966 resultados para event-related potentials (ERPs)
Whether different brain networks are involved in generating unimanual responses to a simple visual stimulus presented in the ipsilateral versus contralateral hemifield remains a controversial issue. Visuo-motor routing was investigated with event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) using the Poffenberger reaction time task. A 2 hemifield x 2 response hand design generated the "crossed" and "uncrossed" conditions, describing the spatial relation between these factors. Both conditions, with responses executed by the left or right hand, showed a similar spatial pattern of activated areas, including striate and extrastriate areas bilaterally, SMA, and M1 contralateral to the responding hand. These results demonstrated that visual information is processed bilaterally in striate and extrastriate visual areas, even in the "uncrossed" condition. Additional analyses based on sorting data according to subjects' reaction times revealed differential crossed versus uncrossed activity only for the slowest trials, with response strength in infero-temporal cortices significantly correlating with crossed-uncrossed differences (CUD) in reaction times. Collectively, the data favor a parallel, distributed model of brain activation. The presence of interhemispheric interactions and its consequent bilateral activity is not determined by the crossed anatomic projections of the primary visual and motor pathways. Distinct visuo-motor networks need not be engaged to mediate behavioral responses for the crossed visual field/response hand condition. While anatomical connectivity heavily influences the spatial pattern of activated visuo-motor pathways, behavioral and functional parameters appear to also affect the strength and dynamics of responses within these pathways.
Background: Actions of others may have immediate consequences for oneself. We probed the neural responses associated with the observation of another person"s action using event-related potentials in a modified gambling task. In this task a"performer" bet either a higher or lower number and could win or lose this amount. Three different groups of"observers" were also studied. The first (neutral) group simply observed the performer"s action, which had no consequences for the observers. In the second (parallel) group, wins/losses of the performer were paralleled by similar wins and losses by the observer. In the third (reverse) group, wins of the performer led to a loss of the observer and vice versa. Results: ERPs of the performers showed a mediofrontal feedback related negativity (FRN) to losses. The neutral and parallel observer groups did similarly show an FRN response to the performer"s losses with a topography indistinguishable from that seen in the performers. In the reverse group, however, the FRN occurred for wins of the performer which translated to losses for the observer. Conclusions: Taking into account previous experiments, we suggest that the FRN response in observers is driven by two evaluative processes (a) related to the benefit/loss for oneself and (b) related to the benefit/loss of another person
Affective states influence subsequent attention allocation. We evaluated emotional negativity bias modulation by reappraisal in patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) relative to normal controls. Event-related potential (ERP) recordings were obtained, and changes in P200 and P300 amplitudes in response to negative or neutral words were noted after decreasing negative emotion or establishing a neutral condition. We found that in GAD patients only, the mean P200 amplitude after negative word presentation was much higher than after the presentation of neutral words. In normal controls, after downregulation of negative emotion, the mean P300 amplitude in response to negative words was much lower than after neutral words, and this was significant in both the left and right regions. In GAD patients, the negative bias remained prominent and was not affected by reappraisal at the early stage. Reappraisal was observed to have a lateralized effect at the late stage.
Les commotions cérébrales d’origine sportive sont fréquentes chez les athlètes professionnels et semblent l’être tout autant chez les jeunes sportifs. Chez l’adulte, les symptômes se résorbent dans la majorité des cas assez rapidement (7-10 jours), mais la récupération peut s’avérer différente chez les jeunes. Plusieurs études utilisant les potentiels évoqués cognitifs ont découvert des anomalies cérébrales en l’absence de symptômes cliniques observables chez l'adulte. Toutefois, peu de données scientifiques sont disponibles sur les répercussions d’un tel impact sur le cerveau en développement. Le but de l’étude était de déterminer s’il existe une relation entre l’âge de survenue au moment de la commotion et la gravité des déficits. Cette étude transversale a évalué le fonctionnement cognitif de sportifs par des tests neuropsychologiques ainsi que les mécanismes neuronaux de l’orientation de l’attention (P3a) et de mise à jour de l’information en mémoire de travail (P3b) à l’aide de potentiels évoqués cognitifs. Les athlètes étaient répartis selon trois groupes d’âge [9-12 ans (n=32); 13-16 ans (n=34); adultes (n=30)], la moitié ayant subi une commotion dans la dernière année. Les comparaisons entre les groupes ont été effectuées par une série d’ANOVAs. Comparativement au groupe contrôle, les adolescents commotionnés présentaient des déficits de mémoire de travail. Les athlètes commotionnés démontraient une réduction de l’amplitude de la P3b comparativement aux non-commotionnés. Les résultats illustrent la présence de déficits neurophysiologiques persistants et ce, au moins six mois suivant l’impact. Les enfants semblent aussi sensibles que les adultes aux effets délétères d’une commotion cérébrale et les conséquences s’avèrent plus sévères chez l’adolescent.
