975 resultados para electro-optic modulation


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针对激光惯性约束聚变实验研究对高功率激光驱动器前端系统复杂时间形状种子激光脉冲的需求, 应用孔径耦合带状线集成波导整形系统设计了满足需要的前端整形激光脉冲。用一种新方法精确计算了孔径耦合带状线电脉冲整形器的耦合系数和孔径宽度的数值关系, 并针对高衬比度整形激光脉冲的需求, 提出了高衬比度双极型集成波导整形系统方案。由该系统可以得到100 ps脉冲前沿、1~3 ns脉冲宽度可调、高衬比度(大于100∶1)、光滑无纹波调制、可精确满足神光II八路及第九路装置需求的前端整形激光脉冲。


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分析了布里渊分布式光纤传感技术原理,采用自行研制的光纤单纵模分布反馈(DFB)激光器结合电光调制技术,利用相干检测技术,对布里渊微弱后向散射信号进行检测。通过改进滤波放大技术,对微弱后向散射光信号进行有效放大,再用扰偏技术及信号采样平均处理,实现对光纤传感器后向布里渊散射信号在11 GHz高频段直接采集显示。结果表明,探测所得布里渊散射信号峰值功率可达50 mV,能有效降低解调系统信号检测难度,改善了系统信噪比(SNR)。初步实验结果证明了该方案的可行性。


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为了有效地补偿激光二极管(LD)侧向抽运1000 Hz重复率电光调Q Nd:YAG激光器棒状增益介质内存在的热致双折射损耗,设计了一种新颖的双调Q晶体开关复合谐振腔结构。实验结果表明,设计的双调Q晶体开关结构Nd:YAG激光器输出激光脉冲能量比单调Q晶体开关结构的非补偿腔输出能量提高了56%,当侧面抽运半导体激光器输出功率达到450 W时,激光输出达到30 mJ/pulse,输出光束偏振度优于10:1,激光脉冲宽度约14 ns。并获得6.7%的光-光转换效率。通过对双调Q开光激光谐振腔进行建模,并用求解速


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为了同时补偿固体增益介质的热致双折射及热透镜效应,进一步提高重复频率1 kHz激光二极管(LD)侧向抽运高平均功率电光调Q Nd:YAG激光器的输出功率,设计了一种完全消除热退偏损耗的双调Q开关谐振腔结构,此结构在传统调Q谐振腔的基础上沿着偏振片的退偏方向增加了一个调Q谐振支路,并使得激光从增益介质方向输出。实验结果表明,此激光器的单脉冲能量比单Q开关结构的非补偿腔输出能量高出74.7%。当侧面抽运的激光二极管输出脉冲能量达到307 mJ时,激光输出能量达到26.2 mJ,光-光转换效率为8.5%,光束发


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Two series of ferroelectric liquid crystalline organo-siloxanes containing a laterally attached halogen on the phenyl ring have been synthesised and characterised to determine the impact of the siloxane group and the halogen on the mesomorphism and electro-optic switching properties. Both monomesogenic and bimesogenic compounds have been studied. The monomesogenic derivatives were found to be ferroelectric with high tilt and Ps. The tilt angle of 45° and the Ps of 95nC/cm2 are almost temperature independent. The bimesogenic bromo substituted derivatives showed mainly ferroelectric phases about 60°C wide. Maximum values for the spontaneous polarisation and the tilt angle were only slightly influenced by the length of the siloxane spacer. Altering the halogen to a fluorine shifted the liquid cystalline phase slightly to higher temperatures whilst maintaining the mesophase range of 60°C.


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The flexoelectric behaviour of a hypertwisted chiral nematic bimesogenic liquid crystal is presented. Through detailed electro-optic measurements, with particular emphasis on the switching properties, we demonstrate remarkably high optical axis tilt angles. The material studied possessed a room temperature nematic phase and aligned easily on cooling under the application of a moderate electric field. Switching times of the order of 500 μs and contrast ratios of 90:1 are readily achieved. The tilt angles, measured using the rotating analyser technique, were found to be practically temperature independent and linear with the applied field. Tilt angles of 22.5° were obtained with moderate applied fields of 9.4 V/μm whilst fields of 25 V/μm yielded tilt angles of 45°. We believe these are the highest tilt angles ever recorded for such fields. © 2001 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group.


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In order to develop materials that exhibit enhanced flexoelectric switching in the chiral nematic phase we have identified mesogenic units that display inherently strong flexoelectric coupling capabilities. Here we examine the oxycyanobiphenyl (OCB) moiety: homologues from the nOCB series exhibit significant electro-optic switching effects when doped with a highly chiral additive. Here we have examined lower dielectric anisotropy materials, since they allow the flexoelectric response to be extended to high field amplitudes. We show that dielectric coupling strength can be low in symmetric bimesogenic molecules. The flexoelectric response of such a molecular structure is tested by doping a homologue from the series CBOnOCB with a chiral additive: very significantly we find that the optic axis is rotated through 2φ=45° in <50 μs on reversing the polarity of the field (amplitude E=±6 V μm-1). Subsequently we have synthesized room temperature chiral nematic materials that exhibit 2φ≥90° at E≈10 V μm-1. © 2001 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group.


