969 resultados para dye-sensitized solar cell


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Le Dye – Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC) sono attualmente considerate tra le alternative più promettenti al fotovoltaico tradizionale. I ridotti costi di produzione e l’elevata versatilità di utilizzo rappresentano i punti di forza di questi dispositivi innovativi. Ad oggi la ricerca è concentrata prevalentemente sull’incremento delle prestazioni delle DSSC, ottenibile solamente attraverso un miglioramento delle funzioni dei singoli componenti e dell’interazione sinergica tra questi. Tra i componenti, ha recentemente assunto particolare interesse il blocking layer (BL), costituito generalmente da un film sottile di TiO2 depositato sulla superficie dell’anodo (FTO) e in grado di ottimizzare i fenomeni all’interfaccia FTO/TiO2/elettrolita. Nel corso di questo lavoro di tesi si è rivolta l’attenzione prevalentemente sulle caratteristiche del BLs (ad esempio proprietà morfologico – strutturali) cercando di mettere in correlazione il processo di deposizione con le caratteristiche finali del film ottenuto. A questo scopo è stato ottimizzato un processo di deposizione dei film via spin coating, a partire da soluzioni acquosa o alcolica di precursore (TiCl4). I film ottenuti sono stati confrontati con quelli depositati tramite un processo di dip coating riportato in letteratura. I BLs sono stati quindi caratterizzati tramite microscopia (SEM – AFM), spettrofotometria (UV.- Vis) e misure elettrochimiche (CV – EIS). I risultati ottenuti hanno messo in evidenza come i rivestimenti ottenuti da soluzione acquosa di precursore, indipendentemente dalla tecnica di deposizione utilizzata (spin coating o dip coating) diano origine a film disomogenei e scarsamente riproducibili, pertanto non idonei per l’applicazione nelle DSSC. Viceversa, i BLs ottenuti via spin coating dalla soluzione alcolica di TiCl4 sono risultati riproducibili, omogenei, e uniformemente distribuiti sulla superficie di FTO. Infine, l’analisi EIS ha in particolare evidenziato un effettivo aumento della resistenza al trasferimento di carica tra elettrodo FTO ed elettrolita in presenza di questi BLs, fenomeno generalmente associato ad un efficace blocking effect.


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Für viele Anwendungen von Nanomaterialien sind maßgeschneiderte Produkte wün-schenswert, weswegen ein tiefgreifendes und genaues Wissen der Reaktionsabläufe, die zu diesen Produkten führen, unabdingbar ist. Um dies im Fall von SnO2 zu erreichen, behandelt diese Arbeit die kontrollierte Synthese und genaue Charakterisierung von Nanopartikeln von Zinn(IV) Oxid.


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Titanium oxide is an important semiconductor, which is widely applied for solar cells. In this research, titanium oxide nanotube arrays were synthesized by anodization of Ti foil in the electrolyte composed of ethylene glycol containing 2 vol % H2O and 0.3 wt % NH4F. The voltages of 40V-50V were employed for the anodizing process. Pore diameters and lengths of the TiO2 nanotubes were evaluated by field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM). The obtained highly-ordered titanium nanotube arrays were exploited to fabricate photoelectrode for the Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCS). The TiO2 nanotubes based DSSCS exhibited an excellent performance with a high short circuit current and open circuit voltage as well as a good power conversion efficiency. Those can be attributed to the high surface area and one dimensional structure of TiO2 nanotubes, which could hold a large amount of dyes to absorb light and help electron percolation process to hinder the recombination during the electrons diffusion in the electrolyte.


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Two BDF-based organic sensitizers, as first examples for their use in dye-sensitized solar cells, are prepared and characterized. They yield promising power conversion efficiencies of up to 5.5 and high open circuit voltages up to 0.82 V. This work demonstrates that the BDF chromophore acts as an effective donor in organic sensitizers.


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A new quinoxaline-fused tetrathiafulvalene-based sensitizer has been prepared and characterized. The resulting power conversion efficiency of 6.47% represents the best performance to date for tetrathiafulvalene-sensitized solar cells.


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The performance and electron recombination kinetics of dye-sensitized solar cells based on TiO2 films consisting of one-dimensional nanorod arrays (NR-DSSCs) which are sensitized with dye N719, C218 and D205 respectively have been studied. It has been found that the best efficiency is obtained with the dye C218 based NR-DSSCs, benefiting from a 40% higher short-circuit photocurrent density. However, the open circuit photovoltage of the N719 based cell is 40 mV higher than that of the organic dye C218 and D205 based devices. Investigation of the electron recombination kinetics of the NR-DSSCs has revealed that the effective electron lifetime, τn, of the N719 based NR-DSSC is the lowest whereas the τn of the C218 based NR-DSSC is the highest among the three dyes. The higher Voc with the N719 based NR-DSSC is originated from the more negative energy level of the conduction band of the TiO2 film. In addition, in comparison to the DSSCs with conventional nanocrystalline particles based TiO2 films, the NR-DSSCs have shown over two orders of magnitude higher τn when employing N719 as the sensitizer. Nevertheless, the τn of the DSSCs with the C218 based nanorod arrays is only ten-fold higher than the that of the nanoparticles based devices. The remarkable characteristic of the dye C218 in suppressing the electron recombination of DSSCs is discussed.


