999 resultados para esforço físico
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O treinamento físico (TF) aeróbio tem sido utilizado como um importante tratamento não farmacológico na hipertensão arterial (HA), uma vez que ele reduz a pressão arterial. Estudos mostram que as anormalidades do músculo esquelético na HA estão associados à rarefação capilar, um aumento na porcentagem de fibras de contração rápida (tipo II), com predominância do metabolismo glicolítico e um aumento da fadiga muscular. Entretanto, pouco se conhece sobre os efeitos do TF sobre estes parâmetros na HA. Nós hipotetizamos que o TF corrija a rarefação capilar potencialmente contribuindo para a restauração da proporção dos tipos de fibras musculares. Ratos espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR, n=14) e Wistar Kyoto (WKY, n=14) com 12 semanas de vida e divididos em 4 grupos: SHR, SHR treinado (SHR-T), WKY e WKY treinado (WKY-T) foram estudados. Como esperado, 10 semanas de TF foi efetivo em reduzir a pressão arterial em SHR-T. Além disso, avaliamos os principais marcadores de TF. A bradicardia de repouso, o aumento da tolerância a realização de esforço, do consumo de oxigênio de pico e da atividade da enzima citrato sintase muscular nos grupos de animais treinados (WKY-T e SHR-T) mostram que a condição aeróbia foi alcançada com este TF. O TF também corrigiu a rarefação capilar no músculo sóleo em SHR-T. Em paralelo, foi observada uma redução na porcentagem de fibras do tipo IIA e IIX, ao passo que aumentou a porcentagem de fibras do tipo I induzidas pelo TF na HA. Estes resultados sugerem que o TF previne as alterações na composição dos tipos de fibras no músculo sóleo em SHR, uma vez que a angiogênese e o aumento da atividade da enzima citrato sintase são umas das mais importantes adaptações ao TF aeróbio, atuando na manutenção do metabolismo oxidativo e do perfil de fibras do músculo.
Avaliar os efeitos da suplementação oral de L-carnitina associada ao treinamento físico e muscular respiratório na doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC). Participaram 14 voluntários com idade de 65±10,4 anos e diagnóstico clínico de DPOC moderado, classificados de acordo com a espirometria prévia. Os voluntários foram divididos em grupo treino esteira (GTE) e grupo treino muscular respiratório (GTMR). Realizaram o teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6'), teste de caminhada com carga progressiva (TCP), avaliação nutricional do índice de massa corpórea (IMC), dose diária recomendada de L-carnitina, pressões inspiratórias (PImáx) e expiratórias máximas (PEmáx). Fizeram 30 min de caminhada em esteira, 3 vezes/semana por 10 semanas, e o GTMR realizou, ainda, 10 min de treinamento muscular inspiratório (Threshold® IMT) e 10 min de treinamento muscular expiratório (Threshold® PEP) à 50% da PImáx e PEmáx ajustados semanalmente. Após 10 semanas, foram reavaliados. No TC6' pré e pós-programa de treinamento físico, as variáveis alteradas foram: distância percorrida (DP), frequência cardíaca (FC) final, pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) final, pressão arterial diastólica (PAD) final e Borg final no GTMR, no GTE as variáveis alteradas foram FC repouso, FC final, PAS final, Borg repouso e DP. Comparando os grupos no TC6, o GTE apresentou FC final, PAD final e Borg final maiores do que o GTMR na reavaliação; já no TCP, a FC final, PAS final, Borg final foram maiores no GTE, e DP foi maior no GTMR. Na avaliação respiratória, a PEmáx foi maior no GTMR na reavaliação. O treino aeróbio e suplementação de L-carnitina na DPOC otimizou a performance, a capacidade física e a tolerância ao esforço.
