of -72.84% (for the Fuels sector) and -8.05% (for the Textiles sector). Short-run FX rate pass-through is not complete even after several months. Rolling EGARCH-ECMs show that the short and long-run effects of changes in FX rate and producers' prices vary substantially, as do asymmetry and volatility estimates before equilibrium is achieved.
A simpler proof of a result of Burq [1] is presented.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35E45
MSC 2010: 30C45, 30A20, 34C40
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35J40, 49J52, 49J40, 46E30
Николай М. Николов - Разгледани са характеризации на различни понятия за изпъкналост, като тези понятия са сравнени.
Недю И. Попиванов, Тодор П. Попов, Рудолф Шерер - Разглеждат се четиримерни гранични задачи за нехомогенното вълново уравнение. Те са предложени от М. Протер като многомерни аналози на задачата на Дарбу в равнината. Известно е, че единственото обобщено решение може да има силна степенна особеност само в една гранична точка. Тази сингулярност е изолирана във върха на характеристичния конус и не се разпространява по конуса. Друг аспект на проблема е, че задачата не е фредхолмова, тъй като има безкрайномерно коядро. Предишни резултати сочат, че решението може да има най-много експоненциален ръст, но оставят открит въпроса дали наистина съществуват такива решения. Показваме, че отговора на този въпрос е положителен и строим обобщено решение на задачата на Протер с експоноциална особеност.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60F05, 60B10.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62G30, 62E10.
The deviations of some entire functions of exponential type from real-valued functions and their derivatives are estimated. As approximation metrics we use the Lp-norms and power variations on R. Theorems presented here correspond to the Ganelius and Popov results concerning the one-sided trigonometric approximation of periodic functions (see [4, 5 and 8]). Some related facts were announced in [2, 3, 6 and 7].
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62G30, 62E10.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 46B20. Secondary: 46H99, 47A12.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20.