409 resultados para elevator shaft


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Background: The prevalence of a low bone mineral density (T-score <-1 SD) in postmenopausal women with a fragility fracture may vary from 70% to less than 50%. In one study (Siris ES. Arch Intern Med. 2004;164:1108-12), the prevalence of osteoporosis was very low at 6.4%. The corresponding values in men are rarely reported. Methods: In a nationwide Swiss survey, all consecutive patients aged 50+ presenting with one or more fractures to the emergency ward, were recruited by 8 participating hospitals (University Hospitals: Basel, Bern, and Lausanne; cantonal hospitals: Fribourg, Luzern, and St Gallen; regional hospitals: Estavayer and Riaz) between 2004 and 2006. Diagnostic workup was collected for descriptive analysis. Results: 3667 consecutive patients with a fragility fracture, 2797 women (73.8 ± 11.6 years) and 870 men (70.0 ± 12.1 years), were included. DXA measurement was performed in 1152 (44%) patients. The mean of the lowest T-score values was -2.34 SD in women and -2.16 SD in men. In the 908 women, the prevalence of osteoporosis and osteopenia according to the fracture type was: sacrum (100%, 0%), rib (100%, 0%), thoracic vertebral (78%, 22%), femur trochanter (67%, 26%), pelvis (66%, 32%), lumbar vertebral (63%, 28%), femoral neck (53%, 34%), femur shaft (50%, 50%), proximal humerus (50%, 34%), distal forearm (41%, 45%), tibia proximal (41%, 31%), malleolar lateral (28%, 46%), malleolar median (13%, 47%). The corresponding percentages in the 244 men were: distal forearm (70%, 19%), rib (63%, 11%), pelvis (60%, 20%), malleolar median (60%, 32%), femur trochanter (48%, 31%), thoracic vertebral (47%, 53%), lumbar vertebral (43%, 36%), proximal humerus (40%, 43%), femoral neck (28%, 55%), tibia proximal (26%, 36%), malleolar lateral (18%, 56%). Conclusion: The probability of underlying osteoporosis or osteopenia in men and women aged 50+ who experienced a fragility fracture was beyond 75% in fractures of the sacrum, pelvis, spine, femur, proximal humerus and distal forearm. The medial and lateral malleolar fractures had the lowest predictive value in women, not in men.


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The Trichosporon genus is constituted by many species, of which Trichosporon ovoides and Trichosporon inkin are the causative agents of white piedra. They can cause nodules in genital hair or on the scalp. At present, Brazilian laboratory routines generally do not include the identification of the species of Trichosporon genus, which, although morphologically and physiologically distinct, present many similarities, making the identification difficult. The aim of this study was to identify the aetiological agents at the species level of white piedra from clinical specimens. Therefore, both the macro and micro morphology were studied, and physiological tests were performed. Trichosporon spp. was isolated from 10 clinical samples; T. ovoides was predominant, as it was found in seven samples, while T. inkin was identified just in two samples. One isolate could not be identified at the species level. T. inkin was identified for the first time as a white piedra agent in the hair shaft on child under the age of 10.


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Objective: The chance of obtaining a conclusive DNA profile strongly depends on the quantity of biological material that can be recovered from a crime scene sample. Optimizing the collection strategy is therefore of prime interest. A difference in the level of tightness of the cotton meshed around the shaft has been observed between manufacturers and is hypothesized to affect the collection and subsequent release capacity of cotton swabs. Consequently, we compared the performance of cotton swabs from two different suppliers: Applimed SA and DryswabTM. Methods: These swabs were used to recover 50 ml of blood, either pure or diluted (1:1000 and 1:5000), deposited on both smooth and absorbent surfaces. Performance was compared in terms of ease of use, concentration of extracted DNA, and quality of DNA profiles. DNA quantification was obtained by real-time PCR using the QuantifilerTM Human DNA Quantification Kit. Evaluation of DNA profiles was based on profiles obtained using AmpFlSTR® NGM SElectTM PCR Amplification kit. Results: When considering smooth surfaces, recovered DNA was more concentrated when using the DryswabTM than the Applimed SA cotton swab. More precisely, DNA concentrations ranged from 15.7 to 28.8 ng/ml and 6.7 to 21.2 ng/ml, respectively for samples of pure blood. The same trend was observed for the absorbent surface, with 2.0 to 5.0 ng/ml and 0.9 to 1.4 ng/ml, respectively. Conclusion: Our results illustrate that different cotton swabs produce different results in terms of ease of use and quantity of recovered DNA and this should be taken into consideration when choosing which swab to use at both the crime scene and laboratory. More specifically, results from the present study suggest that looser meshing of the cotton fibres