Introduction: Several modifications are identified as aging, causing more or less limitation imposed by over the years. Among these, one can highlight the different degrees of cognitive decline, particularly memory that can involve the daily activities and the subject functionality. Studies have shown an association between levels of serum cortisol and stress imposed by the exercise on this. However, there are few studies that references the performance on cognitive aspects of declarative memory and cortisol on the exercise in the water with automatic and práxicos movements and moderate. Objective: Check the effect based on the acute physical exercise and práxicos automatic movements on the performance of visual declarative memory and in serum cortisol in subjects aged between 51 and 74 years. Materials and Methods: It builds a survey characterized as cross with a first sample of 32 physically active subjects aged between 51 and 74 years, divided into two exercise groups (March of Automatic Group - MAG and the March of Praxis Group - MPG). We used a probabilistic and random sampling for sample selection. Used the MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination) to check the general cognitive status, visual acuity test - optotypes chart "E" Rasquin and was even used the declarative visual memory test proposed by Nitrini and collaborators (1994), applying before motor stimulation and immediately after, and the day of blood collection with 2 ml for analysis of cortisol hormone. The normality and homogeneity were verified from the Shapiro-Wilk and Levene tests. Thus we adopted a descriptive statistics to characterize the sample. The Split-Plot ANOVA was used along with the paired t-test to verify the identified differences. We adopted a significance level of p <0.05. Results: It was observed that the groups (MAG and MPG) and the anthropometric variables, perceived exertion, education, cognitive assessment and visual acuity showed no significant differences (p > 0.05), showing that the groups are homogeneous, with variables and similar means. After the stimulation session, lasting 30 min, it was observed that the amount of hits for Δ of declarative memory questionnaire visual images increased, presenting significant for both groups (MAG, p < 0.001; MPG, p = 0.042). The same was observed for cortisol concentration with a reduction in the levels immediately after the stimulus (MAG and MPG, p < 0.001). Conclusion: The results showed that the exercises proposed in its acute effect provide significantly memories of gains and also showed a reduction in cortisol levels.
This text describes an experiment on fractional precipitation of a polymer together with determination of average degree of polymerization by NMR. Commercial sodium polyphosphate was fractionated by precipitation from aqueous solution by adding increasing amounts of acetone. The polydisperse salt and nine fractions obtained from it were analyzed by 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and the degree of polymerization of the salts and of the fractions were calculated. Long-chain sodium polyphosphate was also synthesized and analyzed. This experiment was tested in a PChem lab course but it can be used also to illustrate topics of inorganic polymers and analytical chemistry.
Edibles films are an alternative to synthetic materials used for packing food products. Barbados cherry is rich in vitamin C and carotenoids. The aim of this study was to characterize and develop films by casting from cassava starch, lyophilized Barbados cherry pulp and glycerol. The films were characterized with respect to thickness, water vapor permeability (WVP), water solubility, vitamin C, carotene and mechanical properties. The interaction of pulp and glycerol reduced film thickness. An increase in pulp concentration up to 60% increased WVP but beyond this concentration reduced both WVP and solubility leading to an increased level of vitamin C and β carotene in the films.
The aim of this research was to study the effect of chemical additives (lime and Portland cement) associated with sodium silicate on soil in order to obtain compressed soil bricks. Mini panels were constructed with such bricks being their physical and mechanical characteristics determined in laboratory conditions and their behavior evaluated through the association of destructive and non-destructive methods. For this purpose a sandy soil and a finely divided one were added to Portland cement and lime in the dosage of 6% and 10% taken in dry weight basis in relation to the dry soil. The sodium silicate dosage of 4% was also taken in dry weight basis in relation to the dry soil-cement or to the dry soil-lime. The compressed soil bricks were cured in a humidity chamber for 7; 28; 56 and 91 days. The bricks were laid on the fourteenth day to form prismatic mini panels each one with four layers of bricks. After 28; 56 and 91 days the mini panels were submitted to both; ultrasonic and compressive tests to determine its elastic properties (dynamic modulus) and the compressive resistance. The best results in terms of compressive strength, water absorption capacity or dynamic elastic modulus, were reached by the sandy soil added to 10% of Portland cement or lime associated with sodium silicate.
