915 resultados para empirical shell model


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We present general explicit expressions for a shell-model calculation of the vector hypernuclear parameter in nonmesonic weak decay. We use a widely accepted effective coupling Hamiltonian involving the exchange of the complete pseudoscalar and vector meson octets (π, η, K, ρ, ω, K*). In contrast to the approximated formula widely used in the literature, we correctly treat the contribution of transitions originated from single-proton states beyond the s-shell. Exact and simple analytical expressions are obtained for the particular cases of Λ 5He and Λ 12C, within the one-pion-exchange model. Numerical computations of the asymmetry parameter, aΛ, are presented. Our results show a qualitative agreement with other theoretical estimates but also a contradiction with recent experimental determinations. Our simple analytical formulas provide a guide in searching the origin of such discrepancies, and they will be useful for helping to solve the hypernuclear weak decay puzzle.


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Simple and coincidence spectra of the NM weak decay of light hypernuclei have been evaluated in a systematic way for the first time. We have only considered 1N induced processes, neglecting entirely the events induced by 2N emission, as well as the effects of the FSIt's. As the theoretical frameworkwe have used the IPSM with three different parametrizations for the transition potential. The comparison with data strongly suggests that the soft π + K exchange model could be a good starting point to describe the dynamics in the NM weak decays of s- and p-shell hypernuclei. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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We present a formalism for the computation of one-nucleon-induced nonmesonic weak hypernuclear decay rates in laboratory coordinates, within an independent-particle shell model framework, with a view to its generalization to the case of two-nucleon-induced transitions. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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O advento de novas formas multimídia tem atraído uma clientela exigente, onde preocupação não é somente com o serviço, mas também, com a qualidade que esse serviço pode ser oferecido. As WLAN (Wireless Local Area Networks) tornaram-se a forma mais comum de roteamento de Internet, devido ao seu baixo custo e facilidade de implementação. Para realizar um bom roteamento é necessário um planejamento, utilizando-se modelos. Os modelos de propagação existentes na literatura fazem a predição da intensidade do sinal, mas algumas vezes não contemplam a previsão de um bom serviço. Nesse sentido a presente dissertação propõe-se a elaborar um modelo de propagação empírico indoor multi-andar que não só prediz a potência recebida, mas também faz uma previsão para algumas métricas de QoS (Quality of Service) de chamadas VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). Para a elaboração do modelo proposto foram feitas campanhas de medição, em um prédio de dois andares, em pisos distintos mantendo-se a posição do ponto de acesso (PA) fixa. Estudos de geometria analítica para a contagem e agregação de perdas em pisos e paredes. Os resultados do modelo proposto foram comparados com um modelo da literatura que tem um comportamento similar, onde é possível verificar o melhor desempenho do modelo proposto, e para efeito de estudo um andar completamente simulado foi introduzido para avaliação.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this work we compute the one-nucleon-induced nonmesonic hypernuclear decay rates of He-5(Lambda), C-12(Lambda) and C-13(Lambda) using a formalism based on the independent particle shell model in terms of laboratory coordinates. To ascertain the correctness and precision of the method, these results are compared with those obtained using a formalism in terms of center-of-mass coordinates, which has been previously reported in the literature. The formalism in terms of laboratory coordinates will be useful in the shell-model approach to two-nucleon-induced transitions.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Ciência de Alimentos - IBILCE


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Excited states of the N = Z = 33 nucleus As-66 have been populated in a fusion-evaporation reaction and studied using gamma-ray spectroscopic techniques. Special emphasis was put into the search for candidates for the T = 1 states. A new 3(+) isomer has been observed with a lifetime of 1.1(3) ns. This is believed to be the predicted oblate shape isomer. The excited levels are discussed in terms of the shell model and of the complex excited Vampir approaches. Coulomb energy differences are determined from the comparison of the T = 1 states with their analog partners. The unusual behavior of the Coulomb energy differences in the A = 70 mass region is explained through different shape components (oblate and prolate) within the members of the same isospin multiplets. This breaking of the isospin symmetry is attributed to the correlations induced by the Coulomb interaction.


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The neutron-rich lead isotopes, up to Pb-216, have been studied for the first time, exploiting the fragmentation of a primary uranium beam at the FRS-RISING setup at GSI. The observed isomeric states exhibit electromagnetic transition strengths which deviate from state-of-the-art shell-model calculations. It is shown that their complete description demands the introduction of effective three-body interactions and two-body transition operators in the conventional neutron valence space beyond Pb-208.