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Proximal femoral extracapsular fractures have shown a significantly high morbidity and mortality rate at 1 year in cases of nonoperative treatment. The standard gamma nail was originally designed to provide stable fixation and allow early mobilization and weight bearing for elderly patients. The design of the standard gamma nail, however, appears to be associated with intraoperative or postoperative femoral shaft fractures in < or = 17% of patients, compromising the outcome. The trochanteric nail was developed to overcome the problems encountered with the use of the standard gamma nail. Between July 2000 and January 2001, 88 consecutive proximal femoral extracapsular fractures were treated with a trochanteric nail, Seventy-five patients (76 fractures) were observed clinically and radiographically for 2 years.


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BACKGROUND: Greenstick fractures suffered during growth have a high risk for refracture and posttraumatic deformity, particularly at the forearm diaphysis. The use of a preemptive completion of the fracture by manipulation of the concave cortex is controversial and data supporting this approach are few. AIM: Aim of this study was to determine the factors which predispose to refracture and deformities, and to define therapeutic strategies. METHODS: We prospectively gathered clinical and radiographic data over a period of one year on greenstick fractures of the middle third of the forearm in children as part of a multi-centre study. Endpoint was a follow-up visit at one year. Radiographic deformity, state of consolidation at resumption of physical activities and refracture rate were analysed statistically (ANOVA, Student's t-test and Pearson's chi-square test) with regard to patient age, gender, fracture type, therapy and time in plaster. RESULTS: We collected the data of 103 patients (63 boys, 40 girls), average age 6.6 years (1.3-14.5 years), the vast majority of whom had a combined greenstick fracture of the radius and ulna. 6.7% of the patients sustained a refracture within 49 days (29-76) after plaster removal. They were significantly older (p=0.017) with a significantly higher incidence of manual completion of the fracture with radiographic signs of partial consolidation (p=0.025). Residual deformities were significantly smaller after completion of the fracture compared to reduction without completion (p=0.019) or plaster fixation alone (p<0.005). CONCLUSIONS: Completion of a greenstick fracture does not prevent refracture. Nevertheless, it diminishes the extent of secondary deformities in cases where the primary angulation exceeds the remodelling capacity. Prevention of refracture should include a routine radiographic follow-up 4-6 weeks after injury with continuation of plaster fixation in cases of partial consolidation.


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SPINK5 (serine protease inhibitor Kazal-type 5) encodes the putative proteinase inhibitor LEKTI (lympho-epithelial Kazal-type related inhibitor). In skin, LEKTI expression is restricted to the stratum granulosum of the epidermis and the inner root sheath of hair follicles. Mutations that create premature termination codons in SPINK5 have been reported as the cause of Netherton syndrome (NS), a human autosomal recessive disorder characterized by congenital ichthyosis with defective cornification, a specific hair shaft defect known as trichorrexis invaginata or 'bamboo hair', and severe atopic manifestations, including atopic dermatitis and hayfever. Althought recombinant human LEKTI inhibits a battery of serine proteases including plasmin, trypsin, subtilisin A, cathepsin G, and elastase, the precise role of LEKTI in the physiopathology of NS remains unclear. Spink5−/− mice display a NS-like phenotype. Surprisingly, a psoriasis-like hyperplasia, basement membrane breakdown followed by evagination of spindle-shaped epidermal cells into the dermal compartment, and the presence of numerous sweat gland-like structures were also observed when the skin of Spink5−/− newborn mice, which die at birth, was transplanted onto the back of nude mice. Collectively, these observations suggest that LEKTI may play a role on cell proliferation and stem cell fate. Our current work aims at elucidating the mechanisms by which LEKTI impact these biological processes. Using keratinocyte stem cells obtained from NS patients, we have identified LEKTI as a regulator node in several signaling pathways involved in stem cell behavior.


