900 resultados para engineering students


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It has become increasingly common for tasks traditionally carried out by engineers to be undertaken by technicians and technologist with access to sophisticated computers and software that can often perform complex calculations that were previously the responsibility of engineers. Not surprisingly, this development raises serious questions about the future role of engineers and the education needed to address these changes in technology as well as emerging priorities from societal to environmental challenges. In response to these challenges, a new design module was created for undergraduate engineering students to design and build temporary shelters for a wide variety of end users from refugees, to the homeless and children. Even though the module provided guidance on principles of design thinking and methods for observing users needs through field studies, the students found it difficult to respond to needs of specific end users but instead focused more on purely technical issues.


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BACKGROUND OR CONTEXT: For over 20 years, Deakin University has delivered an accredited undergraduate engineering course by means of distance education. Prior to 2004, off-campus students were not required to attend classes in person on campus. The course was designed so that the off campus students were able to undertake all study and assessment tasks remotely from the university campus. Offering accredited domestic undergraduate engineering courses via distance education has been seen as an important strategy for helping to provide graduate domestically educated engineers to meet Australia’s current and future needs. From 2000 the Australian accreditation management system for professional engineers, as managed by Engineers Australia, has increased its scrutiny of accredited domestic undergraduate engineering courses that were provided in distance-education mode. This led to a series of policies and recommendations for Australian universities that offer accredited engineering courses in distance-education mode: one of the recommendations was that off campus
enrolled engineering students should periodically attend some campus-based activities throughout the course. During the 2004 accreditation review of engineering courses at Deakin University, the
accreditation panel requested that mandatory campus-based activities be incorporated into the accredited undergraduate engineering course. Specifically the request was that Deakin mandate that all off-campus students enrolled in an accredited undergraduate engineering course provided by university attend in person a residential school at least once during every year of equivalent full-time study load. The accreditation panel suggested a program model for the residential school component of the course as developed by the University of Southern Queensland.
PURPOSE OR GOAL: This paper describes the development of the mandatory residential school component of accredited distance education undergraduate engineering courses at Deakin University with
a particular focus on how the residential school program is implemented at level 1 (first-year full-time equivalent level) of the courses.
APPROACH: To be compliant with accreditation requirements, since 2005 Deakin has conducted residential schools for off-campus students at its Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus. Initially the schools were conducted annually over two-weeks during the first semester, and have transitioned to the current mode where the residential school is conducted as a one week programme in each of the trimesters. During these schools, activities are organised around the respective engineering-course units undertaken by students during the trimester.
DISCUSSION: The minimum requirements for the on-campus components of distance-education-mode accredited engineering courses were developed by Engineers Australia in consultation with members of the Washington Accord (International Education Alliance) and at the time of development, generated considerable debate (Palmer, 2005, 2008). The intended purpose of residential schools was for off-campus enrolled students to have reasonable exposure to a typical “on-the-campus” student experience periodically throughout the course. Elements considered suitable and worthwhile for inclusion in residential school programs included:
• in person engagement with their academic lecturers,
• presentations and interaction with guest speakers from industry,
• industry-based site visits,
• engagement in sole and group-based learning and assessment activities on campus, and
• social interaction with other students.
RECOMMENDATIONS/IMPLICATIONS/CONCLUSION: We have found that advantages to the students who attends a residential school include completing real practical work without the need to assemble their own materials at home, and social engagement with staff and students. Off-campus students leave the residential school with a sense of belonging to a “community”, “one of many doing the same and not the only one”. They have the opportunity to share their often significant professional experience with the generally younger and less experienced on-campus student colleagues. Through this interaction between on-campus and off-campus students, the on-campus students benefit as much as the off-campus students. The disadvantages to the off-campus students is the requirement to travel to Geelong for an extended time, which costs the students both money and time away from work and family. From our experience, we recommend to other institutions starting residential schools of their own that they exploit the mandatory on-campus-presence requirement to enhance learning outcomes, well publicised timetables be available to students before trimester begins (certainly before census date), a standardised academic week during trimester be set for all residential schools, encourage student feedback on the program, and apply a practice of uniformity and consistency in how the programme is managed, especially mandated student attendance. Our residential schools for off-campus-mode students have been running for over 10 years. We have found that the educational and social advantages to the student outweigh the disadvantages.