INTRODUCTION: Like in humans, lower amounts of glycogen are present in tissues of diabetic rats. However, training or drugs that lower glycemia can improve the metabolic control. Metformin increased glycogen while decreased glycemia in normal rats stressed by exercise. OBJECTIVE: In this work we investigated if regular exercise and metformin effects improve the metabolism of diabetic rats. METHODS: Alloxan diabetic Wistar rats treated with metformin (DTM) or not (DT) were trained. Training consisted of 20 sessions of 30 min, 5 days a week. Sedentary diabetic rats served as control (SD and SDM). Metformin (5.6 µg/g) was given in the drinking water. After 48 h resting, glucose (mg/dl) and insulin (ng/mL) was measured in plasma and glycogen (mg/100 mg of wet tissue) in liver, soleus and gastrocnemius. RESULTS: Glycemia decreased in DM group from 435±15 to 230±20, in DT group to 143±8.1 and in DTM group to 138±19 mg/dl. DM group had proportional increase in the hepatic glycogen from 1.69±0.22 to 3.53±0.24, and the training increased to 3.36 ± 0.16 mg/100 mg. Metformin induced the same proportional increase in the muscles (soleus from 0.21±0.008 to 0.42±0.03 and gastrocnemius from 0.33±0.02 to 0.46±0.03), while the training promoted increase on gastrocnemius to 0,53 ± 0,03, only. A high interaction was observed in liver (glycogen increased to 6.48±0.34). CONCLUSION: Very small oral doses of metformin and/or, partially restored glycemia in diabetic rats and decreased glycogen in tissues. Its association with an exercise program was beneficial, helping lower glycemia further and increase glycogen stores on liver of diabetic rats.
Handball is a sport that demands endurance associated with fast and powerful actions such as jumps, blocks, sprints and throws. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a 38-week systematic physical training applied to a women's under 21 handball team on upper and lower limb power, 30m sprints speed and endurance. The periodization applied was an adaptation of the Verkhoshansky theory, and aimed at two performance peaks during the season with six data collections. The median and range values for three kg medicine ball throwing was: 2.98m (2.15-3.50); 2.84m (2.43-3.20); 2.90m (2.60-3.38); 3.10 (2.83-3.81); 2.84 (2.55-3.57) and 3.34 (2.93-3.83). Regarding the three-pass running test: 5.60m (4.93-6.58); 5.37m (5.04-6.38); 5.36m (4.93-6.12); 5.65m (4.80-6.78); 5.63m (5.00-6.40) and 5.83m (5.14-6.05). Regarding the 30-m sprint test: 5.8m/s (5.45-6.44); 6,64 m/s (6,24-7,09); 5.65m/s (5.17-5.95); (there was not IV moment for this test); 6.19 m/s (5.57-6.26) and 5.83 (5.14-6.05).Regarding the 30-m sprint endurance test until 10% decrease: 4 sprints (4-6); 5 sprints (4-9); 4,5 sprints (4-16); (there was not IV moment for this test); 6 sprints (4-12) and 5 sprints (4-5). Significant differences (p<0.05) were observed in three kg medicine ball throwing and three-pass running tests at least in one of the performance peak planned, with no significant differences in 30-m sprint speed or endurance tests. The applied physical training was efficient at improving the specific physical fitness in the performance peaks, as well as giving support for better physical training adjustment for the upcoming season.
INTRODUCTION: Armies from all over the world acknowledge the importance of good physical fitness for the performance of military duties. The Military Exercise Training (MET) attempts to provide assistance to this search for better physical fitness and performance. OBJECTIVE: To verifying the effect on the body composition and physical performance of the students at ESPCEX (Military School for Preparation of Army Cadets) after 13 weeks of MET. METHODS: The sample was formed by 287 male students from the ESPCEX, whose average age was 18.33 ±1.26. Such students accomplished a boarding school routine, having defined schedules, meals and activities from which they were only released during the weekends. The MET was accomplished five days a week and it comprised both aerobic and resistance training. Measurement of body mass, height, skinfold (triceps, abdominal and suprailiac) was accomplished during pre and post training periods, and the following tests were performed: 12-minutes-run, oblique sit up, arm push up and pull up. Fat percentage, fat-free body mass and fat body mass were calculated using the anthropometric data based on the Guedes 3 skinfold protocol. RESULTS: Significant reduction in fat body mass, fat percentage and in triceptal and abdominal skinfold, as well as increase in suprailiac skinfold and fat-free body mass was observed when anthropometric and body composition data were compared, during the initial and the final periods of training. Significant improvement also occurred in all prformed physical tests, in which better performance was achieved. CONCLUSION: The acquired data suggest that performance of MET 5 days a week brought significantly improved body composition as well as physical performance
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física