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We develop a coordination game to model interactions betweenfundamentals and liquidity during unstable periods in financial markets.We then propose a flexible econometric framework for estimationof the model and analysis of its quantitative implications. The specificempirical application is carry trades in the yen dollar market, includingthe turmoil of 1998. We find a generally very deep market, withlow information disparities amongst agents. We observe occasionallyepisodes of market fragility, or turmoil with up by the escalator, downby the elevator patterns in prices. The key role of strategic behaviorin the econometric model is also confirmed.


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During the past decade several new techniques for the treatment of children's fractures respecting the specificity of the growing bone have been described. The goal of all these techniques was to mechanically stabilise the fracture however to preserve a certain instability of the fracture gap itself inducing early callus formation and subsequent consolidation. The dynamic external fixation as well as the elastic stable intramedullary pinning have become accepted means in the treatment of long bone fractures in the paediatric age group. We report our experience of the last seven years with the intramedullary pinning of 105 fractures. Eighty-four were fractures of the femur, 9 of the humerus, 8 of the forearm, and a further 4 of the tibial shaft. The intramedullary elastic pinning represents a simple technique which supports or even enhances the natural process of fracture healing of the growing bone. The method is not very invasive, is cost effective, and allows short hospitalisation. Early physical activity is guaranteed due to early consolidation of the fracture. Complications are rare and the final orthopedic and cosmetic outcome is excellent.


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Ce travail consiste en l'analyse et la revue des différentes prises en charge de la pseudarthrose de la diaphyse fémorale dans un groupe nommé « Echantillon CHUV » formé par 16 patients. Les patients ont tous été opérés au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, CHUV, entre 2008 et 2011 pour cure de pseudarthrose. Une présentation succincte des fractures de la diaphyse fémorale ainsi que de la pseudarthrose de la diaphyse fémorale consiste en la première partie du rapport. La deuxième partie est une revue des cas des patients de l'échantillon CHUV. Des paramètres tels que le mode initial de fracture, la durée effective de la pseudarthrose, le nombre de révisions avant la consolidation ou la répartition des pseudarthroses selon leur type font partie des différents éléments caractéristiques répertoriés puis analysés dans cette revue. 25 cures de pseudarthroses sont effectuées sur les 16 patients. Les techniques de fixations les plus utilisées sont la fixation par plaque après réduction ouverte (ORIF, 64%, 16 cures sur 25) et l'enclouage centromédullaire (24%, 6 cures sur 25). L'utilisation de substituts osseux est très souvent complémentaire à la refixation mécanique lors des cures de pseudarthrose (recours à la greffe osseuse dans 72% des cures). Le taux d'union après la première cure de pseudarthrose s'établit à 63% et il monte à 100% après l'ensemble des cures. Le retour à une fonction adéquate du membre inférieur est obtenu chez 14 des 16 patients (1 patient est traité par arthrodèse du genou sur pseudarthrose du tiers distal de la diaphyse fémorale et 1 patient tétraplégique est traité par résection de la tête et du col fémoral sur pseudarthrose du tiers proximal de la diaphyse fémorale). La revue quantifie la durée de l'invalidité causée par la pseudarthrose de la diaphyse fémorale : la longueur totale du traitement avant union est d'au minimum 12 mois pour 75% des patients. 8 patients sur 16 ont un temps avant union supérieur à 20 mois. La pseudarthrose de la diaphyse fémorale doit être considérée comme une complication grave. La localisation au niveau du fémur réduit voire abolit l'autonomie de marche du patient et limite ses activités de la vie quotidienne. Elle entrave le retour au travail et réduit terriblement la qualité de vie pendant souvent plus d'une année. L'ensemble des symptômes ont un effet dévastateur sur la rééducation et peuvent parfois laisser d'importantes séquelles physiques ou psychologiques sur le long terme. Pour ces raisons, le traitement doit être adapté du mieux possible à la pseudarthrose du patient afin d'augmenter les chances de réussite de la cure.