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BACKGROUND: Team learning is an integral part of engineering education today and teamwork knowledge, teamwork skills and teamwork product have been included as one of the major components of engineering graduate outcomes in undergraduate engineering course/program curriculum. In spite of enormous research advances in theoretical aspects of learning and working in teams, anecdotal evidence suggests that most engineering academic staff are inundated by student complaints of not being able to work in a learning team due to numerous reasons. In addition to student complaints, most engineering academic staff are non-expert in team learning theories and methodologies and hence are unsure of specific learning outcomes of a teamwork, approaches to achieve those learning outcomes, suitability of team learning in a particular unit/subject, planning required for implementing teamwork, implementation and monitoring teamwork and teamwork reflection. Too often engineering academic staff include teamwork, yet without adequate preparation and with little understanding about how to use their time to achieve the greatest gains for themselves or for their students. Hence, there is a clear need for a framework for managing learning teams in engineering units.
PURPOSE OR GOAL: This study develops a framework for managing learning teams in engineering units through extensive review of existing literature and anecdotal practices. The focus is to provide step-by-step procedure so that the problems of team learning in engineering can be reduced. Depending upon the time and resources available to academic staff, the framework would help to choose an optimal path and associated strategies.
APPROACH: This study uses evidence-based literature knowledge to develop a framework that help to manage engineering students’ learning teams. The literature information are discussed in reference to anecdotal practices from undergraduate engineering classrooms.
DISCUSSION: The literature review suggests that for better management of learning teams, engineering academic staff need to focus on specifying learning outcomes of a teamwork, identifying appropriate approaches to achieve these learning outcomes, judging the suitability of team learning in a particular learning context, developing a clear plan for implementing teamwork, implementing and monitoring teamwork and reflecting and re-evaluating teamwork. Elaborated discussions regarding these issues can help academic staff to manage learning teams effectively and efficiently.
RECOMMENDATIONS/IMPLICATIONS/CONCLUSION: Depending upon the availability of time and resources and the suitability of a particular educational context, managing engineering learning teams can be both simple as well as complex. The developed framework may assist engineering academic staff to manage teamwork in their engineering units. For further research, the framework need to implemented, monitored, evaluated and revised.


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Internationally, the importance of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) for innovation and competition drives concerns about the adequacy of national STEM workforces. Data from the UK, USA and Australia suggest that, even immediately post-graduation, a significant proportion of engineering bachelor graduates do not work in engineering roles. Using the 2011 Australian census data, we present an investigation into the relationship between educational qualifications and occupational status of Australian engineering bachelor graduates, and how this status varies specifically with graduate age. We consider the implications of these findings and present recommendations for the recruitment and education of Australian engineering undergraduates. We conclude that engineering students would be better informed about, and equipped for, the world of post-graduation work if they were exposed to the likely options for their career trajectory. Likewise, secondary school students and others considering engineering undergraduate study would be more honestly advised if they were informed about the full range of career possibilities for engineering graduates and the probability that they are just as likely to work out of engineering as in it.


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Teamwork has been included as a major component of graduate attributes in all engineering programs at universities. In spite of enormous research advances in theoretical aspects of learning and working in teams, anecdotal evidence suggests that most engineering academic staff are inundated by student complaints of not being able to learn and work in teams due to numerous reasons. In order to facilitate engineering academic staff and engineering schools, this study develops a simplified framework for managing learning teams in engineering subjects that integrates theoretical conceptions, empirical evidences and anecdotal practices by reviewing a substantial body of existing literature. The framework identifies that in addition to managing student complaints about learning and working in teams more effectively and efficiently, engineering academic staff and engineering schools need to focus on specifying learning outcomes of teamwork, identifying appropriate approaches to achieve these learning outcomes, judging the suitability of teamwork-based learning in a particular educational context, developing a clear plan for implementing teamwork, implementing and monitoring teamwork, and reflecting and re-evaluating teamwork. The developed framework can be a useful tool to help understand these essential components and complexities of team learning.