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The level structures of the N = 50 As-83, Ge-82, and Ga-81 isotones have been investigated by means of multi-nucleon transfer reactions. A first experiment was performed with the CLARA PRISMA setup to identify these nuclei. A second experiment was carried out with the GASP array in order to deduce the gamma-ray coincidence information. The results obtained on the high-spin states of such nuclei are used to test the stability of the N = 50 shell closure in the region of Ni-78 (Z = 28). The comparison of the experimental level schemes with the shell-model calculations yields an N = 50 energy gap value of 4.7(3) MeV at Z = 28. This value, in a good agreement with the prediction of the finite-range liquid-drop model as well as with the recent large-scale shell model calculations, does not support a weakening of the N = 50 shell gap down to Z = 28. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In dieser Arbeit wurde der instabile, Neutronenarme Kern 108Sn mit Hilfe der Coulomb-Anregung bei intermediaeren Energien in inverser Kinematik studiert. Diese Methode wurde bisher zur Untersuchung der ersten angeregten 2+ Zustaende und deren E2 Zerfallsraten in Kernen mit Kernladungszahl Z< 30 angewendet. 108Sn ist somit der Kern mit der groeßten Kernladungszahl, bei dem diese Studien bisher stattfanden. Das Ziel dieses Experiments war die Messung der unbekannten reduzierten Uebergangswahrscheinlichkeit B(E2,0+ -> 2+). Der B(E2)-Wert von 0.230(57) e2b2 wurde relativ zu dem bekannten Wert des Isotops 112Sn bestimmt. Das Experiment wurde an der GSI Darmstadt mit Hilfe des RISING Detektors und des Fragmentseperators (FRS) durchgefuehrt. Sekundaere Strahlen (108Sn, 112Sn) mit einer Energie von ca. 150 MeV pro Nukleon wurden auf ein 386 mg/cm2 dickes 197Au Target geschossen. Die Projektilfragmente wurden mit Hilfe des Fragmentseparators selektiert und identifiziert. Zur Selektion des Reaktionskanals und zur Bestimmung des Winkels der gestreuten Fragmente wurde das Teilchenteleskop CATE, das sich hinter dem Target befand, verwendet. Gammastrahlung, die in Koinzidenz mit den Projektilrestkernen emittiert wurde, wurde in den Germanium-Cluster Detektoren des RISING Detektors nachgewiesen. Der gemessene B(E2,0+ -> 2+)-Wert von 108Sn ist in Uebereinstimmung mit neueren Schalenmodellrechnungen, die auf realistischen effektiven Wechselwirkungen basieren und im Rahmen eines verallgemeinerten Seniorit¨ats-Schemas erklaert werden.


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Studies in regions of the nuclear chart in which the model predictions of properties of nuclei fail can bring a better understanding of the strong interaction in the nuclear medium. To such regions belongs the so called "island of inversion" centered around Ne, Na and Mg isotopes with 20 neutrons in which unexpected ground-state spins, large deformations and dense low-energy spectra appear. This is a strong argument that the magic N = 20 is not a closed shell in this area. In this thesis investigations of isotope shifts of stable 24,25,26Mg, as well as spins and magnetic moments of short-lived 29,31Mg are presented. The successful studies were performed at the ISOLDE facility at CERN using collinear laser and beta-NMR spectroscopy techniques. The isotopes were investigated as single-charged ions in the 280-nm transition from the atomic ground state 2S1/2 to one of the two lowest excited states 2P1/2,3/2 using continuous wave laser beams. The isotope-shift measurements with fluorescence detection for the three stable isotopes show that it is feasible to perform the same studies on radioactive Mg isotopes up to the "island of inversion". This will allow to determine differences in the mean charge square radii and interpret them in terms of deformation. The high detection efficiency for beta particles and optical pumping close to saturation allowed to obtain very good beta-asymmetry signals for 29Mg and 31Mg with half-lives around 1 s and production yields about 10^5 ions/s. For this purpose the ions were implanted into a host crystal lattice. Such detection of the atomic resonances revealed their hyperfine structure, which gives the sign and a first estimate of the value of the magnetic moment. The nuclear magnetic resonance gave also their g-factors with the relative uncertainty smaller than 0.2 %. By combining the two techniques also the nuclear spin of both isotopes could be unambiguously determined. The measured spins and g-factors show that 29Mg with 17 neutrons lies outside the "island of inversion". On the other hand, 31Mg with 19 neutrons has an unexpected ground-state spin which can be explained only by promoting at least two neutrons across the N = 20 shell gap. This places the above nucleus inside the "island". However, modern shell-model approaches cannot predict this level as the ground state but only as one of the low-lying states, even though they reproduce very well the experimental g-factor. This indicates that modifications to the available interactions are required. Future measurements include isotope shift measurements on radioactive Mg isotopes and beta-NMR studies on 33Mg.