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Cobalt-labelled motoneuron dendrites of the frog spinal cord at the level of the second spinal nerve were photographed in the electron microscope from long series of ultrathin sections. Three-dimensional computer reconstructions of 120 dendrite segments were analysed. The samples were taken from two locations: proximal to cell body and distal, as defined in a transverse plane of the spinal cord. The dendrites showed highly irregular outlines with many 1-2 microns-long 'thorns' (on average 8.5 thorns per 100 microns 2 of dendritic area). Taken together, the reconstructed dendrite segments from the proximal sites had a total length of about 250 microns; those from the distal locations, 180 microns. On all segments together there were 699 synapses. Nine percent of the synapses were on thorns, and many more close to their base on the dendritic shaft. The synapses were classified in four groups. One third of the synapses were asymmetric with spherical vesicles; one half were symmetric with spherical vesicles; and one tenth were symmetric with flattened vesicles. A fourth, small class of asymmetric synapses had dense-core vesicles. The area of the active zones was large for the asymmetric synapses (median value 0.20 microns 2), and small for the symmetric ones (median value 0.10 microns 2), and the difference was significant. On average, the areas of the active zones of the synapses on thin dendrites were larger than those of synapses on large calibre dendrites. About every 4 microns 2 of dendritic area received one contact. There was a significant difference between the areas of the active zones of the synapses at the two locations. Moreover, the number per unit dendritic length was correlated with dendrite calibre. On average, the active zones covered more than 4% of the dendritic area; this value for thin dendrites was about twice as large as that of large calibre dendrites. We suggest that the larger active zones and the larger synaptic coverage of the thin dendrites compensate for the longer electrotonic distance of these synapses from the soma.


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Changes in agriculture operations over the past 35 years are having a dramatic impact on Iowa’s roads and bridges. The average size of an Iowa farm has increased to 352 acres in 2003, compared to 237 acres in 1970. Modern agricultural practices have also produced higher yields per acre, which means more grain to haul to market. In order to increase efficiency, farmers are beginning to use larger capacity wagons hauling more bushels per trip to the elevator, and using much heavier equipment in their farming operations. This trend is stressing Iowa bridges beyond the current capabilities to maintain them.


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The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) mandated utilizing the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) approach for all new bridges initiated in the United States after October 1, 2007. To achieve part of this goal, a database for Drilled Shaft Foundation Testing (DSHAFT) was developed and reported on by Garder, Ng, Sritharan, and Roling in 2012. DSHAFT is aimed at assimilating high-quality drilled shaft test data from Iowa and the surrounding regions. DSHAFT is currently housed on a project website (http://srg.cce.iastate.edu/dshaft) and contains data for 41 drilled shaft tests. The objective of this research was to utilize the DSHAFT database and develop a regional LRFD procedure for drilled shafts in Iowa with preliminary resistance factors using a probability-based reliability theory. This was done by examining current design and construction practices used by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) as well as recommendations given in the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) LRFD Bridge Design Specifications and the FHWA drilled shaft guidelines. Various analytical methods were used to estimate side resistance and end bearing of drilled shafts in clay, sand, intermediate geomaterial (IGM), and rock. Since most of the load test results obtained from O-cell do not pass the 1-in. top displacement criterion used by the Iowa DOT and the 5% of shaft diameter for top displacement criterion recommended by AASHTO, three improved procedures are proposed to generate and extend equivalent top load-displacement curves that enable the quantification of measured resistances corresponding to the displacement criteria. Using the estimated and measured resistances, regional resistance factors were calibrated following the AASHTO LRFD framework and adjusted to resolve any anomalies observed among the factors. To illustrate the potential and successful use of drilled shafts in Iowa, the design procedures of drilled shaft foundations were demonstrated and the advantages of drilled shafts over driven piles were addressed in two case studies.