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High-performance dye-sensitized solar cells incorporating electrochemically stable non-volatile electrolytes are especially desirable devices. In particular, ionic liquid systems based on ethylmethylimidazolium dicyanamide seem to be promising for this purpose. These have triggered our interest in the properties of further ethylmethylimidazolium-based ionic liquids with anions which are close relatives of dicyanamide. In this study, the effect of three different anions, tricyanomethanide, dicyanamide and thiocyanate, on the performance of dye-sensitized solar cells have been investigated. Both the short circuit photocurrent and conversion efficiency are increased with decreasing viscosity of the ionic liquids under comparable conditions. A conversion efficiency of 2.1% at 30% light intensity was observed for the cell containing the tricyanomethanide salt, which has lowest viscosity among the three ionic liquids, while efficiencies of 0.7% and 1.7% at the same light intensity were observed in the case of dicyanamide and thiocyanate salts, respectively, as an electrolyte.


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Dye-sensitised solar cells have emerged as an important developing technology for low-cost solar energy conversion and a crucial element of these is the dye, responsible for light harvesting and control of interfacial electron-transfer processes.[1] A number of examples of dye exist in the literature which link a ruthenium polypyridyl complex to another platinum group metal complex such as Ru (II), Os (II), Re (I) or Rh (III) via a bridging ligand.[2-6] These systems are often referred to as heterosupramolecular triads when adsorbed on the surface of TiO2 as the semiconductor becomes an active component in the system. A number of problems can arise with these types of sensitisers, for example if a flexible linker, e.g. bis-pyridylethane, is used to couple the two complexes it can be hard to control the orientation of the whole dye. This may lead to the resultant dye cation hole being closer to the surface than desired, and hence the long-lived charge-separated state is not achieved. In addition the size of these dyes may be much larger than that of a mononuclear complex and can lead to poor pore filling on the TiO2 and lower dye coverage, leading to a lower efficiency cell.[7] Despite these issues, efficient charge-separation has been achieved with polynuclear complexes and a long-lived state on the millisecond timescale has been observed for a trinuclear ruthenium complex.[8]


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Single crystalline zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorod array has been used for the fabrication of CdSe/CdS/PbS/ZnO quantum dot sensitized solar cell (QDSSC). The ZnO nanorod array photoanodes are sensitized with consecutive layer of PbS, CdS and CdSe quantum dots by employing simple successive ion layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) and chemical bath deposition (CBD) techniques. The performances of the QDSSCs are examined in detail using polysulfide electrolyte with copper sulfide (CuS) counter electrode. The combination of two successive layers of PbS with CdSe/CdS/ZnO shows an improved short circuit current density (12.223 mA cm(-2)) with a maximum power to conversion efficiency of 2.352% under 1 sun illumination. This enhancement is mainly attributed due to the better light harvesting ability of the PbS quantum dots and make large accumulation of photo-injected electrons in the conduction band of ZnO, and CdSe/CdS layers lower the recombination of photo-injected electrons with the electrolyte, these are well evidenced with the photovoltaic studies and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Research on development of efficient passivation materials for high performance and stable quantum dot sensitized solar cells (QDSCs) is highly important. While ZnS is one of the most widely used passivation material in QDSCs, an alternative material based on ZnSe which was deposited on CdS/CdSe/TiO2 photoanode to form a semi-core/shell structure has been found to be more efficient in terms of reducing electron recombination in QDSCs in this work. It has been found that the solar cell efficiency was improved from 1.86% for ZnSe0 (without coating) to 3.99% using 2 layers of ZnSe coating (ZnSe2) deposited by successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) method. The short circuit current density (Jsc) increased nearly 1-fold (from 7.25 mA/cm2 to13.4 mA/cm2), and the open circuit voltage (Voc) was enhanced by 100 mV using ZnSe2 passivation layer compared to ZnSe0. Studies on the light harvesting efficiency (ηLHE) and the absorbed photon-to-current conversion efficiency (APCE) have revealed that the ZnSe coating layer caused the enhanced ηLHE at wavelength beyond 500 nm and a significant increase of the APCE over the spectrum 400−550 nm. A nearly 100% APCE was obtained with ZnSe2, indicating the excellent charge injection and collection process in the device. The investigation on charge transport and recombination of the device has indicated that the enhanced electron collection efficiency and reduced electron recombination should be responsible for the improved Jsc and Voc of the QDSCs. The effective electron lifetime of the device with ZnSe2 was nearly 6 times higher than ZnSe0 while the electron diffusion coefficient was largely unaffected by the coating. Study on the regeneration of QDs after photoinduced excitation has indicated that the hole transport from QDs to the reduced species (S2−) in electrolyte was very efficient even when the QDs were coated with a thick ZnSe shell (three layers). For comparison, ZnS coated CdS/CdSe sensitized solar cell with optimum shell thickness was also fabricated, which generated a lower energy conversion efficiency (η = 3.43%) than the ZnSe based QDSC counterpart due to a lower Voc and FF. This study suggests that ZnSe may be a more efficient passivation layer than ZnS, which is attributed to the type II energy band alignment of the core (CdS/CdSe quantum dots) and passivation shell (ZnSe) structure, leading to more efficient electron−hole separation and slower electron recombination.


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The p-block semiconductors are regarded as a new family of visible-light photocatalysts because of their dispersive and anisotropic band structures as well as high chemical stability. The bismuth oxide halides belong to this family and have band structures and dispersion relations that can be engineered by modulating the stoichiometry of the halogen elements. Herein, we have developed a new visible-light photocatalyst Bi 24 O 31 Cl 10 by band engineering, which shows high dye-sensitized photocatalytic activity. Density functional theory calculations reveal that the p-block elements determine the nature of the dispersive electronic structures and narrow band gap in Bi 24 O 31 Cl 10. Bi 24 O 31 Cl 10 exhibits excellent visible-light photocatalytic activity towards the degradation of Rhodamine B, which is promoted by dye sensitization due to compatible energy levels and high electronic mobility. In addition, Bi 24 O 31 Cl 10 is also a suitable photoanode material for dye-sensitized solar cells and shows power conversion efficiency of 1.5%.