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L'obiettivo principale della tesi è lo sviluppo di un modello empirico previsivo di breve periodo che sia in grado di offrire previsioni precise ed affidabili dei consumi di energia elettrica su base oraria del mercato italiano. Questo modello riassume le conoscenze acquisite e l'esperienza fatta durante la mia attuale attività lavorativa presso il Romagna Energia S.C.p.A., uno dei maggiori player italiani del mercato energetico. Durante l'ultimo ventennio vi sono stati drastici cambiamenti alla struttura del mercato elettrico in tutto il mondo. Nella maggior parte dei paesi industrializzati il settore dell'energia elettrica ha modificato la sua originale conformazione di monopolio in mercato competitivo liberalizzato, dove i consumatori hanno la libertà di scegliere il proprio fornitore. La modellazione e la previsione della serie storica dei consumi di energia elettrica hanno quindi assunto un ruolo molto importante nel mercato, sia per i policy makers che per gli operatori. Basandosi sulla letteratura già esistente, sfruttando le conoscenze acquisite 'sul campo' ed alcune intuizioni, si è analizzata e sviluppata una struttura modellistica di tipo triangolare, del tutto innovativa in questo ambito di ricerca, suggerita proprio dal meccanismo fisico attraverso il quale l'energia elettrica viene prodotta e consumata nell'arco delle 24 ore. Questo schema triangolare può essere visto come un particolare modello VARMA e possiede una duplice utilità, dal punto di vista interpretativo del fenomeno da una parte, e previsivo dall'altra. Vengono inoltre introdotti nuovi leading indicators legati a fattori meteorologici, con l'intento di migliorare le performance previsive dello stesso. Utilizzando quindi la serie storica dei consumi di energia elettrica italiana, dall'1 Marzo 2010 al 30 Marzo 2012, sono stati stimati i parametri del modello dello schema previsivo proposto e valutati i risultati previsivi per il periodo dall'1 Aprile 2012 al 30 Aprile 2012, confrontandoli con quelli forniti da fonti ufficiali.


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Die kollineare Laserspektroskopie hat sich in den vergangenen drei Jahrzehnten zur Bestimmung der Kernladungsradien mittelschwerer und schwerer kurzlebiger Atomkerne in ausgezeichneter Weise bewährt. Auf die Isotope sehr leichter Elemente konnte sie allerdings erst kürzlich erweitert werden. Dieser Bereich der Nuklidkarte ist von besonderem Interesse, denn die ersten ab-initio Modelle der Kernphysik, die den Aufbau eines Atomkerns basierend auf individuellen Nukleonen und realistischenWechselwirkungspotentialen beschreiben, sind gegenwärtig nur für die leichtesten Elemente anwendbar. Außerdem existiertrnin dieser Region eine besonders exotische Form von Atomkernen, die sogenanntenrnHalokerne. Die Isotopenkette der Berylliumisotope zeichnet sich durch das Auftreten des Ein-Neutronen Halokerns 11Be und des Zwei- oder Vier-Neutronen-Halos 14Be aus. Dem Isotop 12Be kommt durch seine Position zwischen diesen beiden Exoten und den im Schalenmodell erwarteten magischen Schalenabschluss N = 8 eine besondere Bedeutung zu.rnIm Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden mehrere frequenzstabilisierte Lasersysteme für die kollineare Laserspektroskopie aufgebaut. An TRIGA-SPEC stehen nun unter anderem ein frequenzverdoppeltes Diodenlasersystem mit Trapezverstärker und frequenzkammstabilisierter Titan-Saphirlaser mit Frequenzverdopplungsstufe für die Spektroskopie an refraktären Elementen oberhalb von Molybdän zur Verfügung, die für erste Testexperimente eingesetzt wurden. Außerdem wurde die effiziente Frequenzvervierfachung eines Titan-Saphirlasers demonstriert. An ISOLDE/CERN wurde ein frequenzkammstabilisierter und ein jodstabilisierter Farbstofflaser installiert und für die Laserspektroskopie an 9,10,11,12Be eingesetzt. Durch das verbesserte Lasersystem und den Einsatz eines verzögerten Koinzidenznachweises für Photonen und Ionen gelang es die Empfindlichkeitrnder Berylliumspektroskopie um mehr als zwei Größenordnungen zu steigern und damit die früheren Messungen an 7−11Be erstmals auf das Isotop 12Be auszuweiten. Außerdem wurde die Genauigkeit der absoluten Übergangsfrequenzen und der Isotopieverschiebungen der Isotope 9,10,11Be signifikant verbessert.rnDurch den Vergleich mit Ergebnissen des Fermionic Molecular Dynamics Modells kann der Trend der Ladungsradien der leichteren Isotope durch die ausgeprägte Clusterstruktur der Berylliumkerne erklärt werden. Für 12Be wird ersichtlich, dass der Grundzustand durch eine (sd)2 Konfiguration statt der vom Schalenmodell erwarteten p2 Konfiguration dominiert wird. Dies ist ein klares Indiz für das bereits zuvor beobachtete Verschwinden des N = 8 Schalenabschlusses bei 12Be.