Le vieillissement normal est souvent associé à des changements cognitifs négatifs, notamment sur les performances cognitives. Cependant, des changements comportementaux et cérébraux positifs ont aussi été observés. Ces modifications indiquent l’existence d’une plasticité cérébrale dans le vieillissement normal. Ainsi, plusieurs facteurs ont été étudiés afin de mieux connaitre les modulateurs de cette plasticité dite positive. La plupart des études évaluant ce phénomène ont utilisé la technique d’imagerie par résonance magnétique alors que la technique des potentiels évoqués a été beaucoup moins utilisée. Cette technique est basée sur les enregistrements de l’activité électrique cérébrale très sensible aux changements anatomiques associés au vieillissement et permet donc d’observer de manière précise les variations du décours temporel des ondes éléctrophysiologiques lors du traitement des informations. Les travaux de cette thèse visent à étudier les modifications de plasticité cérébrale induites par des facteurs protecteurs/préventifs du vieillissement normal et notamment lors de la réalisation de tâches impliquant le contrôle attentionnel, grâce à l’analyse de signaux électroencéphalographiques en potentiels évoqués. Dans un premier temps, une description de l’analyse des données EEG en potentiels évoqués sera fournie, suivie d’une revue de littérature sur le contrôle attentionnel et les facteurs de plasticité dans le vieillissement normal (Chapitre 1). Cette revue de littérature mettra en avant, d’une part la diminution des capacités de contrôle de l’attention dans le vieillissement et d’autre part, les facteurs protecteurs du vieillissement ainsi que la plasticité cérébrale qui leur est associée. Ces facteurs sont connus pour avoir un effet positif sur le déficit lié à l’âge. La première étude de ce projet (Chapitre 2) vise à définir l’effet d’un facteur de réserve cognitive, le niveau d’éducation, sur les composantes des potentiels évoqués chez les personnes âgées. Cette étude mettra en avant une composante des potentiels évoqués, la P200, comme indice de plasticité lorsqu’elle est liée au niveau d’éducation. Cet effet sera observé sur deux tâches expérimentales faisant intervenir des processus de contrôle attentionnel. De plus, une différence d’épaisseur corticale sera observée : les personnes âgées ayant un plus haut niveau d’éducation ont un cortex cingulaire antérieur plus épais. La deuxième étude (Chapitre 3) cherche à déterminer, chez les personnes âgées, les modifications comportementales et en potentiels évoqués induites par trois entraînements cognitifs, entrainements visant l’amélioration de processus attentionnels différents : l’attention focalisée, l’attention divisée, ainsi que la modulation de l’attention. Au niveau comportemental, les entraînements induisent tous une amélioration des performances. Cependant, l’entraînement en modulation de l’attention est le seul à induire une amélioration du contrôle attentionnel. Les résultats éléctrophysiologiques indiquent la N200 comme composante sensible à la plasticité cérébrale à la suite d’entraînements cognitifs. L’entraînement en modulation de l’attention est le seul à induire une modification de cette composante dans toutes les conditions des tests. Les résultats de ces études suggèrent que les facteurs protecteurs du vieillissement permettent des changements positifs observés en potentiels évoqués. En effet, nous mettons en évidence des phénomènes de plasticité cérébrale des personnes âgées qui diffèrent selon leurs origines. L’impact de ces résultats ainsi que les limites et perspectives futures seront présentés en fin de thèse (Chapitre 4).
Le traitement visuel répété d’un visage inconnu entraîne une suppression de l’activité neuronale dans les régions préférentielles aux visages du cortex occipito-temporal. Cette «suppression neuronale» (SN) est un mécanisme primitif hautement impliqué dans l’apprentissage de visages, pouvant être détecté par une réduction de l’amplitude de la composante N170, un potentiel relié à l’événement (PRE), au-dessus du cortex occipito-temporal. Le cortex préfrontal dorsolatéral (CPDL) influence le traitement et l’encodage visuel, mais sa contribution à la SN de la N170 demeure inconnue. Nous avons utilisé la stimulation électrique transcrânienne à courant direct (SETCD) pour moduler l’excitabilité corticale du CPDL de 14 adultes sains lors de l’apprentissage de visages inconnus. Trois conditions de stimulation étaient utilisées: inhibition à droite, excitation à droite et placebo. Pendant l’apprentissage, l’EEG était enregistré afin d’évaluer la SN de la P100, la N170 et la P300. Trois jours suivant l’apprentissage, une tâche de reconnaissance était administrée où les performances en pourcentage de bonnes réponses et temps de réaction (TR) étaient enregistrées. Les résultats indiquent que la condition d’excitation à droite a facilité la SN de la N170 et a augmentée l’amplitude de la P300, entraînant une reconnaissance des visages plus rapide à long-terme. À l’inverse, la condition d’inhibition à droite a causé une augmentation de l’amplitude de la N170 et des TR plus lents, sans affecter la P300. Ces résultats sont les premiers à démontrer que la modulation d’excitabilité du CPDL puisse influencer l’encodage visuel de visages inconnus, soulignant l’importance du CPDL dans les mécanismes d’apprentissage de base.