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Global and local studies show that the present growth-based approach to development is unsustainable. If we are serious about surviving the 21st century we will need graduates who are not simply 'globally portable' or even 'globally competent', but also wise global citizens, Globo sapiens. This book contributes to what educators need to know, do and be in order to support transformative learning. The book is based on work with large, socially and culturally diverse, first-year engineering students at an Australian university of technology. It shows that reflective journals, with appropriate planning and support, can be one pillar of a transformative pedagogy which can encourage significant and even transformative attitude change in relation to gender, culture and the environment. It also offers evidence of improved communication skills and other tangible changes to counter common criticisms that such work is "airy-fairy" and irrelevant. The author combines communication theory with critical futures thinking to provide layered understandings of how transformative learning affected students' thinking, learning and behaviour. So the book is both a case-study and a detailed response to the personal and professional challenges that educators all over the world will face as they try to guide students in sustainable directions. It will be useful to teachers in higher education, especially those interested in internationalisation of the curriculum, transformative learning and values change for sustainable futures.


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Do commencing students possess the level of information literacy (IL) knowledge and skills they need to succeed at university? What impact does embedding IL within the engineering and design curriculum have? This paper reports on the self-perception versus the reality of IL knowledge and skills, across a large cohort of first year built environment and engineering students. Acting on the findings of this evaluation, the authors (a team of academic librarians) developed an intensive IL skills program which was integrated into a faculty wide unit. Perceptions, knowledge and skills were re-evaluated at the end of the semester to determine if embedded IL education made a difference. Findings reveal that both the perception and reality of IL skills were significantly and measurably improved.


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Despite the global financial downturn, the Australian rail industry is in a period of expansion. Reports indicate that the industry is not attracting sufficient entry level and mid-career engineers and skilled technicians from within the Australian labour market and is facing widespread retirements from an ageing workforce. This paper reports on a completed qualitative study that explores the perceptions of engineering students, their lecturers, careers advisors and recruitment consultants regarding rail as a brand and of careers in the rail industry. Findings are presented about career knowledge, job characteristic preferences, branding and image and indicate that rail as a brand has a dated image, that young people and their influencers have little knowledge of rail careers and that rail could better focus its image and recruitment strategies. Conclusions include suggestions for more effective attraction and image strategies for the industry and for further research.


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Real-world design education projects present particular challenges when in a place remote from and distinctively different to students’ familiar territory. The teaching challenge is to assist students to translate the skills they learn at university into an entirely new context, facilitating a project they will learn from, and the community will value. In 2008 QUT design and engineering students undertook a project called Linking Karumba for this remote Queensland town. They engaged with a landscape, climate and community dramatically different from their base in urban Brisbane, and in a fortnight produced locally responsive strategic planning options. The theoretical approach to this was twofold: they needed to make a rapid shift along a continuum from being “outsiders” towards becoming “insiders” (Relph 1976), and to create designs responsive to local distinctiveness (Cumberlidge and Musgrave 2007). This paper outlines Linking Karumba’s teaching strategy via an analogy with the “immersion” method in bilingual education. Three teaching methods were adopted. Firstly, the overall framework drew on Brockbank and McGill (1998), and Thomas’ (2006a) approaches to student reflective practice. Within this, Girot’s “Four Trace Concepts” (1999) inspired exercises for finding Karumba and moving toward insideness; and a program of community engagement sought immersion in local distinctiveness, and “conversation” between the differing forms of knowledge and capacities embedded within the community and students (Armstrong 1999, Thomas 2006). The responsiveness of the student work to the character of Karumba’s culture and environment indicated remarkable levels of immersion, and the community highly valued the project outcomes: four strategic planning options which attracted $830 000 in state government funding for implementation.


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Creativity is an important graduate capability which needs to be cultivated in engineering students. The evidence suggests that to develop creativity and innovation in students it is necessary to give them significant practice is divergent thinking. This kind of practice is particularly important in disciplines such as the physical sciences and engineering which have traditionally had a heavy emphasis on convergent (rather than divergent) thinking. Accordingly, this paper presents a novel strategy for engendering divergent thinking in engineering students. It is an unconventional approach in which students compose and perform contemporary raps which help them to summarise and reflect on material covered in lectures.