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With an ever increasing desire to utilize accelerated bridge construction (ABC) techniques, it is becoming critical that bridge designers and contractors have confidence in typical details. The Keg Creek Bridge on US 6 in Iowa was a recent ABC example that utilized connection details that had been utilized elsewhere. The connection details used between the drilled shaft and pier column and between the pier column and the pier cap were details needing evaluation. These connection details utilized grouted couplers that have been tested by others with mixed results—some indicating quality performance and others indicating questionable performance. There was a need to test these couplers to gain an understanding of their performance in likely Iowa details and to understand how their performance might be impacted by different construction processes. The objective of the work was to perform laboratory testing and evaluation of the grouted coupler connection details utilized on precast concrete elements for the Keg Creek Bridge. The Bridge Engineering Center (BEC), with the assistance of the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Office of Bridges and Structures, developed specimens representative of the Keg Creek Bridge connections for testing under static and fatigue loads in the structures laboratory. The specimens were also evaluated for their ability to resist the intrusion of water and chlorides. Evaluation of their performance was made through comparisons with design assumptions and previous research, as well as the physical performance of the coupled connections.


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Decisions taken in modern organizations are often multi-dimensional, involving multiple decision makers and several criteria measured on different scales. Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods are designed to analyze and to give recommendations in this kind of situations. Among the numerous MCDM methods, two large families of methods are the multi-attribute utility theory based methods and the outranking methods. Traditionally both method families require exact values for technical parameters and criteria measurements, as well as for preferences expressed as weights. Often it is hard, if not impossible, to obtain exact values. Stochastic Multicriteria Acceptability Analysis (SMAA) is a family of methods designed to help in this type of situations where exact values are not available. Different variants of SMAA allow handling all types of MCDM problems. They support defining the model through uncertain, imprecise, or completely missing values. The methods are based on simulation that is applied to obtain descriptive indices characterizing the problem. In this thesis we present new advances in the SMAA methodology. We present and analyze algorithms for the SMAA-2 method and its extension to handle ordinal preferences. We then present an application of SMAA-2 to an area where MCDM models have not been applied before: planning elevator groups for high-rise buildings. Following this, we introduce two new methods to the family: SMAA-TRI that extends ELECTRE TRI for sorting problems with uncertain parameter values, and SMAA-III that extends ELECTRE III in a similar way. An efficient software implementing these two methods has been developed in conjunction with this work, and is briefly presented in this thesis. The thesis is closed with a comprehensive survey of SMAA methodology including a definition of a unified framework.


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The integration of electric motors and industrial appliances such as pumps, fans, and compressors is rapidly increasing. For instance, the integration of an electric motor and a centrifugal pump provides cost savings and improved performance characteristics. Material cost savings are achieved when an electric motor is integrated into the shaft of a centrifugal pump, and the motor utilizes the bearings of the pump. This arrangement leads to a smaller configuration that occupies less floor space. The performance characteristics of a pump drive can be improved by using the variable-speed technology. This enables the full speed control of the drive and the absence of a mechanical gearbox and couplers. When using rotational speeds higher than those that can be directly achieved by the network frequency the structure of the rotor has to be mechanically durable. In this thesis the performance characteristics of an axial-flux solid-rotor-core induction motor are determined. The motor studied is a one-rotor-one-stator axial-flux induction motor, and thus, there is only one air-gap between the rotor and the stator. The motor was designed for higher rotational speeds, and therefore a good mechanical strength of the solid-rotor-core rotor is required to withstand the mechanical stresses. The construction of the rotor and the high rotational speeds together produce a feature, which is not typical of traditional induction motors: the dominating loss component of the motor is the rotor eddy current loss. In the case of a typical industrial induction motor instead the dominating loss component is the stator copper loss. In this thesis, several methods to decrease the rotor eddy current losses in the case of axial-flux induction motors are presented. A prototype motor with 45 kW output power at 6000 min-1 was designed and constructed for ascertaining the results obtained from the numerical FEM calculations. In general, this thesis concentrates on the methods for improving the electromagnetic properties of an axial-flux solid-rotor-core induction motor and examines the methods for decreasing the harmonic eddy currents of the rotor. The target is to improve the efficiency of the motor and to reach the efficiency standard of the present-day industrial induction motors equipped with laminated rotors.