Event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (efMRI) has emerged as a powerful technique for detecting brains' responses to presented stimuli. A primary goal in efMRI data analysis is to estimate the Hemodynamic Response Function (HRF) and to locate activated regions in human brains when specific tasks are performed. This paper develops new methodologies that are important improvements not only to parametric but also to nonparametric estimation and hypothesis testing of the HRF. First, an effective and computationally fast scheme for estimating the error covariance matrix for efMRI is proposed. Second, methodologies for estimation and hypothesis testing of the HRF are developed. Simulations support the effectiveness of our proposed methods. When applied to an efMRI dataset from an emotional control study, our method reveals more meaningful findings than the popular methods offered by AFNI and FSL. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The paper describes the implementation of an offline, low-cost Brain Computer Interface (BCI) alternative to more expensive commercial models. Using inexpensive general purpose clinical EEG acquisition hardware (Truscan32, Deymed Diagnostic) as the base unit, a synchronisation module was constructed to allow the EEG hardware to be operated precisely in time to allow for recording of automatically time stamped EEG signals. The synchronising module allows the EEG recordings to be aligned in stimulus time locked fashion for further processing by the classifier to establish the class of the stimulus, sample by sample. This allows for the acquisition of signals from the subject’s brain for the goal oriented BCI application based on the oddball paradigm. An appropriate graphical user interface (GUI) was constructed and implemented as the method to elicit the required responses (in this case Event Related Potentials or ERPs) from the subject.
The human mirror neuron system (hMNS) has been associated with various forms of social cognition and affective processing including vicarious experience. It has also been proposed that a faulty hMNS may underlie some of the deficits seen in the autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). In the present study we set out to investigate whether emotional facial expressions could modulate a putative EEG index of hMNS activation (mu suppression) and if so, would this differ according to the individual level of autistic traits [high versus low Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) score]. Participants were presented with 3 s films of actors opening and closing their hands (classic hMNS mu-suppression protocol) while simultaneously wearing happy, angry, or neutral expressions. Mu-suppression was measured in the alpha and low beta bands. The low AQ group displayed greater low beta event-related desynchronization (ERD) to both angry and neutral expressions. The high AQ group displayed greater low beta ERD to angry than to happy expressions. There was also significantly more low beta ERD to happy faces for the low than for the high AQ group. In conclusion, an interesting interaction between AQ group and emotional expression revealed that hMNS activation can be modulated by emotional facial expressions and that this is differentiated according to individual differences in the level of autistic traits. The EEG index of hMNS activation (mu suppression) seems to be a sensitive measure of the variability in facial processing in typically developing individuals with high and low self-reported traits of autism.
Different theoretical accounts of second language (L2) acquisition differ with respect to whether or not advanced learners are predicted to show native like processing for features not instantiated in the native language (L1). We examined how native speakers of English, a language with number but not gender agreement, process number and gender agreement in Spanish. We compare agreement within a determiner phrase (órgano muy complejo “[DP organ-MASC-SG very complex-MASC-SG]”) and across a verb phrase (cuadro es auténtico “painting-MASC-SG [VP is authentic-MASC-SG]”) in order to investigate whether native like processing is limited to local domains (e.g. within the phrase), in line with Clahsen and Felser (2006). We also examine whether morphological differences in how the L1 and L2 realize a shared feature impact processing by comparing number agreement between nouns and adjectives, where only Spanish instantiates agreement, and between demonstratives and nouns, where English also instantiates agreement. Similar to Spanish natives, advanced learners showed a P600 for both number and gender violations overall, in line with the Full Transfer/Full Access Hypothesis (Schwartz and Sprouse, 1996), which predicts that learners can show native-like processing for novel features. Results also show that learners can establish syntactic dependencies outside of local domains, as suggested by the presence of a P600 for both within and across phrase violations. Moreover, similar to native speakers, learners were impacted by the structural distance (number of intervening phrases) between the agreeing elements, as suggested by the more positive waveforms for within than across-phrase agreement overall. These results are consistent with the proposal that learners are sensitive to hierarchical structure.
