958 resultados para exclusive dealing
This is a study on the Avian coronavirus IBV and chicken host-relationship from the codon usage point of view based on fifty-nine non-redundant IBV S1 sequences (nt 1-507) from strains detected worldwide and chicken tissue-specific protein genes sequences from IBV-replicating sites. The effective number of codons (ENC) values ranged from 36 to 47.8, indicating a high-to-moderate codon usage bias. The highest IBV codon adaptation index (CAI) value was 0.7, indicating a distant virus versus host synonymous codons usage. The ENC x GC3 % curve indicates that both mutational pressure and natural selection are the driving forces on codon usage pattern in S1. The low CAI values agree with a low S protein expression and considering that S protein is a determinant for attachment and neutralization, this could be a further mechanism besides mRNA transcription attenuation for a low expression of this protein leading to an immune camouflage.
Rare variants are becoming the new candidates in the search for genetic variants that predispose individuals to a phenotype of interest. Their low prevalence in a population requires the development of dedicated detection and analytical methods. A family-based approach could greatly enhance their detection and interpretation because rare variants are nearly family specific. In this report, we test several distinct approaches for analyzing the information provided by rare and common variants and how they can be effectively used to pinpoint putative candidate genes for follow-up studies. The analyses were performed on the mini-exome data set provided by Genetic Analysis Workshop 17. Eight approaches were tested, four using the trait’s heritability estimates and four using QTDT models. These methods had their sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values compared in light of the simulation parameters. Our results highlight important limitations of current methods to deal with rare and common variants, all methods presented a reduced specificity and, consequently, prone to false positive associations. Methods analyzing common variants information showed an enhanced sensibility when compared to rare variants methods. Furthermore, our limited knowledge of the use of biological databases for gene annotations, possibly for use as covariates in regression models, imposes a barrier to further research.
[EN] This study analyses the use of inclusive and exclusive pronominal signals in English and Spanish research articles and investigates whether there are differences between the two languages in terms of pronominal signals frequency and usage.
Produktionsmechanismen für Teilchenproduktion im mittleren Energiebereich wurden in Proton-Proton Kollisionen innerhalb der COMPASS-Kollaboration mit Hilfe des COMPASS-Spektrometers am SPS Beschleuniger am CERN untersucht. Die verschiedenen Produktionsmechanismen werden mittels Produktion der Vektormesonen omega und phi studiert und können die diffraktive Anregung des Strahlteilchens mit anschliessendem Zerfall der Resonanz, zentrale Produktion und den damit verwandten “Shake-off” Mechanismus enthalten. Die für diese Arbeit verwendeten Daten wurden in den Jahren 2008 und 2009 mit 190 GeV/c-Protonen aufgenommen, die auf ein Flüssigwasserstofftarget trafen. Das Target war von einem Rückstoßprotonendetektor umgeben, der ein integraler Bestandteil des neuentwickelten Hadrontriggersystems ist. Für dieses System wurden außerdem einige neue Detektoren gebaut. Die Leistungsfähigkeit des Rückstoßprotonendetektors und des Triggersystems wird untersucht und Effizienzen extrahiert. Außerdem wird sowohl eine Methode zur Rekonstruktion von Rückstoßprotonen als auch eine Methode zur Kalibration des Rückstoßprotonendetektors entwickelt und beschrieben. Die Produktion von omega-Mesonen wurde in der Reaktion pp -> p omega p, omega -> pi+pi-pi0 und die Produktion von phi-Mesonen in der Reaktion pp -> p phi p, phi -> K+K- bei einem Impulsübertrag zwischen 0.1 (GeV/c)^2 und 1 (GeV/c)^2 gemessen. Das Produktionsverhältnis s(pp -> p phi p)/s(pp -> p omega p) wird als Funktion des longitudinalen Impulsanteils xF bestimmt und mit der Vorhersage durch die Zweigregel verglichen. Es ergibt sich eine signifikante Verletzung der Zweigregel, die abhängig von xF ist. Die Verletzung wird in Verbindung zu resonanten Strukturen im pomega-Massenspektrum diskutiert. Die xF-Abhängigkeit verschwindet, wenn man die Region niedriger pomega- und pphi-Masse entfernt, die solche resonanten Strukturen aufweist. Zusätzlich wird die Spinausrichtung bzw. das Spindichtematrixelement rho00 für omega- und phi-Mesonen untersucht. Die Spinausrichtung wird im Helizitätssystemrnanalysiert, welches für eine Abgrenzung von resonanten, diffraktiven Anregungen geeignet ist. Außerdem wird die Spinausrichtung in einem Referenzsystem mit Bezug auf die Richtung des Impulsübertrags untersucht, mit dessen Hilfe zentrale Prozesse wie zentrale Produktion oder “shake-off” abgegrenzt werden. Auch hier wird eine Abhängigkeit von xF und der invarianten Masse des pomega-Systems beobachtet. Diese Abhängigkeit kann wieder auf die resonanten Strukturen in der Produktion von omega-Mesonen zurückgeführt werden. Die Ergebnisse werden abschließend im Hinblick auf die verschiedenen Produktionsmechanismen diskutiert.
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: Vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) is characterised by recurrent attacks of paradoxical adduction of the vocal cords during inspiration, accompanied clinically by dyspnoea attacks with inspiratory stridor lasting between minutes and hours. The aim of the study is to evaluate the self-perception of patients suffering from VCD and how they deal with aggressivity. METHODS: The Giessen Test (GT) and the Picture Frustration Test (PFT) were used on 6 patients with VCD. RESULTS: Five variables show significant differences between the patients with VCD and the values of the normative groups. VCD-patients show an idealized image of themselves, ie relaxed, open, sociable, and capable of devotion. They do not reject accusations against them by others and rarely make self-criticism. In conflicts they behave passively, thus blocking their expression of aggressivity. CONCLUSIONS: In many cases organic disposition and trigger stimuli are thought to be responsible for provoking dyspnoea attacks in VCD. However, the self-perception of patients and their way of dealing with aggressivity strongly suggests that psychosocial factors play a great role in the development of VCD. This requires not only symptom-orientated therapy but also psychological counselling.
Some of the defining characteristics of narcissists include a grandiose sense of self-importance, preoccupation with success and power, a sense of infallibility, and a supreme confidence in their ability and intelligence. Ironically, many of these characteristics are rewarded in business organizations, which may explain why there seems to be so many narcissists in management positions. Assuming we will be dealing with narcissists throughout our career, it makes sense for us to understand what makes them tick, and more importantly what we can do to work with them in a constructive manner.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the consecutive treatment results regarding pterygium recurrence and the efficacy of exclusive strontium-/yttrium-90 beta-irradiation for primary and recurrent pterygia and to analyze the functional outcome. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between October 1974 and December 2005, 58 primary and 21 recurrent pterygia were exclusively treated with strontium-/yttrium-90 beta-irradiation with doses ranging from 3,600 to 5,500 cGy. The follow-up time was 46.6 +/- 26.7 months, with a median of 46.5 months. RESULTS: The treatment led to a size reduction in all pterygia (p < 0.0001). Neither recurrences nor side effects were observed during therapy and follow-up in this study. Best-corrected visual acuity increased (p = 0.0064). Corneal astigmatism was reduced in recurrent pterygia (p = 0.009). CONCLUSION: Exclusive strontium-/yttrium-90 beta-irradiation of pterygia is a very efficient and well-tolerated treatment, with remarkable aesthetic and rehabilitative results in comparison to conventional treatments, especially for recurrent lesions which have undergone prior surgical excision.