947 resultados para espaço geográfico
Investiga-se diferentes trajetórias de agentes que desenvolvem conjuntos de atividades convergentes para a pecuária bovina de corte na região sudeste do Pará, especificamente no município de São Félix do Xingu, uma nova frente pioneira na Amazônia e uma das zonas de maior índice de desmatamento. Articula-se conceitos de espaço geográfico e território às noções de paradigmas e trajetórias tecnológicas para abordagem multidisciplinar da realidade amazônica, com a mobilização de diversas ferramentas científicas, com destaque para a geografia, economia e antropologia. Para alcançar este objetivo, desenvolveu-se uma metodologia de levantamento e análise de dados chamada de Análise de Coerências Sucessivas com vistas à realização de etnografias de agentes camponeses e patronais para compreender a relação entre as trajetórias que desenvolvem esses agentes e a dinâmica do território. Verifica-se que a relação entre essas duas categorias de agentes é sistêmica, não só na divisão do trabalho quanto na geopolítica de uso do território.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este livro analisa a racionalização das tradições num contexto de modernidade tardia. A análise tem como ponto de partida as tradições gaúchas e sua manifestação nos Centros de Tradição Gaúcha (CTG). O estudo foi desenvolvido com base na bibliografia especializada sobre o tema e em uma pesquisa efetuada durante o ENART 2008 - Encontro de Arte e Tradição Gaúcha, realizado em 2008 na cidade de Santa Cruz do Sul - RS. Os estudos apontam que a modernidade tardia traz à tona a reflexividade e racionalização das relações, experiências e tradições. Tradições são (re)inventadas e, neste caso, (re)inventadas tendo o CTG como cenário e esta (re)invenção permite manter os vínculos e a sociabilidade do grupo sócio-cultural que se reconhece enquanto grupo e se diferencia dos demais por identificar-se em torno de símbolos, práticas, crenças e rituais que os une, pois é comum a todos eles, independente do espaço geográfico que ocupem. Na modernidade tardia o caráter de ludicidade atribuído às tradições (re)inventadas no CTG é o fio condutor para inúmeras relações que se estabelecem nesse cenário e é o combustível de todas as práticas e rituais vivenciados ali. A ludicidade das atividades dá sentido às práticas tradicionalistas e à toda tradição que foi (re)inventada e que passa a ser racionalizada no contexto de modernidade reflexiva. Essa apropriação do caráter lúdico das tradições e as relações estabelecidas no CTG a partir dos símbolos, práticas e rituais sinalizam que estamos vivenciando no Brasil um contexto de modernidade tardia. No contexto da modernidade tardia, a tradição racionalizada é uma maneira de evitar choques entre diferentes valores e modos de vida, uma vez que age como articuladora de atores e grupos sociais, entre as diferentes instâncias do mundo social.
Neste livro, o autor discute as recorrentes epidemias de dengue no Brasil (e no mundo) sob a ótica da geografia da saúde. Segundo ele, a doença - que havia sido erradicada em vários países, incluindo o Brasil, entre as décadas de 1950 e 1970 - teve seu caráter modificado com a expansão e consolidação desigual dos espaços urbanos. No território brasileiro tal expansão foi acompanhada do aumento exponencial do número e do tamanho das cidades, do crescimento do fluxo de pessoas e materiais e, aliada a esses fatores, da degradação da saúde pública. O mosquito Aedes aegypti, vetor da dengue, adaptou-se facilmente ao novo contexto e passou a se reproduzir e contaminar pessoas até com mais facilidade, inclusive disseminando em grande escala a versão mais letal da moléstia, a dengue hemorrágica. Para o pesquisador, só é possível compreender essa mudança qualitativa e quantitativa da doença em todo o mundo e, sobretudo, compreender sua dinâmica particularmente no Brasil, levando-se em conta as mudanças que ocorreram na sociedade e no espaço geográfico nesse período. Isto é, aliás, segundo ele, condição sine qua non para a erradicação definitiva da dengue no país.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Paulista West region has suffered through the decades an intense process of deforestation when substituting native areas of Atlantic rainforest and Cerrado by agricultural cultivation, mainly coffee in the 20th century. This occupation process without planning and management of the soil resulted in serious erosion problems. Besides, the soil erosion promoted the reduction of agricultural production and the silting of rivers. This paper aims identify the factors of natural scope (geological, geomorphologic and pedologic characteristics) which participate in unleash of erosion process in two agricultural properties producers of coffee in order to apply mechanical techniques of recovery in erosive focuses of furrow and ravine kinds. One of the properties is at the city council of Getulina, located on the sandstones of Adamantina Formation; the other is at the city council of Vera Cruz, located on the sandstones of Marília Formation. However, taking into consideration the analysis of the natural dynamics, they are not enough to explain the complexity of the phenomena which are processed in the geographic space. It made indispensable the incorporation of socio-economic factors, such as the use and occupation process of the soil considering the society as landscape transformers. In order to better understand the importance of each one of the elements that contributes to the unleash of the studied erosions, it was collected soil samples in the areas, general descriptions and texture and morphologic analysis. Finally, it was elaborated the maps of the use and occupation of the soil and the vegetal coverage surrounding the properties studied. It was observed in the rural property of Getulina the substitution of the coffee by pasture that finds degraded. It, in addition to the cattle stomp, which changed the texture and density characteristics among the soil horizons, and the concentration of superficial water flow intensified the occurrence of ...