Background Event-related desynchronization/synchronization (ERD/ERS) is a relative power decrease/increase of electroencephalogram (EEG) in a specific frequency band during physical motor execution and mental motor imagery, thus it is widely used for the brain-computer interface (BCI) purpose. However what the ERD really reflects and its frequency band specific role have not been agreed and are under investigation. Understanding the underlying mechanism which causes a significant ERD would be crucial to improve the reliability of the ERD-based BCI. We systematically investigated the relationship between conditions of actual repetitive hand movements and resulting ERD. Methods Eleven healthy young participants were asked to close/open their right hand repetitively at three different speeds (Hold, 1/3 Hz, and 1 Hz) and four distinct motor loads (0, 2, 10, and 15 kgf). In each condition, participants repeated 20 experimental trials, each of which consisted of rest (8–10 s), preparation (1 s) and task (6 s) periods. Under the Hold condition, participants were instructed to keep clenching their hand (i.e., isometric contraction) during the task period. Throughout the experiment, EEG signals were recorded from left and right motor areas for offline data analysis. We obtained time courses of EEG power spectrum to discuss the modulation of mu and beta-ERD/ERS due to the task conditions. Results We confirmed salient mu-ERD (8–13 Hz) and slightly weak beta-ERD (14–30 Hz) on both hemispheres during repetitive hand grasping movements. According to a 3 × 4 ANOVA (speed × motor load), both mu and beta-ERD during the task period were significantly weakened under the Hold condition, whereas no significant difference in the kinetics levels and interaction effect was observed. Conclusions This study investigates the effect of changes in kinematics and kinetics on resulting ERD during repetitive hand grasping movements. The experimental results suggest that the strength of ERD may reflect the time differentiation of hand postures in motor planning process or the variation of proprioception resulting from hand movements, rather than the motor command generated in the down stream, which recruits a group of motor neurons.
The objective of this study was to perform a systematic review regarding the effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) on the cognitive event-related potential P300. A search was performed of the PubMed database, using the keywords "transcranial magnetic stimulation" and "P300." Eight articles were selected and, after analysis of references, one additional article was added to the list. We found the comparison among studies to be difficult, as the information regarding the effects of TMS on P300 is both scarce and heterogeneous with respect to the parameters used in TMS stimulation and the elicitation of P300. However, 7 of 9 studies found positive results. New studies need to be carried out in order to understand the contribution of these variables and others to the alteration in the latency and amplitude of the P300 wave.
Objective: To characterize the PI component of long latency auditory evoked potentials (LLAEPs) in cochlear implant users with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder (ANSD) and determine firstly whether they correlate with speech perception performance and secondly whether they correlate with other variables related to cochlear implant use. Methods: This study was conducted at the Center for Audiological Research at the University of Sao Paulo. The sample included 14 pediatric (4-11 years of age) cochlear implant users with ANSD, of both sexes, with profound prelingual hearing loss. Patients with hypoplasia or agenesis of the auditory nerve were excluded from the study. LLAEPs produced in response to speech stimuli were recorded using a Smart EP USB Jr. system. The subjects' speech perception was evaluated using tests 5 and 6 of the Glendonald Auditory Screening Procedure (GASP). Results: The P-1 component was detected in 12/14 (85.7%) children with ANSD. Latency of the P-1 component correlated with duration of sensorial hearing deprivation (*p = 0.007, r = 0.7278), but not with duration of cochlear implant use. An analysis of groups assigned according to GASP performance (k-means clustering) revealed that aspects of prior central auditory system development reflected in the P-1 component are related to behavioral auditory skills. Conclusions: In children with ANSD using cochlear implants, the P-1 component can serve as a marker of central auditory cortical development and a predictor of the implanted child's speech perception performance. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Studies about cortical auditory evoked potentials using the speech stimuli in normal hearing individuals are important for understanding how the complexity of the stimulus influences the characteristics of the cortical potential generated. OBJECTIVE: To characterize the cortical auditory evoked potential and the P3 auditory cognitive potential with the vocalic and consonantal contrast stimuli in normally hearing individuals. METHOD: 31 individuals with no risk for hearing, neurologic and language alterations, in the age range between 7 and 30 years, participated in this study. The cortical auditory evoked potentials and the P3 auditory cognitive one were recorded in the Fz and Cz active channels using consonantal (/ba/-/da/) and vocalic (/i/-/a/) speech contrasts. Design: A crosssectional prospective cohort study. RESULTS: We found a statistically significant difference between the speech contrast used and the latencies of the N2 (p = 0.00) and P3 (p = 0.00) components, as well as between the active channel considered (Fz/Cz) and the P3 latency and amplitude values. These correlations did not occur for the exogenous components N1 and P2. CONCLUSION: The speech stimulus contrast, vocalic or consonantal, must be taken into account in the analysis of the cortical auditory evoked potential, N2 component, and auditory cognitive P3 potential.