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In a chiral nematic liquid crystal, the flexoelectric effect consists of a fast and linear coupling with an applied electric field. One difficulty to overcome is the unwinding of the helix that occurs at higher fields due to dielectric coupling. The use of bimesogens, which possess very low molecular dielectric anisotropy can improve flexoelectric characteristics. New bimesogen compounds have recently been synthesised that exhibit switching angles of 45° for applied fields of about 9 V.μm-1. In this paper, results from dielectric, electro-optic and dynamic light scattering measurements are reported for the new bimesogenic mixture. The dielectric anisotropy Δε changes sign with temperature and its values range between -0.2 and 0.3 for the temperature range studied. For Δε weakly positive, no electric field Freedericksz transition could be induced but Williams domains are observed instead. The large decrease in the bend elastic constant to viscosity coefficient ratio is attributed to a large increase in the bend viscosity coefficient. © 2001 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group.


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We present a study on a series of dye guest-host mixtures using fluorescent perylene-based molecules as the guest dye in an organosiloxane host. These hosts have temperature-independent switching, at room temperature, through 90° for fields of the order of 10 Vrms/μm. Perylene molecules have been grafted onto the organosiloxane moiety via an alkyl spacer producing novel and rugged fluorescent dyes that are readily miscible in the host. Micro-separation of the low molar mass siloxane groups in the mesophases tend to form smectic phases. These planes produce an effective two-dimensional polymer backbonethat engenders the rugged mechanical properties of polymeric liquid crystals onto these low molar mass ferroelectric liquid crystals. In this study we show how the introduction of the dye molecules affects the electro-optic properties of the organosiloxane host. © 2001 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group,.


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A promising approach to the fabrication of materials with nanoscale features is the transfer of liquid-crystalline structure to polymers. However, this has not been achieved in systems with full three-dimensional periodicity. Here we demonstrate the fabrication of self-assembled three-dimensional nanostructures by polymer templating blue phase I, a chiral liquid crystal with cubic symmetry. Blue phase I was photopolymerized and the remaining liquid crystal removed to create a porous free-standing cast, which retains the chiral three-dimensional structure of the blue phase, yet contains no chiral additive molecules. The cast may in turn be used as a hard template for the fabrication of new materials. By refilling the cast with an achiral nematic liquid crystal, we created templated blue phases that have unprecedented thermal stability in the range -125 to 125 °C, and that act as both mirrorless lasers and switchable electro-optic devices. Blue-phase templated materials will facilitate advances in device architectures for photonics applications in particular.


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A promising approach to the fabrication of materials with nanoscale features is the transfer of liquid-crystalline structure to polymers. However, this has not been achieved in systems with full three-dimensional periodicity. Here we demonstrate the fabrication of self-assembled three-dimensional nanostructures by polymer templating blue phase I, a chiral liquid crystal with cubic symmetry. Blue phase I was photopolymerized and the remaining liquid crystal removed to create a porous free-standing cast, which retains the chiral three-dimensional structure of the blue phase, yet contains no chiral additive molecules. The cast may in turn be used as a hard template for the fabrication of new materials. By refilling the cast with an achiral nematic liquid crystal, we created templated blue phases that have unprecedented thermal stability in the range-125 to 125°C, and that act as both mirrorless lasers and switchable electro-optic devices. Blue-phase templated materials will facilitate advances in device architectures for photonics applications in particular. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.


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Mixtures of two proprietary low molar mass organosiloxane liquid crystals were studied in order to improve their alignment and optimize their electro-optic properties for telecommunication applications. Over a certain concentration range, mixtures exhibited an isotropic-chiral smectic A-chiral smectic C (Iso-SmA*-SmC*) phase sequence leading to exceptionally good alignment. At room temperature, the spontaneous polarization of these samples was reduced from 225 nC cm -2 in the pure SmC* liquid crystal to as low as 75 nC cm -2 in the mixture. Within this concentration range, the ferroelectric tilt angle could be varied between 35° and 15°, while the rise time decreased by 69.4%. The rise times were < 45 μs for moderate electric fields of ± 10 V μm -1 in the SmC* phase and ∼ 4 μs, independent of electric field, in the SmA* phase. At λ = 1550 nm, these mixtures exhibited very large extinction ratios of {\sim} 60 dB for binary switching in the SmC* phase and ∼ 55 dB continuous variable attenuation in the SmA* phase. © 2012 IEEE.