Along of the Brazilian territory is to encourage a lot of self-management communities, seeking a new way of social organization through of cultural practices and economic antagonistic logic of the capitalist system. These communities create a lifestyle which we are not used in the context of modern life, they are focused to a greater preservation of nature, to an economy based on spiritualization and cultural exchange. The peculiarity of these communities is to offer the same structure as a modern city, electricity, clothing, basic sanitation, food among others, which the state already offers, but with alternative ways.For a more specific study was selected community-Porangaba Future Vision, São Paulo. Through this case of study, it is thought to enable a better understanding of how it is possible within a country emerge a community that creates its own structure encompassed by cultural practices and economic characteristics and finally understanding what are the effects on the geographic area
Cartography is one of the languages that express the knowledge of the geographic space and, therefore, the official curriculum proposals have highlighted the importance of the geography teaching which articulates its contents with this language in primary education. So, we present an analysis of the content selected to the curriculum mapping specifications of the São Paulo faz escola material, specifically for the 6th year of Elementary School II, version 2009. From the perspective of qualitative research, with instruments and techniques of quantitative and qualitative research, we analyzed documents and observed little concern with the proposition works that present the physical and social characteristics of the state of São Paulo. Also, we noticed the lack of concern with representations in local and regional scales. The research brings many examples on the global scale. It explores few activities using graphics and charts. Despite bringing thematic maps in their entirety, it does not show an example of conical projection as well as cartograms and anamorphosis. Furthermore, the trend of a technicist education is announced in the document
Cartografia temática do atlas de sensibilidade ambiental a derramamentos de óleo do litoral paulista
The objective of this paper is the elaboration and implementation of procedures in a cartographic representation related by fundamental of thematic cartography and graphic semiology for the standardization of the Environmental Oil Spill Sensitivity Maps supported by a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for handling and modeling of a large number of variables. These make up the Environmental Sensitivity Atlas to Oil Spills in Coastal Paulista, and that represents the phenomena that occur in geographic space accurately so as to highlight the importance of each element in the evaluation and protection of areas of greater sensitivity oil. The composition of the cartographic documents considers the Littoral Sensitivity Index (LSI), biological resources and the resources for human use that could be negatively impacted. Thus, the information contained in each map was carefully evaluated before implementation, so that the cartographic representations of various resources, environments, and other ISLs, the reader should issue an immediate message that could be understood clearly, without requiring prior knowledge of specialized. Another aspect was the distribution harmoniously all the elements contained in the document, so that information could be enough without overwhelming it. It was also taken a certain care, so each symbol could be used properly in order that there is no conflict in the information.