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BACKGROUND Collaborative and active learning have been clearly identified as ways students can engage in learning with each other and the academic staff. Traditional tier based lecture theatres and the didactic style they engender are not popular with students today as evidenced by the low attendance rates for lectures. Many universities are installing spaces designed with tables for group interaction with evolutions on spaces such as the TEAL (Technology Enabled Active Learning) (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, n.d.) and SCALE-UP (Student-Centred Activities for Large-Enrolment Undergraduate Programs) (North Carolina State University, n.d.) models. Technology advances in large screen computers and applications have also aided the move to these collaborative spaces. How well have universities structured learning using these spaces and how have students engaged with the content, technology, space and each other? This paper investigates the application of collaborative learning in such spaces for a cohort of 800+ first year engineers in the context of learning about and developing professional skills representative of engineering practice. PURPOSE To determine whether moving from tiers to tables enhances the student experience. Does utilising technology rich, activity based, collaborative learning spaces lead to positive experiences and active engagement of first year undergraduate engineering students? In developing learning methodology and approach in new learning spaces, what needs to change from a more traditional lecture and tutorial configuration? DESIGN/METHOD A post delivery review and analysis of outcomes was undertaken to determine how well students and tutors engaged with learning in new collaborative learning spaces. Data was gathered via focus group and survey of tutors, students survey and attendance observations. The authors considered the unit delivery approach along with observed and surveyed outcomes then conducted further review to produce the reported results. RESULTS Results indicate high participation in the collaborative sessions while the accompanying lectures were poorly attended. Students reported a high degree of satisfaction with the learning experience; however more investigation is required to determine the degree of improvement in retained learning outcomes. Survey feedback from tutors found that students engaged well in the activities during tutorials and there was an observed improvement in the quality of professional practice modelled by students during sessions. Student feedback confirmed the positive experiences in these collaborative learning spaces with 30% improvement in satisfaction ratings from previous years. CONCLUSIONS It is concluded that the right mix of space, technology and appropriate activities does engage students, improve participation and create a rich experience to facilitate potential for improved learning outcomes. The new Collaborative Teaching Spaces, together with integrated technology and tailored activities, has transformed the delivery of this unit and improved student satisfaction in tutorials significantly.


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Normanton2020 This exhibition showcases the work of 3rd -4th year undergraduate landscape architecture, architecture, Interior Design, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering students in response to issues of sustainability in the Gulf of Carpentaria town of Normanton. 16 students and four staff set off on a 2488km journey to undertake the second half of the Carpentaria Project (following Linking Karumba: Creating Sustainable Connections 2008), in the other Carpentaria Shire town of Normanton. This project, Get EnGulfed: Normanton 2020, looked back and forwards to propose strategies strengthening local and regional identities. Our project partners recognised the need for a strategic approach to developing future visions for Normanton’s growth as a socially, culturally, economically and ecologically sustainable town in the decade to 2020. They proposed: Project aims to foster: • Enhanced liveability; • A strengthened expression of town identity; • Expanded sustainable tourism. Primary challenges & opportunities: • Remoteness; • Two seasons: wet & dry; • Local economy; • Society and Cultural Heritage. The Exhibition Four groups of four students produced four strategic planning and design options toward this future: Mud Maps of Normanton: Rhys Belnap, AJ Humphries, Amos Shirreff, Haiku Van Keuk Normanton: Stay Another Day: Belle Dalton, Tom Jordan, Josh Nielsen, Carla Ramsland The Sweet Spot on the Savannah Way: Daniel Lapham, Yvonne Phillips, Patrick Poon, Dan Young Resilience Through Diversity: Jillian Kenny, Tania Metcher, Stephen Orr, Evan Thompson


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Get EnGulfed: Normanton2020 This exhibition showcases the work of 3rd -4th year undergraduate landscape architecture, architecture, Interior Design, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering students in response to issues of sustainability in the Gulf of Carpentaria town of Normanton. It presented the work to QUT staff from across the university, as well as industry partners and invited guests. 16 students and four staff set off on a 2488km journey to undertake the second half of the Carpentaria Project (following Linking Karumba: Creating Sustainable Connections 2008), in the other Carpentaria Shire town of Normanton. This project, Get EnGulfed: Normanton 2020, looked back and forwards to propose strategies strengthening local and regional identities. Our project partners recognised the need for a strategic approach to developing future visions for Normanton’s growth as a socially, culturally, economically and ecologically sustainable town in the decade to 2020. They proposed: Project aims to foster: • Enhanced liveability; • A strengthened expression of town identity; • Expanded sustainable tourism. • Primary challenges & opportunities: • Remoteness; • Two seasons: wet & dry; • Local economy; • Society and Cultural Heritage. The Exhibition Four groups of four students produced four strategic planning and design options toward this future: Mud Maps of Normanton: Rhys Belnap, AJ Humphries, Amos Shirreff, Haiku Van Keuk Normanton: Stay Another Day: Belle Dalton, Tom Jordan, Josh Nielsen, Carla Ramsland The Sweet Spot on the Savannah Way: Daniel Lapham, Yvonne Phillips, Patrick Poon, Dan Young Resilience Through Diversity: Jillian Kenny, Tania Metcher, Stephen Orr, Evan Thompson


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A Tale of Two Marinas: Burnett Heads and Port of Bundaberg This exhibition showcases the work of 4th Year undergraduate Landscape Architecture and Civil and Environmental Engineering students in response to issues of sustainability in Burnett Heads and the Port of Bundaberg. The Burnett Heads & Port of Bundaberg project site, just north of Bargara, is a complex mix of port facilities, urban development, established residential and service areas, coastal conservation and agriculture. The project brief was to prepare a range of strategic planning and environmental management options for future urban and infrastructure development. 4th year undergraduate Landscape Architecture and Civil and Environmental Engineering students worked over one teaching semester with guidance from QUT academics and partner organisations to produce strategic planning, environmental management planning and design options for managing future growth in the area. The project process involved three visits to the site by QUT students and staff. The first visit at the project’s commencement included a formal briefing session with project partners the Burnett Mary Regional Group, Port of Brisbane Corporation, and Queensland Department of Local Government and Planning. Formal and informal community engagement facilitated by the Burnett Heads Progress Association also allowed students to gain some understanding of local values. A second visit mid-project involved a ‘Futures Workshop’ with students and community. This enabled the students to gain the benefit of local knowledge and experience in response to their work-in-progress, and to establish priorities for project completion. It strengthened the relationship between the community and the students. A final exhibition, ‘A Tale of Two Marinas’ was held at the Burnett Progress Hall just prior to completion of the project. The student work exhibited offers a diverse number of alternative options for the future urban development, infrastructure and environmental planning that the partner organisations have used for ongoing consultation.


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This exhibition showcases the work of Postgraduate Landscape Architecture and final year Undergraduate Civil and Environmental Engineering students in response to issues of sustainability in the Port of Bundaberg. The Port of Bundaberg project site, just north of Bargara, is a complex mix of port facilities, urban development, coastal conservation and agriculture. The project brief was to prepare a range of strategic planning and environmental management options for future urban and infrastructure development in the Port area. Postgraduate Landscape Architecture and final year Undergraduate Civil and Environmental Engineering students worked over one teaching semester with guidance from QUT academics and partner organisations to produce strategic planning, environmental management planning and design options for managing future growth in the area. Specifically, these make recommendations regarding: • Interface between Port lands and residential settlement; • Future residential/urban development; • Transport accessibility and mobility – road, rail, tramway and maritime for personal and freight movement; • Local and regional connectivity - both physical and perceptual- between urban settlements of Port of Bundaberg – Burnett Heads and the surrounding area; • Recreational and tourism development; • Public/private space mix and access; • Ecological conservation assets; • Natural and cultural heritage assets The project process involved three visits to the site by QUT students and staff. The first visit at the project’s commencement included a formal briefing session with project partners the Burnett Mary Regional Group, Port of Brisbane Corporation, and Queensland Department of Local Government and Planning. Formal and informal community engagement facilitated by the Burnett Heads Progress Association also allowed students to gain some understanding of local values. A second visit mid-project involved a ‘Futures Workshop’ with students and community. This enabled the students to gain the benefit of local knowledge and experience in response to their work-in-progress, and to establish priorities for project completion. It strengthened the relationship between the community and the students. A final exhibition, ‘Port of Bundaberg Futures' was held at the Port TAFE Campus upon the completion of the project. The student work exhibited offers a diverse number of alternative options for the future urban development, infrastructure and environmental planning that the partner organisations have used for ongoing consultation.