It is commonplace to rely on the notion that thought is expressed from a historical and geographical context that reveals the special nature of the thinking subject. In ways and wanderings of thought, the literature shows up as a means both permissive and facilitating the possibility of expression of thought, from the written language, also depend on the temporalities and spatialities that concern you. Based on the identification of a dominant matrix of thought, given by comtean positivism and the neopositivism or logical positivism, a historical and geographical context imbued with the defining characteristics of temporalities and spatialities own perspective and written language as a medium and as support for expression of thought is that we propose to discuss the clues that identify the Lobato narrative expressed in Geography of Dona Benta, a work dating from 1935, an idea of space and nation. What notions of geographic space tells Lobato? What are your references to address landscape and territory? What representation of nation and national identity proposes in his narrative? Pursuing this aim, we seek to contribute to the substantiation of geographical knowledge from a critical effort of thinking about and doing geography
This paper aims to study the proposal of ecological corridors as integration solution spaces that present fragmentation of vegetation. The geographic space is composed of physical and human characteristics and interrelation between the different variables result in different landscapes. The landscape ecology provides an understanding of the heterogeneous landscape, which combines the space and ecosystem components. The spatial fragmentation of vegetation and is often the result of a number of factors. This new landscape composition presents different forms of economic exploitation of the soil (agriculture, pasture). The corridors are considered optional connection of plant debris, providing greater flow of species of fauna and flora reconstituting somehow Ecosystem site. The research aims to propose the restoration of an area devoid of natural plant its constitution, becoming restoration tool in a particular area of vegetation fragmented
The collective purchases translate into new business strategies that so far are poorly studied, but they have modifyied considerably the forms of consumption through the consumers individualisation, which causes changes in society's routine. The analysis of the theme was performed by study cases of collective shopping places in the city of Campinas, country of the state of São Paulo, and on its influence in the metropolitan area, which intented to understand, through custumers interviews, the contradictions and peculiarities of this service that has increased each day more . For this purpose, the research methodology is focused on the consumer , that's because the process of productive change tied to forms of trade and distribution of goods have been transforming social values considerably, based increasingly on impulsive consumming . Thus, to understand how the electronic commerce and more specifically the collective shopping websites works, it's necessary to examine the forms of commerce and the consumer's behavior in order to explain the city organization and the contradictions of the geographic space
The spatial formation of Rio Claro city preserves several features of the problematic transition from the slave to remunerated labor in the late 20th, when the tacit ethnic bipolar sociability standard emerged, imprinting “black” and “white” forms to the city’s urban space. The ethnic social clubs José do Patrocínio and Tamoio, are two objects of ethnic groups’ exclusive use. Such ethnic social clubs indicate the existence of conflicts in their formation, as well as in their present existence, they are forms that preserve in themselves the codes and histories of the local black movement’s fight for their rights and for an autonomous place in the local society. In the present context the spaces are increasingly subjected to commercial interests and the spirits are embedded in confusion. What is the value of these spaces for the subjects who built them? The versions and narratives from oral accounts will allow us to understand the existing dimensions in the relation between the places and the memory, evidencing the importance of the patrimony and the patrimonial policies to the cities in the present historical period of geographic space globalization
This monograph aims to contribute to the understanding and analysis of extreme events and its correlation with anthropogenic actions, in order to understand the levels of human interference in the environment and to identify potential social and environmental damage that such events may result in Ubatuba, located on the northern coast of São Paulo state. Therefore, two strategies were established, on one hand, episodic analysis of extreme weather events, and on the other, the analysis of the impact of atmospheric phenomena in everyday society. In this case we gave greater emphasis to analysis years that had higher total rainfall. In this sense, the research was based on the standard deviation technique and percentages, which supported to characterize the exceptional rainy years, in addition, use of rhythm analysis technique that has helped to identify the active atmospheric systems. From a qualitative point of view, field works were carried out in order to make use of news by the local press and civil defense for years considered extreme (positive standard deviation). From this, it was analyzed how the extreme episodes of rainfall trigger repercussions in geographic space. Also the spatial distribution of rainfall were carried out by means of quantitative analysis of six rain gauges. It was found that the highest occurrences of impacts, are located in the central areas of the city, as well as the highest rainfall totals. In fact, Ubatuba/SP suffers from very high rainfall totals and has a singularity on the climate...
The Geomorphology is to study the relevant object, which is the substrate where there are social relations, where society draws the natural resources for their survival and structure its immediate surroundings. In this context, the geomorphological map is currently considered as an important tool in landscape research. The landscapes of the city of Estrela do Norte-SP and surroundings consist mostly of geological substratum of sedimentary rock formations of Adamantina and Santo Anastácio (IPT, 1981a). Geomorphologically dominated by large reliefs of gently rolling hills tops and pedologicamente, the Oxisols and Ultisols Red-Yellow (Oliveira et al., 1999), which historically without proper management, formed a serious degradation of erosive framework in the study area. Thus, this study aimed to produce a map of the major compartments of the municipality Estrela do Norte-SP and surrounding areas, using techniques of digital stereoscopy. In relation to the procedures used in developing the mapping of geomorphological compartments, the main references were Tricart (1965) and Ross (1992). To prepare the mapping applied to refund technique - 3D through the ALOS / PRISM images...